Home » Game » Uma Musume: Pretty Derby » The up-rated individual I sent out, believing in it, is falling apart in the room match…

The up-rated individual I sent out, believing in it, is falling apart in the room match…

1: Japan Otaku Reviews

Balancing skills is important too.

2: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

When Windy-chan produces a high-potential individual, the top tier is also performing at a higher level.

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s the usual game of running style distribution.

Members should carefully consider whether to organize themselves more towards the front or the back.

5: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’m using a blue Ruby Grande debuff, but I’m not winning at all.

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Is there something fundamentally lacking that makes it hard to win with just those two cards?

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I see Mile-chan raised in Stabright, I can’t help but chuckle.

It’s not a dull Bright.

6: Japan Otaku Reviews

If they keep selling support cards at such a low price, there won’t be any difference anymore.

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the case of Luma, it tends to be positioned towards the back.

This is the first time I’ve experienced such miles.

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

The leading position is also quite strong.

If it’s only being done half-heartedly, that’s not the case, but when the three are grouped together and compared, it becomes strong.

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve started to think that maybe Gran Alegría isn’t that strong after all…

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

It would be nice to add debuffs to the two in the back, but I feel like it might also be good to bring out Fu or Babu.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since Hu is unique and cannot be placed first, it seems that Bubble or Varezepher would be more popular if presented alone.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

Oh, it’s fun to watch Mile-chan, who can win from 8th place when entering the final stage.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

When you train with a Gran with 20 stamina and include Bright, the guts will be higher than the stamina.

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

When using Helimiral Ruby, the blue ruby doesn’t come up at all.

Even within the range of buds, it feels like the rear runner is winning while going around the outside, which doesn’t seem to match well?

I feel like I was winning a bit more last year with escapes, sprints, and late charges.

I feel that having 1 in front and 2 in the back is better than 2 in front and 1 in the back.

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can feel that Blue Ruby’s performance is reminiscent of a year ago, as it catches up to the leader but still loses significantly to Valezephyr and Bubble in the final stages.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

Personally, I think Ruby is not able to win against Gran.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

In a flow where the push wins, Gran usually swoops in and takes it, so the young lady’s winning rate is quite poor.

It also means that you are leaning too far back.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

The front and back thrusts of the blue gran are unpleasant when they are done to me.

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

Speaking of which, does that mean Gaming Taishin won’t have the chance to shine until next year?

29: Japan Otaku Reviews


In other words, will they be active?

The current middle distance is a gentle line for Orfe Gorilla.

20: Japan Otaku Reviews

In a race where the attacker wins, the frontrunner holds out ahead more than imagined.

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

I am currently raising a blue ruby that I exchanged for a voucher.

I intend to raise them to be an absolute genius, but looking at this made me feel down, haha.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews


Reference the main tournament’s second round rather than the Rummo.

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are you properly stacking the buds and bouncing on the ruby?

35: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s stacked!

Even so, it’s questionable whether we can win 30% of the time…

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

Once Gran evolves twice and activates the chasing comparison, it feels like a production line victory.

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it okay even if the legend is unenhanced?

It’s tough for those who can’t use Ai-chan or Ikuno in this scenario.

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If you try to use it yourself, the early game is suffocating unless you reach 2 dupe, which gives you a bond bonus.

If you’re getting by with rentals, then that’s fine, yeah.

27: Japan Otaku Reviews

Fuu-chan and Linecraft are weak in the final stages, making them easy to deal with, but Bubble and Varezephyr are persistent and troublesome.

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

In Ruby, the spring rushes down, my heart is excited as I gather the buds, but I couldn’t embody the essence.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

Sometimes there are strong escape horses, but they’re probably outliers.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

In an environment where escape is more likely to be eliminated due to the implementation of Blue Ruby and Grans, is it that beings like Bub-san and Zephyr, who have physical characteristics, are not as lively as they used to be?

