I thought it would be easy since I’m playing Cave Shooter, but it’s surprisingly difficult.
The bullets from the weaklings seem to have a faster initial speed overall, so this might feel more difficult.
It’s difficult because the systems are different in each series.
I bought the Mystic Square and the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
In contrast to how the remaining lives and bombs in Kyouko’s Castle increase excessively.
The Earth Spirit Palace doesn’t have that, and the bullet speed is fast.
In addition, I felt that all the player characters in the Earth Spirits’ Palace had low performance.
As expected from a shooter, you understand it well.
Every word is exactly right.
The blonde kid is cute.
Shin’en Castle is relatively easier, but its layout is simply high in difficulty, so you will struggle at first.
I can clear up to Normal without any continues, but I don’t understand the feeling of people who can clear Lunatic.
Let’s do EX or H to raise our level.
Depending on the work, sometimes H can be as simple as L from other works, so that’s something to consider too.
The demons and eternity used to feel recommended for newcomers, but I wonder how it is now.
Youkai and Ei definitely don’t have a download version, do they?
It’s because it’s old…
The wind is old, but the Steam version came out later.
I wonder if the construction is different.
The initial trilogy bugs out on Windows 7 and later, achieving about 300 fps.
A patch created by volunteers has become widely distributed, so just installing that makes it fine to play.
The author cannot include that patch during the selling process.
If you have a CD drive, you can just buy it online.
It’s scary to buy from a site that I don’t really know if I can trust, unlike Steam.
Is it not an arrogance of the city to casually say that you can just buy it at a doujin shop?
God makes it easy because your ship is strong.
The Earth Spirit Palace came out right around the time it started becoming popular on Niconico, and it was referred to as “newcomer killer.”
The earth is somehow quite difficult, isn’t it…?
I’ve only ever dealt with youkai, but weren’t youkai difficult?
Indeed, Youyouki is certainly harder compared to Eiyashou, but because the extend is light, there are many situations where you can manage with brain-dead bomb rushing followed by death recovery, so it’s surprisingly doable.
Also, since Scarlet Devil Mansion is relatively Spartan, there is also a relative evaluation from there.
When you use a bomb, the power of the shot decreases, right?
I thought that if I dropped a bomb, one option would decrease and it would become harder to manage, but maybe it’s better to shoot more aggressively.
If you can get through 5 sides, then still…
I remember that the difficulty level was increased according to the settings.
Wasn’t it the kind of vibe like “Don’t make a scene clumsily”?
Is the difficulty adjusted to the settings the ultimate form of blue?
At the point of Doremi, it’s said to be at the level of a 6th boss.
When I tried to do some yokai art after a long time, it was too small and didn’t work without upscaling software.
Recently, if it’s not a power type, compared to Cave shooters, the bomb system is designed in a way that you can keep using it, so you should use it more and more…
I thought it was difficult to create patterns because you always need to pick up power items.
I was just playing the Earth Spirit Palace a moment ago, and then I was playing with Koishi and Kaguya.
What a coincidence.
The Hall of Memories feels good when the music syncs up.
The difficulty of bullet patterns is tough.
I thought there was no way that O-Rin would be referred to as a “first-time killer,” but then I remembered my lives were reduced to 2/3.
The remaining one-third was blown away in the sky, but I somehow managed to clear it with 0 lives and 0 bombs.
It’s true that they’re attacking with sheer numbers even though they lack power.
The Earth has a strong tendency for the player’s character… It would be better if I could use Patchouli to go through the stages with blue or green and then red for the boss battles.
When was the item get border added?
Even though it’s on the ground, if you’re at the top of the screen, you’ll die from the bullet’s initial speed.
Crimson Demon is Full Power Limited.
Since then, there is no need for full power.
There’s no spirit at all!
I’m a casual shooter who gets satisfied with easy games forever.
I was surprised to find that all the bullets on the screen were aimed at my character when I tried playing Cave Shooter after entering from the east.
