A heap of cabbage…
A mountain of cabbage…
A mound of cabbage…
A heaping pile of cabbage…
It was a mountain of cabbage, more than I remembered.
I wonder where Baki’s living expenses were coming from around this time.
Aren’t you receiving it from your parents due to your age?
There is no reason not to at least cover the living expenses in every way.
Having grilled mackerel pike with salt in the morning does indeed put me in a good mood…
Drawing Baki House seems like a hassle.
Cooking for yourself is surprisingly enjoyable once you try it.
But cleaning up afterward is painful.
When I think about tidying up, the hassle outweighs everything else.
After making curry, I divide it into portions in a Ziplock and quickly wash the pot.
This is really true.
After all, it’s about making things, so it’s fun as a boy.
The time after playing when I have to deal with the aftermath is tough.
The living expenses are not really separated from my parents’ house.
It’s a cheerful mountain of cabbage…
Was there a depiction of the zaibatsu after Grappler?
It’s tough that the expiration dates on condiments are too short when I’m alone.
It’s expensive, but buying the pouch type is ultimately more cost-effective.
Sometimes it’s fun to cook a little more elaborately, but doing everything just to eat for myself and then having to clean up is a hassle.
This is it, right…?
It’s fine to make it, but cleaning up is too much… I don’t want to do the dishes plus other cleanup…
Saran Wrap: “Wrap me up to save the trouble of washing!”
Isn’t it fine to just use paper plates or disposable utensils?
On the contrary, when you cook for yourself, you have to wash pans and such, so even if the number of dishes increases a bit, it’s negligible.
It seems like you’re also meeting with Kuritani-san regularly.
It feels weird to eat meat and fish at the same time, so I want to choose one or the other.
Cabbage is awesome…
Anyone can cook for themselves, but continuously making affordable and healthy meals without getting bored while maintaining hygiene is another story.
It’s the kind of debris that accumulates until the drainage ditch stocking becomes clogged and the water won’t drain.
Relying on just cabbage for side dishes is somewhat problematic, but I can’t prepare multiple types of vegetables…
It’s no understatement to say that once you make things like croquettes or sautéed beef with green peppers yourself, you’ll find it so much easier to just get pre-made ones… it can be quite a hassle.
Becoming a slave to the ingredients I bought.
I think it’s most important to do cooking for yourself with just the right amount of shortcuts.
If it’s a hassle, it’s also important to have days when you just buy things and get it over with.
Let’s just buy it and get it over with today too.
Is it okay to eat out today?
I think it’s fine to get fried food from the deli…
It’s good to just remember how to make seaweed miso soup.
This, rice, and natto provide an incredible sense of satisfaction.
Microwavable rice is fine.
A heap of cabbage…
When shredded, the visual volume increases, so in a thread image, it can fit nicely with about 1/2 to 1/3 of a whole piece, which is also gentle on the wallet.
I think every time I see this image, it’s fine for an ordinary person, but is that amount of rice okay for Baki-chan, or is it just a rice bowl?
I guess he’s eating multiple times a day.
It became easier to clean the dishes by polishing them by hand right after eating.
I usually wait until there’s a certain amount before tossing things into the dishwasher, but as long as there are no food scraps, they can stay in the sink and remain clean.
Grill sanma (mackerel pike) in a fish grill.
Just add the ingredients and miso to the boiling water for wakame miso soup.
Chopping cabbage while watching the doneness of the bacon and eggs.
It’s important to be able to work on things in parallel properly.
I haven’t made fried food since the oil thermometer exploded…
The rice freezing container is a great invention!
The task of wrapping and freezing is subtly painful, so I didn’t cook rice.
Microwave “It’s okay.”
You can do anything, can’t you…?
I cook for myself.
I don’t want to increase the dirty dishes.
And the destination is eating directly from the pot.
Baki washes the fish grill from the morning…
As expected of a champion!
I always make do with a salad of lettuce, cucumber, and tomato.
I believe that as long as I eat tomatoes, I can manage with salad.
I realized it would be better to do other things during the time I spend cooking for myself, so I stopped.
Even if we’re talking about other things, I think I’d prefer cooking over games or message boards.
I think there are many people who have a hobby that combines with cooking because if you don’t particularly enjoy cooking itself, you won’t stick with it.
I’m the type who doesn’t mind eating the same thing for a week, so I make a batch on the weekends.
