If you see something glowing blue or trying hard, I’ll throw it.
Thunder is truly amazing.
The countermeasures of Ken against the opponent’s strategies are superior and have a higher expected value, a technique of the gods.
Even if I get hit by a reversal Shoryuken, the gauge is delicious. If you stay quiet, I’ll grind you down with a standing strong and then hit you with a tasty godlike kick.
I’ll do my best with a positive impact.
Street Fighter 6 is a good example of having strong characters with powerful special moves.
So, on top of that, they have strong normal moves, hadoukens, dragon punches, rush moves, switches, carry moves, and judo as well.
That option for legs is unfairly varied.
It’s too unfair to be able to stop without letting it out.
Even though it’s mainly about striking and strong, being able to shoot projectiles in between is really impressive.
Can we at least make the OD bullet not a big deal…?
To be honest, even if she gets nerfed poorly, I feel like she won’t move from a position like Cammy’s right now.
But I feel like even if we do Kennerf, it will just lead to more Akumas and the environment will become even worse…
Gouki is able to properly perceive the pre-motion of the wave.
Just weaken the middle kick and middle punch in 2, and that’s fine.
It feels like Akuma has become relatively stronger while everyone else has fallen behind.
I really think that the fact that Akuma’s Hadou doesn’t become visible lacks credibility, so I believe it directly hits the official reasoning for adjustments in Street Fighter 6.
Ken and Akuma seem like rivals.
If one of them goes, we just have to move.
The martial arts uniform is versatile.
The middle foot rush doesn’t rot… it feels off due to the reach difference, though.
I think they should apply about a 50% correction to that.
I feel like I was screwed before the derivative with Zangi.
No matter how much data I see showing that this guy has a short reach, my feelings just won’t accept it.
If you stop, it’s short, but this game frequently moves back and forth.
The actual reach is influenced by walking speed.
Terry is being called weak and weak.
During the match, it often turns into “Naa~ga!” with the middle kick!
If it doesn’t derive, it’s said that guarding against the negative confirm is advantageous, but that’s tough.
I’m using Guile, but I quickly use OD Somersault Kick when I have the chance.
If you use Sonic to create distance, the D gauge will come back again.
Well, Ken’s walking speed is the same as Ryu’s, both tied for 10th place.
The rush is…
Since it’s a discussion about the feeling of the length of the midfoot, I might not be talking about the rush.
As long as it’s fun, it’s fine, but an online fighting game that goes as far as ranked matches…
Isn’t it likely that dissatisfaction grows since it’s almost impossible to outsmart someone of the same rank?
It’s interesting that you can now catch up to something you couldn’t before.
In Street Fighter 6, since the walking speed has a slow initial movement, it makes me wonder if there is a way to work around this with some cleverness.
I used to love fighting games, but I’m not playing them now, so I was wondering how people feel about them, and I think I understand it a bit now.
So it’s not just that I only play ranked matches; I study more than those around me, take them down, and move up.
Those who don’t do that can only complain for their entire lives.
If they’re of the same rank, a slight character difference can easily be overcome.
It’s very tough to face a higher-ranked opponent.
I want to set both a reversal D-river and guard simultaneously in training mode. Is there a way to do that?
In the dummy settings for drive reversal, if you press △ or medium punch, you can set the percentages for “do not do, guard cancel reversal, reversal” individually.
If you set “Guard activation” to 0 and made all the guard settings guard or something, wouldn’t that work?
Let Ryuu take care of the D-gauge shaving.
You have the skill and ability to go and touch.
Ryu has more power to shave off.
It’s difficult to approach and create a situation, so as a result, it’s true that Ken tends to get worn down more.
Well then!
The system is strong, so there can be upward shifts too.
This is addictive.
I’m practicing to catch my rival today by using AKI’s reversal OD movement technique with a hidden Kopa Koa throw.
Who are you?
I think you can use 3 gauges for the invincible state of the foot rush with 4 gauge OD.
