SKIP AUTO LOG Ray: “I will hold down Freedom. You take down Justice, and the True Getter too!”
The true Getter too!?
I’ll handle Freedom and Justice, so could you take care of Shin Getter, Rei?
Don’t talk nonsense!!
We suppress freedom.
At least hold back Justice too!
I will defeat Justice and the True Getter!
Isn’t the division of roles strange?
Don’t say it like it’s an afterthought.
I feel Ray’s hot trust.
After this, I’m going to take a solid hit from Stoner Sunshine…
The pilot of the true Getter is a natural, so it’s okay.
The true Getter’s Shin is Shin Asuka’s Shin.
Shin Ga is bigger than Destroy.
There is an anti-ship sword.
Open Get!
It’s a suto-shan… I’m going to do suto-shan…
Hey, Rei, isn’t the distribution a bit off?
I wonder if a VPS can block gamma rays… Probably not…
Stoner… Sunshine?
This is a completely serious scene, not a joke at all.
There was also an incident where an orb was attacked by invaders.
Normally, it’s divided into Freedom and Justice.
It’s funny how Justice and, by extension, Shin Getter are included due to the constraints of reproducing the original work.
Getters can clone themselves, have T boomerangs, and possess strong beams.
No matter how you think about it, we should counter with Destiny.
At this point, Shin can’t create a clone~~~~~~
You idiot! Isn’t it a bit too much to take it to the role?
Because I’m a child of the Destiny Plan, to some extent.
Size and…
Well, it’s a Super Robot Wars, so the size is fine, but isn’t it a bit off to say it as if it’s an afterthought?
DD’s Destiny is doing great in PvP mode, so it’s all good.
I really feel like you’re the one who came to destroy the meta environment you created yourself.
Shin was riding in a robot that combines three combat aircraft, right?
After this, I’ll deliver the finishing blow to Azrael, so it’s a good story that properly settles the grudge from the Orb battle, but that aside, I think DD is turning the Eva collaboration and Shin Getter into toys.
Destiny will also probably have something like a Stoner Sunshine coming from your hand.
I’m counting on you, Shin.
If it’s DD’s symbol, I can do it, I can do it.
Don’t push ridiculous things on me like it’s an afterthought.
I wanted to see Kirashin Asran do a True Getter Crossplay, but they already did it with Eva.
The update this time was substantial because it included the Knight of Zero’s rampage, the Seed Destiny showdown, and the collaboration between Did and Anma.
Also, Garuda helps Mia through her connection with Mia.
It seems to be based on an actual original source.
It’s a culmination of carefully layered confrontation flags between Ryoma and Shin.
Compared to making Scopedogs fight space monsters without a care, this is totally doable.
Even a salaryman can fight against space monsters!
Indeed, “Yusou” is a masterpiece…
Shin also got it open, so it’s okay.
If you unleash the Genesis to spread across the globe, it’s so interesting that factions like the Arrows, the Verse Empire, and remnants of the Drake Army would come to your aid, saying “Enough already!”
You can do it, Shin!
The true form isn’t very impressive since it’s an early implementation, honestly, Shin!
Back when it was implemented, the Getter Tomahawk’s firepower and healing effects made it so reliable…
Don’t spout nonsense, Shin, even though it’s blatantly showing favoritism towards performance!
Everything is in the past! It’s something that’s already happened, Shin.
What a terrifying situation it is to spread a Genesis that could end the Earth in one blow to the whole world.
The title “The Tomorrow That Continues” is great, isn’t it?
It was a story where Shin was the protagonist.
Nataru is still alive…
Unlike the thread image, isn’t this pretty much suitable for its purpose?
It feels like the reason for keeping Azrael alive all the way to this point was to create a story featuring Shin as the main character for the final battle of the original Seed series.
The chairman, Talia, and Ray are dead, but Stella is alive, so she won’t become a vengeful spirit.
Directly connect the Red Wyvern (Kylemenakebu) to Neo Genesis!
Deploy numerous gates connecting to each world! Spread Neo Genesis towards them and shoot!!
Super! Isekai Crisis!!
Is Rei going to die…?
Ray from DD is honestly accumulating a lot of hate…
Do it! Shin!!
Also, the true Getter too!
Mia survived and became Princess Campbell.
Mia, regardless, the surname Campbell fitting so perfectly made me laugh.
