There’s no way someone with such a villainous-looking face could be a good guy who cares about his younger brother.
I’m back!!
I don’t care anymore, I want to die!!
This child used to be quiet in the past, you know.
That rough-talking guy with an orange head is definitely a delinquent.
He’s hanging out with some delinquent-looking guys.
From the side, this is what Chanichi looks like.
It’s genuinely terrifying to break seven teeth in a fight with students from another school.
Since you can easily call an ambulance… about three of them.
If you make it Ichigo’s color, it’s scary…
If you had been a little friendlier, we could have talked quicker, you know?
Blue tongue!
Even Chan-ichi isn’t that scared by this level.
It’s already scarier than Chanichi because of the color, and it’s worse to have an attitude like a villain.
If you take the originally bad-looking Chanichi and give it an even worse color scheme, it ends up like this.
It’s better to shoot the crescent moon while retreating!
My brother is all about mid-range combat with the assumption of a moonlight price reduction.
It also makes a fabric flapping sound.
Because Ichigo can avoid getting hurt.
Don’t fight opponents you can’t beat, run away and survive!
It’s better to use your spiritual pressure!
Ah, I put out too much.
It has an excessive spiritual pressure that seems foolish, but when trying to use a big technique and charging the spiritual pressure, the body gets hurt…
Crush them with a series of crescent moon strikes!
All I can do now is pour all my spiritual pressure into this one strike…!
You’re still terrible at this!
When the emptiness comes out, it’s already no good, regardless of how the body is.
But big crescent blades are shot from zero distance, you know, bro?
Is it common to get injured by your own Bankai when you’re not used to it?
Whether it’s Ichigo or Kenpachi
I think both my brother and Rukia are like that, and rather, I believe it’s normal.
That older brother says that the Bankai is large in scale and difficult to handle, so mastering it isn’t the goal; continuous training is required afterward.
When my brother, who is capable of handling all ranges from far to near, says it, it carries weight.
I thought it was cool how you swung and threw the sword with the cord, so I wished you would have done it more.
Chanichi, who is so indifferent that he refers to teachers as “educators.”
Your blue tongue is gross, big brother.
Because it’s hollow to begin with.
The guy who is turning the faucet with all his might in the wrong direction is at fault.
I was reminded while playing the game that Renji also had a breathless setting with his Bankai.
I’m telling you, the Crescent Moon is a weak attack, Ichigo!
A strong attack only releases spirit pressure, so it’s the same, right?
“Use a strong attack, even if it’s a direct attack, Ichigo!”
You’re wasting your spiritual energy, Ichigo!
It’s not really a quantity that can be described as wasteful.
I became a body that doesn’t lose to my spiritual pressure through battle, but I don’t know if there was an efficient way to train.
Whether it’s the body or the soul, they can be easily recreated and strengthened through illusion, so in the end, if Ichigo is able to control his own power, that’s all that matters.
Kuh… I can hear that guy’s voice…
If you think that a body that has collapsed due to becoming hollow can be compensated for by super-speed regeneration using spiritual pressure, then…
Shouldn’t Chan I have expanded the void technique skill tree more?
In terms of simple hitting, kicking, and slicing, it is indeed the strongest.
The important part of Zangetsu’s body is white, and since he probably doesn’t know how to handle a sword, he has that shape and way of using it.
It seems that the old man ended up having to teach swordsmanship because of the training for Bankai.
Because you have trained under the Soul King, you have become a good person, Ichigo.
The body before that was probably quite difficult to handle…
It’s quite strange that you could even endure the blood pool in the first place, rather than just wondering if you can or can’t.
Did Chan-ichi use techniques like Sonido for high-speed movement?
I used it during complete virtualization, but I’m not sure about anything else.
I will say it as many times as needed.
It’s really erotic and cool, you know.
While dispersing high-powered long-range attacks at high speed, if there’s an opening, I’ll beat them up!
Is it From’s shitty boss?
Crescent Moon (Normal Technique)
Crescent Moon (Charge)
Crescent Moon (Zero Distance)
From mid-range, if you create an opening with a crescent moon strike, go in for close combat and then retreat, Ichigo!
Refer to the Byakuya battle, Ichigo!
If you build up like that in such a noticeable way, isn’t it like you’re declaring that you’re going to unleash your special move, Ichigo!
For now, just put Getsuga in all your attacks, Ichigo!
If I keep polishing the crescent moon, I won’t be able to fight…
It’s understandable that the brother who forcibly takes the controller might be disliked…
Wouldn’t it have been better if the old man had just used the Zanpakuto bow and arrow from the start?
If I were to get caught by Yama-jii at that point, there would be no bones left.
It becomes easy to understand, so the bow and arrow shape is not good.
A deba knife isn’t a long-range weapon, is it?
Even Chanichi, who dislikes being judged by appearances, thinks this guy has a bad face that clearly marks him as a bad person.