It’s just a shitty adjustment that only benefits those who have nothing.
Don’t go for a foot rush, just do a cancel rush instead.
I think increasing the consumption of D-gauge just slows down the game progression and makes it boring.
There are hardly any fighting games where you can’t outsmart an opponent of the same rank.
Unless there is a significant character disparity,
When there are projectiles on the screen, it might be good if the recovery for the side that shot them is slower.
If something like Thunder were to be implemented in the current character, it would be the first thing to be fixed because of its performance, right?
The bullets could be stronger; after all, they prepared three countermeasures with the Jump Impact Jasper Rush common system.
I don’t know what to do when I’m stuck and getting hit hard by Yuki’s mid-P.
Do I have to work hard to be able to make it to the second time?
Don’t walk backward.
If you’re in the center, after blocking a standing medium punch, step back because you’re outside the range of throws.
In that case, Juri can only catch backdashes with medium kick after standing medium punch, but then it can be interrupted with moves that are 5 frames or faster.
During Rush stand heavy punch, you can follow up with a core crouching punch to catch backdashes, so the defending side can’t backdash or use small attacks. You either have to use an invincible move, successfully execute a perfect parry, or escape throws, and you just have to try to outsmart your opponent.
I hope everyone in the dojo doesn’t become weak, and I’m wishing for that on Amazon.
I really think it’s not good that just spamming special moves has become a powerful option.
Well, that’s also the interesting part about Ken, so it’s fine to reduce it.
The current stacking of bullets for offensive moves is clearly not good.
I want you to play with it a little.
Feel free to make the bullets stronger, but please implement bullets for all characters.
Lack of balls is tough.
The string should be a strike!
Lily is troubled.
I won’t complain to Ken.
Instead, I hope that Ken users won’t complain about other characters.
The medium foot rush guarantees a D-reversal, so it’s good to just throw it.
As long as you don’t eat it, it’s not that strong.
One way to fight is to bait the opponent’s medium foot rush and gain a gauge advantage with D-reversal.
The guaranteed D reversal after a medium foot rush won’t be enough time after the screen goes dark, so it seems like you don’t know this and haven’t tried it yourself to realize it.
At the mid-foot stage, the hit rate increases, and even if it gets guarded, it becomes strong because it can lead to throws and shimmy from rush combos.
Personally, what I can’t agree with the most about Ken is that he has projectiles with this level of performance.
In this game, the rush speed is more important than the normal walking speed…
Terry seems to be able to go to Ken, but I don’t know the reason.
Isn’t it unfair that you can run and chase after the one you hit?
I think everyone should be able to rush at Vega class without ammunition.
What’s going to happen to Manon?
Players who use throwing characters are really stupid.
The rush is getting faster, which is a relief.
Here? I can’t find that setting no matter which button I press, could it be a different page?
PLAYER1 Basic Settings Environment Settings Dummy Settings Record Settings Counter Settings PLAYER2 Opponent Controls Dummy Opponent Actions Standing Counter Normal Guard All Guard Guard Count Guard Switch 1 Guard Type Perform Guard Drive Reversal Wake-Up Activation Drive Reversal Activation Delay OF Drive Reversal Activation Count 1 Throw Break Do Not Perform Wake-Up Back Recovery Settings for Drive Reversal. “Guard Activation” activates when you guard an attack, and “Wake-Up Activation” activates when you wake up from a knockdown.
There is a type of drive reversal called “random.”
Each ratio can be set after selecting it.
I did it! Now I can practice efficiently, thank you!!
I wonder if Ryu can use Ken’s OD projectile to chase.
Ryu, get more motivated and run!
Dealing with the Middle Lightning is easiest for Manon, right?
It is more important to be 5 frames longer than the presence of Shoryu.
I’m using Manon, and it’s great if I can always land the weak kick on 5F, but it often doesn’t hit, so it’s pretty tough.
If it hits as precisely as a double knee press, that’s good.
