There are things I should get like the unowned Gab short sword and the second Zeta spear, but my stubbornness is too strong.
Ignoring the will of the penis will lead to regret, you know.
Even if you take it with your penis, I think it’s okay because these twins are strong.
If Gab isn’t here, it’s better to hold onto it.
Get your penis erect.
Once the seminal vesicles and the penis match, there’s nothing left to do but record it.
The one who is definitely off in the thread is not Bowman, but the instructor.
Recently, the selling point of the thread pictures is that they can deal damage in 3 turns, so it’s worth clicking and strong instructors will remain.
I haven’t been using it, but is Bowman that strong!?
I can’t initiate the Abipochi voluntarily, and I can’t use the OF skill, so aside from the fact that my ability to respond to premonitions is dead, I’m extremely strong.
The thread is filled with Bomansis.
“Get off with Bowerman.”
Wasn’t that Sis going to leave…?
I have returned stronger.
After adjustments, starting with the God Wolf 6 right away is indeed a different story.
If Sys advances to the North Star, it seems like they could produce more firepower than the instructor.
In the first place, I had already come back by the time TA became certain and easy.
It’s too convenient that it automatically fires off abilities.
Well, normally Bowman would come out.
Is it now the Valecinda Laboman Sis for 0 clicks?
If you’re torn between a character or a weapon, go for the character.
If you are troubled by the season or the limit, then maybe it’s the season…
For now, I think it’s fine to pray at the Limista event on the 29th first.
Is it the Bowman that escapes?
I can’t get out at Bowman.
Is Aile?
The punching power is Bowman > Ilza.
Abyss ability is Ilza >>> Bowman.
Now I’m Instructor Shindarashis.
If there’s no Schindler, put in Bowman.
If it’s Pon, then it’s Ilza.
If it’s 0 clicks, then Bowman.
I’m just a noob barely managing to keep the sandbox going as a Mandasis instructor.
Everyone is saying something different, aren’t they?
Which one is the correct answer?
You’ll understand if you try it yourself.
I was hitting Kolow 80 with Instructor Sindarasis, but the damage reduction when hitting Sis is insane.
It feels like even with Kaguya on her back, the buff is so strong that Sis is hitting the limit regardless.
In God Wolf 6, the firepower is more than three times that of zero.
Since there’s a 30% addition to the Kuon slot for each Lv1, in the end, or rather at the starting point, there’s a 210% separate buff applied.
The damage from the Sith stands out above the rest.
This guy is strange.
I want to raise my sis, but I’m stuck at the Magna III anima.
If the opponent is using a special attack without clicking, it’s Bowman.
If you’re going to click even once, it’s Ilza.
If you’re going to keep attacking even when the enemy uses their special without using an Abipouch, then Bowman’s better than a naked Ilza.
Making it a confirmed TA is a bit of a hassle.
Ciss has made a remarkable comeback with the coordination of the polar star.
It’s unreasonable to cover it with an island’s skin.
I want to get rid of Bowman too… It would be better if it were Sis…
Sis gives a lot of feedback at the counter.
It was difficult to confirm TA without extreme breaking.
Sis always feels like she’s punching with a blade, doesn’t she?
Raising the upper limit makes the damage increase by the amount you raised, so it’s interesting.
If the 1st ability expires, the limit will decrease.
A Sith continues to deal reduced damage even without buffs in Kagu Kagu.
Recently, I’ve started to understand Gabriel’s sexiness.
I couldn’t use it as much as I thought because it didn’t perform well in TA at all with Magna.
Do you use thread images for anything other than short-term?
If it’s a secret technique, then I can use it.
It doesn’t give the impression of being as strong as short-term!
Thanks to Roger’s sword, TA has become quite a lot easier.
It wasn’t 30, it was 35.
The extreme star Magna 3 Magna Anima is tough, isn’t it?
If you press Ilza 1, Bowman will come out.
If you don’t push Ilza 1, Ilza will come out.
Was it?
That’s right.
Isn’t it pretty amazing that even with so many short-term seats, we’re able to use them appropriately?
After the adjustment, there’s just one person dealing an uneven amount of damage, and it’s so laughable.
Dark Magna 3 has the advantage of being easy to earn FP…
I didn’t understand the long-term formation of the darkness at all, so I threw in something like Lumberjack, Rich, Hal, Mar, and Ororo.
It’s fine with this system…
I haven’t updated the information…
Long-term darkness… Meigus Indara?
SIS is good, or rather, SIS is just too strong.
