That aside, it’s a hassle to adjust Flower’s suitability and go around, so could someone please create some good traits and teach them only to Windy-chan?
Yukino in dirt race 6, middle distance 3.
Are you saying you can’t even do that, just preparing the Pearl for a 6-mile dirt race and doing the factor farming?
The hassle is being visualized.
Since I’ve become more comfortable, I’ve started to set my sights even higher, so my struggles haven’t really changed much.
It’s better to let the flower be taken care of by the junkie and focus on raising the other parent.
First, I’ll create Dirt 9 randomly, and then I’ll train Oguri and someone else for Dirt 6 Mile 3 to make the dorm leader.
This is easy.
There are many salesmen who haven’t achieved the 20 million sales target even though they have auto.
Why is that?
It’s like Zaaron.
It’s still the 6th…
Is it a club that has weekly quotas?
The flower ancestor aims for unique inheritance, and the parent is El.
I will teach you something good.
You probably don’t need a Ganador in the bubble.
I’ve never seen anyone say “Ganador” like that before.
Usually, it’s a plancha.
The factors for Hanshin 1600 and Kyoto 3200 have been created for now, so I will also create the factor for Tokyo 2400.
It’s progressing too well, wahaha!
If you don’t take the factor round seriously, the difference will widen.
Hurry up!
I want to know the probability that it will activate through inheritance rather than by genetic factors…
I hit the ceiling on the Orpheus gacha, and I didn’t even get any off-banner characters at all.
Since I didn’t get any slip-through in the support gacha either, I calculated because my luck with gacha is so bad.
It seems that Windy-chan was the chosen one who drew 0.46% after 0.5%.
If it’s just going to be that much of a hassle, then I don’t need it.
Those who want to win a nice butt, do your best!
Does the Hachauuma DLC not include any story or anything?
Yes, it is.
I really wanted that to be made.
Windy-chan just wants to be raised happily and go to A for the event happily…
I feel like compromising with a decent amount of factors, like 2 blue and 3 red.
There seem to be quite a few abnormal Chiyo lovers, which makes the wild Chiyo quite tough.
It seems like the stray Chiyo might have some kind of illness.
Is it normal to raise 15 per day?
I don’t think it’s strange that the Oka Shou Chiyo has solid performance.
I heard that Fuchu 2400 Chiyo might be relatively strong.
Breaking the speed limit + Singularity + METI Resonance + Spring Evolution will make you a monster in speed values.
I wonder what he thinks his winning horse is.
Are you still not researching the factors?
I don’t want to buy it.
I don’t know the original work, but Chiyo-chan probably won the Oka Sho.
It looks that way from appearance.
Chiyo-chan was a mare.
Surely the Sakura clan has all won the Sakura Sho.
I want Sei-chan to become a mare…
It seems like the St. Light route is interesting, so I’ve been trying it a few times, but getting the Compassion before the classic training camp is quite a high hurdle…
Chiyo is weak in the midfield, so I want to push Tsukumo outside with a strong lead in the midfield.
Those who come stacking up things like breaking shadows and shooting star light are abnormal Chiyo lovers.
I like Chiyo-chan’s song because it’s cute.
It’s Chiyondi!
It’s nice to meet you.
It’s more interesting when the abnormal lovers are winning.
It is a prestigious honor.
I was thinking while looking at the thumbnail, but Windy-chan feels like a girl who is loved by her parents and those around her.
The flower is planned to be borrowed or repurposed from Lark.
I was startled because it looked like a miscarriage.
I’ve started to understand the Seiko-chan route a little and have begun to ride on the UC platform.
Congratulations on no longer being a beginner!
I’ve been thinking for a while that if they treated the Classic Triple Crown and the Tiara Triple Crown as the same race, it would make farming for factors easier.
I always thought this place was strange.
It is unproductive for classic triple crown contenders to have better compatibility.
It is a blend of Nix.
It’s a combination of stealth marketing.
Because it’s a pairing between parents, it doesn’t become a father or mother, it becomes homosexual…
Is the essence of “Rai Rai Dahi” essentially an advanced version of “Yūō Maishin”?
Left monkey
It seems that Ai-chan is a definite choice for the leading speed, but it looks like there are many votes for Brian for the other one. Is Zephyr not a good option?
