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[Pokémon Sleep] The forces are not coming together at all, Gon.

1: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is Munna strong? The berries don’t come at all, Gon.

2: Japan Otaku Reviews

Results of the Esper Week, Gon.

Results of the Esper Week, Gon.

9:33 SP 831 Lv. 21 Mimikyu Berry Lv. 30 Lv. 60 Assistance Time 33 minutes 28 seconds Maximum Carrying Capacity 19 items Main Skill / Sub Skill Disguise (Berry Burst) Lv. 1 Acquire 8 berries, and additionally acquire 1 berry for each Pokémon in the team Assistance Speed S Lv. 25 Skill Probability Up M Lv. 50 Ingredient Probability Up S Lv. 75 Maximum Carrying Capacity Up M Lv. 100 Skill Probability Up S Detailed Status Nature Timid Assistance Speed ▲▲ HP Recovery Amount ▼▼ Return

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

Only one Gon came when called with the Muna incense.

4: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

If the acorn type doesn't have the acorn S attached, then it's already out at that point, it's just too harsh, Gon.

11:46 Berry SP 465 Munna Lv. 13 Assistance time 1 hour 11 minutes 45 seconds Maximum possession 12 Main skill – Sub skill Dream fragment get S Lv. 1 Get 120~480 dream fragments Assistance speed M Lv. 25 Assistance speed S Lv. 50 Skill probability up S Lv. 75 Ingredient probability up S Lv. 100 Maximum possession up S Detailed status Character Naughty Assistance speed Main skill activation probability Return

If the acorn type doesn’t have the acorn S attached, then it’s already out at that point, it’s just too harsh, Gon.

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not that I’m aiming for the strongest for PvP or anything, but I feel disappointed when I invest resources and end up being slightly weak.

6: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to replace FL with Munna and Ralts.

7: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I want a sub-skill machine, Gon.

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder what to do next week.

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the end, there was nothing better than this kid, Gon.

Since I don’t have any stones, I’ll use the candies for leveling up and leave the rest to Otebu. Gon.

In the end, there was nothing better than this kid, Gon. Since I don't have any stones, I'll use the candies for leveling up and leave the rest to Otebu. Gon.

Sure, here are the extracted characters: “` Help Ability 727 LARCH 30 Munna Ingredients Help Time 1 hour 20 minutes 32 seconds Maximum Hold Quantity 12 items Main Skill · Sub Skill Dream Fragments Get S Skill Probability Up S Dream Fragments Get 120~480 Berry Count S n/a Level.1 Level.60 x O Level.50 Sleep EXP Bonus Level.75 Maximum Hold Quantity Up L Level.100 Maximum Hold Quantity Up S Detailed Status Personality Lonely Help Speed Recovery Amount Return “`

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

It can be used, but I don’t feel like I’ll make it in time, Gon.

It can be used, but I don't feel like I'll make it in time, Gon.

SP 507 Munna Lv. 15 Get Dream Fragment S Lv. 3 Get 240~960 Dream Fragments Skill Level Up M Ingredient Probability Up S Lv. 25 Number of Berries S Lv. 50 Maximum Inventory Increase M Lv. 75 Assistance Speed M Lv. 100 Detailed Stats Character: Jolly EXP Gain ▲▲ Ingredient Assistance Probability ▼▼ Date Encountered: March 22, 2025 Encountered Field: Lakeside of Lapis Lazuli Return

12: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

Even though it’s ingredient-type, if it were skill-type, it seems like it would be the strongest, which is tough, Gon.

I want to swap the skills as they are, Gon.

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

Basic stock.

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

I haven’t done it before, but I think I’ll try to challenge myself to save some Otebu points.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

Let’s get rid of the downward correction already.

17: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Even if there are so many candies that they crowd the bag

When I try to take it seriously and nurture it, it suddenly disappears, Gon.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that the speed-down characteristic of Ote is supposed to be alleviated, but to what extent?

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m not saving up for Otaku.

But I’m saving up cacao and coffee.

