Home » Game » Pokémon » [Pokémon] It’s touching and makes you want to cry that they’re gathering all the fire elements they can in the Sinnoh region, where there are really only two types of Fire Pokémon.

[Pokémon] It’s touching and makes you want to cry that they’re gathering all the fire elements they can in the Sinnoh region, where there are really only two types of Fire Pokémon.

1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx19

Use Boobarn.

3: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6


If it’s with platinum…

2: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx17

Don’t let flame users loose in a place where there is almost no fire.

5: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even though there are hardly any ice or electric types, it’s not said like this, so the structure of Over is bad.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews


Aren’t Denji and Suzuna being made fun of?

Kiri-Fuda, Octane, and Charem.

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you’re a Four Heavenly King, you should be able to use Pokémon from other regions.

12: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s just terrible that the Four Heavenly Kings can only use enemy NPC Pokémon.

14: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


I think it’s fine to have Pokémon that are revealed in the later stages, like Daigo.

15: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t it essentially that way?

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

Fire type

Gallop, Goukazaru

Ice type

Yukinooh, Maneyura

Electric type

Rentorar, Pachirisu, Raichu

9: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

For now, let’s put in Steelix.

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

You have Glaceon, right?

11: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx9


If you include those after clearing, there are plenty of thread images, aren’t there?

I mean, realize that the booster isn’t being counted from the start.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

Up until the third one, I was doing my best with fossil Pokémon, Roserade, and Lucario.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

The leftover types after deciding with the gym leaders are passed on to the Elite Four, so it’s often like, “This type is too few to make a decent team… well… I guess that’s fine…”

17: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t it strange that the gym leader is already at that point in Diamond and Pearl?

20: Japan Otaku Reviews


This is my trump card! 🐙

19: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since there is neither ice nor electricity, the type balance is already disrupted from the very beginning when deciding on the gym leader.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought that if Fuwaraido were a heat runaway type, it would still make an effort with the fire element.

46: Japan Otaku Reviews


Sucking power, baton touch, ghost fire, becoming smaller.

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

Out of respect for the first generation… but if that’s the case, at least they could have included two Gallop units or something.

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

How about the last gym being electric?

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

Diamond and Pearl unnecessarily take up too many slots with bugs and stuff.

35: Japan Otaku Reviews


Korotoc, Minomucchi (Bug-type), Agehanto (Butterfly-type), Bequeen, and Heracross are rather typical numbers for bugs.

The water of Empoleon, Bibarel, Gyarados, Golduck, Floatzel, Gastrodon, Azumarill, Numelgon, Wooper, Pelipper, Marill, Octillery, Neolant, Tentacruel, Milotic, Mantyke, and Palkia is overwhelmingly strange.

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s much better than the original Kikuko Watari, where there were only the Ghost-type Miniryu and the Dratini.

33: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Still, those guys seem to have mastered their respective poison and flying subtypes, don’t they?

36: Japan Otaku Reviews



25: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Because I can use Ice Fang, it’s the Ice Gym.

Because I can use Thunder Fang, it’s an Electric Gym.

Because I can use the Fiery Fang, I’m one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Fire.

Are you kidding me~~!!

27: Japan Otaku Reviews


There are too many Steelixes!

Too many domilers!

26: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Compared to the half-hearted use of Fire Fang and Fire Punch to fill the gaps before the remake, I prefer the direction of the remake after they’ve fully embraced the role of a support for the Fire ace.

I want my enemy to die.

29: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10


…Next, let’s go.

30: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s seriously changed too much with the 60 new Pokémon added in Platinum.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Sinnoh region has an abundance of water, too much water.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

Wasn’t there quite a bit of ice itself?

Why is that guy using Charem?

34: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


Aren’t you mistaken for platinum?

43: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


In Diamond and Pearl, there are only the Sneasel family and the Snorunt family.

49: Japan Otaku Reviews


Wasn’t Yukimenoko also a Pokémon that gets unlocked after clearing?

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

It would be strange if there were few water-type Pokémon in Hokkaido, which is surrounded by the sea…

39: Japan Otaku Reviews


Hoenn and Alola don’t have such a high ratio.

40: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


The ratio is mostly land like never before over there.

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

There was talk that Gabumon was originally a Water Dragon and was changed to a Ground Dragon, so it’s really confusing how much water was planned to be released.

