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[Xenoblade Chronicles X DE] 5 days left

Xenoblade X

1: Japan Otaku Reviews

2: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was surprised to see a commercial airing at a regular time.

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

Mio-chan, as unreasonable as a trident…

6: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m reviewing the preview video for the WiiU version.

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

Recently, I think there are many anonymous users who are getting excited about Sawano and are heavily playing Gundam UC and Sawano’s albums.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews


I wonder how many new songs have been added.

19: Japan Otaku Reviews


In terms of artistic style, I think Gundam and Guilty Crown are similar when compared.

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The timing of the production is close in that regard (Cross was produced in 2012).

Is Kill la Kill nearby?

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

This exhilaration has been over 10 years in the making…

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s about time to shut out information or, since I’ve already cleared it once, it’s the time to choose whether to stay here accepting spoilers.

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You won’t be able to play the additional story unless you play the same content as the Wii U version, so I don’t think you need to be that anxious about it.

If it were 10 years ago, some summary blog would have quickly posted spoilers.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

I heard that the overseas advance release has already come out.

Since this is secondhand information, its credibility is questionable, but it’s not an unreasonable time.

15: Japan Otaku Reviews


Due to the structure of distribution, as long as physical copies exist, early releases cannot be avoided.

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In fact, by January, 380,000 units of the Switch 2 had already been exported from Vietnam to the United States.

Somewhere in the United States, the actual Switch 2 is hidden.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder how many new Blades will undergo the initiation of the early wall, Glenner…

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

There was a post about World Enemy, but I wonder how the system will work.

I remember that during its peak, Tereshia used to come out on Mondays and I would die for an hour every week.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

I started with 3 and had a decent amount of fun, so I want to know if the story is interesting?

I’ve often seen people say that a cross is a cross.

20: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Cross is a game where people’s impressions really vary, so I can only say to actually try playing it.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think the probability of enjoying it is high if you’ve not only been doing the main part but also enjoyed being a potato evangelist or something like that.

29: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


If we’re talking about the WiiU version, to be honest, the main story is a bit lacking in terms of development and is incomplete.

The side quests have amazing volume and branching.

I don’t know how much better it will get with DE.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the first round, I only used the longsword and the rifle, so I want to try other weapons.

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

The expectations were based on the fact that the story of Xenoblade 1 was good, which is why it received mixed reviews at the time.

The WiiU version had a feeling of enjoying the worldview, for better or worse.

This time with the additional story, we won’t know until we open the lid.

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can barely remember either the story or the game’s content anymore.

I vividly remember the fun I had running around with Mira…

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

I knew it all along, but there wasn’t a demo version…

It would have been nice if I could create my character in advance since I want to do it after the date changes.

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Well, I can just fix it later anyway…

27: Japan Otaku Reviews

Anyway, it’s just too much fun to jump around uselessly and move around aimlessly in this game.

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ten years ago, after being completely absorbed in Sawano thanks to the continuous exposure to Guilty Crown, Attack on Titan, Kill la Kill, and Aldnoah, I became completely hooked on Xenoblade Chronicles.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the equipment in a hack-and-slash format? Is that the same for other series as well?

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There are rare drops, but only in X do different random effects apply to each individual piece of the same type of equipment… I think.

I feel like normal blade selection in 2 is a bit different.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

To put it clearly, the real game begins after clearing the story.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews


No, rather clear by obtaining a doll.

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

Last year, when I went to a live show for the first time, Hiroyuki Sawano turned out to be a surprisingly entertaining guy.

Thinking about it, I was dancing with Okazaki Taiiku.

34: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The main story revolves around a problem tackled as an organization, where I act as a team member following the captain.

I want to do side quests and planet exploration in my own way, on my own terms.

I think it will be fine if we proceed that way.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think that just improving the stiff standing event scenes will significantly enhance the image of the story.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that Xenoblade DE sold more units domestically than the combined sales of the Wii and 3DS versions, so I hope more people will contribute positively and this trend continues in the future.

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

The real thing is TOZAN…

40: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

To be honest, the side quests are the main part.

41: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I like the expression “field version of the dungeon RPG” I saw the other day.

42: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

The environment has become easier to introduce screenshots and videos to people who haven’t played before, so there should be many people who get hooked on Mira’s scenery and the dolls.

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Didn’t they say you can’t directly paste screenshots into messages anymore?

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I can’t post directly, but I can send it to my smartphone, so it’s fine to do it there.

43: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was also one who had high expectations for the story, but I realized that it’s difficult to showcase a narrative in a game where you can freely go anywhere in that vast world.

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

The main story ended in a way that only felt like it was cut off…

No matter how you look at it, there’s definitely something there in this empty sea area. I’m willing to pay, so give me the additional DLC! I’ve been looking forward to it…

The main concern I had from the initial report was whether there would be additional scenarios, and since I found out that there are, I decided to buy it, but I wonder if they will properly conclude it…

48: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6


I think everyone mostly agrees that the mysteries will only continue to increase!

