Home » Game » Granblue Fantasy » [Granblue Fantasy] I got Ragazzo from the free gacha! I’m so happy!

[Granblue Fantasy] I got Ragazzo from the free gacha! I’m so happy!

1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

There is surprisingly nothing at all.

Since Joy-kun, the additions have been a ceiling of 1 SSR ticket and 2 direct gacha pulls…

2: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m not waiting for an update today, you know?

3: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx17


Next is the remaining swimsuits, so it depends on personal possession.

7: Japan Otaku Reviews


The possibility of inverted nipples Galleon and Agrovall is high.

I did this because I want a swimsuit Bab.

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

The festival starts today, you know?

6: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s from the 29th.

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m believing that the Garreon revival starts today, so I’m saving up.

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

I used the guaranteed character ticket with the Grapas point and ended up with Grimuar…

I want this type to have a range indication.

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The one that isn’t special is a trap… Fenni was a book too…

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I had companions…

I should have gone all out for a chance…

I don’t know how long it will take to accumulate again.

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What is special about special?

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was saving up my gauge, but I ended up drawing directly today…

Well, if I can pull the swimsuit Galleon after the update, then I’ll forgive it.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

100 pulls! 1 SSR!

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

I pulled Thorn!

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Today is Gachapin, but I already have most of the swimsuits I want, so I’m conflicted…

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It’s a pride of Tadano!

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gachapin direct hit 10 consecutive pulls Mukk 10 consecutive pulls for Tsukuyomi and Roain.

I’m happy because I didn’t have either of them.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

Hecate has arrived!

I’m happy because I got Zoshimos!

20: Japan Otaku Reviews

I only have the excitement of fishing for Yuel with a 100 consecutive pulls on the 30th and spam luck.

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

While accumulating gauge on the Gachapin side for the festival, I got 100 consecutive hits!

…What will happen to the gauge I’ve built up until now?

23: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


A 100 chain has an increase of 0 for the gauge, so it just remains full.

Congratulations, that’s great!

26: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


The 100 series only does not increase the gauge.

That aside, first it’s you that—

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

Everything inside was garbage! Damn it.

Free 10 consecutive gacha, roulette, 100 times free!!

Everything inside was garbage!

Damn it.

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

The synergy with the upcoming Yukata Shiete is going to be insane, so if you haven’t gotten Yukata Thorn yet, now is your last chance!

“Well then”

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I’m already going to the season’s ten celestial beings with two people, and even if I’m coordinating with Thorn, it seems like I’ll end up going with the original attribute of light.

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I did 100 pulls from Gachapin!

I’ve accumulated a lot of moons…

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I pulled a fully nude Bab-san! Once the free rolls are over, I’m going to throw in some money!

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Even after the free period ends, there should still be a possibility until the 15th! So be careful, okay!

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It seems that the Yukata Nia will be included in today’s update gacha.

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I pulled a Will that seems to have been promoted about a year ago.

If you look closely, it seems to have performance capable of being used in full auto.

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How long will the free gacha last? I wouldn’t mind if it were 365 days!

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At this point today, if the Gachapin gauge is at 0, then it’s only Mukk that can be chosen in the roulette, you know?

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If you’re betting on the possibility of winning 100 consecutive times, then not so much.

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If you’re going to throw away 100 consecutive pulls, then that’s how it is.

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m really satisfied that the Lagazzo from Gachapin has come.

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I want you to teach me a little.

Which one has a higher pickup rate right now, Ragazzo if today’s update is about brother Galewon, or Galewon later on?

I pulled the Gachapin mode, so I’m a bit torn between both as there’s a chance to dream a little.

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If it’s character 3, it might rise to around 0.3 from the current 0.233.

Have the Thira Stones and Water Suit Cerberus Stones already been reprinted with just the thinning solution?

Do your best.

45: Japan Otaku Reviews


Let’s check the situation at 12 o’clock, and if everything seems fine, we’ll run it in the back!

Thank you, Anonymous!

37: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Mr. Thorn came.

I got a nice skin.

39: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

It took a year!

It took a year!