20: Japan Otaku Reviews


As a result, I’m stocked up on Gon.

Once you have gathered the resources to raise valuable individuals and reach your target level, Gon puts everything into it.

It’s hard to come across valuable individuals to raise, Gon…

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

The balance is off when the EXP for candies and sleep stays the same but required EXP keeps jumping up.

I want some more dynamic growth elements, Gon.

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

There aren’t many individuals that I want to level up even using candy and fragments, Gon.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Esper hasn't come at all, and I'm trying to switch to a candy-saving strategy, but I should have at least used candies on this kid until they reached level 25...

928 Alligates Lv. 16 Berry 1 Lv. 30 2 Lv. 60 3 Helper time 49 minutes and 28 seconds Maximum possession 20 Main skill / Sub skill Energy Charge S Lv. 2 Increases Snorlax’s energy by 285~1,138 Research EXP bonus Number of berries S Helper speed S Maximum possession increase S Skill level up M Detailed status Nature Adamant Helper speed Food ingredient helping probability

The Esper hasn’t come at all, and I’m trying to switch to a candy-saving strategy, but I should have at least used candies on this kid until they reached level 25…

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

The results of our Esper Week are just this. Munna caught 13, but it's only one with no enhancements and has a skill-lowering nature, so I'm putting it on hold for now...

Assistance Ability SP 1,047 Lv. 27 Espeon Ingredients Assistance Time 34 minutes 7 seconds Maximum Hold 16 items Main Skill / Sub Skill Energy Charge M Lv. 1 Increases Snorlax’s energy by 880 Skill Probability Up M Ingredient Probability Up M Lv. 50 Assistance Speed M Lv. 75 Maximum Hold Up M Lv. 100 Skill Probability Up S Detailed Status Personality Brave Assistance Speed EXP Acquisition Amount Back

The results of our Esper Week are just this.

Munna caught 13, but it’s only one with no enhancements and has a skill-lowering nature, so I’m putting it on hold for now…

25: Japan Otaku Reviews


S is something I’m using regularly.

ML is basically something you want to accumulate and use when you need it, you know.

27: Japan Otaku Reviews

While thinking that I can’t feed a half-baked kid, I’ve accumulated quite a bit.

So even if you feed it to a half-hearted kid, it won’t be used, and skill types are tough, Gon.

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I actually fed them the seeds, they suddenly decreased a lot, and I was surprised.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

Thanks to Ameba, I was able to increase my level to 50, Gon.

The shortage of gold and silver coins is severe…

Thanks to Ameba, I was able to increase my level to 50, Gon. The shortage of gold and silver coins is severe...

Assistance Ability SP 3,137 Lv. 50 Tangusuten Ingredients x2 x5 Lv. 60 x7 Assistance Time 34 minutes and 54 seconds Maximum Carrying Capacity 24 items Main Skill / Sub Skill Energy Charge S Lv. 2 Recover 16 of your energy Sleep EXP Bonus Assistance Speed M Ingredient Probability Up S Lv. 75 Energy Recovery Bonus Lv. 100 Assistance Speed S Detailed Status Character Calm Ingredient Assistance Probability Energy Recovery Amount Return

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you think of it as an Esper-type berry, it’s unique, but if you see it as a lakeside berry type, Meganium is just too strong.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

Can you forgive me with this, Gon…?

SP 494 Lv. 15 Munna Main Skill / Sub Skill Dream Fragment Get S Lv. 1 Get 120-480 Dream Fragments Berry Count S Lv. 25 Assistance Speed S Lv. 50 Assistance Speed M Lv. 75 Skill Level Up M Lv. 100 Ingredient Probability Up S Detailed Status Character Stubborn Healing Recovery Amount Assistance Speed

Can you forgive me with this, Gon…?

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

I had been stockpiling it, but my bag is stuffed, so I’m using it little by little.

I had been stockpiling it, but my bag is stuffed, so I'm using it little by little.

