It became that way.
Even though they are not blood-related, Nana and Joey, who unconditionally believed in the two masters, were denounced to the kingdom soldiers by the Adreid family.
The contrast is just ruthless, isn’t it…?
Even Joey has family that isn’t related by blood!
She was more damp than my memories.
The character Nanami from the side story was quite a beautiful girl.
Actually, isn’t it cute?!
Is it official that she’s older sister but actually younger, or was it just a fan’s delusion?
Since Nanami is 16 years old, the second main character is probably around the same age.
I’m not sure which one is older, but I think it’s something like claiming to be the older sister.
I feel like it was mentioned in a book.
Even though we are the same age and the protagonist’s birthday is earlier, Nanami insists that I’m the older sister.
If you skip the cooperative attack, it recovers, right?
Just a little bit.
If Nanami survives, the two main characters become the top of the city alliance.
I suppose I continued to live quietly in the town of Carol without ever meeting again…
And Joui continues to wait idly by the waterfall.
It was an attitude of disbelief that my brother-in-law would join the battle at such an early stage, even earlier than I remembered.
The story revolves around the circumstances of joining the child soldier unit, so that’s to be expected.
One of the ideal older sisters.
It’s nice that she’s just a sister, isn’t it, Nanami?
But basically, I’m being treated like a sweet potato.
Upon reconsideration, if the protagonist becomes king without a one-on-one fight with Jooi, will they die young due to the disadvantages of the emblem?
It seems that the once vibrant personality has faded, perhaps due to the guilt of sacrificing Ridley after escaping from ED, and now they might be growing their hair long and hiding away.
In the side story, Nash became prey to Nanami’s stew.
It seems that while it looks and smells good, the taste is… lacking.
Redoing it allowed me to confirm its cuteness again.
I thought it was such a huge bother and that it could only be accepted because it was my older sister.
I understand how you feel, but I kept thinking it was annoying, especially at that event.
Naming a failed dish “Nanami” is just too much and makes me laugh.
Nanami cake and Nanami ice cream.
Thinking about what happens next with the escape route is very exciting.
I don’t think I’m ugly, but I always thought I was just plain, so being treated as a beautiful girl feels a bit off.
I think having charm is one thing, but a beautiful girl is something entirely different.
The escape route definitely feels very immoral…
An overly interfering sister can be quite annoying, right?
Amidst the turmoil of war, the unwavering essence of being a sister is captured in two flavors.
There are things that I can finally understand now that I have grown up.
It’s nice to think that the master must have had a hard time being good at cooking…
Let’s stop fighting forever; we’re saying there’s no reason we have to do it.
I want to run away…
Mr. Victor completely ignored Nanami’s self-proclaimed beautiful girl status, which made it clear she is not a beautiful girl.
Didn’t someone in the story treat you like a flat-nosed person?
I feel like someone named Rina said something like “I can win against this girl.”
I was being told ridiculous things by the gatekeeper of Muse City.
Curly snails and so on.
Is that Monsieur Muse’s gatekeeper?
I think I’ve become more emotionally sensitive as an adult, likely due to my weakened tear ducts and the ability to empathize with the feelings of various characters.
Tears will be shed here and there throughout the scenario.
Hey hey hey hey! Or like, wooowwwww, the childishness expressed through dialogue.
A face that makes Nina say, “I won’t lose to this guy.”
I love the night conversations between Flick and Nina.
It would be nice to say that I’m always waiting for Flick in the end.
The staff said that Nina seems to be forgetting about Flick…
Lie, lie, lie.
Here comes the bobbed hair curly slug…
It’s a case of love at first sight, and as for Nina, it’s even said that in the main story it’s just another misunderstanding.
In the side story, she falls in love at first sight with Nash, so it’s that age where one falls in love with love.
It was only at the beginning that I felt good, but it clouded over faster than I expected…
Because it’s been nothing but a life on the run since the beginning…
I found it really annoying when I was a kid, but…
It’s cute to do it now.
The older sister from the escape route has a really high level of humidity and femininity, and I like that.
It’s a design that clearly shows a beautifully ugly face with a certain charm.
You’re just a victim being tossed around by the original emblem, aren’t you…
I want to see Nanami’s immorality!
Please get ready!
It seems that it will only appear with the true AI emblem.
Isn’t the true emblem crap?
Since I can obtain a power beyond human knowledge, will they forgive me? They will forgive me, right?
The emblem of punishment “I forgive you…”
Airi seems like she could reverse-rape the two main characters, but it looks like her older sister can’t.
Once you get used to it, Soul Eater will significantly alleviate the side effects.
Well, Soul Eater can still cause turmoil even after draining the souls of close people…
If it turns out that he was actually slightly younger.
Nanami can’t possibly die… or something like that.
Since that incident, you must feel isolated as everyone looks at you with cold eyes… that kind of line becomes even more poignant.
I don’t think it matters whether someone is a little younger or older.
Nanami is cute.
Airi looks like a boy.
But the beautiful girl setting is Airi, isn’t it?
