It’s a bit of a hassle that only those from that software can be registered in the home encyclopedia.
Even if you import Pokémon from outside for Sword and Shield or Diamond and Pearl, if you breed them, they will become that generation, so it can work out somehow.
Since Pikachu and Arceus can’t lay eggs, I had to rely on self-generation, which was a hassle.
The ones sent from GO to Pikachu and Eevee don’t become Pikachu and Eevee from that game, huh!
Arceus looks like it’s a hassle for the babies.
If we go as far as a massive outbreak, anything can be done.
SV makes it easy because you can evolve through communication or stick to raids…
Personally, I want Manaphy, but it’s in BDSP… I’m not sure.
The communication exchange members were also a hassle (especially Pikachu and Eevee and Diamond and Pearl).
I sent it to Arceus, evolved it with the connection cord, and registered it in the Pokédex.
The worst thing is that GTS is bad.
“Someone who can only make a ridiculous request like ‘a software that can take me with it.'”
If you can take me, it doesn’t matter where you’re from, this request just comes out, doesn’t it!
It’s too much of a birthplace mark for what purpose.
In the app’s HOME, you can’t filter by hometown mark, but you can do it in Switch, which made me wonder???
It looks good to see that a GO-produced Diancie appears to be legitimate.
That’s not good.
I really understand why it’s frustrating when you can’t search for marks in the app…
Don’t trust anything other than 47.
I still don’t trust the Premier Ball at 47.
It’s fundamentally wrong that you can’t register in the software encyclopedia if you’re not from that software, and there’s no way to identify those from that software in GTS.
If that’s the case, let me register it in the software encyclopedia even if it’s not from that software.
It’s great that having Arceus makes trading evolution much easier.
That aside, starting over BDSP now feels quite heavy!
It’s not software you can take with you; it’s software you capture, you know…
The last one I had with Arceus was Coil.
I don’t have Arceus, but I’m trying to manage on my own…
Ah crap, another Gengar from SV has arrived!
It’s better to quietly rely on the nameless…
Or some online exchange bulletin board.
Simply put, fossils are a hassle.
It’s randomly three types including Rowlet.
Arceus can also be used for illegal trade evolutions in other games, so it’s worth keeping it.
There are definitely means available, but what was bothersome was the legendary three starters of the SV series.
I think it’s interesting that the evolution of the communication evolution group can happen if sent to Arceus.
If you’re going to do something so petty, I wish you would make the software encyclopedia itself more user-friendly.
It may deviate a little, but…
Can’t we import Patchirisu and Tsutsujin in the Diamond and Pearl remake???
Patchyru made a mistake in setting the pattern calculation method.
Tsuchinin probably increases due to a specification related to the copybug’s protection and evolution.
It’s funny that Tekkannon got banned instead of Nukenin with this specification.
Intermediary forms are quite troublesome.
There are final forms and species, but I have to deliberately create and keep the intermediates…
It’s too unfortunate to be banned due to a lack of technical skill.
Please deliver the 3×3×8 of the successive Three Houses!
Ugh, this is such a hassle…
I thought this in the Buru school too, but just the three families already make for a huge number.
It is registered in the Paldea Pokédex, but I might have released it before the DLC implementation or something.
It seems that Kitakami Blueberry is not registered, and it’s been happening frequently, making me think it should be automatically registered…
Well, if GTS becomes normal, it seems I could complete the Galar Pokédex even without the software… no, that’s not really the case with this many.
Tsuchinin can be secured on your own because it is underground.
Pachirisu can only wait for a massive outbreak.
Well, both of them aren’t related to the soft encyclopedia, so it’s fine to leave them alone.
I thought I wanted a shining talisman, but…
If it’s only applicable to hatching, then that’s fine… so I gave up on Pachirisu.
The celebration of the completion of Galar is Keldeo!
Keldeo, huh… I’ve been seeing your face quite often lately…
It’s the first time for color release…
I think that it bugs unless it’s someone who can go to that software because the reward guys have an origin mark.
That’s why the reward for Let’s Go Pikachu and Eevee is Meltan, not Melmetal.
The copies from the original Gold and Silver VC and the illegal raid products pass through easily, but the Diamond and Pearl remakes feel a bit late to the party.
Why is Type: Null in the Galar Pokédex? It’s completely an invasive species.
What if I evolve it before sending it to HOME?
It’s a pretty tricky trap that makes the software encyclopedia a hassle…
Dakuma seeking evolution in the story is too much of a trap.
You should have told me earlier that the semi-rare item can’t be obtained again.