Is it a thread picture, a Magus, or a Haro Satyrus?
It’s too dark, isn’t it?
If you’re going to be the first to reach 150 among the Ten Heavenly Generals, there’s no doubt it’s going to be Sis, as she’s incredibly stable and strong.
I had been turning my head 180 degrees thinking that Excorow was going to be destroyed for a while, but when I looked closely yesterday, I realized I had turned off the full-auto guard, and my neck got twisted off.
Heavenly Lotus
The current SIS is a complete nutritional food that supports short-term, medium-term, and long-term needs.
There are times when it may not match with the omen, but basically, it’s a good investment.
The sense of security in having a sub is amazing.
Since it is self-contained, I’m chiseling away at it even alone.
SIS is strong, but still, Sindara is stronger (if you don’t do 1 tap).
Eventually, Sis will likely surpass with some kind of enhancement, but it will take a while for Boman Ilza below to become outdated, so its lifespan is quite long.
The weapons are somehow strong.
On the contrary, what is with Bowman breaking into the limited characters’ transcended 150 level so casually?
I won’t stop…
Baresindara is capable of applying debuffs, which is impressive, so it might not be able to be surpassed even if its pure attack performance improves.
Excolor will deal heavy damage when TAing, so it can be a bit better if you include something like a swimsuit Azusa from Jizo.
Moreover, the swimsuit Azusa is stiff.
Well, once you get out of the Bowman short-term work, there’s no job, so it’s a good compromise, right?
I have been using it since it was introduced and I recommend it because it fits my short-term ideal, but there are many people who hesitate.
It’s used way more than those characters around here.
There are sometimes strange permanent characters like Bowman, Olivier, and Zeta.
It’s not fun without someone like that.
When the attacks hurt, I think Kou-kun is really strong.
I want another Ororo sword…
It’s a game where almost the early characters are still strong.
Six Dragons is popular, so it’s definitely not the case.
I understand why looking at the fire makes you feel that way.
I want the thread image, but I’ve heard that it’s tough with Magna because I need to increase the TA rate, and I’m constantly worried about it.
With Bo-man, you don’t have to think about anything in that area…
So, TA Up Artifact!
Don’t recommend carefully selected artifacts or the path of hell.
I understand it if it’s a divine stone, but with a Magna, it’s like pouring water on a burning stone.
If you don’t click 0, this guy can raise his TA rate by 50% on his own.
I still only have one Sage at the final level, and the main use is for 5 gauges and such…
One click is indeed painful.
If that’s the case, you can manage it with the guidebook, so feel free to come up with your own numbers.
The base TA rate is 6%.
I realized that if I use Thunderbolt after calculating, I can somehow make it work.
I was planning to give up and get the swimsuit Raziel, but I’ll think about it a little longer.
The image is also interesting in Fate.
By the way, does the current Sis keep using her fourth skill continuously after activating it once?
It’s something that can be said to all Ten members, but the 4th ability shortening is only for the first time.
Ah, so it doesn’t mean it will be shorter until the recast.
Well, if that’s not the case, you won’t die from anything other than a weak point reflection or non-elemental attacks…
The fart will also become something crazy.
Well, it’s pretty insane even with 10 turns for reuse.
Are we going to be made to wait 10 turns?
Unless you want to see character fate or something, I feel like it’s just a small increase in contribution.
If it’s Magna, it wouldn’t be about aiming for hero status in the Battlefield.
I can’t help but think that it’s better to have a character that can do things that others can’t, rather than just having slightly increased damage.
But unlike Bowman, isn’t she cute?
It’s a game that you can play for an infinite amount of time, so it’s better to boost your motivation even a little.
That’s a separate element included in something like character fate.
If you prioritize character love, I think it’s worth taking.
My favorite character’s LB Class is increasing rapidly.
It’s a bit unfortunate that the original creator of the thread didn’t add a fighting skill even after the final version.
Can I use this if I raise it to 130?
Moss is fun, so I’m curious about Hecate.
But I’m satisfied with the current Robeyomi Magisa…
Hecate is great.
It felt like an interesting older sister where the comedy outweighed the eroticism, and I couldn’t get into it at all, but recently it has started to radiate a sense of humidity and gravity, making her incredibly cute…
It’s a character needed for content like gorilla digging and looping, so the priority for obtaining it is high.
