Cute, cute Caracal Ayame-chan.
Hevilin-chan pierced my fetishes too much and it ended.
There’s too many threads.
It was a serious costume, just for the peach.
If it is said to be a gorilla, I can’t completely disagree.
Lin-chan, so erotic…
Isn’t the fried oyster effect basically just your usual outfit? Isn’t that unfair?
I searched for the Ooaomuchihebi and found that this one also has a beautiful face.
Are you nervous again, Hatochi…?
Other than gorillas, they’re too minor animals…
Isn’t the rockhopper penguin still not that major?
The Super Hard commercial was really popular.
It’s just that Linda Linda seems to be good at it, but is actually bad at it…
In the first place, American Idiot can’t possibly be bad… It must really be bad.
If it’s just about playing, the difficulty goes all the way down to the easiest level.
Momo-chan!! (Bashii)
It’s unfair that Uchida Momoko is the only one who breaks the mold while everyone else is dressed in erotic costumes.
It’s a stage that seems like it would make Ni Kaidou go into ecstasy…
Even Peach-chan had the reason to hold back her animal pajamas, unlike herself.
It seems like only the light music club members are watching the Halloween live, but Yaga-chan is really a good friend.
It’s on a Sunday, right? Seriously kind.
If I dress her like that, the world will realize how cute Ayame-chan is.
It’s okay! I’m really disliked!
Is this my first Western music?
I’m happy.
I’ve been thinking for a while, but Momoko and Tomaki-senpai have a very similar sense of humor, don’t they?
Being too popular and getting lost in it is also similar.
Caracal cats!
Isn’t this fried oyster performance a little too sharp for Takami?
Rin-chan is naughty…
What cosplay is the fried oyster effect?
It feels like it could be featured in Young King.
When I think about it, it’s not cosplay or anything like that.
It’s not punk at all.
I guess it feels like I’m going to lose in terms of order…
If we win here, won’t that reduce one thing we’ll do in this manga?
It’s sad to read while doing such meta-analysis…
I’ve been holding back on some annoying girls who haven’t shown up lately.
It’s not that once you’ve won, you can never compete again.
Episode 60: “Taking the Initiative”
Doesn’t the drum of the fried oysters look like it could make it in the visual kei scene? It’s not very good, though…
I thought Rin-chan was great, and it turns out everyone else did too.
Honestly, I just randomly thought of this, but if punk doesn’t break the rhythm and the vocals have a decent sense of pitch, it seems like it could work out somehow.
The visuals seem to attract core fans, but they’re not good at it…
Rin-chan’s face is so hot!!!!!!!
Why did you stick out your tongue?
Hey, why did you take it out?
It’s a snake…
Snakes sense body temperature and also use their tongues to send smells to their mouths for olfactory detection.
It’s like a snake professor.
You see, punk is often about not being able to play instruments and that’s what makes it appealing…
We have to do something like acapella “Linda Linda” in the courtyard.
Is punk rock better if it’s more poorly played music…?
I feel like there was a famous person who was bad at practicing, but had an amazing charisma.
This song is made so that even someone who can’t even handle the code can perform it with just power chords.
Is it Sid Vicious?
I love the episode with Lemmy Kilmister.
“Hey Remy, teach me how to play the bass.”
“Oh, that’s fine, Sid.”
“Sid, you can’t handle the bass.”
“Ah, that’s right.”
Isn’t the drawing of sticking out the tongue related to the creator’s sexual preferences?
Answer me, Tetsuo.
Rin-chan is too erotic.
I want to pursue a research job where I can collect and culture Rimi-chan’s tongue coating.
Rin-chan has a long tongue…
I’m going crazy; I really like erotic rin…
Mars Ranking No. 1 – Ooaomuchi Snake, Kouyama Rin
You’ve been too careless, haven’t you?
I want Rin-chan to do ASMR.
If Ayame-chan didn’t have a bad personality, I feel like she would be quite popular.
I’m sharp-tongued, but sometimes I’m honest.
There’s no way I have a bad personality.
Yonsu is too excited…
It would be amazing if you could keep sticking out your tongue during the live performance.
The name “Oh Aomuchi Snake” sounds kind of erotic, doesn’t it?
With this many losing flags raised, it actually feels like the opposite.
I like that even though their fried oysters are not great, Tono shows a certain level of understanding in their own way.
I looked it up and the beautiful and cute Oaoamuchebi.
Diamond pattern
I wonder what song we will play.
I thought of ZOO with cosplay, but it’s too old, right?
Using the bass as a weapon to physically fight with the audience is punk.
It turns out that making deep-fried oysters indeed requires the use of dough.
It should be enough with just snakes… what is this ‘Ooao Umuchi snake’?
You’re underestimating Momoko Uchida’s devotion to animals.
That’s strange… even though it’s borrowed.
Response from Tono
I’m relieved that Hashiba-senpai isn’t just a typical “onee-shota” woman, but a good senpai.
It’s confirmed that she cares about her friends, so that’s a good thing.
It’s just that Shota was already interested, and Senpai Hashiba is being cold!
It’s just a choice between a snake woman and Kamen Rider or Kazuo Umezu.
Hebi Rin-chan is way too erotic…
To be honest, I don’t even know the names of the other two people besides the one who likes fried oysters…
It might have appeared in the popularity vote.
I don’t remember, but
A deep-fried oyster that doesn’t realize the reason it was rejected from the audition…
I was just bad at it…
Are you guys really that bad at fried oysters?
Mizuo, isn’t he just a bundle of cunning?
If I were a woman, I would have pooped myself.
