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[Medalist] Yuzuru Hanyu!!?

Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx12

Something… has really gotten out of hand…

2: Japan Otaku Reviews

Eh… Hanyu…?

3: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx37

Yonezu himself is having a great time…!

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

Entering from a sit spin is nice…

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s over!

6: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx16

Incredible, Yuzuru Hanyu’s performance is at a level that could win a gold medal just for this.

8: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx23


I’ve taken it twice!

9: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx52


(Is it about the medal…?)

11: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx12


I don’t know if it’s about the medal or cash!

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

I heard that it was made in a way that allows for free acting.

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

Jump is so high…

12: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I heard that the music video isn’t being released because Genmai Hōshi is practicing skating.

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So, I got injured during practice, so I’m taking it easy during the PV.

13: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

For the purpose of spreading figures and raising awareness among the general public.

Both the sender and the receiver benefit, it’s a win-win situation.

It’s not really a matter of money, but rather about how easy it is to proceed with the conversation.

14: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

I thought there was nothing to see if Yonezu wasn’t dancing, but instead, he brought in an incredible guy…

15: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx9

Is there anyone who can bring in a real medalist?

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Is this a 4-revolution flip?

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I wonder why Yonezu is so into medalists.

It seems that the medalists’ songs were written on their own initiative, not as requests.

20: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Originally, I am a person from the Vocaloid and subculture scene…

It only broke into the mainstream starting from lemons.

27: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx8


It must be interesting.

Everyone in humanity should read it.

40: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I’ve never seen an otaku where the subject seems too big to be forgiven.

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Hanyu can’t land the quadruple flip… but Uno can.

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So, how is Mr. Yonezu’s skating?

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I feel like I can get away with anything now, Yonezu.

22: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx16

Why can I invite such top-tier people for a manga I drew for my favorite voice actor?

23: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

There were rumors that Yuzuru might appear in the PV because it’s about bows and arrows.

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Don’t come up with context like that, your creativity is insane!

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I mean, they are a medalist, and it would be interesting if Yuzuru came, but it felt like we were joking with the assumption that it wouldn’t actually happen.

Take it easy, you fool.

24: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

In the first place, it has been revealed that Hachi is someone who bought the tentacle violation book of Miku-san…

28: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx22


Stop it, please?

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In other words, if it’s the theme song for a baseball anime, you can invite Ohtani, and if it’s a shogi anime, you can invite Habu and Fujii.

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Is it possible that in this manga… there’s only my favorite character?

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I just saw a professional’s serious support activity for the first time.

I can’t believe it.

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The hurdle for Tatsuya Kitani, who wants to do a second season, has become limitless following the success of “Oshi no Ko.”

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After all, I was the one who jumped over the hurdles and made my debut at Kohaku in my second term…

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The second season of Jujutsu was an incredible hurdle even before the anime aired…

I’m looking forward to it!

31: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

It felt like there was no way I could refuse when the director of Fooly Cooly, who I was really into back in the day, asked me for Giga Axis.

34: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Yonezu… I wanted to see your 400-degree acceleration…

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If it’s Yonezu, he could probably secure a gold medalist’s schedule with pocket money…

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

From the very early stages of the medalist, I thought the author’s hobbies were a bit excessive! Yet, with incredible momentum, it seems to be burning through various people’s minds, is this the sun… Kaoru-chan…?

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It’s amazing to see the spin from this angle.

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It’s possible that Hanyu-kun was quite the otaku and enthusiastically promoted himself to Yonezu.

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I mean, I’ve been a huge fan listening to Hachi’s songs on high-end headphones since the time I was going on expeditions for big tournaments.

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In terms of timing, both Teacher Tsukasa and Inori-chan can dance to this song…

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Just wait and see, surely everyone will notice your brilliance.

So it was about Yonezu and Hanyu-kun…

47: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Go, never look back, to a place that can no longer be reached.

Go, go! You have always been shining!


48: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx12


Everyone knows!

43: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Inori herself isn’t really like Kaoru-chan, but for some reason, I can hear Napi’s voice…

46: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

A superstar like Yuzuru Hanyu is not just about the fees and schedule.

Because I place importance on what kind of work the job entails.