I’m the yokai old man who strongly recommends “Kon” when asked for beginner-friendly source material.
During the system where bombs are shot with P consumption, it’s easy because you can decide where the enemy drops the big P and make it a bomb point.
Do you like Koishi? Then let’s play Earth! It’s a bit hard to say, though.
Loving Yuyuko-sama is a good deal because you can do it as a god…
Even though it’s limited to hard mode, it’s a crazy thing that spreads out like a fan on the first level.
O-Rin has half safe spots and chip damage from close openings, so if you build it solidly, you can manage with just 1 or 2 units; it’s definitely painful enough.
I remember it being easy because you can use pseudo-bomb-like abilities quite frequently with the yokai.
The subtly appreciated boss position indicator at the bottom of the screen.
The boss’s hitbox is small, after all…
There is a feeling similar to that of a “Dodonpachi” that cannot rely on sheer firepower.
Once you get used to it, it’s super easy.
I wonder if a Koishi fan who hasn’t played the original can make it to the EX boss…
It might not work…
I’ve heard that it’s full of pattern-heavy bullet hell, but what about the stages and remaining lives…?
Because the enemy is small, aligning the line is important.
Being tossed around by the boss’s random movements.
Somehow it has its own unique taste.
I’ve been interested in Touhou for a long time, but I really can’t handle bullet hell shooters.
I definitely don’t get along with entertainment that requires nerve-wracking concentration like the irritation stick game…
You can start with a title that allows you to dodge bullets and bypass them in a bomb game.
That’s more like something other than Touhou doujin shooters would do.
When you search for videos, there are many with the highest difficulty, which can lead to misunderstandings, but if it’s easy, it’s actually very relaxed.
The difficulty of the earth and the stars is so high that one might think the deity was unwell.
It’s tough when using bombs makes your shots weaker.
The wind clearly weakens the player’s character.
The stars are all the fault of UFOs.
I don’t really have the impression that the player character is weak against the wind.
The bomb is really strong too.
Due to the homing being too strong, other things feel relatively weak.
The Yokai Buster is strong when they get close…
I remember laughing when I heard that the blue UFO has no value as a source of income.
I think the EX at ground level is quite tough, even if the EX around the witch wind isn’t too bad.
Koishi often feels pressured by the tune.
As the difficulty increases, it’s a bit tricky because it makes it easier to collect items with grazing, leading to bomb returns, and the normal mode with fewer bullets tends to become more impoverished.
Well, even considering that, since you can get hit back quickly, I think it’s a good and easy system to shoot bombs freely.
Towa is confused due to a time-out.
Well, it’s just a kind of pseudo extra life.
The Secret Shrine consumes power to shoot weak bombs, and as the game progresses, the value of power 1.00 becomes increasingly burdensome, which is really tough.
You can just buy it on Mercari or something.
Perhaps because the rarity is low, there isn’t really any fraud, and even if there were, it would only be a little over 1000 yen.
The needle in the Palace of Earth Spirits is incredibly difficult to use.
The stress of damage variance due to spinning is really frustrating.
It’s way stronger than Nitori’s missiles, even though it’s like that!
If it’s used, Ideya is fine.
What was fun to do improvisationally was Hikari and Ten.
The journey aside, it’s easy to fall into a slow decline against the boss.
I cleared EX up to the ground, but I got my heart broken by Nue’s relentless blindness danmaku, so I really hate stars.
Nue-chan is a girl who exists only in undefined darkness, so if you can get beyond that, you can probably clear it.
The system where firing bombs weakens your shot was tough.
If we consider it during a boss battle, starting from 4P and shooting bombs every time, you can get back about 1P from what the boss drops, so you can shoot 5 bombs. I think it’s a really advantageous system since you can continue the same way even after respawning from a mistake. P bombs.
I love Nitori because she was the first to let me achieve a normal clear in the Earth Spirits Mansion.
The earth god takes a heavy toll for one mistake.