That also looks normally strong.
I think it’s admirable to have proactive measures.
I’m not weak, but if you ask which one I would choose, it’s Speed Bra.
It’s the usual, but please consult with your available support cards.
I need a turbo.
What kind of support cards is everyone using for their main training?
Are there any fellow Fossilndi-chan who are doing advance training with no Power Dan in Aremack?
This feels like something you can do without spending money.
The fossils are using something around Ramone or Fine.
Sleepiness is to be overcome.
If you are willing to compromise at Mile 2, then a good factor has been produced.
This training starts tomorrow.
Why aren’t you using still?
I’m about to lose my temper.
I think Spizefer is just Shanimuni… and I think it’s quite normal.
I think the reason why names are hard to come up with is the ownership rate.
Windy-chan, who was creating Parent Turf 3 Ancestor Da6, Parent Turf 3 Ancestor Mile 6, and Parent Turf 3 Ancestor Middle Distance 6, is doing quite well in battles.
Compatibility value and the number of white factors? Wahaha!
It’s unavoidable that there will be a significant difference in possession rates since Zephyr is specific to mile and early running support, while Brian is a general early running type.
I don’t want to have distance and running style restrictions on my own.
Ramo-yan, on the other hand, will use the fully equipped Gachinndi-chan after going full circle.
The initially low bond was covered by experience, and the previously problematic success rate is now guaranteed thanks to the friendship gauge, resulting in a perfect Ramon with no weaknesses.
Seiko-chan and Ramone are definitely in cahoots.
To be honest, I don’t want to train seriously with this scenario.
If you’re going to do a Flower factor rotation now, where would you do it?
I don’t want to run on dirt…
Isn’t it an automatic not to include mid-range with Lark or Ancestor?
Regarding dirt, Flower is often underestimated in terms of suitability.
I think that even just running middle distances, it could go moderately well.
In other words, if it’s 15 rentals, it’s fine to borrow it, right? That’s Windy-chan’s conclusion.
If it’s for Naomasa, the unique inheritance is guaranteed, so I feel like it’s fine not to force oneself to use it.
If you’re going to make it your ancestor, you should definitely improve its suitability for dirt middle-distance racing.
If I didn’t feel like exchanging the bubble just for this time, I would go with the pre-flight, difference blue ruby, and the holy sword.
What kind of factors should I prepare for the holy sword…?
Windy-chan is going to die, ha ha ha!
…is it!?
I think if Flower continues to compromise as always, it would be fine to slightly boost the mid-range.
It’s not the best, but it’s not bad either.
I will unconditionally receive it from Ramone.
Flowers need not only dirt but also mid-distance.
I’m glad I have this middle-distance 3 dirt 6 Oguri, wahaha!
Is there a mare in the Sakura clan to begin with?
Laurel is so seductive, so she must be female! It’s definitely a bloomers!
Windi-chan has also been thinking for a while about the post that Chiyo-chan seems to have won the Oka Sho.
I couldn’t think of it right away.
It exists, you could say.
At some point, there were cherry blossoms blooming in the Elly tournament.
Unless you’re a super hardcore player, just making Hijiki Seki and going for flower rentals is the way to go.
You can borrow it 15 times.
Every time I think of the Sakura clan, Topuro interrupts.
Despite being Narita, it has quite a sakura feel.
It’s definitely shocking that there are no off-banner characters in the Orpheus gacha…
I decided to borrow it because there were quite a few good factors when I looked for the flower.
So please never change that right spring flower that comes down.
If I only focus on short distances, the compatibility with the factors will be terrible, so at the very least, I want to complete the Tiara route.
If not corrected, Karen-chan is really terrible.
Considering the potential for a good outcome in the Seiko-chan route due to guaranteed charm, I might prefer using Power over Power Dance.
Hijiki is good for preventing low blood pressure…
The right spring rush descent flower exists for a moment, but there’s also a parental desire to add high pitch and full throttle, a sentiment to encourage rising and walking as one grows.
Indeed, it’s fine for Windy-chan to be an alluring bloomers boy…
It’s nice that the good factors found in the database change when you search for them in the game…
In this situation, based on experience, it’s almost never the case that new ones return if there are no traces of them being rented out at all…
Next to the right spring descent, it was impossible to take it to high pitch full throttle because I wanted to prioritize with a fluttering heart.