Well, genuine products are flowing relatively well on GTS…
Is there a legitimate version of the DLC Paradox?
I was satisfied with the guy who looks legit after spinning the gacha like crazy.
By the way, the Arceus Pokédex has Darkrai and Shaymin in it.
Isn’t it impossible to collect everything just with the GTS without buying anything?
It’s impossible.
By the way, Arceus and Manaphy are also included in the Pokédex.
Since it increases by 9 Pokémon for every generation with the three starters alone.
Dachma has arrived in GO, but I still can’t send it to the main game.
It’s probably because you won’t be able to achieve the quest if you send it.
It was the same with Bebevenom and Cosmoem.
However, it seems that there won’t be any completion rewards for the Pokédex in GO.
The Gigantamax Pokémon are unusable for transfer.
What will happen since there is only a Gigantamax form of Urshifu?
I think that since Darmanitan can evolve like Bevenom, the ability to send them to HOME will likely be unlocked around that time, so it feels like we’ll have to manage it there.
I think you can only get one Alakazam from Arceus, but if you evolve it before registering it in Home, do you have to start over with a different save file to secure it?
Regions do not require a unique Pokédex entry, so that is okay.
Until Sword and Shield, that’s right.
Since the species and regions were separated from SV, I can’t let my guard down if there’s a similar event in ZA.
Since SV separates Paldea, Kitakami, and Blueberry and does not register species and regions separately in one Pokédex, it is likely that ZA, which probably won’t separate the Pokédex, will be fine.
In SV, there are 90 Pokémon consisting of the three original starter Pokémon, 600 species, and Eevee evolutions alone.
I don’t think there are any completion rewards, but there might be something like needing to register a certain number of them.
I’m filling in the GO Pokédex within my capabilities, without pushing myself too hard.
I accidentally traded for Miraidon on the GTS before registering the second Koraidon in the Pokédex.
I can no longer register.
To enter GTS, you must first leave it at home.
Is there no problem with the encyclopedia registration?
So, why isn’t it registered?
You should definitely have Arceus.
Looking at the HOME GO encyclopedia, there are still some that haven’t appeared in GO yet, so it should be fine for a while.
I only have a sword and shield, but leveling up and dealing with eggs is a hassle…
Since I didn’t have Pikachu and Eevee, I filled the Pokédex only through trades, but there were quite a few GO traps, which was a hassle.
I caught a lot of Milotic in Sword and Shield and sent them to BDSP!
Sword and Shield are quite easy, I guess.
Since Frefuwon Perorirumu and Shubargob Agiruda are version-exclusive and require trade evolution, I have to search for raids and dive in.
Schvalgo and Agilder have wild ones in their armor.
Frefwan and Perolium are currently impossible in 1 soft.
Even for a Color Manaphy, I don’t want to buy a Diamond and Pearl remake.
Don’t turn me into a hostage with a different color.
It’s necessary for the color Love Tros as well.
I reluctantly bought it used after the information came out, but when I looked at the same store the other day, it had increased in price by 1.5 times.
Well, I’ll go around again.
I mass-produced Fruflon for the purpose of filling the encyclopedia.
Just to be safe, I converted them to Peroriimu and Huntail, and then used them for exchanging.
The lack of eggs in Pikachu and Eevee was a bit troublesome.
The capture rate is simply too low and it’s annoying! Why is capturing so troublesome in a game that focuses on capturing?
I hope the rewards don’t come because I don’t feel motivated to do GO.
It’s the most troublesome to follow once it’s no longer the latest work.
I learned that it’s better to finish things while they are in season.
It was good that I almost completed the Pikachu and Eevee Pokédex at the time of release, but it would be difficult to do it now.
It’s difficult to avoid GO-produced Pokémon through eggs or GTS.
Marshadow is coming to GO, so this fills the last slot and I can get the newly created Magearna.
The last time I came, we weren’t playing GO.
Since the HOME box is getting tight, I wish they would switch to another app.
Or box expansion
The GO Encyclopedia will probably never be completed, so there will likely never be any rewards.
I wonder if it’s possible to obtain Magiana from 1000 years ago with just the Switch generation now.
There are still some people who haven’t come to the Switch, so it’s not possible yet.
If you come to Z-A, the chances of being able to do it increase significantly.
Aren’t the Three Monkeys from Minazumi not in the Switch generation?
Additionally, Patchirisu is in both GO and BDSP, but cannot enter from anywhere other than the bank.
In the past, it was necessary to wait for a year for distribution or to wait for the GO event because Magiana needed to complete the illusions, so you just have to be patient.