“`Bag Ingredients Tools Expand bag – can use or organize 997/1,000 items Display order – Default Energy Pillow A special pillow that restores 50 energy to one assist Pokémon. Assist Whistle A special whistle that makes Pokémon lively. You can receive ingredients and berries for 3 hours of team assistance. Universal Candy S A small special candy that can be converted to any Pokémon’s candy x3. Universal Candy M A special candy that can be converted to any Pokémon’s candy x20. Back Default“`

33: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx8

I saw the tool bag 1000 for the first time.

34: Japan Otaku Reviews


35: Japan Otaku Reviews

Candy is a collection that makes me happy to gather.

36: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

S came! Experience points decreased! Goodbye!

44: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Personally, I find the personality of someone who lacks experience points to be the most unpleasant…

49: Japan Otaku Reviews


If it’s skill-based, it can be tolerated.

The rest is tough.

37: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

As long as the personality is good… or for appreciation purposes in different colors.

If you cling to things like that, it will be packed tight in the box.

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

You should just expand the box, Gon.

40: Japan Otaku Reviews


Of course, I do it every time it gets full.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews


Color bragging Gon?

43: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


A child with a bad personality is full of it.

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Pokémon box is enough with 300.

45: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I want to have it divided into boxes.

46: Japan Otaku Reviews

Can you… do it…?

12:46 Berry 841 Lv. 16 Assistance time 56 minutes 35 seconds Maximum hold quantity 16 Main skill and sub-skill Cheer Up S Lv. 1 Restores 14 energy to one random Pokémon on the team Lv. 25 Maximum hold quantity increase M Lv. 50 Ingredient probability increase S Lv. 75 Dream fragment bonus Lv. 100 Assistance speed S Detailed status Character Height Main skill occurrence probability Ingredient assistance probability Back

Can you… do it…?

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

For now, I achieved this week's goal, Gon. I'll just throw the seeds in when I have some free time.

Assistance Ability SP 2,791 Lv. 53 Maneyura Ingredients Assistance Time 34 minutes and 40 seconds for 26 items Main Skill & Sub Skill Cooking Chance S Lv.3 Increases the probability of a cooking great success by 6% Effect lasts until cooking achieves a great success or until the field is moved Skill Level Up S Assistance Speed M Berry Quantity S Maximum Holding Quantity Up S Skill Probability Up S Detailed Status Personality Ingredient Assistance Probability Easy-going Recovery Amount Returns

For now, I achieved this week’s goal, Gon.

I’ll just throw the seeds in when I have some free time.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is there a tree S for Espeon?

50: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It depends on the play style.

I would be happy if it were at this event, but if the number I possess exceeds the limit, it really becomes a double-edged sword.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews


If it’s for the purpose of the upcoming event, it’s definitely better to have them, but since I have a limited number of Eeveelutions, if I don’t have the inventory skill, they’ll overflow in an instant.

Well, if I were to equip the possession skill, I’d have to give up on some sub-skills, so I end up thinking it might be better not to have it at all.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

Managing ingredients has become difficult, so I’m starting to subtly dislike ingredients that are not ingredient types too.

The healer will somehow take care of it; feeling good is the easiest.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

The number of required ingredients is gradually increasing, isn’t it?

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

It looks like I’ll have to bet on the favorite item gacha.

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

It's tough without enough candy, but somehow I reached level 50, Ab. Well, even with this, the eclairs still lack cocoa.

SP 2,492 Lv.50 AbsolCa Support Time 39 minutes 54 seconds Max Holding Capacity 22 items Main Skill・Sub Skill Energy Charge S Lv.2 Increases Snorlax’s Energy by 569 Skill Level Up S Ingredient Probability Up S Ingredient Probability Up M Support Bonus Max Holding Capacity Up S Detailed Status Character Courage Support Speed ▲▲ EXP Acquisition Amount ▼▼ February 15, 2024

It’s tough without enough candy, but somehow I reached level 50, Ab.

Well, even with this, the eclairs still lack cocoa.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you try to keep feeding them good meals, it’s going to be tight even with four types of atonement!