What does that mean…?
Noticing that the chairman was trying to kill Rax, I ran away and happened to be saved by Garuda (a regenerated monster) who was out in the town, and I ended up following along.
This scenario was good, but since the other members are all remarkable people, it felt like we were relying too much on Shin…
“I will hold back Freedom. You take down Justice, along with Shin Getter, Guren Seiten Hakkyou-shiki, Star GaoGaiGar, Gridman, and Grendizer!”
Even the movie version of Shin-chan finds dealing with them tough!
Rei, you really hate Shin, don’t you?
I really believe that I can win against Shin.
I’m counting on you, Shin.
I can’t help but think that if Rei hadn’t interfered with the Gatling Driver out of personal grievances, the whole world could have been saved from Genesis, so I guess it’s understandable that they wouldn’t be on our side.
Is Natal still alive?
Alright… it’s Combattler V…
Natal, Frey, and Stella are all alive. The only one who died with Kuwashima’s voice is Rei (the one doing the child’s voice).
Natal is living normally.
By the way, Frey is also alive, and a version of Frey’s card that resembles Seed Destiny has been implemented.
Shin!!!! You idiot!!! Even though the event partner is probably holding back as it’s True G, Shin manages to survive being hit by Stoner Sunshine.
I have plenty of complaints, but I still really like DD after all…
It might be due to the circumstances of support parts, but all the CVs (character voice actors) from Kuwashima Houko are alive.
As expected, the main scenario of DD has a high batting average.
First, we will do a scenario that recreates the climax of the species with Arc Angel versus Dominion.
At the moment Azrael goes out of control, Devilman crashes into Dominion, beats Azrael, and Natal and the other Dominion crew survive.
At that time, Azrael was thought to be dead, but it seems that he was alive and secretly orchestrating chaos, sowing the seeds of conflict throughout the world.
The latest scenario has Devilman coming again, and I was scared to death.
That’s unfortunate… but not really…
It’s impressive how well they’ve cooked it up, like having Azrael say something like “It’s ironic that a demon can’t kill people.”
The PvP Destiny is so strong at this point that it’s filled with FREEDOM elements… which is a problem.
He came charging in like a reckless thug, and after being half-destroyed, he finally died… that’s how strong he was; it’s crazy.
It may seem like Rei is saying a lot of nonsense, but Shin-chan is definitely saying he’s going to crush Freedom and True Getter…! So it’s not an unreasonable request.
The story after we regroup, aside from the game, is really interesting.
For some reason, Did has gone missing, but…
I used to tease Devilman-kun without a care, so why am I suddenly terrified just by looking at it…?
“This time I’ll definitely kill you!! If you come in like that, of course I’ll be scared.”
It’s still just a pawn move, but if Inaho-man is going up against Emperor Lelouch…
What they said about wanting to involve Elle Elf has improved.
It seems that DD’s Strike Freedom won’t be implemented with full burst.
It’s funny that Hokushin Jurirugaurun is acting like a fool.
On one hand, it ended in a way that was saved without the old three idiots showing up, while Sting and Owl, aside from Stella, died.
Owl said that Azrael might be able to use that, so I think there’s still a possibility of him becoming a regenerative monster.
It seems there is no Raiger?
A sleepy doppelgänger… huh?
First of all, it’s quite interesting that Devilman is accompanying as an ordinary force in our army.
Shin, do something about Freedom and True Getter!
(I will take on the responsibilities of Inja, Combattler V, Daitarn 3, Aura Battler Dunbine, Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, Nadesico, Mazinger, GaoGaiGar, etc.)
Since we have tied together Miya and Garuda with Nagahama’s works, a small expectation was born that they might ride on the Nagahama parody of FREEDOM.
I hope it continues until then.
Why are you living after being beaten by Devilman, Azrael…?
How is Devilman being modified, Astonage?
But against a big opponent, I feel like Destiny might be more suitable.
Ohhhh, the lion’s rage is also participating!
The bundled shot looks super cool.
The ZAFT army only has the same strength as in the original work, but the protagonist’s side has both the original characters and the otherworldly group, so it felt like an impossible game.
Well, in DD, unlike the usual Super Robot Wars, the characters that join you don’t always accompany you, so this is better than that.