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Both of them are capable of being in first place, so they are especially strong when running in the lead.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

Windi-chan will drop a red ruby, wahaha…

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

I looked at the database and saw that everything about Ikuno is filled in, and I’m in despair.

I thought about throwing 4 crystals into a non-maxed character, but my rationality kicked in, aha!

43: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5


I often see people boasting about having this many rainbow crystals left in the Windy-chan thread.

These guys just make me feel gross by only saying, “Should I use them or not?”!!

46: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1



69: Japan Otaku Reviews


Actually, if you’re looking for a fully maxed support card, it’s quicker to search for X directly.

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

The front runner is stretching ahead in a comparison of leading and chasing; it is a new era.

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Although I went as the leading ace, there was Mr. Pearl Taiki who pulled ahead in a comparison against Ao as of last year.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews

The plan is for the Blue Ruby Grand Bubble, but is it possible that the Bubble’s frame debuff is better?

38: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

I’ve only played a few rounds in the RUMMA, but Ruby can’t move forward enough to activate her blossom…

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m thinking of quitting because the Legends training is so boring.

44: Japan Otaku Reviews


The number of rentals has increased and my stamina has halved, so I’m just barely managing, but I can’t handle it next month.

I was feeling motivated until the decision to go ahead was made.

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ruby is going wide outside from the grandstand.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

In a no escape race, the late-running can be quite unstable and often backfires.

45: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Is that an appeal that you have leftovers…?

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

I certainly don’t want to play Legends for another six months.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

Wendy-chan is still leisurely circling the factor…

49: Japan Otaku Reviews

The enemy’s bubble was so strong that it almost burst at the final stretch, but it seems they have evolution Makuhiki.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since it’s a dramatic ending with only 200 left, it’s unfair that it won’t come out too early like last year’s fading legs.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews


If they run straight ahead at the front, I won’t be able to catch up.

50: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

It’s crazy that only three slots are drawn even when the gauge is at maximum, despite being too obstructive with half of it unusable.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it the case that a butt is only valuable when it’s split?

53: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since we’re only going to use High Seiko anyway, it’s fine to delete all the win rates and such.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that a conclusion other than the bubble is not effective this time.

Since it’s unavoidable, I’ll have Ramone get excited.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

Windy-chan said that the curtain call is a trap skill that hardly activates…

What are the cowards doing?

62: Japan Otaku Reviews


It has decreased due to being eaten by Miles and Bluebee.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews

The fact that the race is random 1 is just brutal.

Whether to make it 8 or wait until 7 has its downsides.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you’re going to use Bab or Zephyr, the parent is Unskita Bomi, right?

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

The speed skill that activates immediately on the final straight is highly inefficient.

61: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

There are too many events that lower my motivation, and I often waste time due to my tendency to procrastinate.

The scenario and the one who made it are too trashy.

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

The bubble’s trigger will activate 200 meters remaining, except in the middle.

It wasn’t that I couldn’t advance if it was a mile.

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

The leading horse’s characteristics are really influenced by the distribution of running styles based on the implementations around the event, so while it is unstable, it can be very strong at times.

65: Japan Otaku Reviews

If the bubble can be maintained in the front, it will be strong.

66: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Ability skills have inflated too much and it’s becoming a problem.

67: Japan Otaku Reviews

The activation of the raw curtain call typically happens the moment you enter the final straight, so it’s pointless in a mile race when there are no escape routes.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

If we’re going to do two from the back, I feel like it’s better to add a bubble rather than a debuff…

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

For now, I’m feeling that even a non-maxed legendary would be fine.

The fact that you can borrow gait type support is incredibly significant.

Even if it’s maxed out, getting a second bond is still up to luck.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

The curtain call of the bubble’s evolution is near the end, so it comes out extremely early, which makes it quite an unruly performance.

72: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

When I’m looking for support characters, I check the support character page on Gamewith.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

Blue Ruby and Gran are strong, but it’s a mystery whether they are stronger when paired with debuffs.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

“Linecraft and North Flight aren’t bad either, but…”

I’m lacking the punch against my opponent.