What kind of meals does everyone usually focus on?

65: Japan Otaku Reviews


Meiso Sweet Salad & Wakakusa Salad

Absolutely Sleepy Butter Curry

If we can manage the size of the pot, it might be easier to make éclairs since we have the materials at home for sweets…

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

Considering that the weaknesses are random except for Esper and the meals are not determined, it might be good to focus on stability in skills and timing, as it is significantly influenced by random elements. Gon.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder what the difference is between skill activation counts of 4.14 and 4.44…

77: Japan Otaku Reviews


414 times and 444 times in 100 days.

After about a month of doing 1/3, 138 times and 148 times.

Furthermore, dividing by 1/3 results in 46 times and 49.33 times in 11 days.

When you divide 7 by 11, you get 29.27 and 31.39.

Twice a week and ten times a month.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel that when I expand the box, it becomes more lenient, so I keep it at the initial number and go for it.

60: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

I’m just starting, so I don’t really understand it well.

Is it correct to think that a healer with S+ ability, boost for healing and skill activation down is useless?

69: Japan Otaku Reviews


Set uncorrected to 1.

The hand speed of the handball is about 1.05 times faster, the hand speed boost trait is 1.11 times, and the skill down trait is 0.8 times.

Well, I wonder how much easier it has become to activate skills compared to no adjustments.

By the way, what everyone is desperately seeking is generally at least 1.6 times more.

61: Japan Otaku Reviews

No matter what sub-skill composition, there are no ingredient types or skill types that excel in personality.

62: Japan Otaku Reviews

Skill-based types need skill probability above all, and a decreased personality is out of the question.

The atonement type is the same, Gon.

72: Japan Otaku Reviews


If it only went down, there would still be some hope, but the problem is that the adjustment value is too large…

20% is too significant to ignore, Gon…

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m using your Espeon, but you’ve been doing it quite often!!

I think Gon is normally strong when he has S.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews


The Enercha team’s job is to directly earn energy, so even if the number of skill uses decreases somewhat, if the amount of nuts increases accordingly, it seems like it will more than balance out.

64: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

I’m not happy no matter what type it is, Ote Supidaungon.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even if they say it will improve, I can’t help but think, “If only it were done calmly and rationally.”

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

The S-tier M uncorrected Munna has arrived, but I want one more call.

67: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2




68: Japan Otaku Reviews

Color loss I might have encountered an individual that makes me say "Wow!" for the first time.

SP 768 Lv.19 Mr. Mime Assistance Time 44 minutes and 59 seconds Maximum Holding Amount 17 Level 30 Level 60 Main Skill & Sub Skill Mimic (Skill Copy) Level 1 Randomly copies the main skill of one team Pokémon and unleashes it Level 25 Skill Probability Up S Level 25 Ingredient Probability Up M Level 50 Ingredient Probability Up S Level 75 HP Recovery Bonus Level 100 Maximum Holding Amount Up S Detailed Status Character Hardy No Characteristics Based on Character

Color loss

I might have encountered an individual that makes me say “Wow!” for the first time.

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

Failed lunch at 50% (60%) gon.

At this rate, it seems likely I will fail tonight as well.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

I still haven’t pulled any kids that I want to raise as Espers!

75: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since my spoiled Puku has reached level 60, I feel hesitant to switch to Gardevoir now…

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

With Espeon and Gardevoir, can’t we manage with this?

79: Japan Otaku Reviews


To be honest, I think Gon can manage it without any problem.

If it doesn’t happen… then I’ll think about it at that time.

78: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if the fragments will start accumulating once the research rank reaches its maximum…

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gon has been missing the timing to switch from the compromised individual he raised early on to a much better individual he drew later.

81: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since my calm master has turned 60.

I think that people who can afford to throw away an S-type berry just because the experience points are low are really something else.

87: Japan Otaku Reviews


As for Raichu, or Pikachu, it’s relatively easy to get plenty of candy, but Pokémon like Dodrio or Altaria are quite difficult.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought that since I had a decent Porygon, I needed a Gardevoir that was even better, but now I’m almost at friend level 40, help!