Just making it guard normally is a mind game that favors Ken.
Isn’t it too much like Shinjiro to think that you’re putting in a special move because you think it is?
Most collaborations can be managed with D-Riva, but…
That doesn’t come out so quickly.
In other words, characters with 5F long moves and Shoryuken are the easiest to handle…
Yes, it’s Ken.
The technique does not match the risk-return.
There are quite a few Kens who just die from getting hit by SA1 while I’m only doing Juli around MR1600.
I guess you can basically win just with Thunder…
Aren’t you playing the same kind of mind games with OD Hancho without the gauge?
It’s not as wide-ranging in options for Naka, Shita, Omote, Ura, and Nage at that level.
The thunder is weak.
Mai is definitely broken.
Thunder is truly low risk and high return, isn’t it?
Considering Ken’s normal moves and rush capabilities, it’s a technique that should be put to use, but that kind of return is just not acceptable…
In the end, Ryu has achieved better results in the tournament.
It’s fine if everyone is Blaz, right?
“How many CC appearances and how many MR top ranks do you have?”
The man who, despite being the second highest since the first year, managed to avoid significant weakening.
That Ryu is like someone who has won in human performance.
If Ken is nerfed with this, I think I would go beyond anger and start laughing.
I was invited by a friend to watch a tournament, and it seems Ken is popular; there were many players using him, but they all got beaten up.
What kind of character is that JP anyway? It’s not funny, is it?
It’s not that there are many because they’re popular, but rather there are many because they’re strong.
It’s a tournament with a prize of 200 million yen.
While Flowers and Birds are strong, I think Thunder is stronger when it comes to countermeasures against countermeasures.
Aren’t there a lot of characters that seem a bit outside the top competitive environment at tournaments?
In the end, it might be about how it feels in your hand or compatibility.
It feels like something I’m good at or something I can bet my soul on.
If you prepare thoroughly, you can win, but if you can’t, it’s tough.
I think I’ve heard that somewhere.
Well, it’s true that there are many because they are strong, but they are also generally popular, Ken…
Because there are no gaps in performance, I would like them to add some weaknesses that seem like actual weaknesses.
There shouldn’t be a nerf for Ryu…
Isn’t there?
Just because something is weak doesn’t mean it won’t get nerfed.
Characters that were weak have also been affected by adjustments in a way that they are weakened somewhere due to the balance with the reinforced parts.
It’s frustrating that even when you were about to hit the opponent in the air at the edge, the weak follow-up still leads to a continuous stack.
Specifications have weakened bullets and rising dragons, so collateral damage is definitely possible.
I hope Ken gets buffed soon because his medium kick is short, he doesn’t have any advantageous normals, and he doesn’t have a rush middle attack, so it’s tough.
Legend population count as of 03/12/2025:
1st – Mai (58)
2nd – JP (38)
3rd – Ken (32)
4th – Akuma, Zangief (28)
6th – Vega (27)
7th – Cammy (26)
8th – Luke, Blanka (22)
10th – Kimberly (21)
11th – Juri (20)
12th – DJ (19)
13th – Rashid (17)
14th – Ed (16)
15th – A.K.I. (15)
16th – Terry, Chun-Li, Jamie, Manon, Honda (14)
21st – Ryu (13)
22nd – Dhalsim (12)
23rd – Guile (11)
24th – Mariza (9)
25th – Lily (6)
*Note: The total does not add up to 500 due to fluctuations in the numbers.
Manon wants Ken’s people to make adjustments.
I think he’s strong, but compared to M. Bison, his character power drops by about two tiers, so if they’re going to nerf Ken, how much do they have to reduce those three characters…? It feels that way.
It seems like Ryu-san normally has the risk of getting involved during judo or while adjusting mid-level rushes.
It would be best if everyone became like Ken.
Alright, let’s do it like this: Ken’s stamina is 9000.
If all the techniques’ performance becomes on par with Akuma, then that’s fine, right?
Isn’t that already Gouki?