75: Japan Otaku Reviews

At what timing is the legendary outing used?

I’ve been using it for some reason since I got into classical music, but is it something that’s supposed to be used from junior level?

83: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’m cutting it when I’m short on three-color points rather than recovering.

I have quite a bit of physical strength left.

84: Japan Otaku Reviews


You won’t be able to get Gauge 2 unless you use it once before your debut.

89: Japan Otaku Reviews


“It becomes inevitable to time it just for the sake of gaining good understanding.”

When you rest, you should really rest.

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

What you’re looking for in the legend isn’t performance, but rather a gimmick that increases the gauge, so the number of merges doesn’t really matter.

Of course, the more progress you make, the better it is.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

My favorite is a pre-release character, but when I made my favorite the first Ruby Mile, it doesn’t win at all.

That said, having two front runners and one coming from behind makes me uneasy about the final, which seems to favor the coming-from-behind strategy…

88: Japan Otaku Reviews


This time, since the front-runners have the strongest depth, even if you are somewhat strong, you will lose without having any good opportunities at all.

78: Japan Otaku Reviews

Following ambitious people can be useful, but it seems that it automatically changes to a support that looks like it has fewer followers.

79: Japan Otaku Reviews

Class 6 of the stadium is capped at 58,000 people.

Despite the excitement of the anniversary, the population didn’t really increase much.

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When Border realized it, he was surprised to see 2.3 million.

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the pre-late speed outside the bubble about the same as vaudeville?

87: Japan Otaku Reviews


The Essence of Vaudeville

If you’re a wealthy supporter, you should be honest and upright.

81: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the end, the back-running ace can’t escape from the unfolding situation where it expands outward, so it lacks stability…

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

Miles are settled with compromise, and it’s onto the next long-distance factor round, wahaha!

I need to hurry before the report gets cut off.

85: Japan Otaku Reviews

Today, no one was able to update!

Wahaha! You’ll be beaten to a pulp! Wahahaha!

86: Japan Otaku Reviews

The impact of the loss of reverse thrust among the leading ones is greater than expected.

We will align our steps and enter the final stage.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

In a past update, it’s no longer impossible for the outing trigger event to activate even if you don’t have a bond level of green anymore.

Is it true that if it’s green, the probability of triggering an outing increases even more?

91: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the lead also good for lead 3?

101: Japan Otaku Reviews


If the ideal is to set up at the front in the early lead at Preceding 2 or around Zephyr Bubble, strong kids tend to fly by, so if we want to settle it with an early lead, I think we need more numbers.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

Before Gran came, the stable front-runners were strong.

After Gran came, the explosive power of the front-runner became stronger.

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ll raise you up.

96: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s a weak ending.

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94: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is this pre-release an unskilled one?

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s better to be the type that explosively uses all four legs.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews


Do you like pachinko? Does the shiny unicorn make strange brain substances come out?

97: Japan Otaku Reviews

They call it “support card millionaire,” but…

If I had three Step-Up tickets and three exchange tickets, I would be able to lend a root brown (card) without worrying about my support card.

103: Japan Otaku Reviews

Last year, Pearl Summer Taiki was strong, and as long as front-running in the mile has been wiped out, late-running types are stronger.

104: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even though it has turned legendary green, I will stop not saying a word after obtaining the knowledge for the second time. Gabu gabu.

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

I sometimes wonder if I should cut it to get my last junior star 2, but I also feel that star 2 is almost just a margin of error.

106: Japan Otaku Reviews

While bringing out either Valzephyr or Bubble, or both, I’ll leave the back to Ohai Mile and Blue Ruby.

This is it.

107: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to use the protruding Power Dan and Gran, so I’m going with 2 frontrunners and 1 closer.