54: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s great that the character controlled by the player, or rather the protagonist, becomes the greatest mystery in the end…

46: Japan Otaku Reviews

Don’t expect a story.

The outcome of the battle may not be clear until the very end.

If you want to explore, that’s perfect.

I have always told others that.

49: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Rather, it’s more enjoyable to keep taking detours and eventually meet the conditions to progress the main story, rather than trying to rush through the main story quickly.

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

I found an amazing view! It’s great that I can easily share things like this, just perfect for this game.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

I often ended up thinking, “What was I doing in the main story?” because I was having too much fun exploring.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews

Originally, the post-clear elements are vast, and unlike the connected future, additional scenarios are unlocked after clearing the game, so I want to rush through the main story quickly, but my curiosity won’t allow it since it’s that kind of game…

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

The WiiU also had a browser, so I could post directly to Twitter.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews

I hope that it will end with hints at a sequel and a grand reveal.

In that case, if you’re going to release it at this timing, I hope it’s a setup for the second one.

59: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5


On April 2, another collective hallucination will occur.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Kirino tribe increases.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews

This time, I’ve decided to go with a female character from the very beginning instead of a male character…

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m looking forward to it!

61: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even though there is a way to lower the difficulty, there are still too many places where you get stuck if you try to prioritize the main quest.

Even though my level has increased, I’m stuck at the prince part.

62: Japan Otaku Reviews

It was fun when the folks from other planets came.

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s great how amusing aliens keep showing up…

65: Japan Otaku Reviews


There are no bad people who like pizza!

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

You need to realize that something called soul voice is important.

It’s very important, but no one tells you.

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

During the U version, I played for about 100 hours and moved to High Color City, so this time I’m going to do my best in NLA.

67: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s such a shame that I can no longer connect with Twitter.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if I can’t climb anymore.

69: Japan Otaku Reviews

Did the seasoned crew members have even mastered the customization of Soul Voice?

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

Once again, the first PV of the Wii U version and the PV of Keyros are top-level game PVs.

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The appearance of the field and the power of the song are amazing.

Wait, was this the final boss’s theme…?

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wish the protagonist had about five more types of voices added.

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74: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like Sawano was said to not fit at the time, even though now he’s regarded as indispensable for Xenoblade Chronicles.

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It’s clear that there were only the original Xenoblade and Xenoblade X with the name “Xenoblade” at that time, but somehow the combination of Sawano’s music and cool robots creates a strong impression, leading to a shift in perception. The idea that the main series is essentially the titles with numbering attached has become significant.

75: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, both Yoko Shimomura and ACE used “The Game” as background music.

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s natural for friction to arise between different races, but more and more people are going to extremes.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have to go buy a DL card…

If possible, I want to avoid making mistakes in my choices.

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Well, there’s no such thing as right or wrong in this case…

79: Japan Otaku Reviews

Three save data slots are appreciated…

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

In this game, notable mobs die left and right because of small choices…

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

Urban is a doll of trash.

83: Japan Otaku Reviews

I guess it takes quite a bit of time to ride the doll after all.

86: Japan Otaku Reviews


You can only obtain the Doll License after progressing about one-third through the story, by completing a large-scale side quest.

The flight pack comes in the latter part of the story.

While it looks easy to fly around in the introduction video, you need to be prepared to spend several dozen hours getting there.

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It’s so long, if I get it, I’ll definitely be happy.

84: Japan Otaku Reviews

Soon we will be able to see Zarbokka again revolting the Voltant with Golbokka’s Gorkwa…

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

Please release a complete soundtrack with about 8 CDs.

88: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Doll item collection is a hassle, isn’t it?

I want to believe that the collection-related aspects have become kinder.

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it insane that the soundtrack for 3 has nine discs?

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

I still remember being told that it’s better to sell the first doll you get immediately and buy a new one.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

I only have memories of burning a Joker in Phoenix.

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I flew for the first time, the performance of the song was really moving.

Don’t fly every time you jump.

95: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

When I see a big flower in the PV, it reminds me of the Joker, doesn’t it?

96: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it fine if it’s just a single press jump?

If you press it for even a moment, the song plays immediately.

97: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s a sword, I guess everyone would use the Granada GG, right?

98: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can’t ride the doll much, but running, jumping, and fast traveling in my real body is surprisingly comfortable, and the scenery is nice, so it’s not that much of a burden.

People who started for the sake of dolls may feel impatient, but…

99: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s great that you can walk and swim anywhere, easily land on the new continent, and get instantly killed by level difference adjustments…

101: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s impressive that such a grand game was running on the limited memory of the Wii U.

102: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

The certification exam was really tedious, so the sense of achievement when it was over was incredible.

103: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, the 20 Urban really only has value as a souvenir, and for practical use, the 30 Urban would be fine as long as the appearance is considered.

At first glance, it looks like a total weakling, but the one and only ramjet is the true trap.

104: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s already been almost 12 years since I was excited by this initial trailer…

106: Japan Otaku Reviews


That PV is the second report.