41: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx9


Abnormal Fenny lover

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The drop rate for the higher-grade Magna Anima is terrible…

42: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Is the seasonal six dragons only remaining in Euwiya and the darkness?

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I want to see the angry mode of Nuu after being washed…

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

It was a 10-roll today too.

I’m feeling good as the gauge fills up towards the end.

46: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Although I’m a man, Lagazzo is a great hit, you know?

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It is a yes in terms of performance and timing.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

Tomorrow it’s definitely a pinmo, so I’m going to invest in classic savings!

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In the yukata gacha, the other character is likely to be the yukata sage, right?

50: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s the gold micro bikini Maria Teresa.

51: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Yukata Maria


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It can be said that way, but it can also be said otherwise.

It’s how it looks, you know.

53: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I think it’s better for Gachapin to spin the latest gacha…

Classic can be earned even from the emptiness of being free once a day.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m looking forward to Naked Maria.

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

It is said that the presence or absence of Ragazzo makes a difference in the old battlefield.

It might not come out.

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Mr. Gachapin, this is different! I thought it would be good to do the classic about three times before doing the regular one, but then I got a rainbow on the first try…

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If the two special reaction dispels and the two permanent actions didn’t shine, that skirmish would be way too crazy…

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

I got one gold moon from a pinmo direct pull, but I found a nice artifact.

Item Details: Santo Robe
Equipment Conditions: Water
Lv 1 Self Attribute Attack Power +10.4%
Lv 1 Triple Attack Probability +4.4%
Lv 1 Damage Cap Increase on Critical Hit +2.4%
Lv 1 Experience Points Gain UP (cannot be stacked)
Activates even if in the sub-member slot +1%
Unwanted Items

I got one gold moon from a pinmo direct pull, but I found a nice artifact.

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Is it possible that we can’t rely on Gachapin for the new character gacha at the end of the month?

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It’s to the left.

Without geta, I am forced against the ceiling.

65: Japan Otaku Reviews

Huh? I thought the 100 consecutive festival was tomorrow? I thought the dark pot festival would start today.

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The old battlefield is fine because we have the Ann we got from the last surprise!

67: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

During this time, if Penny doesn’t read the notifications, she will crawl on the ground for life.

69: Japan Otaku Reviews

I pulled 30 times from 80% on the ping and it became 90%.

It’s probably impossible for Pinmo the day after tomorrow, and it’s the worst.

73: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It depends on what you want to pull, but if you’re focused on the festival gacha, it’s fine to ignore tomorrow’s roulette.

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

The artifact really doesn’t drop the fire gun!

They’re squeezing it out because it gets reused when useful for Essel!

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I got a duplicate of Yukata Thorn’s weapon in 30 pulls.

There are people who are worse off than Finny, you know?

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They’re not here, the luckiest ones are the unluckiest.

I’m not loved by anyone.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

Swimsuit Babe has arrived!

78: Japan Otaku Reviews

I tried using the anniversary gacha for the first time by making my first purchase.

Even though it’s a festival event with double rainbows, I ended up with 100 pulls and got the minimum guarantee of 4 rainbow stones twice.

I definitely won’t spend money on it again.

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s Uni-chan, that’s one thing, but I can’t stand Fenni.

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I’m troubled by the existence of the swimsuit Mimonem that came with the Anivastale.

Of course, it doesn’t shine like it did in its prime anymore, right?

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It was three years too late.

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

The mental health yukata is coming in today’s update, you know?

I’m struggling with whether to choose the naughty aunt or something else.

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It’s too sexy…

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

If the Saju Dakoh doesn’t come, I can accumulate stones.

88: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

I saw a dirt Fenny for the first time!

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

So far, there have been 0 new character additions with Gachapin…

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

At the time, the impression of Yami Harezena was that it had a low evaluation, but it’s actually quite capable, you know?

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Fate was interesting.

Pine Ball was cool.

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I see that it’s used in the Ten’gen solo.

There’s hardly any demand for high-difficulty solo dark content, which is why the evaluation is low.

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There are still places where you can use Mizubabu, you know?

It popped out suddenly, so I’m curious about it.

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

Tomorrow is Chapin.

Why isn’t there a festival tomorrow?

