Home » Game » Uma Musume: Pretty Derby » [Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] The end is in sight and it’s painful… I’m just too unlucky.

[Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] The end is in sight and it’s painful… I’m just too unlucky.

BLACKWHITEYELLOWBLACKWHITEYELLOW It’s not really popular to do it seriously, is it?

1: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have pulled two Almond Eyes that were until now at zero.

Thank you, Sai Games!

It seems that the rainbow crystals will be less needed with this.

2: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to finish quickly, replace the ceiling, and step up.

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are still 40 more consecutive draws left.

4: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It is a minimum guarantee for three consecutive days.

The rainbow that appeared twice only yielded trash from the first year.

5: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

The reality of being left behind every time something is free is painful.

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

This time it seems impossible to fully enhance the support…

It might be a confirmed rental…

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

Last Monday, Windy-chan was unbeatable, but now she is all wilty.

I want to ask the gacha why it can’t even do such a simple task as giving me just one pick during the free 10 consecutive pulls period.

9: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

It’s another early SSR slip-through.

This gacha is broken.

10: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Somehow, I managed to pull a second Aichan today, so I can see a 3rd enhancement in 2 days.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

That’s just bad luck.

I’m sorry.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

I drew the three goddesses and dark emotions swirled, but since the last gold promoted and became legendary, I forgave it.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I’m going to get an SR, I’d rather have an R…

14: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

This time, there are overwhelmingly many instances of slipping through.

If even half of this had been Ai’s legend, I would have already switched to aiming for the special exchange ticket.

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ai-chan is at 3 full limits while the legend is at 0 full limits, wahaha!

If it biases this much, it feels like it would be better to use crystals.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews


Convert it to a replacement ticket before you forget.

This time only, it’s a ticket that can exchange for the target character Ai-chan and the scenario-specialized support Gurus.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even after the PU is over, you can still exchange, so there’s no problem if you leave it alone.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

There were 40 pulls left to the ceiling, and I had only one idol and one theory without any bypass, so I couldn’t resist and did an additional 200 pulls…

Since I have 2 result cards, 3 legend cards, and 4 bypass cards, it seems like I can manage to exchange at the ceiling and use crystals.

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think the 3rd and 4th campaigns will come around the time the current free 120 draws end, but what has been done in previous years?

22: Japan Otaku Reviews


For now, I think the SSR support card exchange ticket will come.

20: Japan Otaku Reviews

Today, the second Ai-chan has come to visit…

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

The legend of the fourth sheet has come.

Since Moai-chan has also come with 2 pieces, now it’s just a phase of how much we can save on crystals.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

Wendy-chan also has the minimum guarantee for three consecutive days…

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the only difference between a 3-star and a 4-star legend the training effect?

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

The sneaky turbo has arrived.

26: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

It seems that even if I include the 3 ceilings, I won’t be able to fully complete it for the first time in 3 days.

I’m sad because my luck is too poor.

93: Japan Otaku Reviews


Windy-chan had a Hello-san 0 and Tachyon 1 during the Grand Live at the three ceilings…

I understand your feelings…

27: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m currently on a 340 consecutive roll with 6 legendary Ai-chan and 1 Stoun’s, so the pickup is really working.

At this pace, pulling for Ai-chan within the remaining 60 draws is a piece of cake!

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

How many more times is it?

32: Japan Otaku Reviews


There are four more times left excluding today.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

Until today, I’ve received the Legend of Ai 3, so it’s going well, wahaha!

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s the 40th time.

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

I plan to have 2 heavens with 2 dupe on Ai and 1 dupe on Legend.

Hmm, I want to preserve the secondary crystals, so I’m contemplating whether to spend money and extend it for another day.

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have never had the experience of pulling an SSR for free.

Are you doing it?

35: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I could draw one more card… I was about to overrun and it seems like I’d go for 3 points.

Well, I could use a rainbow, but I don’t want to…

36: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s only 40 more pulls, but since I rarely pull a featured character in 40 pulls, it seems better to give up on this.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

The despair of not seeing a rainbow

Even when a rainbow appears, it’s a WPU that slips through.

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m still at zero SSRs with the free 10 pulls.

The additional 40 pulls resulted in one off-banner old card.

Wahaha, Saige is doing it!