I don’t think it’s good, Ichigo, to have a dislike for people with the same face as you.
If it’s called Bankai, then it should have the design of a swastika, right?
It can hide even the cross.
Such a trivial Bankai does not exist.
Come on!
It’s impossible! I don’t understand anything about the zanpakuto!
That’s nice, isn’t it?
Outfit after the revival of Death God power
Since it has such distinctive features like Eevee, I wanted to see more battles that mix the powers of each faction…
Crescent Moon! Sacred Demolition Arrow! Cero!
I want us to play a game together in that space, while keeping our distance and throwing wave punches at each other.
The size aside, the swastika’s tsuba is so poorly made that it’s laughable.
I like the theory that Mr. White twisted it because the cross was rejected.
It’s unfortunate that the already short deadline is being further shortened.
It’s a bit much to say that you can completely shut down all characters just with long-distance moves…
Is there really a way to win like this!!!!!!!!!
What was Ichigo Kurosaki again? Was he the artificially created Hollow sealed by his mom?
Normal true death god power.
The void sealed in the Okon made using the same method as shallow strikes reflects Ichigo’s spiritual pressure, similar to a Shinigami’s zanpakuto… I wonder if that’s okay.
Ichigo! I took care of the enemy that was giving you trouble!
Basically, he takes down Ichigo’s enemies, but since he stabbed Ishida, that white guy…
It’s strange that Mr. White is letting out such a completely irrational scream, and I think it reflects a spirit of “I just want to manage to deal with complete virtualization!”
I’m also doing villain moves, just in case.
Just in case, or rather.
I think there’s also the honest feeling that if something happens, I’ll take control of the body.
When it came to the battle with Ulquiorra, I had to take the controller away during the tough moments.
I couldn’t help but laugh when Ichigo came out in the Rivals’ scenario recreation mode looking all beaten up!
Due to the battle being cut short, I’m just a little worried and ended up coming out.
They obviously have a bad appearance, voice, and attitude…
But the only time I forcibly snatched the controller was when I was seriously about to die, right?
So I’m beating the opponent up and nearly killing them…
Is there really a way to win like this?!
Zangetsu is normally a form of demon path, right?
I think the crescent moon technique is the orthodox approach.
Chanichi is learning karate in the first place, and since he’s okay with fighting, short-range techniques must be ingrained in his body.
I wonder why it came out from the old man first.
What is that young guy talking about? Yamamoto Shigekuni’s Bankai was like this!
Look, even the tsuba is shaped like a swastika.
I wonder what was going on during the time when hell was clinging to me…
It means that the white hollow power has become a substitute for Chanichi’s shallow hit.
I often think about how this guy was able to wash away Hollow sins, perform soul burials, and handle Shinigami duties.
It was the power that the Complete Manifestation Technique enveloped, and the Bankai being like that is probably just its initial design… Brother?
Such a tiny Bankai doesn’t exist, you idiot! According to big brother’s words, so you really don’t need to worry at all.
The charm of travel and misfortune…
In any case, if the definition is the full activation tactics of a Zanpakutō, then isn’t it okay to just use Bankai?
My brother is inexperienced to begin with, he gets riled up easily, and he’s muscle-headed…
When you think about it, it’s strange that a sword suddenly grew out during Mr. Urahara’s training at the beginning; normally, something unusual would happen…
Actually, it’s because I received a little strength.
It’s absolutely true that an average person who became a Soul Reaper just a few months ago couldn’t possibly achieve Bankai.
It’s a makeshift Bankai of the travel calamity theme…
This guy mocked the Bankai that the old man and the brother created despite the short deadline!!!!
Before he took on the burdens of family lineage and leadership, my brother used to get teased by Yoruichi-san and would get all flustered; that’s his true self.
I’m not expecting too much accuracy because, among other things, I’m already overwhelmed with Rukia, and I might also be looking down on Brother’s travel troubles.
Aren’t the bride and Rukia originally like that?
From an outside perspective, Ichigo’s friends are actually quite scary, right?
I wonder if he/she is not inside since they became a two-sword style.
I think the simple black sword form of Tensa Zangetsu is the coolest.
I hope they can reintroduce the preliminary forms like the shallow stance before the first release in the main story even now.
Once we start talking a bit, Mizuiro is scarier than Chanichi or Chad, Chanichi friends.
Looking back now, I can’t believe you accepted Chan Ichigo’s Hollowification during that battle so well, brother.
I’m glad Rukia is safe~! I think big brother was so happy that he probably forgave her for just about everything.
Because the description was omitted.
I’m still curious about how Chan Ich ultimately learned his Bankai in that trial.
The swordsmanship has at least been enhanced.
Even my sister would try to send me to the guillotine, and she would even cut Tsukishima for Ichigo. Brother, you’re scary.
It seems that even after acquiring Bankai, a decade of training is necessary, yet Ichigo and the others only had a short period after gaining their power!