Ominous Ring Lv 1/5 NEXT 30000 Equipment Requirement: Fire Dagger Enhance Favorite Release Unwanted Item Lv 1 I Triple Attack Probability +5.2% Lv 1 I Ability Damage +13.2% Lv 1 II When HP is over 50%, Triple Attack Probability UP +7.2% Lv 1 III When using a certain number of Link Abilities, reduce the reuse interval of your own Link Ability by 1 turn for 8 times.
I was able to enhance my TA relatively well, but I wish I could freely manipulate the weapon type and attributes…
The fire dagger has so few eligible candidates…
I’m longing to run electric circuits, but the high difficulty of dark gear is holding me back.
I think the Arter punch can deliver sufficient firepower!
I think it’s unfair that Hiyama can counterattack in ways other than just punches.
Just try it out and adopt the combination that increases damage!
It’s fine to summon Gernitra.
I have accumulated 150 rubber, but if it’s just Bowmansis, it feels like Elé will end up being a storage keeper, so I’ve been hesitating for a while.
Zoro, Sanji, and so on…
What about Ufreni and Detar-san?
Not there… I might have slacked off during that time…
The Ufhrenideta was somewhat present.
If it’s confirmed to be TA, does that mean I can perform reasonably well…?
It’s too late to take the Harumaru dagger and shove it into Dam too… I’m troubled by that.
I wonder what goes well with a dagger when I’m not babbling.
Haruharu Despara!
I think it used to be Hamahama Despalazzo.
If it’s Hama 1, things like the Polaris device or Omega?
Isn’t it the end Omega of Orororororo?
If you can’t fit it in properly and it distorts the formation, it’s better not to include it.
I once used four staves with the Moss Extreme Star staff and the Mage Omega staff.
Well, if you love the character, you’ve probably gotten the thread image at the time of implementation…
Equipped Saint Robe LV 5/5 Equipment requirements: Light Staff Enhancement ☆ Favorite Release Unnecessary Item LV 4 I Triple Attack Probability +7.4% LV 1 I Recovery Performance +13.2% LV 2 II Special Limit Increase for Ultimate Damage +6.6% LV 1 III Every time a certain amount of ability damage is dealt, increases own ability damage (cumulative) 40,000,000
This and the other three completely fit together with Funf, except for the fourth one…
People searching for the ideal autofocus are not just in a shallow pit, this is deep.
You can now create 3 gauge 0 pushes for each of the 6 attributes in the sandbox, and the demand for elements has declined significantly.
Well, it depends on each person’s situation.
Boman recently came, so Meg is sharking and gulping.
But when you follow your desires, it gives you peace of mind even during limited seasons.
I exchanged my Kirwam to strengthen my forces.
Anything is fine as long as the top two artifacts are good and the lower one doesn’t have any negative attributes.
I haven’t obtained the pole star yet, but if Sis is dealing overwhelming damage, what will happen if I get this follow-up?
After all, it’s just one time, so it won’t get as strong as you expect, but it definitely extends the downside and is doing its job.
【Excellent Future Potential】 Zoshimosu 【Signs of Popularity】
Whether it becomes popular or not, it seems strong, huh…
Unfortunately, that person is not about future potential anymore, but is strong now.
It’s trendy too.
However, it is limited to those who have Valerobe and Swimsuit Hecate.
(So you’re a Zoshimos player, huh…)
What are you going to do by taking the moss when they’re not here?
Grip it primarily to generate power.
I seriously want you to tell me when I need to be the opposite.
It’s not like I particularly need Luci Zero Mos… I have a recruitment axis, but there aren’t really any reasons to recruit.
Isn’t the best thing actually the hidden Florence?
Be fully nude with Rei.
I don’t need it.
I’ll use it if I have it.
One of the good things about Ele is that you don’t have to manage different characters’ abilities and can avoid using a lot of formation slots to match events.
That’s why it says it’s based on each individual’s situation.
The sandbox can be achieved with a really low cost if you use the deception secret art with 0 clicks.
The acquisition rate was low only here, and the popularity seems suspicious, but Mos is really strong.
If you want to make full use of it, you need a specific character.
Moss is in a position just after Full-Chin Eresh.
Mos will be strong just by taking Tsukuyomi in the next sub.
Moss itself is strong to begin with.
Moss is strong on its own.
Having Lobelia makes it even stronger.
Hecate is nothing special…
(You don’t have Hecate, huh…)
Ere has been used since before the current optimal, so if you look back, you’ll see that quite a variety of characters have been included.
Swimsuit Meg also had her time to shine for a while, right?
The short dagger gets in the way when I want to put in two Feddies.
The misunderstanding about moss will never be resolved, no matter how much time passes.