You can use Digi-tan and Doto yourself.
I found out that Sakura Candle won the 1995 Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup.
It is a child of Northern Taste on the maternal side.
I got Orfe with a single ticket for 50, but all the rest including New Year’s Nature, Super Pearl, and my wife Karen were duplicates. However, I did get a decent amount of 🌈 itself.
Oka Sho – Sakura Bakushin O!
“Sakura Sho – Sakura Laurel!”
Sakura Hanakotoba: Sakura Chitose O!
It seems that if Bakushin O had won the classic title at 1600, it wouldn’t have used a deception like 1200×3.
I looked for people who are releasing smart digital content for high pitch and found that there were none, which made me laugh.
The blue ruby lightning flashes on its own, but…
The activation of the Holy Sword’s Thunder is seriously puzzling.
This is where it’s lacking.
I feel that stepping in 6th place and activating the anabolic effect is the most realistic trigger.
Is there a skill to connect in the latter half with a gap closing?
Even if we can’t get 6th place, it seems like we can still ignite the Thunderstorm if we can connect.
There should be no certainty.
The final corner is assured with unstoppable momentum, but taking this is just too much… so.
Isn’t it more of a feeling that the corner type and flying legs are connecting?
I see.
As expected, I have no intention of incorporating bamboo shoots…
Focus on activating corner◎ and the start of the final phase.
This time the delivery is definitely multiple blue rubies, so I think it’s quite difficult for the Holy Sword to bring out the fastest Oliphant.
If it’s either a re-draw or a fixed result, is the fixed one better?
It is.
If you can fix it at a minimum of 3A, the completion rate will triple.
The re-draw is 4 times more efficient, but the fixed one is 5 times or even more.
But since these two are multiplied efficiencies, it’s definitely better to use both.
Sakura Victoria was a good horse, but it happened that her rival was Fine.
The intelligence that Degi-tan has is at 2 duplicates, so while it’s fine for personal use, I can’t really show it to the outside world…
For now, I managed to create a Vibros with 8 high pitches and 7 low pitches.
I believe that this and rental flowers will somehow work out.
Since it’s 15,000 yen, I will spend money on both and grind for factors.
It’s a stupidly high price, wahaha.
If it’s 150,000 yen, there’s no way I’m going to pay for that…
1,500,000 yen feels quite excessive.
This time, I’m curious about Ikuno’s intelligence.
I can’t imagine a life without fixed income or re-lotteries anymore…
Windy-chan’s lunch has become a bit meager, but it’s a good trade-off.
Well, if it’s 15,000 a year, I might buy it.
I am being educated…
I held off on gacha for nearly six months… or rather, I just didn’t want to pull because there weren’t any gacha I wanted.
This time, after I exchanged the stones and tickets I had saved, I hit the ceiling twice, and neither Ai nor Legend overlapped with the first ascension, wahaha.
I’m creating a passing factor with the speed group for Parent Flower Ryan, but with re-draws and fixed factors, selections like running down with a right spring, excitement, and high pitch are tough even on auto.
We can’t go back to the era when everything was done manually…
This game costs too much money to enjoy the main content, wahaha.
It’s better than the original, which spends about 50,000 in a day, po-wa-wa.
Gambling addict.
What are you saying?
It’s about minus 30,000 a day.
It’s literally a payment for buying hardship, wahaha.
4 times efficiency with factor path!
Five times more efficient with fixed-factor paths!
3 times efficiency with 15 rentals!
In addition to the efficiency gained through automation…
It has become over 100 times more efficient with leeway.
Since 1500×12=18000, if it’s 15000 per year, it’s actually a good deal. Rather, it’s those good value annual packs that sell well.
