Happy birthday!! Waaaaaaai! Sorry for being late, well~ clap clap clap clap clap Thank you, everyone! You can watch the latest episode on Amazon Prime starting April 3rd (Sunday). Are you ready for the excitement!? Kazamatsuri Kanji A day of hardship has begun! WITCH WATCH 195 Misunderstood Birthday
You’re doing something interesting again.
It looked so fun…
It’s cute how you’re shy and fidgeting.
How many times does the Wind Festival Kanji experience a day of suffering?
A divine performance that tells you it’s a winning round on one page.
What did Kan-chan do?
Good deeds
Isn’t it unreasonable?
This week’s “Kan-gyaku” session felt milder compared to previous ones.
No, but that’s kind of sad…
The opening Nico has no motivation at all and it’s terrible.
That guy is a good person who naturally does good things without even realizing it.
Surely, nothing good will happen.
Why are you going outside?
Are you really being kind to the blind old man who can’t cross the crosswalk even though he’s told not to do good things…?
It’s something natural as a human being.
So let’s learn properly that going out will only lead to more trouble, Kan-chan!
Well, I suppose I would be experiencing the same thing if I were at home…
What’s amazing about Kan-chan is that he went out of his way to help the blind man, even though he was across the road.
This time I ended up becoming really healthy, so that’s a plus.
This is a proper reward.
If I were at home and became a floating monk, I would probably bump my head on the ceiling and take damage.
As a result of becoming healthier, I have benefited overall by crossing over to the next day like this.
I’ve had some strange experiences, but nothing too terrible.
It’s unfortunate to suffer greatly when you haven’t done anything wrong at all.
Wow, if I had kept surfacing like that, I would have died…
It’s a monk.
Kan-chan is in a horrible situation again!
It’s fine if it just ends nicely for my birthday.
I’m embarrassed.
When I realize it’s a bullying situation, my expression always changes to a frown.
The whole roasted chicken is really impressive, regardless of the pizza, huh!?
But I am sure that if it’s Moi-chan, she will definitely put her heart into baking.
If anything, I’ll do it while dropping some trivia about turkey.
I’ve become healthy now…
I prepared this episode for Kan-chan, who helps others in secret even after becoming like that.
Moi-chan turned all misfortune into good fortune.
Mois is casually acknowledging that Kan is a good guy, isn’t she?
This guy helps others without a second thought…
Sometimes it’s okay to have an episode where Kan-chan just has a good time.
This is in the first two panels.
I was safely retrieved, but since I was like that for a whole day, I can cry because I won’t be able to properly enjoy my birthday even when I go home.
That said, these guys seem like they could celebrate it on the second day of my birthday—so it might happen…
A day of hardship has begun!
Kan-chan always seems to be having a terrible time, no matter when I see them.
I wish I had a kamidana at home.