Event conclusion commemoration! Twelve Divine Generals Star Legend Gacha Set, Twelve Divine Generals Performance, Guaranteed one release weapon for Twelve Divine Generals characters! © Cygames, Inc.
I would have bought it if it were a coupon ticket.
Everyone has one, you know.
I normally wore it.
Even though there are no 4 characters.
There’s no way I’d spin it if I can’t choose.
Which girl do you want?
Let me choose.
Unlike Rimi, the weapon is just a skin, so if it overlaps…
You can get a gold moon!
Well, it’s for beginners.
Is there anyone who will do it now?
I don’t have just the Kublai, but it’s impossible to aim for this!
If it’s Kubira, you can get it through LinksMate.
There’s a ceiling to level up!
I got the only Kublai that I didn’t have there.
Is the ownership rate so low that something like this is sold?
The timing to withdraw…
Anjira and Makira
I can’t back down after all.
Somehow or other, everyone was made to join in the swimsuit version.
It’s okay if I can’t choose, but at least make it guaranteed to be something I don’t have…
It’s a surprisingly intense gacha.
That’s usually how it is with stars.
Everyone has them, so I don’t want any characters, but since I’ll soon have 150 gold moons, just a little…
They can’t put Hira in here either…
If you put in Hailra, everyone who doesn’t have Hailra would spin for it…
Is it a performance that would result in Hyrule refugees?
If it was that bad, I should have quit before getting banned.
You were active in the Water Ancient Battlefield, right!?
Hyrule has clearly stated that they won’t release it for a year, so if they do, they’ll get into trouble.
There are definitely ones that couldn’t be re-released in Deresute, so it’s absolutely impossible.
At least let it be guaranteed that I don’t already have it.
The ones who are not here are I, Shatora, and Indara.
It’s the one from the Year of the Rabbit that’s been left untouched without any improvements, even though it’s drawn.
Should we go for Shatra and Indara…? I don’t know if I’ll use them, though.
When did the Limiselect Stellar start…?
Vajira and Indara are not here, but… hmm…
It’s amazing that they’ve actually continued for 12 years as zodiac characters…
Not yet!
Looking at the list, I just remembered that in the beginning, the weapon and the character’s attributes were different.
Personally, I’m already starting to feel suffocated without Indar.
If the weapon limit break was top-tier for everyone, I would have rolled for it.
When Producer Haruta said that the next AniRa release would be in 12 years, I was cursing him out, thinking what an idiot he is for saying such a foolish thing.
At that time, the ideal fire composition was Par-sama, Clarisse, and Anila, so I didn’t like the pressure of “If you don’t pull now around the end of the year, who knows when the next chance will be?”
Wasn’t there something different about the emission rate at its debut and the last chance…?
There were people who spent a considerable amount of money and still didn’t get the character, and it was sad to see that while there were refunds for the An Chiragacha right after, the Anira gacha was ignored.
A gacha that only benefits beginners has arrived…
Seasonal limited hoikure.
There’s no way I’m going to spin it when the weapon is garbage!
It’s lonely without Haila.
I would have bought it if it were a ticket sale.
Starre is…
Hyrama really has the kind of performance that can fit in anywhere.
Why is Hylra used even in high difficulty…?
Everyone has it, so I can easily ignore it without any worries.
I have it because Gachapin gave it to me.
Indara did not give it.
Regarding characters after Bikara, both stones and gacha have been relaxed.
Why didn’t you take it? I think it’s only natural to be asked that, especially for Hira refugees.
I mean, is it really Stare?!
Pipaira isn’t here, huh?
Aren’t you lonely being the only one?
It’s the main idol of the banned this year.
I think it would have been better if there was a special summon ticket limited to Indara and Hira.
Well, then I can gather everything cheaply…
Since I have everything except for Indara, I will have to bet on 1/10.
I’ll let it slide since the odds are not in my favor.
Gacha Results NEW! SSR Tenkan Chishi Tsume: Decoration of the Tiger Attribute: Earth / Weapon Type: Martial Arts Lv MAX 100 HP MIN 38 – MAX 236 Attack Power MIN 406 – MAX 2409 A fortunate ritual tool used to perform purification rites with Shindara. The claw, decorated splendidly and auspiciously, slices through disasters and grants blessings to the Sky Knights who visit the shrine. Ultimate Move: King Fang Divine Nature: Tiger Decoration Earth Attribute Damage (Extra Large) / All Allies’ Ultimate Move
I’m seriously happy because it was a candidate for replacing the discount ceiling.
