It’s the same.
It can’t be helped.
This guy is the only one that’s completely weird.
It’s not caused by the Hollow fragment, this guy and Stark.
Is this guy really empty?
This guy doesn’t have a mouth.
It must be empty.
It’s probably not a human spirit.
By the way, did this guy return to being sharp?
It turned into a Black Winged Great Demon! For some reason, after that, this guy just keeps transforming in a strange way.
No, it’s not a return to the blade; it will unlock with a sword release as well.
All the characters are like bug-like guys.
In Vastroad, something seems off, and I can’t tell what the standard is.
It might be that standard Vastrode didn’t exist from the beginning…
The origin as a great void is somewhat strange, or rather, it was like being an outlier within the clan.
Even though I set up my master as a magician, they are reluctant to explain.
On top of that, a lot of exceptional characters appear.
Isn’t it on the level where there are only exceptions for main characters?
It’s quite surprising that Halibel, with her background and personality, is part of the Espada, isn’t it?
To begin with, even being called a clan of the void feels strange, so when I’m told there are heretics within the clan, I just find it confusing.
Considering that Arolinero is Gillian after eating that much, to be honest, cannibalism isn’t a condition for evolution.
Gillian Menos → Adjucas → Vasto Lorde, there might be a growth limit at the point of a Hollow or the soul in its previous life, something that the reminiscing Shaulon mentioned.
The subordinates of GJ were eating a lot together with GJ, except for the worthless Diloi, but since everyone else isn’t growing at all, they have entrusted the evolution to GJ, who seems to have potential for growth, and gave up.
Isn’t returning the blade the same as releasing the sword?
Baragan may be considered a typical Vastorde because there’s nothing strange about him.
Baraggan has a naturally king-like description, Stark is what he is, Halibel hasn’t eaten anyone, Wonderweiss is influenced by Aizen, and can Azjucas really become a Vastorde?
Grimmjow-kun worked hard in his training and became an Ajucas as strong as Vastrode.
…Well, the cannibalism system stopped because I became a Hollow.
Things above 4 are gathering too much extreme emptiness.
Did Harribel really have such abnormal abilities?
It’s a strength that is hard to understand in the work, but since it’s almost the same as its current form before becoming a hollow, it still feels strange.
Vastorode is characterized by its humanoid form, so that is rather proper evidence of being a Vastorode.
Stark and Baragan are pretty much the same as before.
I don’t think Stark (Lilynette) appears before becoming an Arrancar in the story, right?
Because they are splitting and becoming Arrancar on their own.
Hollows that can remove their own masks (there used to be a lot of them).
The method of transforming into a Hollow with the Hōgyoku, using one’s own power infused into the Zanpakutō, is different.
Stark has almost no mask part by himself and at the point where he has a zanpakuto, he has also undergone Aizen’s method.
It wasn’t that he became a Vastorode by eating insects instead of each other.
The return blade is about unleashing the true power of the void sealed in the shape of a sword, so it seems strange to take it to another level from there!
What’s the difference between return to blade and sword release?
I think it’s the same, but I believe only the Espada class was saying “Resurrección”.
But it seems that the sword release 2nd layer can be used even in GJJJ.
If it’s Ichigo’s rival, this kind of exception is fine.
If it’s the same as Bankai, then I accept…?
Stark, since the time he developed his ego, was unable to bear his loneliness and attempted to take his own life, which is when Lilynette was born.
Baraggan has lived so long that he is familiar with the first Hollow that was born during the creation of the three worlds.
Harribel has had a strong aversion to consuming others since the time of Gillian, repeatedly licking and spitting them out, taking far longer than others to reach Vastolorde.
Ulquiorra, a primitive organism without a soul living in the Hueco Mundo, died after touching a fragment of the Soul King and became a hollow. It is the first organism to become a hollow in Hueco Mundo, not in the real world.
Grimmjow, the hard-working and growing Espada.
Well, it wasn’t obvious that they were a fake family.
I want you to lick me too.
It seems that strong guys are always strong to begin with, whether they’re Death Gods or Hollows.
In this world, talent is everything.
The second resurrection is said to be possible not only for Ulquiorra but also for other Espada, so I think it’s fine to simply equate sword release with resurrection.
It seems that Grimmjow was still only an Arrancar of the Vasto Lorde level.
I mean, once you become a Hollow, rank doesn’t really matter much, does it?
By just training, you can become somewhat stronger.
In the time of the Void, Baragán had a little bone exposed, right?
Lord Baragan, my aging is really affecting me, so I think I probably had muscle when I was younger.
Noitra would definitely feel despair…
It’s just a little tough, that’s all…
Ulquiorra was really cool.
I still really like it.
I like your comments, they sound like those of an elementary school student.
That’s nice…
It seems that Harribel would lick if asked.
It seems that there are quite a few people who are thankful to indigo dyeing for laying down some laws, as it means they no longer have to fear degeneration or resort to cannibalism, making one wonder just how hellish it was.
In this age of decline, where it’s always eat or be eaten, if you don’t eat, you deteriorate and it’s the end. Why can you, Lord Halibel, only become a Vasto Lorde with insects?
Miss Harribel is kind.
I really think it’s terrible that all the guys from Vastrode don’t seem to be the evolved type.
I must protect…
I have the desire to see the complete Stark (complete Ririnet).
Grimmjow still says to Neliel, “You were lower than me back when you were a 5, right?”
It’s funny how you’re getting all flustered because of the numbers…
It’s funny that the insect eating Halibel seems to be something that can also eat Shinigami.
Speaking of which, Nel is from the generation of Espadas before Aizen discarded them, so she doesn’t have as much of a sense of aversion towards Aizen.