It’s too troublesome to throw away the water and wash the grill after grilling the fish.
I can’t deal with this.
Using heat-resistant foil for grilling makes it easier.
But when it comes to grilling fish, this is the strongest one.
It’s okay to grill steak.
I finally ended up buying an electric pressure cooker.
This is super easy…
I’m wondering what I’ve been spending all this time on.
I try to wash the cooking utensils as soon as I’m done using them.
Washing the strainer while finishing the final simmer or washing the frying pan immediately after plating the stir-fry.
In this case, after a meal, only the chopsticks and plates need to be washed.
Seeing the pile in the sink makes me lose motivation just looking at it…
The Tupperware for the rice porridge is also convenient for freezing meals.
Cooking for myself has its strengths in that I can make exactly what I like.
I do like making things.
It’s just the cleaning up…
If you don’t consider the effort, there are dishes that can be made better than store-bought ones.
Some dishes can be compromised on, thinking it’s fine to buy them from a store rather than making them myself.
It’s tough because I have too few pieces in my repertoire.
I always make ginger pork.
How about making ginger pork with different meat or vegetables next?
Even just trying out sauces like gochujang, doubanjiang, and fish sauce will expand your repertoire.
I recommend making miso soup every day with a automatic cooking pot.
You can also consume vegetables without strain.
You’re good at shredding cabbage…
Making gyoza myself has a taste I prefer, but when I think about the trouble of wrapping them…
Mornings are also big.
If this were at night, I could take my time, but doing this much in the morning requires a healthy lifestyle.
If you cook for yourself, something like a Hot Cook is better than a pressure cooker for increasing your repertoire.
It was a gamble whether it would become a decoration, but I’m really glad I bought it.
The Hot Cook is really great because it allows you to leave stews unattended.
It’s delicious if you cut the onions and chicken thighs, season them with butter and salt and pepper, and simmer for two and a half hours.
Dice the celery and block bacon.
Cut your favorite vegetables into cubes.
If you simmer it with canned tomatoes and consommé, it becomes a happy soup.
Feel free to add more water as you like.
I don’t really like cooking for myself after work.
I quite like cooking for myself on my days off.
I cook for myself on weekdays since my commute is within 30 minutes on foot.
I definitely don’t want to go home past 7 or 8 o’clock.
Commuting time is…
Since it’s within a 10-minute drive, I’ll make whatever I like.
Perhaps because I’ve been living alone for a long time, I’m quite good at housework, Baaki…
I think it’s fine to mainly have side dishes on weekdays.
On holidays, I make what I want to eat.
Even if you try to appeal to your home-cooked skills, it’s disappointing if you’re actually just making unhealthy meals focused on fatty and salty meats with packaged white rice.
Do you have any unpleasant memories or something…?
There is/are.
I cook for myself when I get stressed.
Cooking is fun because I can do everything based on my own decisions and efforts.
I spend weekdays with side dishes and sashimi.
I make fried food on my days off.
Dishwashers are great!
I’m making food in advance by cooking for myself.
Today, I fried 1.5 kg of fried chicken.
I didn’t need that much cabbage, and one bacon and egg is enough, but I was pretty happy trying this breakfast.
Eating breakfast properly gives me energy…
I think it’s fine not to peel vegetable skins unless absolutely necessary.
I feel relieved…
I usually make stir-fried vegetables with the peels.
It’s obvious, but this is a martial artist’s breakfast…
Recent grills no longer have a grate, so you cook directly on them, making them much easier to clean.
Grilling meat is super fun!
I like those that are really just okay to grill because even thinking about seasoning is a hassle.
The flavor can be fixed later just by pouring on some sauce you like…
Any sauce you like is fine, and if you have salt, pepper, garlic powder, soy sauce, mirin, or white dashi, that works pretty well too.
I couldn’t cook for myself normally, though.
I set a goal to be able to make omelets nicely, and after that, I started doing it fairly well.
I still can’t make omelets neatly.
Pressure cookers save time, but hot cookers are good for long periods of unattended cooking.
It’s great that you can leave fish bones simmered until soft for more than two hours.
Did they really release this at the collaboration cafe?
I feel like the amount wasn’t the same, though.
If you only look at this, it really does look like a diner…
I buy a variety of sauces and things, but I end up using them less often than I thought.