105: Japan Otaku Reviews

Will the ramjet performance be reduced or be considered nonexistent?

It was a DLC weapon, right?

107: Japan Otaku Reviews

I heard it takes about 50 hours to acquire a doll, and I’m in despair because of that. I’ve also heard that the first one supposedly can’t fly…

Aren’t we already approaching the final stages of the 50 hours?

111: Japan Otaku Reviews


In just 50 hours…?

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Most games tend to have some sort of airship-like mode of transportation that you acquire towards the end.

108: Japan Otaku Reviews

It gives the impression of a game focused on side quests, but after the release of 123, it feels quite different within the series.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was planning to buy it with the gift card, but it ran out…

I’m afraid to buy additional tickets at this timing.

125: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Switch 2 doesn’t have a form, anyway…

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Is that so!?

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

The initial Urban can also be used to pick a fight with the guardian deity…

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

I kept the 20-dollar bill as a souvenir.

I hope a stronger level doll comes out.

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

The 20-dollar bill is like a Super Cub.

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

You’ll understand once you try it, but 50 hours goes by quickly.

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

I used to run around with Mira all day on my days off.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think most people usually get their dolls in the middle of the game.

118: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can’t fly, but I can transform.

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

I heard that if it breaks, you just make it again. Is that true?

120: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I have insurance.

121: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t remember it taking much time to obtain the flight unit after getting the doll.

Once I obtained it, I couldn’t remove it, so I went out of my way to create another save file for TOZAN that was intentionally left in an unacquired state.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews

Before getting the doll, go to all the places you can visit in person.

123: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Look, there’s some kind of pizza event!

Look, there was some event at a water purification plant, right?

Look, something like your mother!

Continents of mist? Or the vast lands of desert?

Everything seems to be just ???!

It was a game that I wanted to restart after erasing my memory, but my memories are really fading now!

Thank you, aging!

124: Japan Otaku Reviews

I posted this before, but if you’re interested in what kind of game it is, it’s quick to check out the official explanation that was available during the Wii U version (which has since been removed by the official source).

The Switch version has a lot of added elements, but since it’s a remaster, it’s almost the same.

Worldview Exploration Chapter

Combat chapter

Doll Edition

126: Japan Otaku Reviews

I received an online trial code as a pre-order bonus, but since I exchanged it for vinegar kelp, I’m already subscribed online, so I can’t use this code!

127: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The first announcement was at E3 2013, so it’s correct to say it’s the initial report.

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

At that time, the average playtime was just under 160 hours, and although there was a survey, it was like this before the DLC came out, so the complete DLC plus new elements in the DE is going to be amazing.

131: Japan Otaku Reviews


The January direct at the top is the first report.

132: Japan Otaku Reviews

The range for detours is too large, so it’s easy to forget the main story.

138: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


If you try to clear the main story right away, it can actually become stressful, so it’s better to approach it with the mindset of making progress in the story while taking lots of detours.

133: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m really bad at Tetris, so it took me a long time to earn 100 points…

134: Japan Otaku Reviews

Wasn’t the first report before the Wii U came out?

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136: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, if you buy it now, you should be able to update it for Switch 2 at a low price.

137: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The current vinegar kelp cannot be used in Switch2 software.

It is not out of the question that a different-priced vinegar kelp 2 will be released.

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Unlike Xenoblade, it’s so comfortable that you don’t die from falling from great heights.

141: Japan Otaku Reviews

During the Wii U era, for some reason they didn’t do TV commercials for Cross.

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I can’t forget this direct impact.

It was a nighttime stream, but the thread kept going all day long.

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

Everyone said various things, didn’t they?

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I want those who haven’t played it yet to experience the side quest where I’m not intending to do that…

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This time I’ll kill you.

I won’t make the wrong choice.

145: Japan Otaku Reviews

AKB is often the subject of jokes, but their other commercials are actually pretty cool.

147: Japan Otaku Reviews

Was the screen on the pad basically displaying segments?

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Move while charging and operate with touch on the Pro Controller.

This action was perfect.

It’s fine to operate with a tab, but my hand gets tired, and the usability becomes a little worse.

148: Japan Otaku Reviews

Play quickly.

This is a private matter.

I want to hear it…

Oh, but I can’t listen to this right away.

149: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s a sword.

151: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if the ramjet will be downgraded.

152: Japan Otaku Reviews

This thread has too many URLs!

154: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1



But the most talked-about was AKB, and it was also the one that was most criticized.

156: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Xenoblade commercial is like AKB, but the spoilers about Mecalun are too much, and I’m just confused about why…

157: Japan Otaku Reviews

To be blunt


Even if I look at it, I don’t understand the gameplay, and there’s nothing memorable about it.

AKB is memorable, for better or worse.

158: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, it’s a 30-second commercial, so that’s how it goes.

The 2’s commercial was all about showcasing the characters.

159: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if I can create a character with a Mecalun-like design.

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

I heard that Nopons are being preyed upon, and I’m filled with fear.

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