39: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It seems like neither can be fully leveled up, but if that’s the case, would it be better to get Amoai for the pity?

47: Japan Otaku Reviews


Legends are, after all, women with four-month contracts.

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

I will adjust it so that it reaches the ceiling, including the ohagacha.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

There is no wind.

43: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not a legendary support card.

Is it really in there? (bang)

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

Both have been raised to 3 stars.

All that’s left is to pull it up to the two ceilings and it’s complete.

46: Japan Otaku Reviews

A legend is practical enough if it has 2 dupe levels.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the practice bonus will come up, 3 dupe or more is essential.

49: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve heard that legends can be fine even at zero enhancement, but whether Windy-chan can cover that disadvantage with her skills is the real question, wahaha.

50: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s more important for legends to be enhanced through guidance rather than just relying on higher performance from maxed-out versions, so wouldn’t it be better to use your own unmaxed cards and borrow stronger support cards instead of borrowing fully maxed ones from friends?

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you can accept the luck-based element of whether you can start going out before debut, then it’s fine even without any upgrades.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have confirmed a perfect level 3 enhancement on the legendary item with 2 ceilings, but I’m unsure whether to put crystals into the legendary.

The scenario’s training effect is so strong that a 5% from a single support card is not just a margin of error, is it?

54: Japan Otaku Reviews


Are you putting a crystal in a 4-month-old girl?

60: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s been six months since the distance-based scenario ended.

61: Japan Otaku Reviews


There is nothing, nothing at all.

62: Japan Otaku Reviews


It was so innocent that it made me chuckle.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews

Legends are fine without any level ups.

Outside of this scenario, it’s not the three goddesses.

55: Japan Otaku Reviews


I understand that I couldn’t draw, so I remain calm.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews

“Being fine without any enhancements is truly a bit too much bravado…”

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

I just want one legendary card.

If you say things like that, they probably won’t come.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are still many people who only do it on auto, so it just doesn’t stand out.

Once this training starts in this scenario, there will be a lot of complaints.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

If the scenarios that can be auto-played are not every time but intermittent, I want to obtain the legend.

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

After 220 tries, I have a non-maxed Legend with 2 duplicates.

If the number of bumps in the legend of Ai had been reversed, it would have been a passing score.

70: Japan Otaku Reviews


Rather, I think that since Moai can incorporate rainbows to their heart’s content, it would be more enjoyable to lean a bit towards legend.

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since both are possible, making a definitive statement at this point could lead to being laughed at later, so I’ll refrain from doing so.

65: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

What I learned from training is that in the end, you won’t be satisfied with the results unless you fully max out, wahaha.

66: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Since it was 5 months for the field and 3 months for the mechanics by distance, there was no intention to differentiate between them.

67: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since it’s easy to pull, there’s also the option to put 2 rainbow eyes in without adding more for free.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

Aunt has been fully leveled up.


69: Japan Otaku Reviews

With Ai-chan and one legendary card each, I wonder how many will come out from here.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I chased after the merciless minimum guarantee out of anger, it turned out to be two coins.

I’m being provoked.

74: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Chasing when the flow isn’t coming is a foolish strategy.

At least change the date.

72: Japan Otaku Reviews

The legendary cards have a performance that makes you think, “Do we even need this?” if it’s any scenario other than this one, so I don’t really feel like pulling for them.

That said, if you’re doing auto with just one copy, you’ll find that you haven’t completed the outing by the time of the classic training camp, which is amusing.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

The hardest part of returning is my support card assets.

Since it’s like a Heisei hand, it won’t get stronger at all.

Is it okay to use a coupon or something to challenge Orfevre?

76: Japan Otaku Reviews


For now, I will fully max out Kitachan from the Prep Pass exchange.

78: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is it about the support card?

If we’re talking about training, after the anniversary, new accounts that have completed the tutorial can exchange for limited characters like Orfe in the newcomer exchange tickets.

79: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think the measures for new and returning players continue one way or another.

I don’t want to dive into Orpheus anymore…

75: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think they originally intended to hold the October championship at UAF, but it ended up that way because the field was stronger.