The senior is making a face that a beautiful girl shouldn’t make!!
Even a gorilla, Uchida-san is cute.
Are you planning to perform live like that…?
I… don’t want to…
Hatono looks really stiff, but I’m not sure if he will show as much power as he did during the cultural festival.
If you lack the talent to play a song like American Idiot, which doesn’t particularly require technique, even with all the free time like in high school, you should probably quit the band!
A depiction of the lower limit of the light music club.
It’s meta, but if the order is that the protocol is the trick, then I guess the one that wins is the protocol.
The criterion of whether something is cool or not, rather than whether it’s skillful or unskillful, is great…
Just because they’re good doesn’t mean they’re a good band.
Hato tends to overthink and spin her wheels when she’s feeling pressured…
It seems that Protocol will overwhelm us, judging from Mizuo’s unusually confident statement.
I will support Tono-kun…!
Rin-chan making a “sticking out tongue” gesture is too good!
I don’t think it will be settled normally.
Before the protocol performance, Teacher Sugikawa came and canceled it.
I forgot about it with Caracal Ayame-chan, but there was that setup, wasn’t there?
If this doesn’t lead to a resolution, it will be unsatisfactory.
Rin-chan also noticed, so it feels like she’s already done something…
God is so cute… Especially when they are shy…
I’m surprised at myself for feeling a slight shock at the fact that I’m bad at the fried oyster effect.
Because Takami didn’t even consider it…
The song about fried oysters is definitely for those who can relate…
I think you can perceive it intuitively by listening to heartbreak.
This is Linda Linda!
Even if you practice with singing and playing, the feeling of embarrassment is different, so it’s nice that even gods can feel shy…
Once again, God reaches the heights…
A band bearing the name “Kaki Fry” is not good at all…
It’s okay because Hato can transform living shame into divinity.
I want to read the next installment quickly, even though it’s every week.
Oyster fry effect… Isn’t this supposed to be punk cosplay?
It does have a Ramones-like feel to it.
If it’s the Ramones, the hairstyle…
I would be happy if the fried oysters listen to “Heartbreak,” receive an epiphany, practice seriously, and become better.
In a high school light music club, 80% of the members are bad.
I like it around here.
It’s ridiculously cheap… Because it’s a simple code song, basic playing techniques become important… I understand the idea that initial impulse is more important in punk than skilled playing, but even Green Day practices hard every day to give good live performances. I’m really thinking a lot about this… This is my punk rock… Are you watching, Linda Linda Acapella guy!! 2C
Originally, the body line should be more prominent!
It must be the costume choice for each member based on the image of Momochan.
Knowing that she was turned into a snake based on Momo-chan’s image, Rin-chan really is something else.
A punk band in punk cosplay is the worst, of course…
Well… that’s true…
I don’t really understand, but did they get permission from somewhere to mention Green Day’s name?
It appears in JoJo too, so maybe it’s surprisingly relaxed.
Copyright issues should be fine if it’s just the band name, probably.
Unless it’s lyrics or actual use of the song.
I guess Tamaki-senpai will also start taking action to improve her relationship with Kaho-chan after hearing the song of the gods…
Momo-chan probably has no intention of running with this as a joke at all…
The gorilla costume must be a heartfelt choice.
The Protocol drummer is really creepy…
Since last time was the week before last, I kind of forgot the story and when I started watching, there was a really strong-looking appearance of deep-fried oysters and it was no good.
Isn’t it like saying that a well-behaved, polished performance isn’t punk?
Practicing and then playing impulsively
It’s not right to just do it poorly…
Tamaki-senpai, I really think it’s cruel to declare friendship when you’ve been by Taishi-senpai’s side all along…
Mr. Taishi is allowed to confess his feelings before graduation.
The imagined courtyard Linda Linda Man’s face smiled like a god.
Tono-kun is really serious and has a creepy side, but it’s commendable that he doesn’t show it on the surface.
No, it is better to reflect on what is being output instead.
That was a live performance that made the future challenges clear.
You bastard~~!!
Even so, this is about an 80-point answer when it comes to Taomo-chan, so it’s troublesome.
Since Mizuo says the protocol is cool
I guess Takami’s songs have changed compared to before.
The faces of the three Forest Cheer Girls who appeared briefly are too amazing.
By the way, did you come all the way here to support Yagacchi?
Good child.
Yonsu has a good relationship with their senior like that…
Could it be that not only Peach-chan but also Rin-chan is a good-looking girl?
It’s a jump full house from the start!
Rin-chan already has Haneman, right?
It’s like Heartbreak is a beautiful girl band.
Hair is usually the face…
Bishoujo level 75%
Peach Baiman
Rin Tōman
Ayame Jump Man
Dove 3900
Pigeon, you’re pretty reliable!
I think she sees herself as a first-string woman.
If you realize my feelings of love, it will be the end…
If it fits well, it might not be the end.
I remembered that the original author mentioned the Stranglers before.
I guess you like punk.
It would be hard to believe that they would stop everything with the teacher suddenly intervening after pulling this far.
Punk has such a strong image of performance that the music completely doesn’t stick in my memory.
Let’s listen to Motörhead.
The recommendation is Ace of Spades.
If everyone in Heartbreak was dressed in kappa cosplay, it would have definitely been a VIBES BY VIBES guaranteed event…
I was a bit shocked to see Green Day after a long time; they looked quite old.
But they’re cool, those people.
Even an old man can perform like that.
American Idiot was 20 years ago!? …20 years ago!?
Isn’t Green Day almost 60?
It’s not just an old man; it’s more like a grandpa…