41: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you think about it, a ground dragon based on a shark is totally confusing…

In the setting, it can fly in the sky and…

44: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Flying in the sky also includes nose art that depicts the faces of sharks and other creatures on the tips of fighter jets.

45: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Isn’t it actually pretty normal for sharks to fly?

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought the thumbnail became gloomy, but it was one of the Four Heavenly Kings.

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, I understand that there is less fire and more water because it is inspired by the Tohoku region.

48: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


It’s not a reason for the lack of ice!

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel that the water ratio in Sinnoh is worse due to the wetlands more than the abundance of the sea.

How many Mizujimendons are there, I wonder?

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

Shark characters that inhabit land aren’t that rare, though.

Usually, it feels like moving through the desert as if swimming in the sea.

53: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

For better or worse, I really love the Pokémon League in the Diamond and Pearl remake.

61: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I really enjoy the timid Alakazam that appears around the time when the trills and the last adjustments are done; it gives off a strong sense of accomplishment.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m really tired of the overused Dusknoir in the story.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews


It just has a weakness that is basically only to fire type…

59: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Despite that, it’s just something that trainers in the rain zone tend to use…

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

It looks like a terrible harmful party because of Fuwaraido.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews


There’s also a wide-angle lens hypnosis gallop!

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since it’s a setup to fully support Tasu Goukazaru, it’s good!

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

Steelix and Chimecho are free materials.

62: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

My Dottakun is

First, the characteristic is “Levitate”. The reason is that, while most people probably think otherwise, the ability to negate damage with “Levitate” is definitely much more advantageous than just reducing damage with “Heatproof”.

And the techniques are: 1. Psychic power 2. Luster Cannon 3. Earthquake 4. Rock Avalanche

First, regarding the first psychic ability, while psychokinesis is more powerful, the reason for not choosing it is, of course, the appeal of the high PP of this ability.

The only powerful Steel-type move that seems memorable for the second Luster Cannon is about this much, so there probably won’t be anyone who teaches Gyro Ball to the slow-moving Bronzong.

And of course, three and four are for the only weakness, which is to crush fire.

Well, in most cases, an Earthquake would be okay, but if the opponent is Fire or Charizard, then Earthquake won’t be effective, so instead, I’ll take it down with Rockslide, which deals four times the damage.

On the other hand, Ground-type moves are effective against Fire-types that are not very effective due to rock avalanches (like Heatran, etc… although I think there are few people who use it).

No blind spots now! In a way, it’s the strongest Pokémon, huh? lol

63: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

As a type balance, it’s really strange even as a single-player RPG.

64: Japan Otaku Reviews


Choosing a monkey from the three noble houses clearly makes it easier…

65: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

I haven’t seen my Dottakun in about 10 years.

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t your Diamond and Pearl ugly?

69: Japan Otaku Reviews


Our ancestors are jade.

67: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Even though BDSP is limited to underground, they added Pokémon like Houndoom, so wouldn’t it have been better if we could have given it items?!

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

First of all, I don’t understand the meaning of the rule that excludes post-clear.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, you know… the encyclopedia…

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since there are characters like Kikuko who use poison instead of ghosts from the very first generation…

72: Japan Otaku Reviews


A hand with too few cards: Gengar, Arbok, Ghost, Golbat, and Gengar.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews


The others have a lot of water like Kanna, a lot of rocks like Shiba, and a lot of flying like Wataru.

There is a theory that the original Four Heavenly Kings were 2-type experts.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you’re going to use Goukazaru, why not also use the other two in the story?

80: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


In DP, weren’t all Pokémon other than legends, not limited to the three main families, used by NPCs?

88: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I suddenly remembered that there were many nameless players who couldn’t register Fuwante in the Pokédex until Friday when BDSP was released.

89: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you don’t make a mistake in arithmetic, you can battle against the trainer who has Fuwante, right?

90: Japan Otaku Reviews


(I can do arithmetic…)

94: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Grass type

Dodaitose, Roserade, Grass Mothim, Cherim, Masquerain, Yukinooh

Ground type

Dodon, Golem, Steelix, Sand Moth Madam, Tritodon, Namazun, Garchomp, Nuoh, Hippowdon

Steel type

Empoleon, Steelix, Torterra, Mismagius, Dusknoir, Lucario, Dialga

Of course, it includes things that NPCs would never use.

