It seems everyone wants to move characters in erotic outfits, after all.
Well, that’s true.
The reason why NieR: Automata became so popular is…
I found it quite normal and interesting as an action!
If you could ride that, Reiser would have sold ten times more…
Isn’t it selling about ten times more than other studios?
Nier is even ten times more so…
In other words, it’s 100 times more powerful.
A game where characters casually show panty shots while acting is quite rare.
If you’re going to be looking at it the whole time while playing, it has to be a cute butt.
I want you to show more of your back.
The blend is quite rough, so I want more restrictions.
It’s a bit sad that you can just fill all your equipment with leveled-up clothes or ingots.
I hope it gets interesting with the element unlock, but if it stays like this, alchemy is boring…
It just ends up being only about resonance and targeting range.
I’m looking forward to 2.
It’s pitiful that even though it’s so erotic, they are still quite ostracized in both their hometown and by the investigation team.
There seems to be a scummy guy who would approach saying he can be of help to me, at least one person.
A woman with such bad habits won’t be approachable even if she’s sexy.
Avoiding combat is really difficult… I can’t dodge while running.
Also, I couldn’t view the list of controller operations in the configuration.
It feels like an older generation game that can’t even swap buttons.
I don’t want to, she’s a crazy woman with a bomb hidden in her heel!
Is it already an expected achievement for the sequel even before its release?
The demo has just been released.
It’s being released tomorrow, but…
Are you expecting that kind of game-like fun from the atelier?
The Atelier series has continued this far because it is interesting as a game.
In the main story, it will likely be properly depicted, but the child is one who thoroughly practices the teachings of their mother, who was an alchemist.
It seems that there was no father.
I fantasize about being told harshly to be careful of men.
Show me the thumbnail.
I started the trial version, and I quickly realized that this camera work makes it easy to get motion sickness.
The camera keeps spinning around just because the battle has ended, and it’s shaking due to the constant earthquakes.
The hurdles in the early stages are high.
After all, Ryza was a masterpiece.
There have been three releases of Liza.
The third installment had empty map exploration, which was very disappointing.
It’s just that air players are lifting it up and using it as a punching bag to criticize this work.
I want to collect materials using the slinger.
I want my companions to voluntarily collect materials.
Isn’t it natural that there’s not much you can do in the trial version…?
Even though I say it’s small, if you include the map within the high-concentration mana area, the exploration range is really wide…
The level 10 cap is tough.
The puzzle in the Mystery Series was too troublesome, so this is enough for me. I’m done with the mixing.
Even Laiza was a simple design that kept adding up with the rebuild.
Will the bike that is sometimes illustrated together actually appear as a means of transportation?
And can I automatically collect while riding a motorcycle…?
In the PV, it looks like they’re riding normally in the field.
Collecting is a pleasure to be enjoyed outside.
KOF94 Kata
Overall it’s interesting, but while playing normally…
When I entered the cramped room at the base, the camera work was terrible, so I can understand why there would be complaints.
Simple mixing is tough at the beginning, but you can just go brain-dead at the end… I guess it varies from person to person; I don’t like it, though.
I think that even if it’s a Liza game, the combat is never interesting, and there’s no need to include action elements at all.
It’s important whether you can see the pants in works with action.
If you defeat enemies moderately, you’ll reach level 10 in no time…
After the effective abolition of the calendar, I’ve honestly spent less time thinking about how many resources to allocate for gathering and mixing; it has just turned into a puzzle that hasn’t been interesting for the past few years…
The white pants are a bit…
Is it wrong for a 21-year-old to wear white pants?
To be honest, from playing the demo, I feel that the butt that’s usually shown and the slit of the skirt are sexier, so I think just seeing the panties is enough.
It’s nice to be neat and tidy, isn’t it…?
But you’ve always said you didn’t need a calendar, right, Noname-chan?
I seriously used whether you can see my underwear or not as a criterion for my purchasing decisions.
I was disappointed that the PS version took so many precautions to prevent the panties from being seen.
Can you see it on Steam?
They’re all the same.
There’s no way that Gast-chan has the technical skill to divide things on the platform.
I wonder what’s inside… CRUNCH, that didn’t work.
What is a calendar?
