It’s LO, isn’t it?
I was surprised that the latest episode suddenly ramped up the intensity.
The appearance of the senior male was too ugly and unacceptable.
Isn’t Mekakure looking a bit cool?
I’m going to shift up a gear! …It’s more than just one.
This week, Mii-chan was really pitiful.
Mii-chan has suddenly been completed all at once…
Thus, Mii-chan’s middle school life has come to an end.
That’s a bit too much all of a sudden, isn’t it?
If it weren’t for this, I wouldn’t have noticed the update! I hate that Mii-chan is sometimes every other week and sometimes every week!
Mii-chan’s sad past (a truly sad past)
It’s just too sad, or rather it’s a bit broken…
Once you experience this, you’ll wonder what your type even is.
It’s not just Gouda, but somehow this kind of thing feels different.
I just want it to be a result of my own actions.
In the sense that people can deteriorate greatly depending on the environment of others around them, this perspective is not wrong.
Even so, being rejected all at once without any dialogue feels even more like a convenient plot for death this time.
In the end, are you really going to end up with Yukina?!!
He is a typical type of negative and whiny introvert, so I don’t think Sato-kun likes him…
I feel like the relationship won’t progress any further just because I got a little faint from the shock of Mii-chan.
Sato-kun did nothing wrong, but he just wasn’t a prince…
The final self-deprecating laughter and tears felt rational.
Yukina-chan’s great victory!
Everything has fallen apart, but I think my intelligence has slightly increased.
They say to use condoms during sex!
Mom doesn’t know about this! Isn’t Mii-chan smart!
You have to reach an intelligence level comparable to that of modern Mii-chan.
I’m glad I could hear Sato-kun’s true feelings.
Yukina-chan wins without doing anything, it’s hilarious.
Yukina-chan’s friend is the top villain in this manga.
Yukina-chan was just an ordinary child, neither particularly good nor particularly bad.
It doesn’t matter who you end up with; in the end, we all die anyway.
Considering the influence on future generations, mob ponytails are too evil.
Well, I’m alive and well in the present… but I will die.
Honestly, Sato-kun has really good taste.
There is evil energy, right, Mii-chan…?
After this experience, Mii-chan has also grown a little… whether that is true or not, I’m sure something good will happen.
There is actually a story about a woman encouraging a man to go after a woman she is irritated by.
This time, rumors will spread that I’m hunting for boys instead of going to school.
It’s hell, isn’t it?
I guess that’s one of the reasons why it’s difficult to go back to my parents’ house.
This story felt really sudden.
I wonder if it’s a route that an old woman concerned about appearances would take to send me to Tokyo.
What the entourage is doing is too extreme.
In women’s society, it’s often the case that the No. 2 is worse than the boss girl.
Each episode is divided, but the story progresses significantly in each one.
The senior who hits me because they are annoyingly noisy.
Because of Yukina-chan’s entourage, a monster has been born…
What happened to Sato-kun to reach that value system?
I wonder if I’m being eaten up by the insurance doctor…
It seems unrealistic that the old woman hasn’t noticed anything after several days since the initial rape.
I’m sorry, but even if she notices, she won’t be able to do anything about it, so it’s just a margin of error.
There is a possibility that it was right after the rape since it’s Mii-chan.
Just being granted a new attribute doesn’t change the fact that it’s a monster from the beginning…
Because those delinquents were unnecessarily kind afterwards, my sexual desire and need for approval got intertwined.
It will probably become hit or miss.
It’s commendable that I’m holding back my urge to scream after being rejected by my friend, all for Sato-kun.
It was the development I wanted to see, but it’s a bit over the top.
I thought the subtitle “Girl” made it seem like the person in the image recognized their own daughter going through puberty as a living flesh hole.
I guess that’s the end of the past arc.
It seems that Mii-chan’s storytelling from a god’s perspective to Yamada is coming to an end…
I feel like there might be a story about going to Tokyo.
What it means for NTR to occur officially.
I think Yukina-chan is cute, but her entourage is terrible.
The things I was complaining about to Mii-chan last time were cute and very middle school-like.
There should be a blank period on the surface from when I graduated middle school until my first appearance at twenty.
I might also take Mu-chan along in the story.
I was quite surprised that Sato-kun didn’t hate me.
I hate to say it, but I think Sato-kun only thought of Mii-chan as someone whom animals have gotten close to.
I felt gross because I realized it was a female dog that was aroused by me.
Mii-chan’s pure side… is no longer pure.
Despite only appearing once, Ponytail-chan left a huge mark!
The gear is way too high!
Yukina-chan, who is normally liked by her evil entourage, is probably a beloved character.
Muu-chan doesn’t come up in the stories about middle school life…
These kids were really good friends.
When you fall in love, I think it’s just how it is that friends become less important.
It turned out to be terrible that I wasn’t hated by Sato-kun in just one episode.