If there are this many people, there’s no reason to forcibly bring someone over.

75: Japan Otaku Reviews

I like how Ryo is understated, but brings a tenacious, false energy with things like wall cling and fireballs, just like Hercules.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews


I can feel the determination of a Pokémon like Dokukail that has the concept of durability with wall sticking, being ground down with the moonlight and black sludge, even with its low base stats.

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

Fuwaraido can be understood at the heat level.

Since there was a Tatara steelworks, it’s understandable for Haganer as well.

What is Mimilopp?

78: Japan Otaku Reviews


Shiko Frame

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83: Japan Otaku Reviews


Fire Punch

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

Kikuko and Wataru are still fine, right?

Even though there are other fighting types like Shiba, it’s still Onix.

79: Japan Otaku Reviews

I recently started playing the remake.

I was so confident up until that point, but I was seriously wiped out by Cynthia and I’m shocked.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

Mimiroup is hot…

84: Japan Otaku Reviews

You could have put in two of the same Pokémon.

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

After being inducted into the Hall of Fame, Natane’s Gassa is weak in battles, but I can accept it because it’s an in-game enemy, and I like it.

6V Yoki S252 Remaining HP Attack Spread Toxic Orb Poison Heal

Spirit Punch, Substitute Spore, Mistletoe

87: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


The composition of the trash…!

86: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

First of all, before the release of Diamond and Pearl, these guys were saying that they were new evolution Pokémon!!! Why is it that they can only be obtained after clearing the game? What happened?

103: Japan Otaku Reviews


I was wondering if you could do a double slot.

Regigigas also assumes that the Regi series will be brought along.

91: Japan Otaku Reviews

Looking back now, it really felt like the version before the minor change was incomplete.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews


The Plasma Gang is too easy.

It’s said that she has even less screen time than Carné, who is teased so much, like Shirona.

93: Japan Otaku Reviews


Steelix (Ground)

Steelix (Fire)

Steelix (Electric)

Steelix (Ice)

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

Marill (Steel)

96: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want you to prohibit the opponent in the scenario from holding a Focus Sash.

It’s just a pure hassle, aaah! Don’t you dare Dragon Dance, Ononokus!!!

97: Japan Otaku Reviews

The ghost and dragon users seem to have a huge problem even in Gold and Silver.

99: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought Drapion was just a Bug/Poison type and that Lurantis was a Grass/Bug type.

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Pokémon that are not listed in the Pokédex added in the underground of BDSP.

Actually, they were added with Platinum, so they are actually a bit considerate of Platinum.

101: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


The way of consideration is a mystery…

102: Japan Otaku Reviews

“Haganeil” is

Possessing the three properties of fire, lightning, and ice ♣︎

104: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s a meaningless conversation since there is no remake of Platinum in the first place…

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

The bias in types and the lack of options is

I wonder if they wanted to create a uniform play experience where most players use Bibarel and Luxray?

106: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t know the type, but if I attack, I can defeat it normally; a nicely balanced Drapion.

108: Japan Otaku Reviews

Lentlare and Mukuhawk are both strong, but the Intimidate effect is annoying.

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A pinch of Gyarados there.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the selection of existing Pokémon is free, we should just consider the distribution to avoid having too few.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews


But you know, there can’t be that many Fire-type Pokémon in Hokkaido…

113: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well then, increase the number of Ice types.

121: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


What’s up with only having two types of Ice Pokémon?!

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not just about the dull effect in Diamond and Pearl…

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

Sinnoh gave me a valuable experience of having Steel-type become a debuff.

It’s tough that I have to be on guard against the ground even though I’m water, Empe…

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the original, it wasn’t as tough, but in the remake, Empoleon was a bit harsh.

It would be nice if I didn’t have to skimp on the TM.

123: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even though it includes elements like egg moves and the latest features, why is the TM system the same as it was back then!

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

Denji’s too brazen for bringing out a rain pelipper even in a power-up battle.

117: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I am writing a lot of reports (15 seconds).

118: Japan Otaku Reviews

Matsuba’s additional planned ghost was scrapped…

Well, even so, adding just one kind is a bit difficult…

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

That memory of Sinnoh is often found in Platinum.

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One of my strongest memories of Diamond and Pearl is that the first thing you do after launching the game is an incredibly slow report.