If you are to properly play a role in the spread of figures, then that’s that.

49: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

It’s nice that you’re doing a broken leg from a sit spin…

I’m not sure if it’s correct because I’m a beginner at figure drawing…

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In reality, there probably won’t be a collaboration that boosts figures more than this for several years…

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This author is amazing at getting more and more people involved…

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I studied from having zero figure experience to draw a medalist, and I’ve come this far.

There is nothing humans cannot do…

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I really want to avoid the fact that some parts of Yonezu’s eyes are so strained.

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Could it be that medalists are getting involved in the Winter Olympics for real…?

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It seems that someone might dance to BOW AND ARROW at the exhibition…

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It seems likely to be an exhibition.

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(Hanyuu in a night hawk costume appears at the venue)

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The future medalist might have put together their program for the first time with this song.

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I want to believe that there is a possibility of Yuzuru Hanyu performing a quadruple jump in the second season of the anime.

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Oh no (oh no)

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The reason a medalist appears among medalists.

61: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

Because my favorite voice actor’s hobby was watching figure skating, it feels like a butterfly effect that Yuzuru Hanyu appeared in Kenshi Yonezu’s music video.

62: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

Somehow… it’s turned into a big deal…

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Looks like a kid who might win a gold medal…

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“Isn’t it like a situation where it’s ‘Isn’t this the story you started?'”

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I thought it was really beautiful to see Inori’s performance in the anime without any unnecessary information (which is important from a manga perspective), but I also thought it was reliant on the direction and camera work of the anime.

This movement and coolness can be done in reality too…

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I can feel the aura of a medalist from the MV child…

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You can include both flying sit spins and camel spins, right?

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Is it possible that there will be a theatrical version of Medalist?

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Dark Inori-san!?

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A development where we confront strong enemies coming from overseas.

81: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5


You’re already doing it, huh…?

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Are the Indian duo Emma & Jackie?

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The next arc after the world arc will be the demon world arc and the space arc…

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It seems that the anime goes up to level 6, so I wonder if there might be a theater version for the Chubu block.

101: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


The next cutoff is probably when Inori becomes a middle school student, but it feels like the pacing is a bit awkward for it to be done as a second season.

The movie version feels quite right.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t this Yotaka instead of Inori-chan, like Yonezu and Hanyu?

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See him, know him, chase him, listen to him.

73: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Is there any way to make another documentary film out of this?!

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Medalist? Then why not have the medalist do the SP!

I did it!

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Isn’t the pressure on the author really great?

90: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


I think the author was determined from the beginning, which is why they have gained so many (and such huge) followers up to this point.

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If I mess up, I won’t be able to show my face in the DereMasa and figure community…

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Thank you, Yonezu-san… Hanyu-san…

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Yuzu is amazing after all…

82: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

I realized it when you mentioned it in the story about Iruka-chan.

It’s amazing and kind of creepy how people who skate are constantly moving their heads around in every direction but can still tell which way is forward.

83: Japan Otaku Reviews

It means that Yuzuru will perform the night hawk of the Olympics with zero medalists!

84: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s my first time seeing a performance of an up-close figure, and the intensity is amazing.

The cut of Kenshi that dirtying his frequently getting in the way feet is bothersome.

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The night hawk is worth one gold, but Hanyu is worth two golds…

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Age-wise, it’s definitely within reach…

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…Is this the night hawk Jun?

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Too troublesome of a fan…

91: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


(Who is it…?)

93: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


There are so many possibilities of who is who that it becomes confusing…

94: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

In the near future… BOW AND ARROW will become Yuzuru Hanyu’s song…

96: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx18

ENGI has been saying that there’s no need to expect an anime adaptation of the medalists, but it’s not for ENGI’s sake…

I was afraid of getting hurt…

97: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

Otaku are starting a chain reaction of fans… it’s becoming quite a situation…

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How can Yuzuru-chan jump like that?

99: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The broken leg from the flying sit spin is amazing…

100: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

When I was reading this at the beginning of the serialization, if you told me a few years later that Yonezu would burn out and create music and that Hanyu would burn out and dance in a music video, I think I would say the latter is a lie, regardless of the former.

