Yellow, huh…
It’s a bit late to say this, but it would have been fine to just go with black or something.
I wonder if Lucario was designated by a palette?
Well, considering how much they were promoting it, it does seem like a designated type.
Blue is complete.
Try to sell something other than Lucario! I know it’s easier to draw, but come on!
How much does Anipoke love Mega Lucario?
Corny is true to the original, and Satoshi is a user of wave guidance, so I understand that, but what about Roy?
It’s more like it has started to be done or it’s been continuously done.
It overlaps with yellow and black, like Tai Kaiden…
Since Roy doesn’t have any cool-colored Pokémon, it’s good that it’s blue!
I don’t know why, but it was something distributed in SV.
Speaking of which, it was mysteriously distributed before the release of the Indigo disc…
Was this the precursor to that?
If you want a Mega Evolution that encourages close combat, wouldn’t Mega Elreid, which we never really saw in the anime, have been a good choice?
Can’t you make an anime without Lucario?
There was a time when Satoshi’s Greninja’s rival was being created with Mega Sceptile and Mega Charizard X.
Tell Pikachu and Charizard too.
Pika has already become a clear signboard, so I think there’s a certain inevitability to it.
Regarding Riza, yes.
I can see that Lucario looks really good, but isn’t he getting a bit too much exposure?
Is it an image of gold? It has a yellowish hue, though.
Color scheme like Zorori-sensei.
I don’t dislike the choice of yellow since it gives off an Anubis vibe, but the chest being in a blue-gray tone is a bit off for me…
It seems like it would go wild even at PokéPoké.
You can use your limbs for combat, and you are fully equipped with projectile techniques that utilize wave motions, making it easy to depict battles.
Despite that, it seems like the battles are less taxing than during the XY period.
On the contrary, could it mean that there aren’t many designs of Mega Pokémon that look good in anime?
Well then, just because it’s in the SV, can you really be happy about Donmel appearing in the anime and Mega Blaziken showing up? That’s the question…
Bipedal mega creatures are definitely cool and strong.
Is Mega Eleraid not good enough?
The impression of Pokémon like Forretress has changed quite a bit with the gold graphics in SV, so isn’t gold good?
Since the original is blue, wouldn’t it be fine if the different color is red? I’ve always thought that.
I think the original colors for Lucario are clearly better…
xy is the result of the staff working themselves to the bone with unpaid overtime, so there won’t be any battle animation in Pokémon that surpasses that, either before or after.
If only Mega evolution changed the color drastically like Groudon’s Primal form.
Since it’s an SV, it can also handle paradox-related things, so it seems like there’s more value in Elreid…
To be honest, if you look at them individually, Lucario stands out more than Gallade, but Lucario has been so overexposed…
It’s a good choice, but if asked whether Mega Shiny Sableye stands out in an anime way… I wonder how it does.
Well, if you think from a child’s perspective, Lucario is probably more popular after all…
I’m happy because it shines in gold.
I’m fine with promoting alternate colors, but please make more cool alternate colors!
I think Lucario is actually pretty good, but isn’t it a bit too common for shinies to just look like they were lightly dulled in color?
In the fifth generation, where graphics were written in code, colors were arranged using a method called a color palette.
By changing the X value of that color palette, we created highly rare color variations without increasing the amount of data.
Therefore, it couldn’t be arranged in a balanced manner as the changes were uniform.
Starting from the sixth generation, the method involves applying textures to polygon models, so dedicated textures for color variations have been prepared.
From here on, if the designer has specified it, we will follow that; if not, the graphic designer will set it independently.
Even with those constraints, there are still beautifully different colors in the old works.
It would be nice if they would increase the variety of different colors.
That’s a bit…
I looked at the Mega list, and it seems like only Mega Blaziken can really stand out as a bipedal star.
If there isn’t one, it would be nice if you could grow it like Satoshi’s Greninja…
I feel like I’ve been paying a lot of attention to color choices lately.
That aside, there could have been a bit more, like something resembling a colorful cat.
It’s about time to change the mossy color variant of Espeon that was decided based on palette convenience…
I thought they might not want to change the starters too much, but Mudkip really was changed quite a bit.