83: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you look up, there’s no end, Gon.

There’s no choice but to fight, Gon.

If you look up, there's no end, Gon. There's no choice but to fight, Gon.

Assistance Ability SP 546 Lv. 17 Munna Ingredients x1 Lv. 30 x2 Lv. 60 x2 Assistance Time 1 hour 31 minutes 57 seconds maximum holding capacity 12 items Main Skill / Sub Skill Dream Fragment Get S Lv. 1 Get 120~480 dream fragments Berry Count S Lv. 25 Skill Probability Up M Lv. 50 Energy Recovery Bonus Lv. 75 Ingredient Probability Up M Lv. 100 Sleep EXP Bonus Detailed Status Character Arrogant Main Skill Activation Probability ▲▲ EXP Acquisition Amount ▼▼ Return

88: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


Are you bragging?

84: Japan Otaku Reviews

All I need is for Gardevoir to have a skill-up nature and hold the skill probability M… It should be easy…

90: Japan Otaku Reviews


Just because it’s a skill-up nature and doesn’t lower the speed, it’s about 1/8, so it ends up being a probability like looking for AAA.

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the second week of adjustments, the appetizer will roughly become the strongest Cresselia, so it feels like you can check the usage here.

86: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Muna has come, but wouldn’t it be better to use Meganium 60, which is not a weakness, rather than running this at 30?

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

None of the three dogs surpassed the appetizers, and I don’t have high hopes for Cresselia… but I’ll prepare for the Master Ball, Gon.

91: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Gon has been sighing for about five months over the lack of food for the mouthworm and all the coffee.

I want you to help me, Gon.

95: Japan Otaku Reviews


Because it’s not in my nature to be under 1/40 just based on the condition of atonement M in AAA, it makes the sub-layer go smoothly.

96: Japan Otaku Reviews


I reached FL60 without getting a single AAA, and my Denjimushi is at 20 with AAA not being above 0 without any modifiers.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews


It seems like the SS from the encyclopedia could become a weapon that can silence complaints about selection in one shot.

First of all, it’s amazing that you’re buying so many cookies…

97: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’ve decided to aim for level 60 for ABB Boss Godra.

AAA selection is too intense.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

Thanks to the AMEBU, my second Dragonite has grown to this point.

I need 1639 more candies, so I’m counting on all you nameless searchers.

Thanks to the AMEBU, my second Dragonite has grown to this point. I need 1639 more candies, so I'm counting on all you nameless searchers.

13:05 SP 2,884 Lv.44 Dragonite Berry Ingredients Assistance Time 39 minutes 36 seconds Maximum Holdings 42 items Main Skill/Sub Skill Energy Charge S Lv.3 Restores 21 of your energy Maximum Holdings Increase M Ingredient Drop Rate Increase M ◆ LV.50 Assistance Speed S ◆ LV.75 Assistance Bonus ◆ LV.100 Maximum Holdings Increase L Detailed Stats Nature Carefree Ingredient Assistance Probability Main Skill Activation Probability Return

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are several types of Pokémon for which I’ve stopped hunting because a different color variant has come out.

Different colors… Different colors have the power to allow for some compromise…

94: Japan Otaku Reviews

Serving Snorlax to earn energy is done on a weekly basis, so the number of times, quantities, and expected energy values should be considered on a weekly basis.

The number of healer activations should be on a daily basis.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews

As for the Aogijimushi, the strongest has already come early, so Gon can now forgive anything.

99: Japan Otaku Reviews

If we already have a meat member and can get a recruited Copperajah, we don’t need to stay at the power plant to breed for Coocodora, right?

117: Japan Otaku Reviews


Quaggleon’s base redemption rate is quite low.

I’ve decided to use both Kawagannon and Bossgodora for a good candy sweets week.

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it okay to say that everything other than AAA and ABB is basically crap?

107: Japan Otaku Reviews


Amateurs can just grow what they like.