I understand why they decided to abolish things like eslog and Shari since there was enough time to take a nap and move the calendar forward.
Rather, personally, I can’t get excited unless the pants are white.
Even though it’s called “white bread,” it’s a proper design that fits the game’s atmosphere, not just a shortcut. That’s nice, right?
The schedule has been a tradition since the first generation.
The battle is too busy.
It tends to feel like something is missing or like I’ve killed something.
I don’t know when is the right time to heal.
While challenging a tough enemy, before I knew it, my big brother took heavy damage.
Please give a name to the assistant leader…
The Blurif Emperor hit it big in Australia, didn’t he?
The atelier series usually considers it a success if a single title sells 100,000 copies, but selling over 2 million copies across three titles was extraordinary, and I doubt we’ll see a repeat of that, as expected…
I remembered that during the time of Ryza, the Steam release was delayed by a month, so I couldn’t wait and ended up buying Code Vein instead, and ultimately didn’t buy Ryza.
It seems like there won’t be any delays in the release this time, so I’m looking forward to buying it since it’s my first Atelier game.
It’s amazing that we can consistently release new works like this in today’s time.
I believe it is a production system focused on releasing one work every year, regardless of the era.
Even though I’ve been releasing a new Pokémon game every two years.
Even Pokémon has become impossible.
It’s the end of the game industry.
I want a new game in the Ar Tonelico series!
It seems that Atelier has somehow stopped being a turn-based battle system…
I bought it… with a season pass.
That’s good, isn’t it?
Even if I follow my lustful desires.
Koie Tecmo doesn’t really make much of Nobunaga’s Ambition, Musou, or Ninja anymore.
Musou just came out recently, and the ninja is about to be released soon.
I don’t know the past works, but the mixing was more interesting.
Also, I’m not going to knead the big pot.
The alchemy system changes almost every time, so it depends on the work.
Personally, I like Sophie.
Gast-chan is skilled at recycling in both good and bad ways, which is why she can be consistently produced.
I think the graphics in the field best represent the essence of Gusto.
It’s like I have a sense of déjà vu all the time, or maybe the base hasn’t changed since long ago.
Ambitions are now played only by grandfathers…
The outfit exclusive to season pass purchasers is cute, isn’t it?
As expected, I passed on things like hair color changes and default costume color changes.
I feel like I’ve been making neutralizers since the beginning of the past phase.
Making a neutralizer with a neutralizer.
It’s relatively common.
It feels like we’re entering the mid-game now that we have started mass-producing good neutralizers.
I wonder if Koei Tecmo’s otome game brand is still alive…
I’m regularly putting out a lot of works.
If RONIN and the otome game team hadn’t collaborated, the character popularity wouldn’t have been that high.
Aside from other points, it’s the most surprising that this has a good reputation for combat.
Because you can see my underwear…
Even without pants, it’s fun to aggressively attack using front and back row movements and items…
Thinking of it as a developed version of the command input from Lysa with an added evasion system makes it quite understandable, and I believe it has been properly incorporated.
I understand that it may seem half-hearted if you were expecting complete action.
The battle will probably just consist of throwing four types of items carelessly in the second half.
All of the neutralizing agent alchemy loops will be done…
It feels like you can freely wander around the field.
It’s my first atelier, but I think I’ll give it a try.
There have been about five works featuring a male protagonist in the Atelier series.
I keep skipping it because it seems like a hassle, even though I’m curious about the character each time.
Could it be that even those who found DQ11 tedious would enjoy alchemy in Atelier?
It won’t do / It cannot be.
The new Angelique was released in 2021, so has Ruby Party not been active since then?
Well, it seems like they would participate in things like Origins or Ronin…
People who were interested in Liza but didn’t make a purchase.
Foreigners are saying this is perfect for a first playthrough of the series.
I want the Trails series to show more of the pants.
I wonder if there’s a pretty good chance that collecting materials will feel tedious.
Since the tracks are clearly showing the pants, it would be better to just show the pants.
I really don’t care about pants, but I like the front row and back row quite a bit.
So far, in the alchemy system, Yumia is cute, and my only impression is that her breasts are really big.
In scenes where hands are shown, the breasts always end up being cut off…
I’m sure he’s 21 years old.