Why do true emblems have so much crap? Do fire and water also want to destroy each other?
I think it might be testing humans by giving them trials, but I don’t understand why it is doing that.
They are just embodiments of supernatural phenomena, so it’s not like that.
The period of forgiveness is probably the kindness of the emblem of punishment that has nothing.
But if I remove it, I will continue to seek atonement, so I will have the four masters become the sacrifice.
Is there any other female character besides Airi who has a setting of being in love with the protagonist?
The punishment is set up in a way that’s just too convenient for the storytelling…
“Begin ‘Fight… fight…'”
A grating emblem like a saint that goes by the name of the Night Emblem.
It’s your fault! The emblem of the sun!
I didn’t even have a strategy guide when I was a kid.
It was really tough that Nanami got hit by an arrow, withdrew from the frontline, and then died.
Well, when all the members are together… well, that’s it, I guess.
The beginning can be sealed in two parts, and as long as the two best friends who should compete do not visit the shrine, they won’t cause any trouble, making them quite manageable.
Perhaps the most emotional of the true emblems is the noisy Celestial Sword.
There are some complicated disadvantages when it comes to humans, but fundamentally, it’s a system that shapes the world, so it is the true emblem.
There are beings that summon something from outside the world, like gates or dragons, but is this really a system that shapes the world?
Originally, there is a setting where parallel separate worlds exist called the Million Worlds.
So the world of Suikoden feels like a world that was created from broken swords and shields.
Nanami thought she liked Joui, but it might have been a complete delusion.
Soul Eater “I want to take away the important person of my host and cloud their mind~😋”
The emblem of beginnings: “The sight of friends killing each other is noble… 😍”
So the true emblem is that the Cosmic Balancer is the head of the circle on the Law side (the policy of returning to the sword and shield of beginnings after the world is destroyed), right?
Genkaku picked it up, but are 2-masters and Nanami related by blood?
Not connected.
Because we are always together, it’s just right to entrust good luck and wealth to you.
I’m sure there are first-time players who think that way.
The true five elements are embodiments of natural phenomena, so they tend to stand superior to the other five elements and can explode in a violent manner.
True emblems are crap, right?
So I’ll smash it up.
I think if I wanted to, I could connect to another world and wage an invasion war using a gate’s emblem or something.
A punishment that has no drawbacks if you don’t use it is kind, isn’t it?
Are you pushing me into a situation where I have no choice but to use it?
It seems like I could encounter at least a crab 🦀 without throwing myself into battle.
It will spoil various things, but…
The protagonist, Nanami, and Joey set out on a new journey, but it’s the end.
Who is going to organize the protagonist’s base?
I asked for you, strategist Shu!
I will retire and return to being a trader!
I won’t let you take it back 🍎
Isn’t there a story somewhere about Therese organizing it?
It might be a memory error.
I’ve just cleared the first one and I’m now playing the second, but the quality of the visuals really jumps up!
When I did it again, I thought, “Was it this bland…?”
The true Five Elements are a presence that normally cannot coexist with people, so it is troublesome.
It seems like the soil in Sasarai isn’t affected much…
There might be frequent earthquakes in Harmonia.
It’s fine because Therese will take care of it…
Ah, Tint will become independent from the feeble city alliance.
2 is really well made down to the smallest details, isn’t it?
Messages are attached to objects all around.
In the early stages, when I brought the older sister from the thread back to the pass, I tried to use my body to get past the gatekeeper.
Was there such an amazing event!?
It will also go dark!
It seems like the Sasurai copies are being adjusted to fit the plan conveniently, don’t you think?
The cheesecake old man, who has become such a gag character with just one item, is remarkable in how well the second one executes various performances.
I can’t get off with Nanami.
I can’t look at Nanami in a sexual way.
The individual scene dots are well done, of course, but…
It’s good at making you imagine things like Bolgan and Pirika playfully interacting during the gaps in the conversation.
A woman who is just fast.
When Pirika first appeared, she had the goofy face of the Nanami tribe, but then she has had a gloomy face all the way through, which is tough…
When I was a child, I played Tactics Ogre around the same time, so I thought that the combination of friends and sisters was the standard for RPGs.
Well, it’s really too much to compare with that.
In recent wars in various foreign countries, heroic generals are collaborating!
The protagonist becomes the leader of the rebel army!!
The older sister who loves the protagonist so much!!!
A shitty best friend who completely betrays me!!!!
Pretty much the same!!!!!!!
Well, it seems like the one that will probably become canon in the future is the one where Joie dies and becomes the emblem of beginnings.
I’m curious about what will happen to Star Leap.
In scenario 3, Therese is representing Dunand.
I continued to use Nanami in the first team at all costs.
It seems that the official history continues to depict the lines between the lines, so unless one of the endings is established as the official history, this part is unlikely to be drawn.
It’s because that Rion, who wasn’t made into an older sister, is hated by fujoshi like a viper.
Since it’s a series with a multi-setup, I’m curious about how they’ll handle it in the social game.
The power to judge the battle of the emblem of beginnings has a very final weapon-like aura.