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I was just joking around at noon, but did we really get Yuzuru to come!?

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I guess I have no choice but to call Tararipinsky for Mr. Fox…

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Perhaps it’s about Tsuruma-sensei.

Next, it will be used until someone appears who quits their job to become a manga artist and animate their work to give jobs to voice actors.

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There’s no such guy! Oh wait… there was.

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You can aim for higher, right? ENGI

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Yonezu has such great poetry!

Such great skating like Yuzuru!

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Did I call…? Maybe I called…

108: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Just calling on active professionals alone would likely cause a stir.

Is there someone who suddenly calls the top leader…?

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It’s such a situation that anyone could come after this…

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Should I call in Plushenko…?

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How is Nappy’s state of mind in the midst of the turmoil?

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If I were the author, I would feel faint in this situation.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s scary that it seems like something might have come here without being called, rather than just being summoned.

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The people who are summoned in this manga are amazing.

127: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s like a vintage Hoopa Pokémon card commercial with so many people being Special Summoned…

113: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx13

If Yonezu shows up, then ENGI has no choice but to do their best to maintain quality… that’s what I was thinking.

If it had come to a standstill, there would have been no way to escape…

124: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I can’t do the second season unless it’s a perfect package…

114: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

Can’t we have Kaoru-chan sing “Bow & Arrow” in the cover of Deremas?

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

I remember how the younger generation of Olympic athletes who met Yuzuru Hanyu looked like they had just met an idol.

When I saw the medalists, I thought that athletes who have been competing since such a young age and have won consecutive Olympic titles are really just like idols.

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Did you call? Did you come from over there?

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118: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

It’s a bow and arrow, so it’s scary that the bowstring is tied to the strings.

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Activities of otaku that influence the economy.

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Due to a special live program currently airing at the URL linked above.

Nappy seems to have not watched it in real-time yet.

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I hadn’t seen Hanyu in a while, but I didn’t expect to see him in a situation like this…

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When Natsumi Haruse plays Kaoru Ryuzaki, Kenshi Yonezu sings and Yuzuru Hanyu flies.

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When the wind blows, the bucket maker…

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If a cover project starts again, it might be possible.


If a cover project starts again, it might be possible.

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Yuzu is unfair…

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Han Yu-kun was a Nico fan…

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Upon reflection, Disney+ also has the exclusive streaming of Yuzuru Hanyu’s ice shows.

It seems that there might be a connection from that side as well.

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I was surprised that Kenshi Yonezu wrote it himself.

Well, I was kind of thinking that otaku tend to do that sort of thing…

It’s surprising that the most famous skater in Japan is coming.

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I have the impression that sports like this tend to be adapted into live-action first…

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Live-action adaptation tends to show the growth of the actors since children are the main focus…

136: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if this will be covered on a wide show or something?

141: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx9


They will probably take it up.

The combination of Yoasobi and Yuzuru is undeniably amazing to anyone who sees it.

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I think it will appear in the entertainment segment of the morning information program.

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ENGI has worked much harder than other production companies because there are often breakdowns in animation quality…

I’m sorry… I’ll become a fan that can support you…

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The choreography for the skating was done by Hanyu himself… Medallists are different, aren’t they?

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That’s the example of broken and step.

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It may be as depicted in the story, but it’s too luxurious to use the world’s top class as a model!

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There are a few scenes that I don’t know how they were shot.


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Isn’t it okay for Yonezu not to fly like in the other music videos?

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Hanyu-kun is spinning and flying…

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If it’s the best example of skating in Japan, it should be made public to the whole world… Are you watching, night hawk…?

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It’s definitely a night hawk.

149: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx15


Hey! That’s rude to Hanyu!

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The person skating is skilled, isn’t he?

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Because I’m a medalist.

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You’re really good at jumping the quadruple Lutz, aren’t you?

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Isn’t the jump in the MV strange? Is it CGI?

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Did you see the MV?

Do it.

164: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


The dark Yuzuru has come…

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Children who can do this will be the medalists of the next era…

154: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

There’s no way a child can fly that fast!

While saying that, the medalist (true) was doing the same movements as the original work.

155: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

At the fan event, Hanyu mentioned that the protagonist in the anime he watched became skilled too quickly.