Umamusume Details [Menkoi Menkoi Mutsu no Hana] Yukino Bijin, a pure-hearted beauty from Iwate 29,150 UE RANK Nickname Change Track Suitability Turf Dirt G Short Distance Mile Middle Distance Long Distance A B C Race Course Suitability Running Style Suitability Escape Lead Re-attack Pursuit Skill Inheritance Training Information Speed Stamina Power Guts Wisdom Warm 5 5 A 957 LU 1203 S 1045 A 894 ■Speed ■Mile 5 4.5 5 5 5 3 6 5 5 6 6 ■Skills Yukiatari, Ainkakete Mid-Distance Corner ◯ Trainer F Teio Award Cornering Skill ◯ Come-from-behind Experience Mile Corner ◯ Straight Light Road Downhill Skill Heartkeeping Citizen Meat Close Road Legends Scenario Right Turn Awakening Mile’s Magical Hand Betting Hopeful S 2 2 2 4.5 1 1 2 4.5 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 3 Confidence Mark 0 1st Jump Urine Person ■Speed Tsubaru, When Blooming Yasuda Memorial Hopeful S Yayoi Prize Lead Straight Light Confusion Hoshima! 1st Jump Mid-Distance Corner ◯ 2 ■Mile Shock Thunder Memorial Elizabeth Queen Long Right Turn ◯ Distant Combat Implementation Straight Light Road Stench One Ko Em Eiei Supplementary Volume Heartfelt Inclusion Right Turn Awakening Tsuki Training Cornering Skill ◯ Coming Chaos Man 丹 Ford Presentation One 4 Non-Sealed Group 生証 Previously V Rectory L Mile 背 Teio Award Heart Mud Continuous Recording Celebration One Ik Case Mid-Distance Vehicle) サ Down heavy抹表 Scatter Tar [u! Volume Run Commercial’s Eyes
I feel like I’ve made a nice Yukino, but I think I need to add a report to this, right? 🐜
I think it’s good, but isn’t it from the other side?
It’s concerning that there isn’t even one essence, but if it’s a sect that allows using a factor with a report just this once, then it’s acceptable.
It’s fine because I have a blue ruby for the attack, but I’m troubled about who to send out for the lead…
I think the kids that seem strong are usually strong.
Huh? Is that Normal Yukino?
Did you notice?
It’s a pattern where I didn’t notice the costume change while raising them, and somehow I ended up getting some nice traits.
Well, I certainly don’t pay for the pass every month.
Even though we are in an era of awakening, there is still a sense of wanting a normal change of seasons.
Since it’s automatic, I want the entrusted training to be done in about a minute.
If a front-runner has their own acceleration, they are generally strong.
I can easily train 15 times a day by using remote desktop during work, so it’s simple.
It’s fine to go to the bathroom every 30 minutes to confirm skills and factors.
(That guy is definitely jerking off in the bathroom…)
The original work has a positive possibility existing at a microscopic level, but here it is definitely decreasing.
When it comes to which one is better, both are equally good.
A report might be useful in the future, but it’s definitely better to use it for more immediate factors.
I will go with the Valzephyr Bride Nishino Blue Ruby. Powawa!
There is a right spring, but without effective acceleration speed!
There is no right spring, but there is valid acceleration speed!
It’s just right and effective acceleration, but there are some core elements!
I want you to combine the factors into one…
In a dirt rotation, the selection of distance genetic traits is severe.
No, but I don’t want to compromise on the compatibility value either…
In terms of finances, it’s impossible for mobile games to be beneficial, so neither side is better; they are overwhelmingly worthless.
You play while accepting that you are garbage.
In accurate terms, I am buying mobile games.
Since gambling is a bet, there is nothing left when it hits zero.
In other words, both are useless.
What you should believe in is whether you are having fun or not.
Because they distributed the devil’s power known as a factor-confirmation pass to everyone, it instead became a hell.
I feel like Mile Champi could be good regardless of whether it’s a late runner or a leading horse, just like Parent Flower and Fuji.
Self-acceleration is with Summer Taiki Racecraft North Flight.
There are many candidates for the connection system, such as bubble valve, Zephyr, and others.
Couldn’t options like Barley Yukino and Wife Fine, which have become easier for sommeliers to hit, also be candidates?
I intentionally don’t use blue ruby, intentionally.
It’s not that I don’t have it at all.
I decided on Sashi Ruby and Senko Fu-chan, but I’m struggling with the third one.
If it’s the same lead, the bubble is round, but at this time I also feel like making it a flower and turning it into a paradise for my treasures.
I will raise the seedlings.
