2 Evolution Gaburias eχ Evolves from Gabaito HP 170 Strike Attack Damage 50 to one of your opponent’s Pokémon. Dragon Claw 100 Weakness +20 Retreat Illus. PLANETA CG Works eχ Rules When Pokémon eχ faints, the opponent takes 2 points.
To be honest, I wanted a bit more strength.
A standalone Machamp that is agile.
Having stamina is also impressive.
Evolution accidents are tough, but Garbite is also fairly impressive with 1 energy.
In fact, the battle deck itself is in a good position in the current environment.
I hardly ever see Espers decks.
It’s tough when the bench’s seed gets all beaten up if you come out early.
Machamp: “Sibaaa—!! Hurry up and come——–!!!!”
If Dragon Claw had about 120… I thought, but hitting the bench for 50 damage with 1 energy is pretty strong, isn’t it?
I think this is the main one.
I can only draw one, so I usually mix it with the regular Gab, but this is fun in its own way.
If it had 120, including Lucario, it could be said to be quite strong at 140.
It will become a higher version of Machamp!
There’s no compatibility at all since the weaknesses are different.
I don’t like it because I’ll strangle my cute little Pokémon to death.
If you have rough skin…
If I have to delete one of the techniques instead, there won’t be enough pressure…
Recognize Shiroina.
It’s really admirable to work even in 1 energy.
It’s impressive, but the second evolution is still tough!
I think the weakest part is the two evolution stages.
I feel like it would be better to put in Hikari for surprise attacks.
I find it interesting and like that there is meaning in this kind of shooting differentiation.
It’s tough that when I’m dealing with them, they always run away.
It’s fine for Fukamaru to be the only Dragon type, right?
I don’t see electricity.
What will this guy’s partner be?
Is it Lucario like in the event?
I’m teamed up with Wobbuffet and Lucario in a trio.
It may be said to be unsatisfactory, but I really feel that having a batting average of 100 is impressive.
90 and 100 feel completely different.
I just want to be allowed to use Cynthia, so can you just leave everything that’s written as it is…?
What damage are you planning to deal to the bench, you?
Having 170 HP is great.
With HP160, even with a cloak, I can die from the early opponent’s chip damage and EX move damage.
I really felt this while facing Arceus with a cloak this time.
There is a clear barrier between 140-160 and 170.
Will I become the protagonist of the rate?
I got hit with 70 damage from Lucario and thought this wasn’t a fixed 50…
If you’re going to fly them to the battle arena, then…
It would have been good to have around 200 HP.
Anyway, there is no firepower.
The bench 50 is convenient, but it’s not strong.
It would have been perfect if Cynthia could cover Dragon Claw.
If you cover a direct hit, it would be too lawless.
I feel like people often concede immediately when they see this battle deck.
It’s a bit scary that I can’t withstand Sorabiso without a cape.
It’s bleak that once you have a certain level of deck strength, it only comes down to luck.
This game has always been about spending money to gather cards and build a deck when new packs arrive, and then it’s just a game of luck.
It’s fun to pull out the heavy ones to use as a sandbag for the back when escaping.
Praying for match compatibility, praying for going first or second, praying for the opening hand, praying for the Great Ball and Professor Oak, praying for smooth evolution, praying for heads on the coin toss, praying for the opponent’s misfortune, praying for victory.
If it wasn’t for the 2nd evolution, it would have been praised a lot.
You’ve been using 100 punches for battles and 50 punches for the bench quite a bit, right?
There’s a lot of Arceus, so it’s basically like 120, right?
Huh? Was there a 5-game winning streak during the Diapal pack?
I might have missed the trophy.
There isn’t any.
I also just realized while trying to change the badge.
It’s slightly uncomfortable that the number of victories in the event doesn’t match up.
I thought I needed one more Gabite to trade… but I forgot that the latest set was excluded.
This performance is not something you do with a 2nd evolution, regardless of being strong or weak.
It’s not a performance that should appear with just one evolution…
If there was a cold finish to this, it would have been perfect.
If it’s compatible with Shiro, I have no complaints, but it’s a delicate line of whether that’s too strong or not.
If this guy deals 170 damage including Shironarukario, I can’t help but think it’s pretty strong, so I hope you’ll forgive me.
Although it has become a single color, I think it’s impressive that the usual Gab can be effectively differentiated in operation.
If you become a target of Shiro-na, the numbers will be more salty and difficult to use.
I’ve been wondering who the best partner for Gab ex is.
If you’re using an anonymous character, please let me know what kind of setup you have.
The grass encounter rate is high, so it’s a bit tough.
Seeing the performance of Machamp, it’s clear that this is the limit.
I feel like they allocated it well when I’m using it.
The CPU is exceptionally powerful.
Fighting is really interesting right now.
Once I started using it, I felt like the deck space was insufficient due to the wide range of options, and I thought I needed to hurry up.
It’s fun when characters that look like “Is this guy strong?” like the old Self-harming Mankey, Hitmonlee, or the current Pack’s Sudowoodo are actually strong.
The ex slots are always underwhelming, but every time new non-ex Pokémon and support items are added, various deck structures emerge, making it interesting for battle decks.
I thought 100 was a little insufficient…
When I saw Lucario x2 dealing 140 damage to the CPU, it was just too strong.
Sawamura… where are you now…
I’m getting along well with the terrorists.
What’s up with this Wooper that smoothly slips into the gap with a sense of stability like a joke?
It’s an amazing strength that you can handle any draw in the opening without particular issues.
Especially, unlike Ebiwalar, Usokkie has the potential to take on big prey as well.
If you’re building a battle deck, it’s not strange for Sawamurā to always be included.
In this case, he can also take on the role of punching the bench himself.
Let’s be friends with Lucario, the kick demon?
Who should this guy team up with?
I might surprisingly be Lucario.
Let’s do a beatdown with a gabait.
Since there is Lucario, the final damage output is surprisingly high.