The wind’s aircraft has a narrow firing angle, but I have the impression that it has proper firepower.
The ground, in a sensory way, has no even the slightest power.
The firepower doesn’t decrease significantly, but…
The attack range becomes narrower, which tends to make things harder, especially with the spirit strike system.
Extend should be simple.
It’s been a while since I played, and I can’t increase my lives anymore, especially with the stars and gods.
Is Patchouli the only safe option?
There’s no additional ability instead.
No matter how you think about it, it’s a needle.
Patchouli needs to understand the characteristics of the five shots and has to switch them around depending on the enemy arrangement, which is tough.
Sometimes when switching between high speed and low speed, there may be some unintended changes due to a malfunction.
I think a shot with just water would be the worst, but it’s okay.
The bomb range is hopeless, and if you don’t set up a precise bomb pattern, nothing will work, which makes it difficult.
If it were really an irritation stick, it would just be a matter of memorizing it, so it’s easy… My brain has been contaminated by a barrage of bullets.
The Suika equipment is not very guiding, yet it has notably weak power and the bombs are weak enough to be pulled in, and its unique ability overlaps with the earth’s graze collection system, making it a subtly hellish equipment.
It’s too much of a trap that many people end up choosing just because of the name “guidance.”
In the East, the guiding shrine maiden and the blonde laser are synonymous with landmines…
Is that so? The homing has quite a bit of variability, right?
Rezamari is not particularly outstanding except for Benkaze no Kiten.
Rezamari is also strong with the stars.
It’s really impressive to be able to attack both the small enemies and the UFO at the same time.
Great job.
After that, it suddenly got blocked and couldn’t go through.
Even though it’s a laser…
Non-penetrating Marisa
Naturally, if the options are completely empty, it would be a different story because you couldn’t hit at all, but in reality, even if P decreases, the firepower doesn’t drop that drastically.
I redid all the WIN versions from the end of the year to New Year’s, so I was able to come across this timely thread.
Well, it’s definitely the kind of impression that everyone is thinking.
God has absolutely no improvisation in the spiritual realm trance…
I’ve heard that in the Touhou community, there’s a surprising generational shift among players, and there are still active elementary and middle school students who are familiar with it.
I wonder if those guys are diligently playing games like “Yōyōmu” or “Eikyōshō”… No, that’s quite a high hurdle.
I think the generational change among fans is a separate issue from the fact that there are fans who are properly engaging with the original work.
I guess smartphone games like Touhou are the main thing, huh?
Well, if that’s the case and it becomes super popular, I think that’s really amazing too.
If you’re worried about firepower, use Patchouli’s green shot.
The journey will probably be fine as it is.
I wonder what the new work will be like.
Is it already this year?
Last year an integer series was released, so this year it’s probably a spin-off.
It will be around three months into the year 2025.
I want you to listen calmly.
The beast appeared in ’23.
The Beast King Chronicle doesn’t feel like an integer!!
The spell card is seriously too weak for my character.
The playable character, or rather the special attack… something like a special attack is sadly too weak.
The Earth Spirit Palace felt extremely difficult right from the point of Yuugi.
In this case, it’s not just because it’s a CD; the problem is that there isn’t a PC in the first place…
I wonder if the original work will be released on the Switch…
The original creator said it was unavoidable due to the screen being too small and called it a crappy game.
Missiles don’t explode and lasers don’t penetrate, so what’s up with the recent blondes… it’s really puzzling.
In the case of young kids, it might be on their parents’ PC.
(I faint from shock.)
Make sure to properly eat and bomb.
The term “original work anti” is such a mysterious word that it recently became a trending topic, showing that there are always people in this community who are hard to understand, both now and in the past.
It seems like the reason was that I was mocked for not being able to clear the original.
I thought it was normally difficult.
Regarding that, it was written in the Red manual that “anyone can clear it if they practice like a normal person,” but no matter how much I try, I can’t clear it, so it seems like the underlying thought is “Am I not a normal person…?”