I feel that Mascarinia is trying to look fashionable with just a little change.
If you’re going to do a color scheme revenge like the colorful Mega Gengar, then make the original match that too.
Change it up a lot! That’s what makes it special!
Red seems to suit you better.
There is no commercial interest in the color variations, which is rather confusing.
The Paldea starter Pokémon seem to have faded colors…
I don’t like the dull color of Mega.
The normal Mega Lucario also has that blue part like this…
Since Hemokawa is a regular…
Because colors are now determined by specification, it has led to the creation of worthless color variants that are indistinguishable at first glance, like those in the Carbow series.
Isn’t that Zorori?
I like Shari Tatsus in SV because they have a color difference that doesn’t feel like a typical color variant in a good way.
Due to the loss of Gengar’s shiny form, Mega Evolution and Gigantamax.
It also became incredibly plain again.
But from now on, it’s different!
Whether it’s a lie or the truth, I don’t know.
I have heard that designers often submit their entries to competitions with the conviction that the color they chose is the best, so they often don’t want to change it much even for color variations.
I think it would be quite a hassle to prepare two completely different colorings.
It’s fine since individuals that change color are about 1 in 4000, and the rest are all the normal color…!
The premise is that the standard color suits you the best.
It’s totally the same, and just changing the color makes it different?
The six Pokémon from Alola are really well-made shiny variants, aren’t they…
Overall, it has the original lineage’s colors, but Charizard and Greninja have changed colors too much and stand out…
Hasn’t Mafoxie and Juniper changed quite a bit?
I think it’s actually strong that Ashirene only changed her hair color.
Isn’t the color of Brigalon cooler than the primary colors?
It might be an image of an old soldier, but the color variant is actually closer to the original color scheme of Harimaron than the white one.
It feels like the color Brigarun evolved neatly from its usual color’s pre-evolution.
It’s Pikachu’s color!
Stand back.
However, I think Exleg was overjoyed to prepare the different colors.
If anything, they should just release a different-colored Greninja and make it a new Mega Evolution.
I think the colors in the image aren’t bad; rather, they are the safest choice after black and white.
There’s a sense of discomfort because it feels too much like the original.
Putting aside the old ones, what were Segre and Safgo thinking when they made that color difference for the latest generation, which is a standout position?
The color combination feels strange…
I’m done with Mega Lucario… It will probably just be treated the same as the new series anyway.
Well, it’s obvious that if you continue to use the main character instead of the Achiever, it would lead to questions…
It’s also a big deal that the partner in the movie and Gen-san are matching colors with Lucario…
The different colors of the SV are generally lacking in taste, right?
I think the Kamitchu series is really great… also the Dark Iruka Man and the unpainted future paradox.
The different color of Parmot is really good!
The different color of Sharitatsu is also stylish.
Mascarena also feels like a subspecies, which is very good.
Sow Blaze also has powerful special moves.
Lucario and Zoroark are from the movie series, and Charizard is already that kind of character, so I understand.
Venusaur and Blastoise are relatively pitiful.
I only thought of it as a bird of prey and an evil spirit.
I fell in love with the colors yesterday during the mass outbreak.
Pokémon Center Early Purchase Bonus Pokkén Tournament “Pokkén Tournament” Lucario Figure (2P Color version) POKéMON CENTER・POKéMON・Pocket Monsters・POKKÉN TOURNAMENT & ©1995-2016 NINTENDO/CREATURES INC./GAME FREAK inc. Pochi/F0245 6 5 0 6 8 9 6 – 7 7 5 4 4 – 9 No.796-6519-SAT-1
I love the red in Pokkén.
The shiny Yamirami is exactly golden! But Lucario’s yellow is somewhat… it’s not exactly an odd color combination, but…
It’s not out yet for now.
I wonder if the other main character, Riko, will also start using Mega Evolution.
The Paldean Tauros, which makes it extremely difficult to distinguish color variations due to the specifications of the SV light source, is truly amazing.
It’s coming towards me so much that it’s too bothersome to observe calmly.