111: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you’re that worried about it, you could also not bring it up tomorrow.

97: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Well, I think it’s unlikely to get anything with 30 pulls, so I start to calm down and think about how much that is in cash.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews

The eggs that chicks are born from and the ones we order as options at a beef bowl restaurant are different things, you know?

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It’s the difference between fertilized and unfertilized eggs.

106: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I want Fenny to lay fertile eggs!

99: Japan Otaku Reviews

MimMemo is just too simple at this point.

But I feel like there might actually be some useful applications for it.

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If the tension axis suddenly gets pushed, there might be a seat available.

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The yukata ansuria has been adjusted and is quite impressive, so it doesn’t seem impossible at all.

101: Japan Otaku Reviews

I used Halazena in a swimsuit on a knight I didn’t know, like Cosmos.

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A beautiful older sister named Nerve appeared!

This person is going to be used!?

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It’s better to stop drinking sake straight from the bottle.

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

The swimsuit Mimu memo is erotic, so there is still demand for it now.

107: Japan Otaku Reviews

Fenny-chan is a beautiful girl with charm and expressions.

It looks like this when I’m serious.

109: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Hare’s unique skill buff during evasion has a surprisingly large effect, and since it can activate twice, I think there’s a chance we could make it in battles without a 6.6 million limit.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

If we’re going to do a dark theme, then for now it’s Bikki, right?

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it that there are a lot of awful signs from unknown old guys? What’s up with that?

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since Yuki-san came, it’s safe.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

The light instrument is quite interesting.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the same Ragazzo has come out, I don’t know if I’ll use it, but I’ll grow it.

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wanted to get intimate with Yutaka Thorn, but there wasn’t a chance…

117: Japan Otaku Reviews

With only 1mm left on the gauge, it ends with a Mukku 20 consecutive and a Stone Frey 20 consecutive.

This time, nothing good has come out, and I’m feeling down… I can’t expect anything until the end…

118: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gachapin has only a few more times left…

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t really hear much about Yukata Nia either.

What’s going on?

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When viewed on its own, it’s quite strong, and I have no complaints.

Fate also has exciting interactions that lead to surprising twists, making it interesting.

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Ah, I’m doing something like the heroine of a romantic comedy manga right now…!

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It has quite a competitive performance.

When asked if we can drive out Hāzehaira, it’s quite difficult to say.

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I want you to stop wearing a yukata because you might put your blood in the shaved ice or your nails in the yakisoba.

120: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

So far, looking only at the gacha, this is the worst anniversary ever.

121: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

This time, I haven’t gained anything except for a slight increase in gomoon.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the water wrap came out, it was good for the little guy.

In the first place, I didn’t really come, so my mindset was pretty relaxed.

123: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the first anniversary, I was thinking that there weren’t any weapons I really wanted that had a decent amount of boost resonance agreements for each attribute…

I want a monkey, but I can’t dig for one at this time, you know?

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If you have that much ready, then the current speed isn’t efficient, right?

124: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

In the case of water characters, the current state is so complete that being a little strong doesn’t make them a topic of conversation…

125: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s a big victory with the perfect Gachapin mode of a 30 consecutive gauge max!

I don’t want to remember what happened after that…

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I narrowly stepped on the gauge and it turned into a pin, but I’m unsure whether to aim for Thorn Raga, Water Bub, or Garelion…

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From looking at the responses, it seems that there are more people who want the former.

130: Japan Otaku Reviews

27-29 Water Galleon, etc.

29-31 Dark Pot Legend

100 consecutive pulls on March 30th.

4/1 – Yukata and Shiete or Reje

Also, is it three times for the roulette: 28, 29, and 31?

132: Japan Otaku Reviews


31 is the new character.

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It’s twice, on the 28th and 29th.

Gachapin ends at 30.

Also, Shiete is from 31.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews


Can’t you wear the geta at all with the additional 100 consecutive draws?

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If you can pull the pinmo or 100 consecutive draws in the last two days, you can wear geta!

190: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


Don’t end!

Please, please, please!

131: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have to decide on the solo supply ticket soon.

Should I choose swimsuit Horus or the tired OL in a swimsuit?