I’m an adult!
Is this the oldest protagonista among the atelier protagonists at their first appearance?
Mary’s 20 might be the oldest so far.
It seems like she’s around 24 in terms of settings, but Marie is actually 19.
Just relying on skills feels a bit off, but combining items and character changes makes it quite enjoyable.
If the Trails series has gotten to the point where you can see pants, shouldn’t the CERO rating be raised?
Well, I hope it becomes visible enough like that.
Yumia has a great character, but the guys have no charm at all, which lowers my motivation.
What’s up with that punk-like guy?
Isn’t it that there’s no charm to the character at all since they only chatted briefly in the prologue…?
If anything, even Mikakoshi’s knight isn’t much different from anything else besides the breasts.
Liza didn’t have much charm as a male character either…
I liked both Amper and Boos.
Well, I was really happy to finally join Boos in 3, and I probably didn’t make much noise about it.
I really like the honesty of wanting to go on an adventure with friends…
The first impression is terrible, but it’s said in an interview that the goal is for that Yankee character to gradually change, so that impression is perfectly accurate.
Depending on the ground, you can’t see the attack range, so hold on a minute!
Even if they were well made, it’s just pants.
For now, if you’re just wearing them… it’s fine.
I’m satisfied because I worked hard in housing and was able to create a decent base.
While walking around the map, I noticed small camps scattered here and there, but I don’t have enough building materials…!
I love action games, so I’m happy that it has high action elements.
I want to play Sophie’s action game.
I really liked the two male characters from Sophie 2, but I haven’t seen much discussion about them.
They say that a beautiful woman can hide seven troubles…
Before the release of an atelier, there are always people insisting that men are unnecessary.
There have always been male party members since the early days of the series, haven’t there?
There were popular characters like Suke-san too.
Make sure to hold Rorona properly; look, she has shrunk a bit in various ways.
(Rulua isn’t playing, huh…)
I think that layer is probably the same one that says that about all games with beautiful girl protagonists, not just in the atelier genre.
I tried an atelier for the first time, but the alchemy is difficult and I can’t understand it.
For now, I understand that we can just mass-produce the neutralizing agent.
There are quite a few characters that make a bad impression at first glance in Atelier.
Your face is scary.
The fee for the request is high.
The task is tough.
I realized that Nii-san becomes so stiff if he doesn’t smile, so I want him to laugh quickly.
It feels like there is a slightly insufficient explanation regarding whether it can be placed or not in the housing.
I want to place a mana replenishment station at all the camps.
Even if they say something about my pants, it’s only at a frame-by-frame pace that I can manage it.
I can’t pay attention to it during the game.
The photo mode is like that.
Whether male or female, jagged teeth just feel old-fashioned somehow.
It’s still a fairly common attribute to see here and there… I do think it has decreased, though.
No, no!
I don’t want to see it so much that I would go to the extent of exposing it.
Just a little glimpse is fine, not everything on display!
I understand that it’s complicated and that it takes about 40 minutes when you cram it all in, which is tough.
Personally, I really like alchemy in Mystery the most.
I really like that mysterious guy too.
It’s fun to combine things in various ways, isn’t it?
Well, I can understand that some people find it bothersome…
I want another important and deep male character like Keith Griffin.
The combat system is quite different from previous entries, right?
Combat and alchemy are quite different.
The combat and alchemy are quite different each time, but I think the difference is especially significant this time.
When the concept of “just” comes up, it makes me concerned about things like “Don’t push me!” or “Don’t make me do it with two buttons!”
I saw that the action game in the tutorial requires two buttons for dodging, and I couldn’t help but say, “Seriously?…”
The fact that an additional input during shield can result in a dodge is the same in Smash Bros too…
Whenever the release date of a new Atelier work approaches, I somehow find myself starting to play the old games again.
It will never end.
What’s with the camera angle being ridiculously restricted to not show the pants?
I don’t know much about past works, but I feel like I could watch them more easily in the past.
Boo, why didn’t you come until 3?
The reason for the story’s progression is the discord, so it can’t be helped.
I wonder why there are no subscriptions for 2…
I don’t think the combat capability is much of a problem, considering that Claudia could throw a clumsy towel or a flute back in the day.