Since the capture of Dominion failed, they will likely remain hidden for a while due to caution…
It jumped in with incredible momentum.
I did laugh a little when Lelouch picked up Cati and Cola.
Katy will probably be the one to have the truth about Zero Rec told about her…
If the defense team with Eva and the others does their best, they might be able to barely prevent Neo Genesis…
In Super Robot Wars DD, Shin is in a position opposing the Super Robot Wars army, yet I think he was able to present the nightmare from Shin’s perspective.
There is no scenario to fight other than for freedom.
It’s understandable due to the game’s circumstances, but I can’t help but laugh at how the SEED group quickly grows to die in the same world as Full Metal Panic.
Please find yourself in a situation where you are forced to fight against an otherworldly army with the same strength as in the original work.
Do you think you’ve become a god by intervening in the war of another world?
Speaking of which, could Azrael be the one enemy that Shin considers to be the most familial foe?
There was no foreshadowing or hints at all, and yet Stella was alive…
No, they had been hinting at it quite a bit. Akito had repeatedly suggested that he was being treated in GGG.
Well, there were actually lines hinting at survival coming up multiple times.
If anything, even Aslan would find the true Getter tough.
With Shin as the main character while following the original scenario, it fits so perfectly to have Azrael as the enemy with a potential grudge that it’s hard to think of anything else.
DD will do a story that won’t be replicated in CS, so the scenario is quite fresh and enjoyable.
The orb is really trash.
Shin!!!! I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought that if it weren’t for this damn system!!!
It’s been a while since Galaria and Todd appeared, but what is their current position again?
The Drake army has already come to a conclusion, right?
If a human-sized robot with combat capabilities comes charging in, there’s nothing we can do about it.
I’m weak against developments where not only allies from each world but also enemies temporarily become a force!
Since it’s only a participation in the seed death, it’s not something that Azrael can survive and become the mastermind, so this really takes advantage of the strengths of a work that has been operated for many years.
I feel like the scenario of Iron-Blooded Orphans didn’t progress even a millimeter until the implementation of Seed Destiny and the end of the game…
It’s unfortunate that they suffered damage after almost being colonized by the Gradus Army and then thrown into Genesis.
I thought the Arc Angel would reconcile midway because they participated in the destruction work of Uni Seven, but in the end, it followed the original storyline.
When I see Freedom and Shin Getter, I become a mad dog.
It’s better than a work that’s been isolated in another world and hasn’t progressed at all…
Even though I officially participated, Active Raid…
That guy is just in a position to participate from the very beginning.
Everyone listen, the second season of Aldnoah and Valvrave is not starting!
The first-timers generally follow the original work, but I wonder what will happen to Iron-Blooded Orphans and Aldnoah, which have their scenario paused for a while.
As usual, the hate officer Azrael has died from harassment, so I wonder who will take the lead from now on.
Well, if we think about it logically, it’s probably Mia.
It feels like Iron Blood and VVV are just being held back.
I feel like Aldnoah isn’t having any distribution campaigns linked to the movie, so maybe there’s some kind of rights issue happening?
Wow, the conspiracy theory lover is awesome!
Conspiracy theorists have some really out-there ideas…
I think Aldnoah just doesn’t work normally and there’s simply no weapons to deploy…
They probably won’t hold a distribution campaign just by playing a compilation movie.
Even Zega had a campaign for the re-edited movie of the pachislot footage!
So, conspiracy theory?
Well, the pace of the original scenario progression is quite different, but in Aldnoah, Slain has come out riding that thing this time.
If it’s the Fate movie, we might be able to compete somewhat.
The true Getter is too much for the opponent.
In a showdown, Shin is strong enough to easily defeat both Aslan and the true Getter.
Vvv is carefully releasing the second weapon of the sub machine, little by little…
Listen everyone, the ability enhancement of Dog Senpai’s new weapon is incredibly high and makes it easy to become strong.
The concept of being a sturdy tank that can also perform wide-area extermination is quite strong for Unit 4.
Thunder seemed tough even after getting a new weapon, but Senior Dog, is it really that much!?
It was simply for the unvarnished reason that it wasn’t popular…
It’s too much like a mad dog to attack Freedom, who came to help with the Unius shattering.
Rei has also been obstructing the Dominion’s capture out of personal grudge; this duo is way too insane.