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

I believe that Sajiudakoha will come on the 31st.

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I wanted Ragazzo, but Hecate showed up instead…

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Nier has grown to the point where he can deal with things by leaving them half-dead.

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I want Artman to come, even if it’s next year.

140: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m busy because I have to exchange various things after spinning at 31 until April 1st at 6 PM.

142: Japan Otaku Reviews

The biggest win is being able to pull Yuel in 100 draws.

Well, that’s impossible.

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I was thinking of making the second step-up for Uruiken, but I heard it’s no longer needed, so I’ve run out of options… The contract has already expired, seriously? What the hell…

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In short distances, it goes in perfectly.

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There is nothing that is unnecessary.

The soil is particularly

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Hecate looks like a character from a lewd social game.

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From the very setting, it’s just like a succubus, so it’s no wonder.

But it’s nice that such a big sister really falls in love with a boy, isn’t it?

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It’s a 100+ super mook.

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I am the one who didn’t spin twice before the Graph Festival, resulting in 30 pulls on the first day + Gachamuk and 100 pulls the next day.

It’s better to do Gachapin at the festival than a crappy pick.

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It’s tough because the sub is limited and the main unit has very few uses.

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Ideally, I want to use up the pin gauge over the next couple of days, you know?

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If I pull 100 times on the 29th and can pull about 40 with the spamku on the 30th, I can add 60 more pulls and reach the pity.

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Once the defense value reaches 100, tension and the Yuel Blade and Basara Blade will become extremely important.

156: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the next next time is the ancient battlefield, I’m obligated to pull for Yuel here, you know?

157: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the first place, if you don’t mind about the soil, it’s fine to have the second one as decisive as well.

158: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought I could accumulate enough pin gauges by the 29th, but I’ve only managed to gather half… I have no choice but to aim for a direct hit.

159: Japan Otaku Reviews

I finally completed two of the hero weapons for Shirao… There’s just one left, but the light players’ Fenny is tough, or rather, the seat-taking game is exhausting.

The fact that Manabeli dropped early is the least bit of comfort for me.

164: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I won’t let them say I’m in the light category at this speed…!

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since Gachapin started, I’ve only gotten 8 SSRs so far.

Among them are Basara bikini, Ruoh bikini, Radiel bikini, and Hecate, so I have a feeling that’s both a hit and a miss, it’s hard to say…

163: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx12



161: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m wondering whether to include the third Halmar dagger in the 10 selected items or not; what do you think?

With two weapons, I’m feeling a bit suffocated contemplating whether to forcibly include the death dagger to reach dagger 4 in the main parazo, or to just go with two bab axes and pair it with the contract to make it axe 4.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews

It was a non-owned permanent for two consecutive days.

The false hope is incredible.

167: Japan Otaku Reviews


At the point of not having it, it’s worth a thousand deaths.

If you don’t like it, I’ll replace it with Fenny’s Sekitoba Doggorillagorilla.

174: Japan Otaku Reviews


The scientific name of the western lowland gorilla is Gorilla gorilla gorilla.

165: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

It’s just a gesture of exasperation.

166: Japan Otaku Reviews

The gauge management was going smoothly, but the gauge disappeared in the default Chapi mode…

Cosmos… what does that mean…?

168: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve started collecting weapons that I want in Ephes Medu, the Rafa Fist, and the Legend.

169: Japan Otaku Reviews

Using a transcended Lushi with two main and sub operations is possible, you know…?

I was able to get the second one to level 3.

181: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


If your own divine stone hasn’t transcended yet, there’s a chance.

182: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I’m envious of how composed you are!

Putting jokes aside, the opportunities to use the main Lushi have significantly decreased.

Furthermore, there are no content from Fenni’s perspective that required so much recovery that it needs to include Luci even as a sub.

At a high difficulty level, there isn’t enough space.

198: Japan Otaku Reviews


I see, thank you.

171: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s been 11 years since the game came out, yet I’ve had two encounters in a row with middle schoolers acting all tough.

The future of Granblue Fantasy is bright.

172: Japan Otaku Reviews

The biggest mental damage comes from pulling attribute stones from the rainbow performance.