Anyway, you’re going to use Mega Rayquaza in the final battle, aren’t you?
I think the different color of Rasha looks cute like a sunny-side-up egg.
I think the gold shiny in the Pokémon world often resembles the color of Lucario… I like it.
I think it would have been good if Glen Alma and Soul Blaze had different colors and the color schemes were reversed.
Where did the poison ivy change?
I like the color of the rasha except for specific places.
I wonder what you think about the Taikaiden Teburimunakuchan, who occasionally pops up with discussions about dealing with Achigators and such.
No matter how many times I see it, the colors of Weenibal only look like they can be hit during invincibility in an action game.
Looking at it this way, it seems like a variety of good designs are lined up.
That aside, I can’t shake off the feeling of “Seriously, what the hell with Ikkanezumi, Grenalmasou Blaze, Surfgo, and Paldean Tauros…”
There are occasionally Pokémon like Nekkoala that can change color, and you might wonder, “Wait, does this one change color?!”
I quite like tools that change color.
The feeling that that Decanutchan over there is a different color.
It’s so vivid.
Roi (voiced by Yuka Terasaki) will probably have a special training session with Cornie (voiced by Yuka Terasaki).
They probably won’t use or show any of the original characters that appeared up until the Satoshi arc.
Did you find out?
I don’t think I’ll go out either.
It seems like they are somewhat aware that the people inside are the same.
I used to think that foreigners who preferred shiny Mewtwo had a different culture.
I like that the color region and color ancient have a color scheme that is conscious of the original species, as it’s well thought out.
The popular Pokémon and its Mega Evolution are really good, but honestly, I think the regular Gardevoir’s color is a bit questionable.
I think it’s fine to use Mega Charizard as a main character throughout the year, but for some reason, I don’t.
It’s one of the few usable shiny Pokémon I got in Pokémon Sleep, so I like it.
The colors of the Jadeite Three are likely influenced by a sense of original species, which makes only the shiny variation of Houndoom feel quite subtle.
I see shiny Dragonites a lot in ranked matches, but is that color really that great!?
Or is it that anything will do as long as it’s a different color?
If it’s gold or maybe a bit more subdued color, that would be nice, but when it’s a flashy yellow, it has a fake vibe.
I honestly think the color variation of Lucario has a pretty questionable color scheme.
Since Pikachu’s colors are like that, I think the creators have no particular obsession or commitment at all.
Soubure and Surfgo are no good.
I thought, “I don’t get this at all,” about Kentaros, but since it’s big and in a group, I understood it pretty well.
It doesn’t qualify as gold unless it’s at least the color of a different Magikarp…
Well, regarding SV, I think many people use different colors without being particular about the original color because it’s really easy to obtain different color variations.
It can come out even as a side effect of aiming for a trophy.
There are some cases where it’s okay to casually change the color.
When I see things like color Mega Gengar, I imagine that the Pokémon Company would want to change things up if they could, from time to time…
I can’t hide my desire to turn my Shiny Gengar white…!
Moss-covered Dragonite
The color change from Gyarados to Dragonite is quite disappointing.
How many years have we been together with that colored Dragonite, is what I’m saying.
You must be quite familiar with it.
There are no misses with the black color variant.
I think Paldean Tauros is not that far off…
It’s the worst when you can’t tell the different colored ones at a glance in a symbol encounter.
I feel like I want to say that a pattern where the original black color has just changed a little is an exception…!
Surfgo is not just disappointing, it’s something else entirely.
I actually started dating the shiny Dragonite from GO’s Community Day…
It’s already been 7 years since the first Community Day…
Hehe… Freezer’s eye color still isn’t stable, you know…
Since you can manipulate personality individual values and effort values can be finished with items, it might feel insufficient unless you struggle for shiny certificates.
TaurNation is cool to begin with.
Pardea Kentaros has been inducted into the Hall of Fame.
I’ve been wondering if the black color variant is considered a hit for the humpback whale?
It looks just like a real whale, which is nice.
It’s just a personal impression, but…
That’s why I don’t really find it interesting…
Halabare prefers the different-colored version.