If the old lady who confirmed the circumstances of the condom shoplifting had done so, it would have been possible to identify the culprit and resolve the matter smoothly.
Isn’t it continuously reinforced that the root of the problem lies in the grandmother’s careless education?
Did Yukina’s friend surpass Meiko in the ranking of the worst characters?
It’s more like a different genre of evil rather than just being trash.
Miiko is probably more on the silly ranking side; it’s just a move due to basic ignorance.
The trash ranking has the lesbian friend jumping to the top, and probably won’t come down, so they’re going straight into the hall of fame.
The theory that Mii-chan lured Mu-chan into standing around is gaining credibility.
Moreover, it wasn’t done thoughtlessly by a fool, but under dark emotions.
(Sukina-chan is cute…)
If the old woman had any decent thinking, she would have been put in a support class and that would have been the end of it, so what is this all about now?
I’m glad that Muu-chan was able to reach a point where she could properly refuse to be a standing girl in the end.
What happened to Sato-kun that made him think that a relationship without romantic feelings was good in middle school?
The portrayal of the once gentle Satsuki-chan drifting away is also skillfully done.
If you’re going to be surrounded by such rumors, it can’t be helped.
Yukina-chan is cute, so get rid of those annoying ones, that mindset.
I’m glad Sato-kun didn’t have a terrible experience…
I didn’t do anything, but Mii-chan disappeared, how lucky!
Mao-kun is probably higher on the trash ranking…
The seniors are kind and smile after it’s done.
I wonder if Sato-kun is experiencing some kind of sexual abuse.
Children with good looks often experience forced “onee-shota” scenarios around elementary school age…
Mao-kun is a different level of scum again.
I’m taking your money, but I haven’t abandoned you, Mao-kun…
Isn’t it just that I haven’t thrown it away because I can make money from it?
Ugh, it’s just way too frustrating and tough to deal with.
Isn’t Sato-kun quite the saint in the story?
I’m glad to hear that Sato-kun has been released.
Sato-kun, is this guy’s mental state okay?
Rape was one of the predictions, but seeing it in reality is tough…
The development of being taught to lick had always been anticipated.
It has far surpassed that…
“I feel like I’ve realized it again,” he said, so I don’t think Sato-kun is a virgin.
Torumaki-chan is too evil.
As always, the Pythagorean switch has an artistic connection…
The senior students who suddenly popped up from a cheerful school at the bottom.
It’s the kind of school that Mii-chan attends.
Yukina-chan, who is just cute, is a bug character.
Sato-kun is so cute…
The modern Yamada who is being told this…
Uaaah… Ah…
Aren’t there a lot of responses in this thread?
It’s even more tragic that she was somewhat cute.
It’s established, but is this image okay!?
It has high visibility…
Someone who only knows the title and hasn’t read it can be easily dismissed.
Outstanding visibility!
I’m sorry, but rape is just plain disgusting.
I’m sticking condoms on the desk, too.
The criticism of what the school is doing is more prominent…
Now I can connect with Mii-chan as she is now…
I wonder if Yamada can understand, even though the narrator is Mii-chan.
Since there are various perspectives, well… if it were really Mii-chan’s story, I wouldn’t understand anything.
I’m glad the one who taught “peropero” wasn’t the one in the thread picture…
The previous times were surprisingly good in terms of civic consciousness.
Lesbians, you know…
You often do things that look like you’re rummaging through garbage…
Delinquents have the same level of intelligence, huh…
The part that feels like half-heartedly nice guys really hit Mii-chan too hard.
Aren’t there many anonymous users reading the paid content?
It seems like you have some interest.
Let’s read together!
Alright, this will connect us to the present!
The seniors are saying that Mii-chan is the best.
Well, it’s fine since it’s Mii-chan.
To be honest, from Yamada’s side, they will probably figure it out just from this conversation…
It’s more than enough to feel something abnormal when it’s narrated from Mii-chan’s perspective.
Sato-kun is good-looking, so there must have been something going on with girls.
Is the rubber on the desk a ponytail?
Even if the same development happens in a doujinshi, it’s said to be at a level where it’s hard to get off due to the unpleasantness.
If you’re doing something like this in middle school, you’re basically trash, delinquent.
From Yuki-na’s perspective, even though she didn’t do anything, Mii-chan fell over on her own.
And she got together with Sato-kun.
From Mii-chan’s perspective, who has hardly ever been praised, it’s like a powerful drug.
It’s something that’s often seen when people with borderline intelligence fall behind.
I will also lick it.
I had sex with a senior after entering junior high school.
I also had sex with the clerk, the uncle, and the teacher!
I think it’s possible to understand even through a narrative like that.
I’m glad that Yukina-chan was not involved at all.
The exposure of condoms from a rape is simply nauseating.
What is the teacher doing…?
I have appendicitis.