I am being raised by my grandparents.
I’ll kill you…
I dislike gambling.
If I get hooked, I want to be stable rather than strong.
I think it’s strategically valid to have 2 stable slots and 1 gamble slot because it’s Chanmi.
Well, but priority is given to the distribution of running styles over that.
I’m torn between going for an early front-running and late-charging strategy, an early front-running with debuff, or a late-charging with debuff.
The dormitory head is basically unsuitable for automatic.
Can’t we choose the mileage route on our own?
Using Normal Yukino as a base, I just need to inherit the main skills from my ancestors and go around one more time, wahaha!
If you think about it seriously, it’s become much easier with fixes and such, so even if you redo it, you can pick up quite a good factor.
I think I’ll make one of the two remaining characters a bride flower with the blue ruby as a fixed choice.
I’ve become stronger recently, and I can just pick up peace right now.
I don’t have any passes, but for now, I’m cycling through based on the number of fans.
It’s already going to reach 50 million.
Well, it seems like there might be a Windy-chan who is getting off on receipt factors.
During the inheritance, the sound like a machine gun is ringing, and I can’t deny that it makes me go “Nhooo~ I can’t get enough of this~.”
The Chumure update season is having fun with debuff grass 9 receipt factors, wahaha!
If you just want a straight descent, an SR power heli is fine.
There is no setting to prevent sleep in the Android settings.
I always forget the circumstances of Fuji-senpai’s great-grandfather’s long-distance factor.
Since this is a good opportunity, I think I’ll try making it in a generic way…?
It’s a cycle where white factors produce white factors…
What is the quality of a stamp?
I don’t really understand anything other than the basic three stars.
It doesn’t seem like having a large number is necessarily good.
I feel like it would be nice to have a lot of useful skills.
I think that even if there is a lot of quantity, it differs if there are many ineffective skills.
For now, I think red is the highest priority, and while we may have to compromise here, achieving at least a 2-star rating is the minimum goal.
Next, I think that recently, a solid 3 is much stronger than a mediocre blue 3 for Green… Of course, if the inherited unique is weak, then blue is better.
I want to add additional acceleration and speed on top of the minimum effective acceleration needed for seasonal rotations.
In this case, it’s essential to rush downwards to the right in spring, and I want to add things like high pitch and full throttle there.
Compromise is important.
Windy-chan actually wants to call anyone with a bust size of over three digits a “big breast,” but since there aren’t any, she finds happiness by convincing herself that Suzuka-san is a big breast.
I don’t understand what you’re saying at all, so go to sleep.
That is Windy-chan, who can eat millet and barnyard grass called “silver rice”…
By the way, what kind of lewd things is everyone making?
It seems scary that you often think about erotic things.
Does Chimure apply debuffs?
I always swap the members of the group, so I don’t understand.
I think we don’t need debuffs since we just need to win once a week.
It’s just that you can earn points in a general way.
When I try counting the inherited traits, it seems like there are about 20 of them.
The management should make more use of Tachyon.
I want them to write a report about once a week.
If it’s just that level, I want you to sell it because I’d be willing to subscribe every month.
I’m happy that there are many factors attached.
I want important skills at ☆3! If I fail the inheritance, it’s game over! So it turns out I don’t end up using those kinds of factors unexpectedly.
If the management wants that skill so much, they probably think they’ll put it in the support card, so they’ll spin for it.
I want a support card with Aoharu Ken’s ability.
Which skill is good for the chase this time?
I want multiple skills, so aiming for a 3-star is just not feasible.
Compromise at 2.
Implement Aoharu Ken and the essence body, the strong support character!
Is the DB dead!? I thought, but it had reverted to the old UI.
The Aoharu talent factor has been added on so much that it’s now at a level where hygiene is a concern.
Quickly supply fresh Aoharu gold with something like Kokogura Sapoca!
Implement the Awakening Factors of the True Essence and the Awakening Factors of the Aoharu Ignition!
I want it to come out stronger than the inheritance that continued like the Habsburg jaw.
We added integration theory in the update.
The fun of the championship is that you can put in pachinko in slot 1.
Doesn’t the Aoharu skill effectively have two since it has a +?
The essence is strong, but it’s tough to pull in.