Training indoors on rainy days
Dark-chan is a well-behaved child who doesn’t require much care.
Ms. Dark Suzuka refrains from doing things that would be a nuisance to her owner.
Ms. Dark Suzuka never runs outside of the designated practice hours.
Ms. Dark Suzuka listens well to people’s stories.
This is not good…
Dark Suzuka sits in the back seat (Suzuka is sitting in the passenger seat).
Ms. Dark Suzuka doesn’t do anything for Fuku’s birthday.
The non-dark one is way too much of a troublemaker…
But I’m faster (bika).
They’re saying it, Space-chan…
Ms. Dark Suzuka overtakes everyone from the last position in the Nakayama straight.
I am you, you are me, I am that which has emerged from the sea of your heart.
You, open your own eyes wide and speak now.
Ms. Dark Suzuka does not go out on snowy days except for shoveling snow.
Thankful, isn’t it…
(Dark Suzuka being silently buried by the snow that fell while shoveling snow)
Ms. Dark Suzuka does not worry the Empress.
You’re a little too good.
Where are the dark elements?
Isn’t the running style and preferred distance completely opposite?
Is it a late-running type for long-distance dirt races?
I wonder if I’ll fail to escape…
He ran for a long time without getting injured.
I might not be able to run because I might like the view from the back.
The scenery of the lord will not be given up.
Ultimately, if I’m at the front, it doesn’t matter if I let other kids take the lead for a while.
Suzuka-san, who isn’t dark, is a delinquent Uma Musume.
Grass × Dirt ◎ Suitable distance 2700 to 3800m
I can also do short distances.
This appropriate distance is also a problem on the grass.
I would like the grass to at least be a C grade.
In the end, I was a bit ahead, so I was faster.
This place is unwavering, impressive indeed.
I don’t care whether it’s early or late.
Isn’t Light Suzuka an outrageous delinquent…?
But I’m faster.
Ms. Ritesuzuka is an honor student when seen as a student, right?
I want to focus on running.
In the first place, it’s said that Light Suzuka herself has a very narrow optimal distance…
Then conversely, it can be made wider.
Compared to the light one, it would be fine if the milk is heavy.
It only makes sense if it’s Suzuka-san.
It seems they are particular about winning by a narrow margin right at the very end.
Ms. Dark Suzuka’s attribute is Dark-Law.
If Light Suzuka is between 1800 and 2200, then Dark Suzuka would be between 1000 and 1600, and 2400 and 3600, I guess.
The fear of having a really strong competitor in both distances.
Ms. Dark Suzuka does not get fractures.
I want to show this to some ephemeral delinquent somewhere…
Dark Suzuka eats well.
It’s okay to eat well, but
Since the practice is just so-so, I might gain weight…
Isn’t it just a good child with a scary gaze…?
Ms. Dark Suzuka is neither getting chubby nor developing a habit of slacking off.
Oh no! The non-dark Suzuka is starting to look like Suzunka!!!
If you change one character in “Dark Suzuka” to “Dirt Suzuka,” it becomes “Falco.”
When I scolded them for slacking off.
I want you to have a face that looks like you might want to kill me…
Ms. Dark Suzuka politely declines Faruko’s invitation.
Dark Suzuka sends nutrients to the chest.
Ms. Dark Suzuka adheres to the curfew.
The feeling of being a losing heroine is strong.
Ms. Dark Suzuka is going to have a little sister move in with Spacha.
It’s a right turn, and I’m good at going to the right.
I can’t do that… (doing nothing)
Dark Suzuka makes Air Groove act spoiled.
Ms. Dark Suzuka likes to run alongside others rather than alone.
Dark Suzuka doesn’t come home in the morning.
I’ve started to lose track of what is dark.
What are your fashion hobbies?
Ms. Dark Suzuka cannot surpass the giant Zelkova tree.
The alias will probably become some kind of pursuer…
It’s fun to keep applying pressure while following behind the escape, then overtake at the final corner.
It’s fun to pretend to be exhausted and then re-accelerate just as the chasing horse girl catches up.
You have a good personality, but you’re not dark…
It’s not just mine; it’s everyone’s scenery. So I’ll knock everyone out, right?
Ms. Dark Suzuka likes the view from the back (overtaking everyone).
Mr. Dark Suzuka does not engage in sexual harassment.
It’s as if Ms. Light Suzuka is committing sexual harassment…
Ms. Dark Suzuka is counterclockwise.
No matter how far you run, I’ll stab you! (Special commentary upon victory)
The light is telling the dark to sexually harass and make it cry.
When I’m about to pass the child in front of me.
I see the faces of those children.
It’s the best.
You have a good personality, I like it. I’m supporting you, Digi-tan.
It seems that Dark Suzuka will do a duet with the digital Agnes…
I wonder what my catchphrase is…
It’s true, right?
Ms. Dark Suzuka has 100 friends and is a central figure in her class.
Don’t say that Light Suzuka has no friends and is out of place in class.
Ms. Dark Suzuka doesn’t do strawberry daifuku!
Dark Suzuka retired safely and produced many offspring, living past the age of 30.