I don’t want to use a frying pan in the morning, regardless of the night.
Fried eggs are nice, aren’t they?
The breakfast from the beef bowl chain is a lifesaver…
I have a desire to eat crispy bacon for breakfast.
It seems that this isn’t enough in terms of calorie protein, and I can’t help but worry if I should eat more vegetables.
Surprisingly, if you don’t pay attention, you won’t use eggs.
Ten is a lot, but I’m hesitant to buy six good eggs.
The salt content is pretty crazy, isn’t it?
I’m an athlete.
The food tastes best when I’m tasting it while making it, but by the time it’s finished, I’m in a down mood.
It may be my personality that I often feel satisfied after buying what I want and leave it unopened as it is.
Winter is for hot pot.
Sometimes, when I order the beef bowl set meal with mixed toppings at Sukiya, I feel satisfied.
Isn’t the mixed topping based on the beef bowl…?
There are various things like natto, mackerel, and salmon.
I haven’t eaten grilled fish in years.
If cleaning up the foil-like thing you cook with in a frying pan is easy, I’ll buy it.
Rather, the frequency of grilled fish has increased.
It’s great that I can easily buy dried fish and sun-dried fish at a low price.
I always think if there’s honestly a way to make fried eggs without using a frying pan.
It seems you can make something like a poached egg by poking the yolk and egg white with chopsticks and microwaving it.
Using a bit more oil on a Teflon-coated frying pan makes it the least troublesome option, right? Fried eggs.
A small frying pan makes me feel at ease.
It’s a good era now that chopped green onions and minced onions are sold frozen.
“I sometimes cook for myself to boost my self-esteem, saying, ‘I am living a human-like life now.'”
Taking care of the essentials like food, clothing, and shelter is a good thing, right?
I’m not good at cooking eggs, so I can’t try it.
I wonder if it would be nice to be able to make things with a device like this?
My cooking relies mainly on onions and eggs.
If you just grill it and season it appropriately, it’ll generally taste good.
Since I started cooking for myself, the concept of side dishes has disappeared.
Having multiple pickles in the refrigerator is quite handy for various reasons…
It would be good to make kinpira gobo or easy pickled tomatoes with sauerkraut.
The boiled spinach and broccoli have various processing options and are recommended.
There, it is with cold tofu and natto…
Making food is fun, but I don’t know how to buy the ingredients.
How much cabbage is enough for two days?
It’s fine as long as I can eat it myself!
I have never bought with balls…
Try eating it and make adjustments.
That’s the basic of home cooking: changing the taste and quantity like that.
By the way, here is a recipe for Ajinomoto’s twice-cooked pork for 3 to 4 servings.
– 200g of pork belly – 2 green peppers (about 40g) – 1/4 of a large cabbage (about 300g)
I think buying a whole cabbage when living alone would be too much to handle.
First, buy a 1/2 to 1/4 cut.
It might be a good idea to buy a pre-cut disposable pack and check your appropriate amount.
If anything, I’m extremely satisfied with just instant miso soup, rice, and natto in the morning.
We don’t have a grill, but how about an oven microwave with a grilling function?
Pre-match energy (including tax) 1,706 yen. Devouring father and nutrition! A parent-child meal with Takeshi and Yujiro. “Dad, are you bringing something amazing today!!?~ (including tax) 1,706 yen! (Steak is an option for +2,138 yen (including tax)) A mountain of cabbage… a delightful breakfast! (including tax) 1,706 yen!
Isn’t there a good way to quickly defrost frozen vegetables and frozen meat?
About thawing with flowing water?
H… heatsink…
When it comes to speed, cutting into smaller pieces and using them frozen is the quickest, but considering the taste, quick thawing is unavoidable.
Cooking it is the easiest way.
Pot-au-feu, miso soup, stew, and curry.
Quick defrosting inevitably loses flavor…
The grilled mackerel pike is the only side dish that requires a completely different level of effort.
It’s too much trouble to eat from the morning.
If you’re making fried eggs in the microwave, you might use a cooking tool that has a fish pattern often found in online shopping.
Since I started living alone, I wonder if my biggest enemy in cooking is actually washing the dishes.
I think that actually buying a dishwasher really lowers the barrier to cooking at home.
Are you having fun?
I want it because it’s delicious.
Sanma for breakfast!? I thought that back then, but sanma was quite cheap around that time…
When living alone, you tend to just make one dish like fried rice or pasta instead of preparing multiple types.