108: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you’re going to manage with a clear-cut approach of 30, then other options are also valid.

116: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since almost no one is using type 60 for redemption, you can say the current situation is just a margin of error, Gon.

102: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s good that a nice individual came to ABB and was hired, but…

It’s tough that I won’t shine until I grow to 60…

103: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gon compromised with ABB Cocodra for the coffee.

If you go to 60 in Shokakaku M, it will normally roll.

104: Japan Otaku Reviews

For now, I raised it to 55.

Shall we save up our pocket money?

For now, I raised it to 55. Shall we save up our pocket money?

SP 2,928 Lv. 55 Musharna Lv. 60 x1 x2 x4 Help time every 37 minutes and 27 seconds Maximum holding capacity 35 items Main Skill / Sub Skill Get Dream Shard S Lv. 2 Get 170~680 Dream Shards Number of Berries S Ingredient probability up S Maximum holding capacity up S Ingredient probability up M Lv. 75 Dream Shard Bonus Lv. 100 Detailed Status Nature Adamant Help Speed Ingredient Help Probability Return

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you accidentally catch a second one of the AAB or the ingredient SM Agogimus, it’s a gon.

Everyone has been behaving poorly, Gon.

106: Japan Otaku Reviews

I recently caught a Ralts that feels like it switched from using the “Psycho Boost” ability to “Sleep Powder,” but I’m unsure whether to swap it out.

As a healer on its own, Gallade seems stronger, but the presence or absence of the Otebo makes a significant difference.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

I started in the summer and my Eevee’s friendship level has exceeded 50.

The individual for Sylveon that has both character skill modifiers and combines probability and speed has not yet arrived, Gon.

125: Japan Otaku Reviews


I don’t know how much of the field is open now.

Given the arrival of Gardevoir and Parmot, currently, Sylveon has a high consumption of gold species and the probability is somewhat mediocre, making it a hobby option.

I won’t stop you if it’s V-Cisco, but…

175: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since the lakeside and power plant have been freed, I want to go to the lakeside next week, Gon.

The compromise individual Pamo had an activation rate beyond my expectations, so I’m also looking forward to Gardevoir.

111: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

The coffee bean guy, Gon, no decent characters come to me, Gon.

But now that I think about it, the kids I got early on and made starters would probably be rejected now.

It might be surprisingly okay to be casual.

118: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


I want to cherish this spirit. Gon.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s between Cresselia and Sanna, it would definitely become overly energetic, but the number of ingredients will increase, and if it’s level 60 Sanna, it can earn some energy from berries, so I have no choice but to bring it out.

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want a C for Ditto anyway…

Whether to raise a Ditto in the first place…

122: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I think Ditto, like Mr. Mime, has had its skills change and has become an option whether it’s for oil or scallions.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s AAX food grade M or higher, it will fall into the compromise category.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

The existence called ABC

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

Can you compromise between the impatient AAA food of Kuwaganon and the speed M?

120: Japan Otaku Reviews

My one doesn’t have personality adjustments, so I can’t say it’s the strongest, but I’m using it because a good one came along.

My one doesn't have personality adjustments, so I can't say it's the strongest, but I’m using it because a good one came along. By the way, there are two other creatures using the same configuration.

Assistance Ability SP 2,566 Lv. 41 Tyranitar Ingredients Assistance Time 41 minutes and 24 seconds Maximum Hold Quantity 29 Main Skill / Sub Skill Energy Charge S Lv. 3 Restores 21 of my energy Assistance Bonus Ingredient Probability Up M Bookmark Lv. 50 Skill Frequency Up S Bookmark Lv. 100 Ingredient Probability Up S Detailed Status Nature Docile No characteristics due to nature Assistance Ability SP 3,818 Lv. 60 Spinda Ingredients Assistance Time 38 minutes and 13 seconds Maximum Hold Quantity 36 Main Skill / Sub Skill Energy Charge M Lv. 3 Increases Snorlax’s energy by 1,726 Assistance Bonus Ingredient Probability Up M Bookmark Lv. 75 Assistance Speed Bookmark Lv. 100 Skill Frequency Up S Detailed Status Nature Docile No characteristics due to nature Return Return

By the way, there are two other creatures using the same configuration.