It was originally a game that said the usual difficulty on L…
I stopped writing like that halfway through.
Aren’t there kids buying and playing on Steam?
In the past, there were mobile phones with feature capabilities where kids played Touhou fan-made shoot ’em ups.
I wonder how it is now.
Bun-chan’s equipment is seriously strong with bombs…
Overall, it’s quite eccentric, but just having a strong bomb makes it top-tier in the Terrestrial Capital.
I was pushing through the normal mode in a bomb game, thinking it was a piece of cake, but I ended up crying during EX mode.
The stage 4 of the game “Youyou Dream” is incredibly long… Every time I play, I find myself thinking, “Is it still not over?!” which breaks my concentration.
There are various media out now, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the ratio of young people playing the original work is at best 50%.
If we set conditions for young kids, wouldn’t it be about 20% or so?
I specifically remember that optical camouflage was particularly weak.
I don’t really remember the sky well…
In EX, it was fun to have seasonal options come out from the back.
If you can put together a certain level of pattern, Patchouli is really strong and it’s easy and nice.
I don’t want to switch by pressing both at the same time~
The missile is noisy!
I remember that it said something about definitely lowering the difficulty of the stars.
Since the ground was before that, relatively speaking, well…
Both in terms of character, system, and difficulty, Nagai is recommended for beginners.
The hurdle for playing is, well, yeah…
I like the combination of the stay-equipped barrier bomb and the frontal shot, and it has potential for Ex, but the lack of firepower is tough.
And the extendable arm is really strong.
However, it’s easy to say that “Perfect Cherry Blossom” is simple, but isn’t it based on Sakuya’s abilities?
I don’t feel like I can clear it with any other ship.
Well, there are plenty of extensions and bomb items, so it should be manageable.
I don’t know about nono.
Reimu’s zabuton is way too low in attack power…
My first clear on Normal was when I pushed all the stored extends and bombs I had accumulated by the time I reached Yuyuko and escaped the endurance bullet hell to win…
The star system is quite advantageous for players, after all.
It’s not that easy to get a UFO, and the blue UFOs just ruin everything.
If by young people you mean teenagers, I really think it’s around 10%.
I think it’s probably like that, but it’s amazing that 90% of people haven’t played the original work and yet the genre can still survive without waning…
I realized while looking at the topic that a certain level of difficulty and quirks are important since things that are too easy tend to leave no impression.
Eternal Night is the culmination of a trilogy, so I really want you to play it.
Well, if we’re talking about that, I’d love for you to play the masterpiece-filled “Touhou Youyoumu” as well.
Well, if we’re talking about character popularity, I really want you to at least try out Scarlet Devil Mansion, which is always filled with top-tier characters…
Ah! It’s a troublesome elderly association!!
What are you going to do by taking a 20-year-old text seriously?
Murasaki > Nitori > Aya > Patchouli > Alice > Suika
I think it’s at a level of ease where it’s easy to clear.
I think the proportion of people touching the original work hasn’t changed much from then to now.
In the case of youkai, I think there are often things like increasing the bomb count with Extend or using the Shinna barrier.
If you simply count by the number of extends, the navy legacy would turn out to be the easiest.
I think it’s relatively simple if you actually choose the aircraft.
The Sawae udon is too lawless…
The heavens system is really strong.
20 years? …It was about 5 years ago, right?
What should I do about the player character in the hard mode of the Spirit Palace… Futo has a strong quirk but her bombs are powerful, and Murasaki is easy to handle but struggles when power drops…
Even though Patchouli says switching is a hassle, there aren’t that many times when switching is actually necessary, and since I barely use the sides and back, it’s easier than I thought.
The sky is originally of low difficulty, but it feels even easier because it comes after navy.
Since I was able to clear L for both Ei and Ten, these two are probably easy.
Stars are considered normal, so the difficulty level should be easy, right?