That said, Seed Destiny has also come to an end this time, so I wonder which work will finish next.
As expected, it’s the Geass that includes Oz.
I didn’t want you to kill Monica.
Ten-san is fine.
I feel like since Trans-Am Burst and Zero Requiem have terrible compatibility, one of them should be prioritized over the other.
Arnoda isn’t affiliated with Bandai, right?
I won’t get on board with that.
When will the gradually advancing world of Grendizer U merge?
Since there was a gate occurrence, it seems like merging could happen normally soon.
Well, it seems like a real problem has occurred with the silent fix and the quietness of Voltes Legacy.
With Winky Balance, you might be able to win.
I understand that there will be a sequel for Code Geass and Seed Destiny, but I wonder if there are any other series that could have a continuation.
If I try, it might be NT.
Even though they brought out Shirocco and Haman, I wonder if they will still add more enemies from the Universal Century?
Around 00?
The last story was really exciting, so the power of the BGM is amazing.
In the future, as new weapons for the brigadier general are added, the number of orb slots will likely increase as well.
Since Azrael has exited, I think I’ll finish the 00 scenario and put Sashes into the Discord diffuser.
It seems like there might be an NT, but given the scale of the enemy, they might suddenly bring out 30.
I wonder if Sarshe is still alive even after the 00 movie…
Sirocco seems to be suited for the role of commander of the diffuser, doesn’t it?
I thought the martial artists like Devilman and Hiiro would board the Messiah to rescue the chairman, Talia, and Rey, but they just died normally.
It was a bit concerning that both Kira and Athrun seemed to have that kind of “well, it can’t be helped” attitude over there.
If there are no replacements, it’s kind of funny that they will become the mothership Skarluk from now on.
Having a mix of enemies really makes it fun.
It’s important to realize the true intentions of Lelouch and Maribelle after everything in Geass is over, but since the Geass itself was already quite thoroughly explored by the time of the Rebirth arc, there might be some changes coming.
The voice is different, but this emperor is definitely Zero… Well, for now, let’s just go along with it!
Emperor Lelouch has contacted us normally, so he might bring some changes.
It’s impressive how those guys can maintain a serious face while working as mercenaries in a place that looks like a den of evil…
Every time I see the formation of the third DC of Another, I can’t help but wonder how such things were acceptable back then…
It’s hard to believe that the Titans and Gato were in the same camp back then…
I burst out laughing at Jerido, who is being commanded by Baron Ashura.
Baron Ashura is elite enough to be part of the Last Battalion in the Second War.
Guranzo is pretty much left alone, but I wonder what will happen.
There is a base called God’s Castle, and since there are many worlds, the members are also waiting in each world.
Managing the timetable is really tough, but I quite like it, so I hope you do your best.
It’s nice that each faction in the worlds has its own intentions and isn’t necessarily united.
Bottoms and Kiriko…
Gridman is also joining in, so I guess Braveron will probably come too…
Already here.
What will happen to the Bottoms that are just completely there for participation?
I quite like that Kiriko has become a reliable senior for Age.
In the sense of participating in the official scenario rather than an event.
Brayburn is supposed to be involved in the main scenario, but he hasn’t reappeared in the main scenario yet.
It seems like Gaulun has become a caring, handsome older guy in the enemy camp.
Well, I don’t know much about Gaulun when he’s not sick…
I like how the third Another is properly handling Mobile Suit Gundam: The 08th MS Team.
I thought the same in OE, but isn’t it also a kind of happiness to be doing soldier work with cheerful companions who don’t die trapped by Fianna’s curse?
Speaking of which, a hero or something is going to participate too, right?
I wonder if the hero will solidify and develop the scenario.
I think there’s a possibility that Wiseman will get involved since there’s talk about GLaDOS’s mother computer.
The Third Another had no trace or sign of F91 in the story, but what does that mean…?
In the DD world, Bravern seems to genuinely know the future of that world, unlike Smith from the original work, but the truth is he might be just bluffing and actually knows nothing at all. What the hell is up with that guy…
Did is seriously influenced, and I can only laugh because it’s actually in the main scenario too.
Why did Age suddenly get a face like Kenshiro?
I had Kiriko-chan re-train me.
Perhaps it’s because the original work was influenced by Fist of the North Star…
Maybe the place where Dido and the others were sent is the Jinqui world.