I really feel how amazing it is that my mom casually makes about three dishes every day.
Isn’t it boring to eat without at least one more dish or some soup?
I think it makes a huge difference whether there are two burners or not.
I wonder if Baki’s energy expenditure is enough to meet his protein needs.
The dinner I had with Yu-chan wasn’t that big in quantity, so I might be the type who eats a lot during lunch.
First of all, I admire people who can wake up properly in the morning.
Since I can wake up at my preferred time without an alarm, I can’t understand how someone who can’t wake up feels.
I mainly cook for myself over a span of ten years, but I can’t fillet three fish, I can’t peel a burdock root, and I can’t move the knife quickly, so I can’t do anything.
Fish is sold in fillets and vegetables are sold ready for boiling or grilling.
There’s no need to force yourself to use a knife, and isn’t that okay?
I don’t have time to grill fish and clean up in the morning.
I’m doing it normally and having fun.
Cleaning up can now be done while watching on portable devices, unlike the old days when it was just radio.
Grilling mackerel pike in the morning is truly delightful.
Isn’t Baki-kun lacking protein?
There’s no need to be particular about cooking for yourself every day.
It’s fine just to make what you want to eat on your days off while you’re still getting used to it.
When I simply want to eat meat, cooking at home is great because it’s higher quality, more affordable, and guaranteed to be satisfying.
Knife skills won’t improve unless you decide to train and practice on your own.
Cabbage and napa cabbage shrink more than I expected when cooked.
Living alone and cooking for myself makes me strongly realize that the spaciousness of my parents’ kitchen was an advantage.
I want a bigger kitchen.
Whether it’s IH or gas, you’ll want a stove with at least two burners.
I want a space that is relatively spacious, too…
Just tearing off 1 or 2 outer leaves of cabbage is enough for one meal.
It’s not mackerel pike, but having things like microwaveable grilled mackerel from convenience stores stocked in the fridge makes me more inclined to eat breakfast, so it’s helpful…
Just stocking up on this, natto, and tofu makes me feel pretty good…
Even instant miso soup is totally fine…
A place to securely put the cutting board, for example…
If there’s a beef bowl chain on my commuting route, I end up eating breakfast there quite often.
It’s appreciated, isn’t it?
A mountain of increasing wakame…
Fish are a hassle to cook, so I mostly just rely on canned mackerel…
I started craving beef after looking here.
I’ll buy sliced beef or small cuts and make a grilled meat bowl.
You can add one more dish with chilled tomatoes.
There was a time when it was quite painful when prices were high.
I’m at cooking skill level 1.
Are there any vegetables that can be roughly grilled without producing kitchen waste, other than kouenoki and kimchi?
I don’t like bean sprouts, so I can’t use things like stir-fry mixes.
You might find pre-cut individual items like cabbage, Chinese cabbage, shimeji mushrooms, or king oyster mushrooms.
There are also frozen broccoli and dried vegetables that can be rehydrated with water.
Buying fish fillets is no big deal.
It tends to be thought that way, but it’s still troublesome to deal with.
Recently, they even sell boneless salmon, which is amazing.
Since I’m only making simple things like fried eggs and randomly grilled meat, I hesitate to call myself someone who cooks for themselves.
Buy the discounted fish at the supermarket.
I like to simmer frozen burdock in a sweet and savory sauce.
It’s delicious.
The hurdle for fish is really high.
Fish can be easily stored in the freezer and can be cooked simply by baking salted salmon or dried fish in the oven.
Napa cabbage… hot pot… water… fire… ponzu…
It’s a delightful three meals…
I think the biggest advantage of cooking for myself is that I can enjoy freshly made food seasoned to my liking.
On the contrary, failures are mostly my fault, so I can accept that.
I’ve started eating three meals a day properly even though I’m working remotely…
Just grilling fish is a hassle for cleaning the grill, and it leaves a smell behind…
Recently, I’ve become obsessed with eating rice topped with natto, egg, and bonito flakes; it’s just too delicious.
There, add okra…
Isn’t it complete when you mix and put it on?
Thinking of recipes is too difficult.
Since I bought this, I’ve started buying vegetables.
It’s mainly for carrots and potatoes.
People who cook for themselves every day are amazing…
I’m doing my best with meal prep…