83: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s something I knew from the beginning, that using different distances, starting with the short/mid scenario, then moving to the short/long, would naturally lead to realizing that the last two could just be the same…

90: Japan Otaku Reviews


If that’s the case, I can predict that the unused one will be made generic next, and then it might become a short magazine and then a medium-long magazine.

I think the one from June is again a short-term deal.

95: Japan Otaku Reviews


I haven’t done dirt racing for a year, so I think I’ll do a dirt scenario next.

Even Evan is being implemented there!

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t want to! I don’t want to use the rainbow crystal!

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel that even though Support Orfe is still strong, it might be good to use Urara if it’s a returning group.

81: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s a pre-pass exchange, the Guts Zephyr is quite strong as well.

It had a rare SP Bonus 2 and a training effect of 15 for that time.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

What is it with Windy-chan sometimes mixing up the 4-month update and distance-based scenarios, which are actually separate stories?

84: Japan Otaku Reviews

If rainbow crystals can also become elixir state, it’s better to use them sparingly.

The worst thing is that the support card I used immediately loses value, so this time it’s worth using on Ai.

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

I didn’t know there was a pass exchange for returning players…

With this, try gathering power and wisdom that you don’t have maxed out.

86: Japan Otaku Reviews

There’s no choice but to produce a dirt scenario.

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m sorry for my lack of words, but this is a story about the horse Orfevre.

The only ones with a maxed-out support character are Urara, Machitan, and Yukino, haha!

By the way, my Speed Support is three copies of El, Kitasan, and Bikou, so that one is also finished.

102: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, I’ll think about it after the free trial ends.

Various confirmations are also possible.

88: Japan Otaku Reviews

The returning player Windy-chan put everything into Still.

Is the Stashakar that became 1 dupe with that bonus still strong even at this dupe level?

Other star support is around a fully upgraded Creek.

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

While Windy-chan is pulling trash, others are quickly completing their max upgrades.

The 100,000 stones I worked hard to save for a year are turning into just a horseshoe…

Garbage, garbage, garbage, garbage… In the end, if you can’t pull it off, it’s just garbage…

91: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel that it’s a bit off that you can’t fully upgrade without paying for two months of the premium pass, even though they distribute it for free.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

Rather, since there are 7 rainbows, if there are no points to use them on somewhere, they will just keep piling up.

99: Japan Otaku Reviews


Windi-chan has been hesitating to join since the update four months ago, wahaha!

94: Japan Otaku Reviews

If Kitachan is fully maxed out and El is at 3 dupes, it seems like it could be manageable.

It’s a bit tough to have overlapping gold skills, but…

96: Japan Otaku Reviews

At this rate, I’ll use up all the rainbow crystals, so I’ll roll for one more guarantee… Then I’ll get a lot on the next guarantee and be able to fully limit break!

The opportunity to use crystals doesn’t come easily.

97: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s better to utilize resources like a rainbow while you can to maximize the returns.

I can do it, but if you ask whether I can actually do it, I can’t.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews

The lucky Windy-chan pulled a free Gurusapo SSR today.

The throne has been fully upgraded.

107: Japan Otaku Reviews


Windy-chan is already fully maxed out using real bullets since the throne was implemented.


100: Japan Otaku Reviews

If there hadn’t been any slip-ups, I would have completed it with either one in a day.

Why is it that someone who perfectly maxes out comes through while slipping past?

101: Japan Otaku Reviews

Rainbows are typically used to get one piece when the timing for drawing is not usual, and to fully max it out.

103: Japan Otaku Reviews

Windy-chan currently has 2 rainbows in her possession.

If Ai-chan appears for free one more time, I’ll save, but if not, I’ll use it.

I think it’s fine to go for it without worrying about duplicates.

104: Japan Otaku Reviews

During the farming season, there are two ceilings, and the power is low… With each anniversary and scenario update, the suffering intensifies…

Why do I have to suffer during the time when I should be enjoying myself the most…?

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I don’t keep at least one crystal, I won’t be able to maintain my peace of mind.

106: Japan Otaku Reviews

Today I fully awakened the three goddesses for free.

Where should I use this now?

108: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was lucky to draw a result that seems like I won’t have to use the two tiger cub rainbow crystals I was planning to complete one of them.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews

This time I managed to pull something satisfying, but considering the disaster that was the fields and New Year, it still isn’t enough.

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