121: Japan Otaku Reviews

ABC is called a select button because it has three slots.

123: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve been using Purapura for over a year, but the voice isn’t filled in, Gon.

What kind of situation is the voice intended for, Gon?

124: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

Come quickly, friend level reward overhaul…

130: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


The ideal is to be able to choose a fixed frame of either silver or gold for each unit.

There are some parts that are a bit scary about what will actually happen.

134: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I think it will definitely come at an angle that is completely unexpected.

126: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gon wants to know how much his personality can be saved quickly.

127: Japan Otaku Reviews

ABC might be fine if it matches the recipe you want to create, but the value could fluctuate with the implementation of new recipes.

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you’re going to use Cresselia and Gallade, you’ll want Gallade to have a S.

129: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Before I knew it, there were 12 people who had passed away.

I want to be friends with Gon❤︎

131: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gon gets frustrated when he gathers useful skills at levels 75 and 100.

Did you not think the game design was strange, Gon?

137: Japan Otaku Reviews


Our calm Marunoom has a 75% chance of being S and a 100% chance of being M.

Thank you for the match.

139: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


Throw away that garbage.

143: Japan Otaku Reviews


Meowth’s response

132: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even if the atonement limit is set to 800, it will probably end up being insufficient anyway.

133: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Thank you for your cooperation, Gon!

SP 4,571 Lv. 60 Gagnant Maximum Hold Limit Up L Maximum Hold Limit Up M Ingredient Probability Up M Skill Probability Up S Detailed Status Personality Calm Ingredient Assistance Probability EXP Acquisition Amount

Thank you for your cooperation, Gon!

136: Japan Otaku Reviews

I've been using AAC since the early days of the game, and now a seemingly good AAA has come along, but I'm wondering when I'll be able to level up to 60 with an exp- character, so I'm torn about whether to switch.

516 Lv.15 Bulbasaur Ingredients x2 x5 x7 Assistance time 1 hour 6 minutes 17 seconds Maximum possession 11 pieces Main skill・Sub skill Ingredient Get S Lv.1 Randomly obtain 6 ingredients Assistance speed S Lv.25 Skill probability up S Lv.50 Ingredient probability up S Lv.25 Assistance speed M Lv.75 Assistance speed M Lv.100 Research EXP bonus Detailed status Character Calm Ingredient assistance probability EXP acquisition amount Return

I’ve been using AAC since the early days of the game, and now a seemingly good AAA has come along, but I’m wondering when I’ll be able to level up to 60 with an exp- character, so I’m torn about whether to switch.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even with the ingredient adjustments in AA, I think it’s okay because it brings enough honey.

156: Japan Otaku Reviews


At level 50 right now, I can gather the required amount quickly, but I wonder if I will have enough even at level 60.

151: Japan Otaku Reviews


There’s no need to think about switching now; since I don’t want to make AAC 60, it’s fine to just use the new one to add anything going forward.

One day, when I turn 60, I can change.

138: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have to give my all against Cresselia because I’m using S-Sableye and S-Espeon.

I wish Latias had come if it was an Esper…

140: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Even though I set it to 100 from the start of the service, the cap release is way too slow.

155: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


With this slow game speed, having all sub-skills unlocked from 10 to 50 is more than enough.

What year do you plan to keep playing this game to reach level 100?

161: Japan Otaku Reviews


I want this game to last a long time.

142: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Even if you have an Esper, the number of items collected by Cresselia’s skill doesn’t change, right?

146: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s not a working beam, it’s a working burst, after all.

144: Japan Otaku Reviews

The power plant's FB is overflowing for the first time this week, but since the number of Agolimits research is just under 30, it seems like those who have caught 60 must have been at the power plant for about 30 weeks...

