[Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] I would like you to tell me about a daughter who surprised me by growing big during training, as I will soon have a ticket for exchange.
Japan Otaku reviews various characters, noting their surprising sizes and engaging designs, often leading to humorous situations.
Read more[Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] Sometimes I’ll post despair-chan.
The text discusses feelings of disappointment and stubbornness after making plans without permission, reflecting on personal struggles.
Read more[Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] Sorry, it’s tough to raise them in the field after all.
Otaku Reviews discuss the challenges of gaming, from mistakes leading to failure to luck in development and rigging.
Read more[Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] Sorry, growing in the field is tough after all.
The discussion reveals frustrations over challenges in gameplay, including mistakes leading to consequences and luck-based training.
Read more[Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] Help!!!
Otaku Reviews humorously navigates challenging horse racing questions, sparking a mix of frustration and playful banter.
Read more[Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] How is the condition of the field?
1: にじげん!デイリー すみません! 私は北海道から来た日本総大将なのですが今回先行出すとしてスピナリブさん借りるか根性カレンチャンさん借りるか決まりません! 助けて欲しいです! 2: にじげん!デイリー 畑の様子がおかしいのだ…全然手入れされないのだ 3: にじげん!デイリー そうだねx5 知ってんじゃん 最低最悪なのだ畑は 4: にじげん!デイリー 短距離の出遅れは割と死に直結するのだ 5: にじげん!デイリー >すみません! >私は北海道から来た日本総大将なのですが今回先行出すとしてスピナリブさん借りるか根性カレンチャンさん借りるか決まりません! >助けて欲しいです! ここではダートの…
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