I wonder when Neliel’s Espada era takes place chronologically…
I’m vague about this area.
Unfamiliar information keeps emerging.
The fact that the Soul Society is the best it can get is terrible in that world.
It is a good place (partly).
This guy and Chan’s inflation battle is the most nonsensical.
Unfathomable power (the person themselves doesn’t understand it) vs unfathomable power (probably the person themselves doesn’t understand it much either).
Of course, the reader is left wondering what is happening and what led to this.
Whether or not you can become a Vastordé is decided before you become hollow.
And unlike us, Grimmjow can become a Vasto Lorde—am I wrong?
I like how it’s all being forgotten, yet it’s emotional that I’m still doing it for my subordinates.
After seeing their bodies once the masks are removed, I can’t help but think that Pesce and Doppio seem to have not evolved, right?
Is that just pretending to be a weakling on purpose?
I have a Hollowfication process and a zanpakutō, so I am part of Aizen’s regime, after all.
Years ago, it is uncertain about Neliel.
Because it’s the time when Zaeruaporo has fallen to the Ten Blades… No, when is that?
Although it’s called a “setting wizard,” I think there are a lot of things that are thought up on the spot.
The worst is 69’s 69.
That’s called a setting mage.
Yude is going to become a setting wizard!
Rokuguruma Ninth Squad…
I somehow thought that the flow of time in the Soul Society and the living world was different in the virtual realm.
It’s nice how there are so many exceptions that you can’t even tell which one is the general case.
Indigo dyeing has been dominating the virtual realm for quite some time.
It seems that indigo dyeing has been dominating the Void Sphere for at least a hundred years…
Rather, it’s surprising that the Soul Society didn’t catch on…
Ichigo’s Hollowification isn’t a sword skill either, so it might be related to that aspect.
There are too many abnormal individuals among the higher ranks of Shinigami, Hollows, and Quincy.
The grim reaper, just strong, shines boldly.
Baragan is the god of the Hueco Mundo, and Stark and Ulquiorra were born as Vastolorde?
Halibel doesn’t eat much due to her personality and beliefs, yet she becomes infinitely stronger and gets promoted.
Those who can become Vastorodes are somehow unusual.
Ulquiorra doesn’t even eat because he doesn’t have a mouth in the first place.
Thanks to being transformed into a Hollow, some have become stronger or found friends, regardless.
What kind of motivation does Ulquiorra have to be loyal to Aizen?
What Aizome was doing was one thing, but there are many people who can be saved by the Hollowification of the Espada, so I hope more research is done on it.
Ulquiorra may have had a natural obedient style of following those stronger than himself.
For that reason, I was surprisingly casual with Zero’s Yami.
That’s why it might have been so easygoing.
You just joke around with your close friends, right?
Yammy and Ulquiorra are getting along a bit too well, aren’t they?
In the first place, why are those guys so close?
What kind of connection did you have?
I was expelled from my clan, but Aizome-sama accepted me! That might be my motivation.
But the second liberation was kept a secret.
At the point of a normal release, Chanichi couldn’t do anything, and from there it became a thread image, but after getting beaten by complete hollowification… it’s really hard to understand the strength.
At this time, Ichigo is fighting while being afraid of the unknown nature of his power, pushing the brakes on himself.
The strength that exists while one is conscious is nothing to be trusted.
That is the battle after Ulquiorra was defeated.
I wonder if Lord Baraggan was destined to self-destruct on his own someday, even without being defeated like in the main story.
It seems that it used to be really strong, but it’s apparently affected by the power of aging, becoming weaker and more of a nuisance over time.
I wonder if someday I will become even inferior to the emptiness around me.
If the other members of the Espada fought against the Knights, the Knights would probably win, but the only ones left standing might be the Elite Guard.
I saw an illustration of what seems to be an evolved form of Desgarrón from a game that collaborated with something in the past.
People often say I’m hitting the brakes, but it’s not that I’m actually applying the brakes; it’s just my current limit.
In the early part of the Arrancar arc, there were obvious brakes being applied, but after entering Hueco Mundo, it was simply at its limit.
I think it’s a mode where I got even more serious within my brother’s white emperor sword-like bankai.
Why are you going out of your way to seal your power in a sword?
It might be that, as it is, the power as a void is too strong to transcend the boundaries of being a living organism.
The virtual self has an ecology like a deflated balloon that can grow bigger when air is added, but if nothing is done, it deflates. So, I transferred air from an oxygen tank to fix it, but it broke.
I missed joining the fan club in the past few years, but do you know what the thread image is?
It seems that even Grimmjow can become second if he tries hard.
I don’t understand.
The second tier has potential for everyone, so that means Ulquiorra is the most evolved Arrancar.
It’s not so much that I was expelled…
When becoming a Hollow, the power is sealed in the Zanpakutō and then returned to the body, which is why it’s called a “returning blade.” Therefore, I think the second release involves a different kind of power mixed with the sword that has been unleashed.
It’s a world full of mixtures.
It seems that the Bankai reflects the grown abilities of the zanpakuto, so I think that the second release may also reflect the grown powers of the Hollow for the same reason.
I wonder what that strange white spike that seemed to trigger Ulquiorra’s arrancar transformation was.
Baraggan is not a god, but he is deified to the extent that a religion has arisen.
I like being close with Yami.
The fact that they just regained their original powers that were sealed and are acting like they’re in a powered-up form is what was strange, to begin with.
Isn’t the second tier equivalent to Bankai?
According to the nameless, the old Baragan was at a level where he could use even Vasto Lorde hollows with just his jaw, so it is clear that he was stronger back then.
Ulikeola has a fallen angel motif, huh…
Ulquiorra Schiffer seems like an anagram of Lucifer.