0736 Agohidari Bug Research count: 29 Captured count: 8 Utotsuto type

The power plant’s FB is overflowing for the first time this week, but since the number of Agolimits research is just under 30, it seems like those who have caught 60 must have been at the power plant for about 30 weeks…

145: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have a feeling that even if a Persian enhancement comes, people will definitely say “Lucario should come first.”

The best thing is the performance improvement of fixed dream suspension…

147: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the skill version of the Work Beam not available yet?

148: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I thought the healer's S was not good and was keeping it unused, but maybe it's actually quite good...?

13:18 Berry SP 485 Lv. 14 Ralph Lv.30 Lv.60 x1 *1 *2 Assistance Time 1 hour 25 minutes 42 seconds Maximum Quantity 9 Main Skill / Sub Skill Cheerful Aura S Lv. 1 Recovers the cheer of 5 Pokémon in the assistance team Berry Count S Skill Probability Up S Lv.25 Lv.25 Assistance Speed S Maximum Quantity Up M Lv.50 Lv.75 Ingredient Probability Up S Lv. 100 Detailed Status Nature Calm Main Skill Activation Probability Assistance Speed Return

I thought the healer’s S was not good and was keeping it unused, but maybe it’s actually quite good…?

149: Japan Otaku Reviews

I leveled up the jaw bug I caught last week to 60!

…I didn’t get anything decent until FL33, so having 1300 sweets saved me, Anonymous.

150: Japan Otaku Reviews

Healers are all about activating their skills, after all.

153: Japan Otaku Reviews

A healer who doesn’t activate is just slacking off.

159: Japan Otaku Reviews


Our healer at home does the bare minimum work with the genbo even on days when their ability doesn’t activate…

154: Japan Otaku Reviews

Otebu is not compatible with all other skill-type Pokémon due to its characteristics…

While it relies on allies, the berry burst that only refers to levels is quite beneficial in an environment dominated by skill types.

157: Japan Otaku Reviews

The fate of our carefully selected level 60 SANA depends on the activation rate of Cresselia.

158: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

It seems like it will end before reaching 100.

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want more fields to be added.

The sea and the Western-style mansion.

164: Japan Otaku Reviews


I want a breeding area or field where only seed Pokémon and unevolved ones appear, so I can gain double sleep EXP!

166: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


“Wake Up (Suyasuya Island) or something like that is fine.”

It’s fine to just have the field colors set to autumn or winter.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s okay, Persian can ride on Lucario and get a buff.

163: Japan Otaku Reviews

I'm using something at the sister level, but it's honestly excellent.

Assistance time 33 minutes 22 seconds every 5,772 Lv. 60 Gardevoir Main skill・Sub skill Full Energy S Lv. 6 Recovers 18 energy for the assisting team Pokémon Number of berries S Skill probability increase M Assistance speed M Maximum carry capacity increase S Ingredient probability increase M Detailed status Character Calm Main skill occurrence probability Assistance speed Return

I’m using something at the sister level, but it’s honestly excellent.

165: Japan Otaku Reviews

It might take about another 5 years, right? Until 100.

As expected, if this system is not modified at all, it seems that its scalability will be low and difficult.

167: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I hope it becomes a content level where new Pokémon debut in Pokémon Sleep, similar to Pokémon GO or Pokémon Legends.

170: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’m looking forward to the regional Snorlax and Mega Snorlax making their debut here.

168: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want Rengoku Wakakusa and Space Wakakusa.

169: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even though a mode that still has some retorts is waiting.

What are you being pessimistic about?

172: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx8


Is it a mode with a response instead of a crunch?!

176: Japan Otaku Reviews


There are times when I think “huh?” because of the texture, but you have the nerve to talk back?

171: Japan Otaku Reviews

At this pace, it will still take 5 years.

They might be saying that they arrived surprisingly quickly.

The sense of time for older men is gradually getting shorter…

173: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want Gon to reach level 100 if we sleep together for 10 days.

This is still much tighter than the original.

174: Japan Otaku Reviews

This is the new Pokémon, Sleep!

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