It won’t be of any benefit…

173: Japan Otaku Reviews

You can wear at least 120 pairs of geta with 293031, you know?

176: Japan Otaku Reviews


31 is where Gachapin is coming back.

However, since there are no 10 consecutive draws for Mukku, it should be at least 120 draws.

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On the 30th, Spamku is coming, so at least 130 draws are needed.

177: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Yukata Nia has quite a niche performance, and it’s fairly strong when it comes to mid-range fighting.

I’m using it to hit strangers, you know.

179: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like this is pretty good for Haze.

Equipped: Sant-Robe Lv 5/5
Equipment Conditions: Water
Staff Enhance Cancel Favorites Unwanted Items
Lv 1 Healing Performance +14.4%
Lv 1 Critical Rate +14.4%
Lv 2 When a critical hit occurs, damage cap increases +3.5%
Lv 4 Each time an ability is used a certain number of times, increase own damage cap (cumulative) 2 times

I feel like this is pretty good for Haze.

180: Japan Otaku Reviews

I haven’t unlocked 4Avi yet, but in NieR, it’s a bit different from the type that would honestly let you ask to show their panties or let you touch their breasts when you request it.

I like the type who is devoted and lets others fondle their breasts.

Sorry if the policy has changed in 4th Abifate.

183: Japan Otaku Reviews


You have the qualities of a “menhera”.

184: Japan Otaku Reviews

How many more times can I pull the free gacha?

You need to adjust the Gachapin gauge!

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I can’t read something that’s a little above.

185: Japan Otaku Reviews

I drew Hecate and I have Lobelia, but who should the last one be? Should I ignore synergy and go with Sis?

187: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is there a mosquito?

197: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Moss that will be replaced after the anniversary ends.

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If you lean towards a secret technique, you could use Baby, or if you prefer an Abidame approach, Magisa is also good. Synergy-ignoring Sis is strong too, honestly, it’s a free choice, Mos.

If you’re okay with a little extra effort, it’s fine for Rei to let the captain act twice.

If you use Rei, you can boost your captain with Roger or Nier to deal incredible damage all by yourself.

188: Japan Otaku Reviews

Whether by fortune or misfortune, after pulling 30 times in a row for two days, I ended up with a game over at the very last moment…

189: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have no intention of going all out in a dark pot, but I really hope that Gachapin drops today or tomorrow.

It’s when you think that way that things manage to be avoided perfectly.

191: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it difficult to use Indala in MOS?

I guess it’s tough if you can’t do a loop like a swordsman.

193: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s just about cutting 3rd skill and focusing on Agaveri or gauge supply roles for the ultimate.

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It would have been great if I could use the third ability, but I guess that’s asking too much…

Thank you very much.

192: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems like you prefer drinking over being groped.

195: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gachapin has come, but I’m wondering if I should use him after today’s update.

199: Japan Otaku Reviews


I pulled for the full-naked character with the dog, but I didn’t get it.

196: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought I was guaranteed a pinmo at Gauge Max today, but it turned into 100 rolls.

I’m happy to get it on the second try, excluding the guaranteed 100 pulls, but I wanted it in the legends.

201: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Mos formation feels like a combination of Roberia, Tsukuyomi, and Hecate, you know?

Which category do Hal Ossi and Magisa fall under?

202: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s a frame before the arrival of Lobelia.

203: Japan Otaku Reviews


In the first place, the selling point of Moss is that the character composition is free.

There’s no need to dye it with engravings.

204: Japan Otaku Reviews

Indra’s third ability is kind of like Shatra’s third ability.

Forget it quickly.

206: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I assembled a Moss setup, it became a large, powerful pervert with Diver, Magisa, Hecate, and Tsukuyomi.

207: Japan Otaku Reviews

The engraved one likes Moss, but Moss only thinks of the engraved one as a handy buff.

208: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s a Tsukuyomi board.

209: Japan Otaku Reviews

Moss doesn’t need lobelia; it’s great that anything is fine.

210: Japan Otaku Reviews

I couldn’t pull Tsukuyomi, but I had big boobs, you know!?

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