To begin with, they were strong even before Robe came, so saying that it doesn’t matter without Robe is logically inconsistent.
It’s just a response beggar.
The optimal solution for having a Lushi Zero main can’t really be called just a hobby weapon anymore, right?
It’s no doubt strong, but compared to being treated as if it’s a prerequisite to be fully naked or have something, I can’t help but call it a hobby.
150 is quite expensive, one way or another.
I’m doing this with Excalibur, but it’s scary how the Sis is standing almost without taking any damage until the end.
Registration Formation 4 Set B Main Sub EDIT Miserable Mist Fighting Spirit Bright Slash Oke Rank 388 Friend Lv 250 Lucifer Increases all attribute attack power by 150% / Maximum HP increases by 50% / Restores one debuff effect when the enemy uses a special technique / Pure White Wing effect Auto Formation This party will challenge the quest AP: 111 → 61 This battle applies “God Destruction Pact”
Secret Technique: “Failure of Temptation”
When you receive the stamp from the protagonist, you suddenly get excited, right…?
I wonder if it can enter even with the engraving.
Is it okay with Lobelia Tsukuyomi?
What are you talking about?
Sis seems to be avoiding something all the time, doesn’t she?
What the heck is this guy?
I want to limit each attribute to about one.
Is Tsukuyomi operating in the front?
GRANBLUE FANTASY Weapon “Luminous Series” Possession Status: Raging Wind Sword, Evening Lantern, Fresvelk, Crimson Blade, Flunting, Andromeda, Rompheya, Murcielago, Futsunomitama, Gold-Gilded Armor of Orochi, Ereshkigal, Zosimos *Number of Skyfarers in possession *As of early March 2025 © Cygames, Inc.
Mos is desired because the darkness itself is weak…
People were surprised to hear that Moth is getting a buff, as it was already strong to begin with.
I have become even stronger.
That’s just not possible.
It was just a joke.
Too safe and barely getting any mention, Popular No. 3 and 4, Furez and Kurourushi-kun.
The possession rate of black lacquer is higher than that of Frez…?
I think the highest hurdle to having is Furez.
It was popular during the time of Tsuyobaba’s rampage, but I feel it suddenly cooled down with the rise of fire.
Black lacquer doesn’t need to create a bullet…
Isn’t Tsukuyomi-chan unexpectedly strong for a permanent character?
In the case of the Moss formation, wouldn’t this be better than Megas…?
Bowman sometimes forgets that he treats Ail-kun as a child and is briefly surprised to see that Ail-kun’s LB is 999.
I think taking Furez is quite a luxury now, regardless of how it was in the past.
When Luminous reaches 5 stars, the negative hit rate for Frez will disappear.
I will take the title of the fastest in digging for Tsuyobaha away from the fire.
It’s a bit disappointing that it will be unusable for meat gathering…
Everyone is recommending the swimsuit Radiel, but I’m saying that my penis is a Harosatu.
Halo Satyr has nice weapons, so it might have a chance to shine.
Well, Frez can be used even outside of soldiers…
By the way, making a bullet is fun! Come on!
I was struggling with whether to choose the Decapai Angel or the screenshot, but since I got her in yesterday’s gacha, I was able to choose without hesitation.
In fact, Zoshimos is strong just by being held with the main Mana Diver in the usual composition, even without the engraving.
It seems like the anti-Moss group keeps saying it doesn’t make sense if there aren’t any engraved characters around.
Is it McDonald’s?
I want to see another collaboration.
It’s either a moss anti or just someone who hasn’t played.
Even if I’m denied in a crazy way, I’ll keep going.
Sadly, it often feels better to line up stronger characters than to think about synergy with engravings.
Could it be that in Extreme Break, the instructor has a higher score even with 0 clicks?
No, Bowman’s is higher.
There’s an even stronger counterattack because of Abidame.
Recently, I’ve only been playing Frez with vigilantes and at cabaret clubs.
I didn’t use the soldier relief formation and messed it up.
Wasn’t Moss used in Luci Zero from quite an early stage?
I heard it from my penis, so I got into the Christmas spirit.
What will happen to Full-Chin when Luminous gets 5 stars…
There’s nothing left to put out.
I’ve heard that having a stamped character isn’t necessary and can actually be a nuisance; what does that mean?
It’s not that it’s a bother, but at high difficulty, seats tend to run out.
I haven’t heard anything lately, so I don’t know, but can I still use it if I take the elevator now?
Even when looking at what Moss has written, there are hardly any unfavorable situations without engraved characters…