I heard that fans pointed out that you were quite strange too.

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Night Hawk Jun has one gold medal, but Yuzuru Hanyu has two gold medals.

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A figure skater raised by Hanyu-kun…

158: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

You can watch Yuzuru Hanyu’s performance for free from angles that can’t be seen from the seats at the Olympic broadcast or ice shows…

159: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5


I don’t see it… even someone at my level knows about it.

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it okay to watch this for free?

167: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


It’s appreciated, isn’t it?

162: Japan Otaku Reviews

The number of medals and social skills are both upgraded versions…

Isn’t this person lacking in reality?

182: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10


The night hawk I envisioned, not falling into darkness, but earning another gold – the strongest medalist.

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I can do a little skating.

208: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


Plyushchenko, stay out of it.

165: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx12

Let’s make it into a work of art.

Let's make it into a work of art.

I have everything, so I can’t blame anything…

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It’s okay to take money, right?

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Are you going to make a comeback now?!

168: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The more I read about the scoring methods, the more Hanyu’s scores seem strange, don’t you think?

Isn’t it a monster?

175: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


Because it’s a monster, it’s a gold medalist.

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That guy gets a perfect score in GOE with quite a bit of elements…

169: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

There’s nothing more exhilarating than having my favorite star as the main character, with Kenshi Yonezu singing the opening theme, and Yuzuru Hanyu dancing to choreography he created himself in the music video.

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Hinata is a good-natured night hawk.

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The anime staff somehow managed to get a capture.

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If Hanyu is called and Yonezu is sliding, it would become a music video where the whole world interjects…

173: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

“Show us the quadruple Lutz normally, Kenshi Yonezu, move aside!!!” I feel sorry for saying that, but it made me laugh.

200: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7


If Hanyu is performing, then of course I want to see that more than Yonezu!

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I need to add the past of Jun Yotaka winning the Super Slam.

177: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Just last month, for some reason, a new card with Kaoru-chan wearing skates was released in Deremas…

188: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I’m glad that the author isn’t alive for that…

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Don’t call real medalists!

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Install the soul of Tsukasa into the body of the night hawk.

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She has a lot of female fans… or rather, a lot of auntie fans.

It seems that we could approach it without worrying about anime at all.

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Since the anime started, it seems like they were trying to take a high ground by saying how amazing Yuzuru-chan was since childhood, so it looks like this will help suppress the older fans of Yuzuru from openly talking about the medalists.

183: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like I saw something amazing…

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The man doing the ultimate fan activity, Kenshi Yonezu.

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The person who is the best at skating among those involved in the content of “Medalist.”

It seems I can no longer update it any further.

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Night hawks aren’t that impressive…

193: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx9


Why are there real people who are scarier than fiction?

203: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


I’ve heard this in both the shogi world and the baseball world…

209: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Ohtani… Fujii… Hanyu… are you three…

206: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


It feels like Yuzuru Hanyu is like Mr. Ohtani and Kun Fujii, doesn’t it?

It was hard to see how amazing it was because they were a lot further ahead than those two…

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The hopeless number that appears in the manga is Hikari-chan’s 128 points.

Hanyu’s highest score is 330 points.

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204: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


Huh? Huh? Huh?

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The bowstring’s step is too light!

191: Japan Otaku Reviews

It looks like we have no choice but to have the god of quadruple jumps come out…

192: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

There’s no way it’s the real Hanyu.

It’s probably Yotaka Jun.

194: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t have the impression that Kaoru Ryuzaki was incredibly popular, but I feel like he has become really well-known this time.

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Isn’t it a bit too much to have characters from reality jumping out of the world of creation?

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Originally, it’s a work from Kodansha, which publishes photo books of Yuzuru Hanyu, so I thought there might be some connection, and it really did get involved.

199: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

One reason is that the Japanese market is large, but it’s also because of the International Skating Union or something like that.

It has been mentioned that the decline in revenue is partly due to Yuzuru Hanyu’s retirement.

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A real person who fans say has even less reality than you do.

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Night hawks retire too early, you know…

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A big leap after six years.

As expected, the body is damaged.

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Is it enough for Yonezu to just wear a cozy jacket and sing?

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