It’s going to become a big issue in the staff meeting right away… The fact that it’s stuck on the desk of the borderline child shows that this is a problem that could happen in the future.
To make it as if it never happened.
I feel it’s a bargain to be licked.
Mii-chan is going to be raped…
In the end, I get raped and murdered…
Aren’t you being tortured?
If the lesbian hadn’t caused a stir, you would have been getting along well with Sato-kun and Satsuki-chan.
So what is Dad then?!
I want the ones who make a fuss normally to disappear, right?
Other than the ponytail, my classmates were actually kind.
Yukina is… well, an ordinary girl.
From Mii-chan’s perspective, if we’re talking about the past, then Yukiina-chan and the psycho les would not come up at all, so there’s no choice but to have the people involved at the time tell the story themselves.
There is a possibility that it will come out because the lesbians incited each other.
Yukina-chan is really someone I don’t know.
There are delinquent kids who engage in things like rape, and it’s not surprising that such messed-up children born from messed-up parents are wandering around here because it’s M Prefecture.
It seems like someone is going to use a Stand.
M Prefecture, S City, Mō Town
Well, it will definitely become a department store for STDs in the near future…
Is the real culprit a local delinquent or something?
That’s Mao-kun, right?
I’m expecting to be killed if I don’t pay the money.
Mii-chan was killed not in Tokyo, but in her hometown.
The question of how to obtain the medication and whether to go to Miyagi.
My mother is grossed out by what’s in the condom.
There are people who are saying they want to label Mii-chan’s friends as bitches and sleep with them.
It’s not a good class.
I don’t think the appendix has anything to do with it, but regardless, you licked the teacher too, right?
Even though the ponytail is nameless, it has too big of a role, so it’s surprisingly likely to be the culprit.
I think Yamada will follow up afterwards when he hears from teachers like Sukaki.
From the readers’ perspective, it had relatively improved, but the teachers were stressed and ended up with appendicitis, and they didn’t want to get involved.
I wonder what you have to do to die like that…
I haven’t licked the teacher yet.
It’ll be fine if it goes viral!
It’s seriously so disgusting that I can’t handle it.
Why are you reading?
Why is that…
This isn’t really crossing the line; it’s more like the maliciousness of a kid.
They said that even those who bully you are forgiven with a little licking.
Is it still continuing?
It says that the teacher also licked it…
It’s probably a public middle school, so it’s not surprising that there are delinquents.
When interacting with someone with a mental instability, even a healthy person can become mad, so both the old lady and the teacher are victims.
In middle school, there are kids ranging from really smart to monkey-level, right?
In the countryside, there are only public schools, and it feels like all the kids from the same area are just lumped together carelessly…
The old woman’s reputation is already in shambles.
Eating garbage outside before this point already shows that social standards don’t matter…
It’s just that among the strange behaviors like shoplifting and rummaging through garbage, hunting for men has been added, but it’s all fine.
Is the drugstore employee who shoplifted condoms receiving a thank-you visit?
Even delinquents who are rapists are a bit out of it.
It feels like it’s not enough normally, right?
A little more intelligent than Mii-chan, but…
I’m scared of the first-year middle school boys who want to do things with Satsuki-chan.
Sexual desire…
…Is that so?
The level of civility is so low it feels like the Showa era.
Does this mean that if you’re disabled, it’s okay to brush off rape?
I attended a public middle school that was 99% violence and 1% drugs, but I never heard of sexual violence.
I wonder if the last teacher being called out is the appendix teacher.
The level of the public has suddenly dropped too much…
Mom is not to blame, it’s the ponytail that’s bad.
The ponytail mob is just too evil.
It’s not the industrial high school with the lowest deviation value in that area.
The old lady has an unwavering trust from the nameless, which doesn’t do anything regardless of the situation.
Somehow… the world view suddenly changed…
All that’s left for the old lady to do is to hand over a lot of money and have them go somewhere.
I wonder what will happen to the remaining 2 out of the 3.
It is a fate that pushes relentlessly toward destruction…
Honestly, it would have been better to go on a rampage fueled by Meiko’s bad ideas.
What is this guest character Lev…
No matter how much desire I had, I didn’t have the courage to charge in after hearing there was a bitchy girl at the same school…
Moreover, if it’s a child rumored to be lacking in intelligence, even more so.
What Dr. Suzaki said has stuck with you all this time, hasn’t it, Mii-chan?
It’s more like pushing forward.
Being pushed off.
The rest are just memories of going to Tokyo and the arrest of Moo-chan, right?
I think there is a reason for Mu-chan to go to Tokyo too.
I’m relieved that Sato-kun didn’t have a terrible experience.
I thought it was a heartwarming disability manga…
It’s certain that you’ll be brutally murdered!!!!
They died in the first episode…!
Go back and read the first chapter again.
Since I’m going to die anyway…
Sato-kun is the type to date girls…