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From the beginning, I have only valued Platinum.

The gate movements are too sluggish, and there is a lack of variation in the appearing Pokémon.

With many Pokémon in the Elite Four, there will inevitably be a lot of inexplicable Pokémon.

Shirona did a good job.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews

Empoleon and Torterra are slow and tough to handle; after all, it’s definitely Infernape.

126: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Dodaitose can handle the problem of the story’s earthquake being too strong in any way…

124: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The black HP bar is stylish… no, is this the memory of platinum…

The handsome international police officer makes his first appearance… this is also a memory of platinum…

Playing the piano at the villa… that’s also platinum… and fighting Momi at the critical moments… that’s also platinum, huh…

125: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s fine for us to use intimidation, but it’s really annoying when the enemy uses it; it could be deadly.

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

Matsuba is lucky to have received Shadow Ball as a new move.

Kikuko’s Gengar is Night Head and Dream Eater, and the Ace’s Gengar doesn’t have Hypnosis, so Dream Eater is useless.

Well, that Shadow Ball is actually a physical move for a while longer, you know? Bwahahaha!

129: Japan Otaku Reviews

At that time, it was the latest work filled with new experiences, so I was so absorbed in it that I didn’t pay much attention.

I realize that if I do it now, there are so many places where it’s just poorly done, that’s Diamond and Pearl…

130: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

🐧 I won’t forgive Casey.

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(I was shot by a charge beam from above…)

131: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Sinnoh Pokédex was restricted to 151 to match the first generation, and the addition of concepts for pre-evolutions and post-evolutions made it more cramped than the original generation.

132: Japan Otaku Reviews

The map isn’t that interesting either, like Tenganzan.

The roads and background music were good, and I enjoyed it back then.

133: Japan Otaku Reviews

Dodai is strong in Diamond and Pearl because he is exceptionally fast.

In the My-Change world, where the carrying of frozen beams is drastically increasing, it will become a sad situation.

The reputation changed too much around the time of Platinum.

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even if Empoleon is bad on the ground, within the scope of the story, it can endure earthquakes that are mismatched due to level differences, and it can generally outpace everyone except for Garchomp even in matching situations.

If it’s said that the problem is being overtaken by Gab, then yes.

136: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Well, if you’re just playing normally, no one can outpace Cynthia’s Garchomp…

137: Japan Otaku Reviews

Empoleon doesn’t stand out much against its opponents, giving it a somewhat lackluster impression, but it has a consistent feel that lasts.

138: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Rival-kun is just impatient, so he doesn’t really leave a strong impression.

143: Japan Otaku Reviews


I only have the image of someone who pays fines…

145: Japan Otaku Reviews


I remember being downcast after getting beaten by Team Galactic, but I wonder if I was active afterwards.

146: Japan Otaku Reviews


It was really strong in battles with platinum, so it has quite a bit left.

I also like background music.

147: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’ve thought about wanting that Gonbe.

139: Japan Otaku Reviews

Fire, water, and grass don’t balance out at all, right Pokémon?

140: Japan Otaku Reviews

Onmyon doesn’t really have any particularly painful attacks, so it’s just the right time to use items to buff up.

142: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Even recalling that the specifications of the remake’s learning device couldn’t quite catch up with Shiron’s level makes it absolutely strange that it’s on the same level as the original.

144: Japan Otaku Reviews

Looking at that leak, it seems like Diamond and Pearl are putting too much effort into world-building and neglecting the essential game elements, right?

148: Japan Otaku Reviews

Peeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww haha!

149: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since I’m scared of Gab, I guess I’ll include at least one Ice-type…

Huh? Who was in Sinnoh with Ice types… I hope they’re faster than Garchomp, if possible…

153: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


There’s no one like that in Hokkaido.

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Of all things, the mana that meets the conditions evolves through communication while holding tools.

Well, the appearance of Neuura is already late anyway.

151: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Narrowing it down to 150 Pokémon for the Hall of Fame is a pointless obsession.

155: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


BW thought so too.

It’s fine to mix old and new as usual.

152: Japan Otaku Reviews

The improvements made in Platinum were unfortunately overshadowed by a remake that returned to the worst aspects, including an unpleasant character portrayal.

157: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


The character design hasn’t changed at all!

154: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Despite being impatient, capturing Heracross and Snorlax from the Sinnoh tree is insane.

