From now on, I hope you can live with a smile.
The attribute of being a father.
It’s just really sad.
In the end, being captured by AFO and having everything I did become meaningless is just ridiculous.
At least change your name.
Grant Torino, whom I hadn’t cared about at all, is also to blame.
It was AFO that made the mother have no choice but to do that, and it was also AFO that stimulated the trauma and led her to take that kind of educational attitude towards her son. It was AFO that gave her son this personality as well.
No matter when the seventh generation inherits OFA, it’s a problem.
AFO’s interference is also harassment towards Myto.
Isn’t everything about AFO just bad normally?!
It is assumed that AFO is bad.
It seems to ask for selfless sacrifice from heroes.
As long as the long-standing enmity persists, someone with a family shouldn’t receive OFA, right?
Even Deku could have had his mother killed depending on the timing and period of AFO’s activities.
To be honest, I was actually predicting that direction.
Whether or not one can still act as a hero even after having their loved ones killed.
That world is a harsh one where those who can’t be saved simply can’t be saved.
If a family member is killed, I think it would be completely unbearable.
Even though the spirit was recognized as a hero, what happened?!
Well, it was actually like that, but…
I can’t say my dad isn’t at fault, but you never know what might trigger a bomb like this to explode.
If you’re active without a mask, there’s no such thing as secrets.
AFO is of course also useless at manual stimulation.
Is it okay to call someone who has their whole life adjusted to become a loser a loser?
At the very least, if my personality and mistakes are acknowledged by AFO, then being mediocre is fine.
Everything has been implanted in them by others.
Isn’t it just inevitable to see a family man hero?
It would be a high demand that someone, whether it’s my wife, in-laws, or daughter, could shine a light strong enough to ward off the schemes leading to AFO’s downfall.
Despite being heavily exposed in the media, I wonder why the heroes of that world don’t end up having their families targeted.
At best, just Endeavor’s troublesome fans?
In episode 1, Deku’s heroism was All Might’s misunderstanding.
The usual behavior and a mentality that can be broken by this.
In this world, a father who does not have the strength to stand up no matter how much he is abused is considered worthless and is killed.
Well, if you keep getting up, you’ll end up like Endeavor, a punching bag, huh? Bwahaha.
Even if he’s completely beaten up, Endeavor, treated like a low-ranked, power-harassing old man, is admirable.
That’s why the bond deepens.
This is just a story related to AFO, but in ordinary households, if this kind of individuality were to manifest, accidents like this could happen anytime.
There was something like how movies, Smash, and spin-offs were born at the same time as killing the parent.
Eri-chan is similar, but the answer to that is the confinement in school that relies on individual abilities.
It’s the world’s fault for not reaching out! I was saying things like that, but in the end, AFO was the one at fault.
Well, it’s obvious that you were leading me that way.
It’s not bad that Dad was just being led.
The hand job as a villain became trash all because of AFO.
Hand manipulation has been continuously performed on AFO’s palm.
That being said, there was also a talent for villainy.
The world of Hero Academia is centered around AFO and Endeavor.
Even though All Might couldn’t kill AFO, he weakened him to the point of becoming completely incapacitated. That just shows how incredibly great a hero he was…
It seems that even in solo play of LoL, they were instructed by AFO… how pitiful.
It’s a given that the fool is to blame.
That aside, after killing my dad and feeling good, during the post-nut clarity, the sulking hand job was useless because no one helped me.
It’s just a profession called “hero.”
Well, the privilege is too strong.
This is the first time I’ve seen a My Hero Academia father thread other than Endeavor.
What was up with Deku’s father not showing up?
In the end, Deku’s dad didn’t show up.
The dilemma of a shonen manga where the protagonist can’t be a protagonist if the guardians are involved.
Whether it’s Deku’s mom or whatever, not showing the father is quite something.
In the end, Tokido-kun was also not that great.
It’s not about the guardians anymore on that side.
I don’t think the Todoroki family will get caught up in the dilemma of that shonen manga…
Blaming it all on the testicles is a bit…
Isn’t it a bit contradictory to have a hero who heavily favors celebrities while also beating up criminals?
It might be common for people abroad, but the fear of retribution from criminals is too overwhelming.
If the police were not functioning, I could understand that, but there are regular police present, you know.
They’re like idols capable of violent acts, those heroes from that world.
And then there’s the idea of being half a civil servant and supporting the country’s strength.
Due to the revelation that Dabi’s mother comes from a genuine lineage of criminals, there remains a slim chance for sympathy.
It’s not good to pour too many negative feelings into the conversation with the father.
There’s nothing but appealing elements in being able to use individuality openly, beat up criminals, and be pampered.
Isn’t it amazing that All Might remained a virgin until he passed on the baton?
I can only say to seriously look for a successor…
I understand that the author has a twisted, attention-seeking father complex because they only expressed gratitude to their mother in their messages.
It’s been about 100 years since individuality started to emerge, yet I wonder why techniques to seal individuality haven’t been established, and I feel that the criticism against non-individuality is too harsh.
Has it really been 100 years since individuality started to emerge?
Wasn’t it the fifth or sixth generation of Deku Mom?
Deku should have been the fifth generation.
I felt like 20% were uninspired and most of them were elderly.
Well, if you’re having children around the age of 15 to 20, that’s about 100 years.
Did we really need to turn Deku’s mom into a lewd, voluptuous older woman? ❤️
Isn’t she just an average middle-aged woman who has gained weight?
Yes, yes, it’s all AFO’s fault. It’s boring because of AFO.
It’s inevitable since it’s the final boss.
Well, if All Might had people he loved, like family or children, they would definitely be targeted and things would have been much worse…
Originally, the interference with the hand man’s house was also a harassment towards Might.
It’s all AFO’s fault that the torch burned the forest and itself, burned the orphanage, and went crazy!
What is that? I don’t know… scary…
There’s nothing that can be done with the thread image, and there’s almost nothing that can be done with the 7th generation or hand manipulation, so there’s nothing that can be done.
Putting the thread image aside, I think the seventh generation had things they could and should have done, like escaping the family overseas or looking for another successor.
There are AFO sympathizers abroad…
I think it’s bad to have a ratio of 5 for body type, 4 for temperament, and 1 for relation.
Even now, All Might should hold the girl he saved in the end.
I don’t know if it was before or after, but the husband was also killed.
Since the union has messed up, is there really a need for salvation? So I guess it’s fine the way it is.
If you blame Shigaraki’s various issues on his parents…
It’s because of the parents who abandoned me…
The sixth generation inherited by the family man Shimura is no good.
Don’t say unreasonable things to someone whose lower body has been blown off.
The problem is that if the old woman had actually reached out, she would have died.
It’s strange that while the hero’s spirit of self-sacrifice is treated as excessive, they also impose self-sacrifice on the citizens.