A normal man…
A world where there are teachers who want to imitate things like this while walking in Inokashira Park…
If we go in fully armed with three people, we won’t be scared.
I understand summoning demons with a wearable computer, but…
Amazing keyboard?
Upon closer inspection, the line connecting the head and arm is too short.
I wonder if AR glasses and a smartphone would be enough now.
4 and 4F were smartphones.
Hikaru, the fist is a symbol of the great Oja! ♪
Was Devil Survivor also on mobile?
It seems that 1 was on the DS and 2 was on mobile.
I think 2 was a flip phone and 1 was a gaming device, just the DS.
1 was on DS and 2 was on mobile.
Before the collapse, I wasn’t wearing such armor, so I didn’t stand out that much.
I have a replica sword, but…
I have a mother, a beloved dog, and I’m living a normal life.
At the very beginning, the ordinary life of Futsu is collapsing with tremendous force.
Even before the collapse, a trio decked out in headgear, survival jackets, and leather gear were armed and beating up yakuza and thugs, so there doesn’t seem to be much of a difference in appearance.
Ozawa, who was a team member, is randomly abducting children with the same name as the heroine under Gotou’s orders, the police are ignoring it, and the Self-Defense Forces have declared martial law, so it’s quite chaotic.
But this guy is going to hunt down Yakuza and take their Berettas.
What is truly scary is humanity.
My mother was killed, my childhood friend was turned into a Body Conian, and my beloved dog was turned into Cerberus…
In the PC Engine version, Pascal stays a dog and doesn’t turn into Cerberus!
What is the Great Pascal…?
My father was sold to the devil by his friends because of the death-sleep disease, and my mother was killed—it was an homage to the real one, huh, dove…
And this is the state I’m in! (statue)
I really hate the idea of being resurrected in a world that’s collapsed due to nuclear weapons several decades later…
It’s painful to see the two people who cared for me when my mother was killed leaving.
A super durable arm terminal that doesn’t break even when continuing to fight against demons while worn on the arm.
In version II, it was a convenient specification that could generate power using magnetite from the air, but I wonder how it is being charged at this point.
Isn’t this a gauntlet?
I can no longer hear the voice from the right.
I can no longer hear the voice from the left.
Recently, a male character with a 3D model was released in D×2.
Futsuowaruoyoshio makes you think each one is strange.
The strangest thing is said to be the heroine.
Before reincarnation, I was the leader of the resistance, and after reincarnation, I’m a candidate for the Messiah.
What is it that makes allies teleport to the Kongō Divine Realm and escape from a nuclear missile in the story?
Is it said that someone who casually reincarnates is not human?
Futsuo will follow you no matter what path you choose, so he’s a dangerous guy.
I am grateful for your existence, but…
I wonder what they think about being able to use magic, considering that it’s understandable for Low Heroes and Chaos Heroes to carry firearms due to the poor safety.
I thought my childhood friend next door was the heroine, but she turned out to be Yoshio’s girlfriend, and this one was a different person with the same name…
Every time there is a full moon, it sends out radio waves that cause damage, so I disliked it a little when I played.
At that time, I thought it was an extravagant outfit, but after 30 years, looking at the world like this, it’s quite profound.
Stop responding from parallel worlds, okay?
It must be something like being reincarnated and pushing aside Lilith sent by the chaos side to become partnered with the protagonist… the heroine.
Putting aside the heroine, Waruoyoshio is supposed to be an ordinary human, but why can he use magic?
In the TRPG setting, it seems that the opening of a gate to the demon world has fostered the development of superhumans like those with special abilities or superpowers, and it’s also said to be due to having an amazing talent.
I think Eve’s reincarnation is the area that Lilith dislikes.
Did you not meet Futsuo in a dream, and wasn’t a special power awakened at that time?
Was it the one where the right arm was eaten?
It is Namco version 2 or Old Testament 2.
Isn’t that the second FC?
A man who can dance sexy according to the skill setting of “if”.
I hope the next Megaten brings back comp.
I want to do character creation and attach my favorite comp.
It would be great if we could create various comps like hackers do.
I’m a saxophone type!
The one that draws magical girl spells on an umbrella?
It’s understandable that modern weapons are stronger than legendary swords that you worked hard to obtain.
The nerve agent gives not only universal effects due to bugs but also invalid resistance to attributes and grants sleep, right?
Regardless of COMP, I actually want to do character creation.
I have no choice but to release it… Reiwa version of imagine!
Please really stop that.
I don’t want it because the performance on D2 is poor.
The heroine is strong.
I think people who cleared the game back then without a strategy guide are really impressive.
It would have been impossible without automatic mapping.
I spent about a week making the Daichi Nyorai because of PC-ENGIN.
There is a path, so it’s just a hassle, but it can be cleared.
I don’t know about demons or anything like that.
It seems like we won’t be able to overcome the great destruction.
Since Shin Megami Tensei IV, it has become a mobile game.
There are still big ones from the old days, though.
I used to think that handheld was called handbelt…
The arm terminal is romantic, isn’t it?
In Hackers 2, the COMP and weapons were integrated.
Apple-chan has the weapon part and the summoning part separated, but it seems unclear why the sword is still treated as COMP.
True 3 is hands-free.
True 4 is a gauntlet or smartphone.
The true 5 can be hands-free or smartphone.
There’s D3!
It’s been a while since the cyberpunk flavor has faded away…
I have a desire to do a series that gives off a sense of the end of the century again.
Since the PS version, the dark zone has faint walls visible, making it easier to clear.
Not limited to Megaten, back in the day, it was basic to map 3D dungeon games on paper myself, so auto-mapping has made it significantly easier.
Yoshio and Wario are given special powers in the opening dream, so it’s quite understandable that they use magic.
On the contrary, it’s more of a mystery that Futsuo stubbornly only relies on physical strength.
I want power! I want power! I kept saying it, but I never thought I would actually go through with a demon fusion.
Somehow, magic comes out of the mobile phone in Devil Survivor 2.
I was supposed to be an ordinary person, but here I am attached to this and fighting on the front lines with a sword and a gun, it’s insane…
If it’s a remake, it might be possible to use a magical sword like in Shin Megami Tensei V.
These days, only ATTACK & GUN feels lonely.
It was someone who had become a swordsmanship character on the 4th floor.
In D2, I was using Cerberus and Cú Chulainn.
Technologically, reality has surpassed fiction…
But is there a boy who doesn’t get excited about gadgets like these?
The recent Atlas, known as “The False Legend,” is quite impressive.
In the Last Bible, allies are treated as having no equipment.
It’s unreasonable that they become incredibly weak the moment they become my ally.