158: Japan Otaku Reviews


I often forgot to put on the wax, but this guy is really diligent…

156: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Sinnoh named character is using Lucario too much.

159: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the remake, the emperor struggled with his own Steel-type.

Why do I have to be passive against the target rock ground in the story…

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

After burning too bright, all that’s left for Ova is to burn out after losing, right?

There are many people being swayed by the loud voices on the internet saying it’s gloomy and murky.

161: Japan Otaku Reviews

The reason Denji lost his motivation for the battle was said to be because of Over, and that was no good.

Well, Denji is quite something himself, so it’s no surprise!

162: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like it was sad back then when the contest became awkward.

163: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Kalos is also fixated on 150, but with three regions, each having 150, it ended up being an outrageous volume of 450 Pokémon by the time it was completed.

165: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wish I had the Battle Frontier… I don’t have many good memories of it, though.

169: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I wish I could have played Battle Frontier on the Switch.

I prefer the Battle Frontier of Hoenn over Sinnoh.

176: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s sad that there are no more solo play facilities to dive into.

166: Japan Otaku Reviews

I understand that you might not be motivated, but I think it’s questionable to cause a blackout in the city, Denji.

167: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think Kalos is rather considerate of past Pokémon.

171: Japan Otaku Reviews


What is it? You just gave me a Mega Evolvable Kanto starter trio, Torchic, Lapras, and Lucario along the way, didn’t you?

177: Japan Otaku Reviews


If I add the Kalos starter Pokémon, my travel party is already complete.

179: Japan Otaku Reviews


On top of that, the balance of the learning device is clearly wrong, so the journey is ridiculously easy.

168: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s originally because Fuwaraido can stock up on Baton Pass…

That being said, my hand techniques are definitely getting stronger.

170: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, having more options is generally more fun.

If someone wants to use something new, they can just choose the new one and use it normally.

172: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even though it’s a desperate measure with few options, I like the sense of strength that comes from using the Three Houses.

173: Japan Otaku Reviews

Most of the people who say they want Frontier are just those who plan to watch the factory’s streams and have no intention of playing it themselves, so it’s not worth listening to.

174: Japan Otaku Reviews

Frontier liked roulette.

175: Japan Otaku Reviews

The gallop seems pitiful because the flames are too few, making it look out of place instead.

178: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder how many people actually dedicated themselves to the battle facility.

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I skipped it back when it was real kids, but I became interested and started touching it during the Pokémon Special Frontier arc.

180: Japan Otaku Reviews

I will never forgive the mob that traded the ghost while holding the unchanged stone.

182: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, Diamond and Pearl can exploit the GTS bug.

181: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Even though there were various comments like “Episode Delta,” it really isn’t fun without new elements.

186: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


ORAS has a lot more events for Team Aqua and Team Magma, as well as the primal Groudon event, even without considering Epider. Plus, there are things like flying in the sky.

183: Japan Otaku Reviews

It feels like there were so many Mega Stones after clearing that the prior information ended up being a trap.

184: Japan Otaku Reviews

When making a game, don’t they think about placing at least 5 types of each category?

185: Japan Otaku Reviews

Actually, Prim is also struggling and is running on two systems.

As expected, I can’t use Ponyta or Monferno for the Elite Four, so it turned out like this.

Well, it would have been nice to include a second Gallop…

187: Japan Otaku Reviews

Karos is strong because the learning device is also powerful.

Apart from that, the leveling-up facility is incredibly easy to use.

The experience points increase power is transmitted through the radio, so it really was a game where you didn’t struggle with leveling up.

188: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t have any memories of struggling that much with the Platinum Frontier.

Is it noisy enough at the factory…?

193: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s not so much at 100, but at 50, the difference in the quality of the Pokémon on hand becomes significant by the 7th match.

189: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I mean, even if there aren’t many fire types, we could have prepared a fire type for the second gym, so couldn’t we have managed with Ponita and Moukazaru?

190: Japan Otaku Reviews

When it comes to the story, I definitely think it would have been better to stick to the Platinum version in the Diamond and Pearl remakes.

192: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Because it would turn into a platinum remake…

191: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even in just the story part leading up to the ED, Daigo, the neighbor, and Mitsuru have more appearances in ORAS.

But that’s what remakes are all about, right?

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