108: Japan Otaku Reviews

Once I get two bonds, the rest is up to chance, so I don’t go out with Junior.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was borrowing Ikuno until now, but I might compromise and borrow Blast instead.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews


I don’t think Ikuno should compromise.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

I haven’t been able to win at all with Windy-chan, so I’ve started to like Riugi, where effort properly leads to results…

Platinum Heroes is a title that pleasantly emphasizes my skills for dedicated players at the level of Windy-chan.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews


I feel like it’s a backlash to the fact that anything above mid-range before that was a game of distance.

That said, I recall the numerous pre-decisions from the time when Anusuki was at its peak, or rather, when there was only Anaboli.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

Aside from the fact that the unique characteristics of the wise ram are bothersome, its performance during outings is strong and it wobbles, which makes it quite fitting for this scenario.

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

Although the ruby is easier to level up, I can feel the difference in strength when I can’t break through at the end.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

The bubble is very weak when it comes to escaping, but it is vibrant because it is not there.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

Junior will endure going out, and the time spent waiting will be allocated to classic outings in April to June, where at worst, there will be two outings.

It is often difficult to build up the guidance gauge here.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews


The three crown route is tough because you’re forced to run it at least twice.

It’s tough even just once, I can’t keep doing this.

125: Japan Otaku Reviews


Ah, I see, this Neo Uni training is tough, isn’t it?

123: Japan Otaku Reviews


It seems that most characters have two races around this timing…

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

How are you arranging Gran’s support cards?

Nothing really feels right.

124: Japan Otaku Reviews


I did it with Speed 3, Intelligence 2, and Legend 1.

I’m satisfied because thanks to the toughness adjustment, it’s relatively easy to surpass 1200.

126: Japan Otaku Reviews


How much stamina do you have?

136: Japan Otaku Reviews


I can’t see it right now, but it’s around 1000.

The factor was more about stamina and a bit of willpower.

140: Japan Otaku Reviews


Thank you.

It’s going to be difficult because it’s impossible to prepare the Stamina factor from now on…

118: Japan Otaku Reviews

Windy-chan has Speed 3, Speed 2, and Power 1.

Which one are you training with?

120: Japan Otaku Reviews


I don’t have a Borikuri, so I’m raising my speed at 3.

If you’re leading, put in the power.

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

There is also Speed 2 and Stamina 1.

121: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

You don’t have to participate in classic races; you should just keep training.

132: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s a strange birth of a Uma Musume that, despite not participating in races, somehow comes to engage with fans, gets used in advertisements, and has photo books sell out.

127: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

With Speed 2 and Power 1, the tenacity is unsatisfactory, and with Power and Tenacity, both are half-hearted, while with Tenacity 1, the power feels insufficient.

I’m caught in a loop like this.

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

It is often said that Gran’s strengthening is suited for Speed 3 and Wisdom 2.

129: Japan Otaku Reviews

Considering recovery for the training camp, doing two races plus maxing out the gauge is too much.

130: Japan Otaku Reviews

A composition with intelligence level 2 is normally strong.

The stabilization of the mindset is significant.

131: Japan Otaku Reviews

On the contrary, getting the 1200 is tough because of the provocation.

133: Japan Otaku Reviews

Having a target race in the first week of September makes it subtly difficult to adjust the colors.

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

I believe it’s acceptable to discard something that fundamentally lacks a good mentality.

However, I think following stamina and guts requires quite a bit of technique.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you hold back from going out, you won’t be able to get Bonds 2, so you have to do it at least once to continue rerolling.

145: Japan Otaku Reviews


Doesn’t that become counterproductive since it becomes difficult to see an upside?

137: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Isn’t it stronger to have a lot of skills even if the base stats are low?

146: Japan Otaku Reviews


How low is that level of determination you’re talking about?

Is it at least 1200?

151: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even if it’s around 1000, it’s okay as long as the skills are boosted accordingly.

139: Japan Otaku Reviews

I raised my father for the first time, but the placement of the target races was unpleasant, and managing the passion zone and gauge seemed troublesome.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews

Then it’s SP3 root 1.

If it’s High Seiko, when people gather and strike the power, it will be reasonably arranged.