I want different button layouts for combat and exploration…
I wonder if it’s necessary to press the button every time when moving through narrow spaces in the exploration.
This work clearly states that it’s putting a lot of effort into the male characters as well.
As the story progresses, it seems like everyone becomes close and turns into a friendly party that has playful interactions like in Tales.
The new PV looks like they’re having a lot of fun.
It seems that the captain will join the next work of the Recollections series.
I haven’t gathered any information, so I think this person seems suspicious, but can I trust them?
At the demo stage, there’s nothing suspicious! They’re a good person!
There’s no need to split resource gathering into two buttons, right?
It would have been nice if there was a one-button option to easily collect ores and fallen trees!
Changing the old tools was a hassle, so I hope they can combine the buttons into one.
It is compared to the simplicity of a game that was ahead enough to be made into an OW.
In the Atelier series, I think there are usually male characters who are candidates for the protagonist’s love interest.
If we make Marie a typical college graduate who fails and makes her around 22 or 24, the game will end when she turns 30…
At the start of the game, she is a girl, but by the time you finish, she becomes an adult woman, so a significant amount of time passes, right?
What do you mean by Totori-san dressed like that at 20 when it’s all over?
Kiryuu-chan usually appears in the next installment of the series without any issues, but this time I’m not sure.
It has been confirmed that the enemies encountered along the way are known, but the role of the final boss is completely uncertain, so there is a possibility of reconciliation by the end.
Do not count Marie’s age until Ellie and Anis are finished.
I don’t dislike traditional command-based RPGs, and I’m also okay with the action-oriented battles in Yumia.
I was just not good at Liza’s combat.
There are moments when the color scheme makes the character look like Kazama Jin.
By the time you reach the ending, several years may have passed in the atelier, so it’s hard to get a clear image of specific ages.
The command system is great because you can make items and grin about it.
Action is fun in its own way.
I’m playing after a long time, but it seems that the alchemy pot is no longer there…
There is a strong possibility that it will make a comeback in the next series.
It’s been there all along! There’s really no one who’s been doing it all this time!? I’m shocked!
The sluggish response when switching items during battle.
That hold selection didn’t work.
I didn’t realize that this ore requires a tool to break… I was stuck gathering graphite for a while because the recipe hasn’t increased yet.
In the Atelier series, even villains like Evil Face and Luard can easily become allies in the next game, right?
I think I prefer command-based combat.
Because the degree of item enhancement is easy to understand.
I’m playing on normal difficulty, but the downside is that I can’t watch slowly because I quickly surround a small number of enemies and beat them down with a stick.
It’s comfortable, but
I thought it was a PS2 game where you can’t move around while guarding.
“Instead, is the judgment for Just Guard unusually lenient?”
I feel like if I just press randomly, it will all be a perfect guard.
That’s the same with Falcom and others…
If you could move while guarding, then dodging wouldn’t be necessary, so it’s intentional, isn’t it?
Isn’t that system’s game rather rare…?
I played the demo on Steam and ended up buying the PS5 version, but there are no bonuses for playing the demo, right?
Since this work has changed from spinning to dancing, the kiln has been restructured.
There is a small one attached to the back.
It’s surprisingly fun to be able to explore such a vast map even in the demo version, especially since it’s before the release.
I’m worried about whether Gast-chan has the stamina to finish making it properly.
The combat is really delicate…
The tasks don’t change, I have free time, the camera is bad making it hard to avoid attacks, and the automated allies fall quickly.
Wasn’t it enough to just push L2 while moving sideways? Do you really need two buttons for dodging?
Two buttons, or rather, two fingers.
Stick input is also button detection, right?
Alternatively, it’s a person who uses keyboard controls.
The Twilight series also featured alchemists who didn’t use a furnace.
For the player, alchemy was just someone stirring the pot.
I thought that the presence or absence of jump mechanics in these kinds of games really affects the enjoyment level significantly.
Of course it’s more fun to be able to go everywhere you can see.
It was something like alchemy related to pharmaceutical compounding.
It has become a magical feeling of fantasy.
Let’s merge with Tales.
It’s concerning that the range in which you can raise your viewpoint is narrower than the range you can reach by jumping.