Finding a different color of Zupika has become frustrating, damn it.
In the end, everyone is seeking a humanoid form.
The real monster is…
When it becomes too beastly, it’s hard to take action.
Satoshi’s Pikachu learned Iron Tail to engage in close combat.
It’s hard to have a biting match like the last battle in Zoids/0 in Pokémon…
I learned from a YouTube video that silent color correction apparently happens very rarely.
For example, it seems that the color of Meteno was originally a black base with subtle remnants of various colors, but at some point, it was unified to a single color, black.
The original SM had only one black internal data with a color difference judgment for each color.
It seems you were going to say goodbye, but you decided not to.
I think it’s pretty enjoyable how Wanida seems to lean towards Spider-Man but is completely Deadpool instead.
Is the only visual difference between the normal species and the combat species, aside from color, that the fur feels coarse?
The shiny Charizard also changed color once, right?
Black stands out in cool designs.
Isn’t a colored whale usually a hit?
It would have been good if Blaze and the others had made a complete change.
The existence of the alternate color of Mega Charizard X that becomes black.
I can still understand it a bit.
From the perspective of someone who has seriously started with color persistence in SV, I feel that when it comes to color variations like Sobble, Blaziken, and Surfing Pikachu, Espeon is far better.
I’ve gotten used to that color since a long time ago, but I’m really grateful that it has changed so dramatically.
I quite like Green Espeon.
I was thinking it would be nice if Glen Alma and Soul Blaze swapped colors.
What, just the eyes?
Gengar can be white, it’s fine, everyone will forgive you!
The subtly yellowish-green color can sometimes look uncool but can also appear stylish.
Depending on the work, it can be completely yellow.
Nine-Tails turning from gold to silver is cool.
How about giving different color variations their own types?
I like how some Pokémon have different shiny color schemes in the Coliseum and Battle Revolution compared to the main series.
If a second color variation is implemented in the future, I hope they will refer to that as well.
The rarity of shiny variants has decreased, so let’s release an even rarer new shiny variant.
Diamond shape!
That also disappeared quickly, didn’t it?
It seems like the internal data is still remaining.
I personally like the color difference that seems to be presented without painting, like in the Mirai group.
It’s interesting how the head of the Koubu clearly becomes recognizable as a display.
I think it’s not interesting that everyone is the same… but more than that, I like the overall feel of the concept that it’s an unpainted machine.
It would have been nice if the color of the flames reversed after Carbink’s evolution.
Since the carburetor itself mainly has a red color, it’s fine to go with a blue that leans towards Soul Blaze.
The different effects in Sword and Shield were quickly removed, and it was just so frustrating…
Yellow is unpopular.
In reality, you know.
As expected, it’s either white or black.
Isn’t it better for players to have the freedom to choose colors for their alternate forms?
That’s kind of different, you know.
There are too many places where mass outbreaks are difficult to occur…
In foreign countries, it’s not just a different color, but a shining Pokémon…
Roy is also a dark-colored variant.
It might depend on the person, but I was like, “So what if the effect was diamond-shaped?”
The Tetsuno group can become silver, but can’t you stop being silver when you sleep?
It’s fine even if it’s a different colored gold plating, you know…?
They say that the black color variation is a hit.
I prefer the two-stage Gardevoir with Blood Sword over the blackened Gardevoir.
I wanted the entire blade to stay red…
I wanted to see the rusty Future Group and such.
If you’re going to deal with Mega, then it’s those who haven’t been Mega until now.
Mega Arbok, Mega Weezing, and Mega Meowth, you see…
Aarbok is so weak that it’s the kind of Pokémon you’d normally think would evolve.
It’s not Meowth, it’s Persian.
Seeing the reverse idea of being unpainted is why I want to check out the fully played with painted version too.
It’s been masked or something like that.
I don’t know, but Meowth is in its pre-evolution form, so it probably doesn’t have a Mega Evolution.
I don’t know why, but receiving a color in SV was perhaps a precursor to becoming a main character later on…
Since there was a Gigantamax before evolution, we can’t definitively say that there won’t be a Mega Evolution before evolution either.