142: Japan Otaku Reviews

It was said that nothing could be done if a runaway bubble came.

I want the serious players to work harder to make escape strategies more mainstream.

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

It was said that Bubble was stronger than Mile at the time of its debut, and that turned out to be true.

144: Japan Otaku Reviews

The weakness in escaping seems to be largely due to the poor management that doesn’t release high-burst support characters at all.

147: Japan Otaku Reviews


That said, isn’t it the case that there are only actors like Kamimabu available?

148: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even if serious players have strong escape strategies, the majority of users lack the ability to follow, so it doesn’t become popular.

It’s good enough to just cut it if it comes to escape with a bubble attached.

149: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like I really need to have the determination to even get to 1200.

150: Japan Otaku Reviews

The bubble struggles to escape, but it’s not like I’m a solo ace of the bubble either.

152: Japan Otaku Reviews

Speaking of which, I haven’t seen Tenshi Mabu at all, wahaha!

153: Japan Otaku Reviews

Before the first junior lesson, stop being able to go out!

159: Japan Otaku Reviews


Rather, it would be troublesome if it didn’t come out to that extent…

161: Japan Otaku Reviews


Windy-chan will not touch the legend until the first lesson is conveyed.

If a Bond +2 doesn’t come out, accept it as a bad roll and give up.

170: Japan Otaku Reviews


I wondered why, but does that mean it’s a waste if the gauge fills up too quickly?

174: Japan Otaku Reviews


In the junior period, it is useless to stretch the gauge of understanding too much.

In the end, I want a bond +2.

179: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


That’s what I want to say.

The initial gauge increase is valuable…

182: Japan Otaku Reviews


The winning pattern is to finish the face meeting with the first one, move on to going out with the second one, and carry over the passion zone to the third one.

It is not uncommon for two bonds to not match.

154: Japan Otaku Reviews

Perhaps the strongest formation in Gran training is Speed, Ice, Tilled, Wisdom, and Ikuno Digi.

It is impossible for ordinary people.

155: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think they threw away the adjustments for the escape based on the factor side.

I feel that a basic escape is about average, and it’s fine to do long-distance races three times a year.

156: Japan Otaku Reviews

If there are limits to skills, it comes down to the difference in determination, but right now, skills are overflowing.

157: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

When you reach the first understanding and come out until you go out, the second one becomes difficult, but if you try not to step on it until the last minute, a bug occurs where the outing does not happen during the second.

158: Japan Otaku Reviews

God Mabu makes me laugh just with words.

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

The guide for the race is just too lame…

163: Japan Otaku Reviews

I saw a composition of Speed 3 and Wisdom 2, but can it actually work?

169: Japan Otaku Reviews


If the child has low speed intelligence correction, they can do it.

180: Japan Otaku Reviews


What will you do about the factors? Even if the power can be managed with Speed 3 and power adjustments, it seems tough for both stamina and guts.

185: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you are conscious of how you step, you can reach around 1000 on both sides.

173: Japan Otaku Reviews


There is compatibility with practice correction.

164: Japan Otaku Reviews

To be honest, I don’t know how many lengths of difference there are between the 1400, 1200, and 1000 meters in terms of stamina.

Even after four years, I’m still playing this game by feel.

165: Japan Otaku Reviews

I like the naming sense of the clear divine miracle, Choberigu’s oracle.

166: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s really strong when you’ve fully mastered the skills in SP6000.

167: Japan Otaku Reviews

Toughness is decreasing at an incredible pace.

If TP doubles, it’ll be a big deal, wahaha!

168: Japan Otaku Reviews

Does this mean if the bond doesn’t trigger twice in a row at the beginning, it’s a no-go?

175: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


There’s not much strong content in the star 2 knowledge, so I guess I’ll keep doing it until the end of the junior year.

178: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you’re aiming for a 200% hint, that’s one thing, but if you can secure it during junior, you can manage somehow.

171: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s okay to have around 1000 guts, I might try working on a guts-less formation… I guess.