I don’t know about high difficulty.
I think it’s quite difficult even on normal mode.
Even without considering UFOs, Hoshito and Byakuren are strong in general.
The impression that it’s too much hassle to remember how it works is so strong that I can’t recall if it actually became easier…!
It’s tough that I can’t finish the patterns in Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.
I just recently returned to the original work and am currently playing that game called Kagerou Shinjou.
When it comes to the final boss’s performance, I like the youkai the most…
Ah, please stop the endurance!
I want to say that simple horizontal bars are easy, but since the arrangement is based on remembering UFOs and dodging enemy bullets along the way, I still think it’s difficult.
Pachouli’s shots during the journey may intuitively seem easier to handle with blue, but due to the enemy placement, green actually hits really well.
The last spell of the 6th boss is lacking in flavor, so I wish they would add a boss barrier.
Since it’s a special occasion, I would like to see a final word that looks good in terms of both music and appearance.
It’s quite a hassle to put out everything…
Patchouli surprisingly has high firepower, so just staying at the back and continuously casting mid-range spells makes the journey go by too smoothly…
When I first heard “Taketori Flight,” I was a bit moved.
It’s been over a year since Chiyari became my childhood friend…
My first experience with Touhou, let alone shooting games, was with Lotus Land Story, and I thought that shooting games have quite a unique gameplay… that was me.
I remember it took a very long time just to clear the normal difficulty.
Is the slow push a trap, flower?
I didn’t think a rapid-fire shot would be a trap…
That’s not a game for a complete newbie!
That is normally difficult.
To be specific, Lady Eiki is a bit too merciless.
It’s true that Hanayashiki is unique, but…
I feel like it takes about a dozen hours from wherever you start until you clear it normally.
The earth spirit L couldn’t find the motivation to do anything besides Yukari.
Throw away a laser that can’t penetrate.
I like Udon-chan’s penetrating shot.
I love ghosts and eternity, but I’m not good with the wind.
Isn’t God quite beginner-friendly?
Is it called overdrive? Remembering that is way too much of a hassle.
The bullet patterns themselves are really easy, but if you don’t remember the mechanics of trance and where to shoot, you won’t gain extra lives at all.
I feel that it’s not very suitable for beginners because the trance pattern tends to fall apart on its own the moment you’re hit.
It seems like I couldn’t collect the UFO while dropping bombs because the bombs in Star’s Remarry are slow.
The Spirit Temple is designed to be high difficulty, representing the unpleasantness of underground yokai with its rigidity and strength.
Marisa fights mainly with magic items.
Konyudon-chan has nothing to see except for the bomb.
It appears that I’ll be working at Lunine, pretending to be something else.
Flowers have a lot of character, and that’s nice, isn’t it?
Using sentences is really fun.
I entered from the Rainbow Dragon Cave, and it felt like the right choice.
First, I got used to bullet hell from collecting cards, and it was really fun with the increase in cards from clearing Easy and Another, creating a pathway to challenge Normal.
Using Sakuya-san, the youkai will be an easy win.
Four bombs are cheating.
I have painful memories of not being able to clear the game that Alice likes.
The earth is tougher than crimson.
The intent to kill is strong from Normal Level 5.
Lady Eiki is the strongest final boss, after all…
Works with significant damage from carrying fall are generally not for beginners…
In other words, a navy color with a damage of P0.01 from a collapse is suitable for beginners…?
I’m also just starting out with the original work, and I’m a complete beginner who has only recently played a shooting game properly, but I’ve realized that if I admire the beautiful bullet patterns, I die, and if I enjoy the wonderful music, I also die! It’s bad enough that I die tripping over nothing!
But there is a charm that makes you want to keep pushing forward… I started for the music, but as I play, feeling the stage and the bullet patterns together gives me a different appeal, and the bullet patterns are beautiful too.
When it comes to beginner-friendly Touhou games, it’s definitely Embodiment of Scarlet Devil!