Well, since I have everyone except Bikara and it’s not a surprise, I guess it’s okay…
Everyone is here, so it’s not a problem, but there could have been more ways to sell it.
It seems like there might be people who will turn it without noticing that Hiira is not there…
Only Indara is missing, but the situation is really unfavorable…
I succeeded in getting Indara.
Only Anshira is not included in the season…
I finally got it from the last side SR.
I understand that it’s the timing for the end of the anniversary event, but…
I wonder if those who want it want to roll for it as a bonus during the end-of-month dark pot legend event.
It should have a note under the provision period saying it won’t be available.
Why is it that what can be done in the notification can’t be done in the game?
It’s foolish to complain without even looking at the emission rate displayed.
I’ve used up all my tickets and stones, and now I have about 1300 stones left.
Is aiming for the legendary festival’s guarantee a bit difficult even with the 100 pulls confirmed on the last day?
Stretch it out with a super mook.
This is tough to spin, for sure.
I might have bought it if it were only a summon for the 12 divine generals…
I’m also missing just Maki.
Putting 3000 yen on this bad bet of Musashi’s…
If I could choose, I would go unconditionally…
This is being taken lightly randomly.
For some reason, I only have Bikara and Shatola, so it’s a good deal.
I think it would be fine if I just didn’t turn it, but what’s up with the people getting mad…? What perspective are they coming from…?
I’m not angry; I’m just disappointed.
Isn’t there nothing to feel sorry about?
I don’t see anyone whose tone is rough enough to get angry… What are you seeing…?
This is a random thing to lick.
Isn’t that something you’d expect from a normally angry person?
This looks like it might be angry.
I can only be grateful to Cygames.
It’s a shame that I would have happily paid for a supply without the high line and filler…
Isn’t Haila the only one who’s diligent? Then I guess I don’t need to pull back…
I’m not angry.
If you piss off a player, that’s quite something.
You’re surprisingly quick to snap, aren’t you?
It can’t be helped! Being teased as a fourth-class citizen is just too much!
If you’re going to complain, then stop playing Granblue!
If all the stuff that comes out of the spamku is garbage SSR stones, even I would be furious.
I’m not angry, but I was caught off guard that it’s a random draw ticket instead of a pickup ticket!
If you’re going to do this, it would have been better to announce it at the same time as the 5000 yen ceiling gacha instead of it being a surprise.
I don’t know how many people have taken the zodiac with a ceiling of 5000 yen, but being able to choose the zodiac was also a selling point.
I don’t want to buy this even though I’m no longer active.
It’s fatal that it doesn’t make you happy even if you put it on.
What did you come here to do?
I opened it wondering what it was from the thumbnail.
I’m still rolling the gacha.
Well, it’s for people who don’t have any of the 12 divine generals at all.
Criticizing Cygames on the bulletin board is problematic.
Don’t conclude it when the 12th person hasn’t appeared yet.
I have no plans to buy it, and there’s no loss for me, but others are disappointed.
I’m just responding to that opportunity; I’m definitely not angry!
12 Divine Generals Select Starё
You can choose 10 people.
It seems like it would rotate if I put a high rail in, but that’s just too malicious…
There shouldn’t be anyone in the paying player base of Granblue Fantasy who doesn’t have any of the Twelve Divine Generals.
It seems like it’s aimed at new users, but new users probably won’t engage with it…
I only want the snake, but it’s 10%…
It would have been better to replace Indra from here and make it a selectable distribution instead of releasing a new Joy.
Since I can no longer get the first-day rewards even with link tickets, I keep being told to hold onto the Twelve Divine Generals even more.
It would be helpful if you could include swimsuits.
Let me choose something suitable for beginners, or if you’re going to turn this into a business, don’t go overboard.
Regarding Hylia, there were people who had been saying since around last October that if we don’t get it soon, we won’t be able to obtain it for a year, but there were some who made various excuses to ignore it.
If you have given up, I don’t think there’s any need to complain.
I had half of it not in my possession.
If the god of money gives me some tomorrow, I might start it up.
It’s just like any other year.
It’s only been a little over a year since I started, so I don’t have many, but if I can’t choose, I’ll just skip it…
Are those trash from the anti-Cygames threads causing trouble again…?
Enough already…