172: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want them to extend the limit of Trepass and put in more toughness.

176: Japan Otaku Reviews

Now that the auto has arrived, the trepass height is too low.

I just want more and more rewards, even if they’re only available through paid options.

183: Japan Otaku Reviews


Give me more raw hint books!

It wears unevenly like that.

177: Japan Otaku Reviews

If the child has a correction in speed wisdom, is it that you reduce the correction and focus on guts… something like that?

181: Japan Otaku Reviews

I get a low evaluation because of my stubbornness, but the skill inheritance seems good, so is this okay? I would like your opinions.

I get a low evaluation because of my stubbornness, but the skill inheritance seems good, so is this okay? I would like your opinions.

Uma Musume Details 41,777 UC RANK Nickname [Smile My Way!] Gran Alegría Absolute Queen of the Mile Change — Speed Stamina Power Guts Wisdom 1876 974 1441 1169 1367 Turf A Dirt G Short Distance A Mile S Middle Distance C Long Distance F Escape F Early A Pursuit A Chase B Skills Inheritance Training Information ¡Qué alegría! Lv5 Victory Pulse Budding, Blooming Right Turn ○ Spring Uma Musume ○ Isolated Line Professor Hayate Ichimonji Strong Run Preparation Mile Straight ○ Mile Corner ○ Big Sister Type Straight Pursuit ○ Ten Million Barrier Uma Lover Tail Up Full Throttle Leap Forward Advantage Formation Charge Spirit Heart-Feels Revolutionary Crossroads Preemptive Duel Piercing Thoughts Pushing Forward!! Instinct Release Descend High Pitch Step by Step Forward Legend Descends Echoing Loud Cheers The Essence of Racing – Body The Essence of Racing – Power Those Who Build a New Legend

184: Japan Otaku Reviews


Both determination and power are far too low.

187: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think if it’s a nice butt, we can totally go for it.

I think all that’s left is to increase the range where I can win with a good rear.

189: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is it Speed 3, Wisdom 2?

It looks like they’re quite strong with a full set of skills.

191: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think miles are better as skills than as steps, so it’s not a bad thing.

194: Japan Otaku Reviews


Low step

Few inheritances

Direct stop for M〇.

186: Japan Otaku Reviews

At the level of UC1, isn’t it just like doing the previous scenario?

190: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


At least you can’t have such skills in the field without a power boost, so those from the legends are definitely stronger.

195: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you’re thinking in miles, then the comparison is to the scenario two steps back.

188: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gran prefers the type that does not have the bud attachment.

192: Japan Otaku Reviews

I hope those who are shameless in the first half of UC don’t come to this thread.

The noble Windy-chan’s spirit is being tainted.

193: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m having trouble because our Bubble and Blue Ruby are too strong, and Mile-chan can’t win at all…

196: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Windy-chan could never make UC in the field.

I’m not fit to be a farmer.

197: Japan Otaku Reviews

This time, definitely make it ◎ for Choku.

If the discount is large, then it is better to have ◎.

198: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

In other words, even reaching UC8-9 with miles has a very high possibility of being just a facade…

200: Japan Otaku Reviews

Indeed, it is Uchiha…

201: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s really easy to stack skills now, so it’s practical to compensate for lacking stats with skills.

202: Japan Otaku Reviews

It is easy to max out power, so let’s actually try running it to see if it can go up or not.

If you’re weak in competition, you should definitely increase your power.

203: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

In the latter half of UC and UB, there’s a significant difference in tenacity and intelligence, and even in the early half of UC, it’s still a fair competition.

204: Japan Otaku Reviews

It feels like a mentality that doesn’t belong to our house.

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    I created the Grand Ruby in Uma Musume and made Bubblegum Fellow, but when I try to lead, nothing happens and I get passed by the ones behind me, wahaha.

    • March 17, 2025
    I created the Grand Ruby in Uma Musume and made Bubblegum Fellow, but when I try to lead, nothing happens and I get passed by the ones behind me, wahaha.