I will bestow upon you the middle foot, the big punch, and the big kick.
In tournaments, the only chance to see the Dragon Tail kick is as a weak move for combos, which could be interpreted like Ed’s SA2.
The only part where Blaz has an advantage over Ryu in terms of performance is the Wave Palm Strike.
Blanca is too empty for adjustments.
It seems Ed has been saved.
As expected, Zangief is strong and there are a lot of them, it’s frustrating.
You don’t have to lower Ken, okay?
Instead, level up other characters to the same level as Ken.
If big P and Shoryu are treated as having the same performance as Akuma, that would be troublesome.
Even professional Ken players who were heavily invested in politics during year1 have already given up and accepted that Ken is one of the strongest characters.
I sometimes think that rush speed is determined by the character’s vibe, even though that’s probably not the case.
Global musician > Ninja
The atmosphere of speed within CAPCOM is
Let’s set the physical strength to 6900 and the speed to X.
Lily probably doesn’t have character power after all.
Even when I try it myself, with the wind dash option, the returns are too low, and I have to win the read so many times to make it work.
Lily is so boring that she could die before the strong and weak.
JP is currently a bit strong.
It’s the two strong ones, JP and Ryu.
The pros are now accustomed to standing in the middle after watching, so I wonder if they will adjust to that.
This is a level of discussion that has nothing to do with 99.9% of the tropical population.
Don’t worry, this is Capcom, who has been adjusting while only watching the professional scene until now.
Let’s practice!
I think it’s hard to understand why only Ken’s Shoryuken has invincibility on startup.
It’s really helpful to be able to go after seeing the reach, regardless of the reach itself.
It was a tournament that showcased the importance of the player’s skill rather than the character itself.
The CC participants were probably taking quite a hit in the mid-range rush as well.
I wasn’t really on good terms with Blaz.
If you’re at the middle of a rush, it’s fairly easy to hold it up, so it’s not a very high-level discussion.
Standing every time in the middle of the stage is a superhuman.
It feels good to kill these delusional guys in the middle of a stretch.
I’m going to eat like an idiot.
That’s right.
The fastest 20F can be seen, so delaying it has become the meta, right?
There was a scene in the last CC where that happened.
I can do it!
If you want to make the middle rush safe on guard and slightly advantageous, make it +4 on hit for all characters.
There is no image of Vega dashing with full power either.
I guess I have to drive the truck after all, Vega.
It’s hard to understand why Zangief is running in a rush like that.
Vega has the image of hovering while standing upright with arms crossed.
At my rank, there’s no lower rush, so I can just stand.
I want to go up and see the screen sometime…
If we’re talking about the fastest timing, then that’s fine.
The unexpected decay is indeed unreasonable.
Does that mean it’s okay for Vega to run at full speed because he has amnesia?
There are a lot of customers.
It’s not something to be irritable about, unless it’s something abusive or foul-mouthed.
What’s wrong all of a sudden…?
Before whether it’s visible or not, it can be extremely painful to start a counter with a delayed graph.
I should be able to see it, so I need to parry, but even if I can see it, I still end up standing.
I want to socially erase Ken~
JP’s response
When I see the user saying they’re trying hard while using it, I can’t help but hold my head in despair.
A wonderful person in CC was crushed and returned, losing to the technique of the gods.
Terry is a godly character who guarantees Buster Wolf if he guards the first hit of a weak to mid-level lightning attack.
That was really exciting, wasn’t it?
Even after being confirmed for a second time, I was still doing it out of habit; it’s already an addiction.
That match was so incredible that I can genuinely say the reason for the defeat was lightning.
If I had three drive gauges, it would be too troublesome to think of the main middle kick rush and a separate slot for the Pachinko OD wave projectile rush.
Please stop being difficult and bringing up performance issues when you’re just a pig watching through a stream.
Ryu also advances nicely with K2 press, creating some good follow-ups.
It’s so obvious!
There’s no one in ranked matches except for Terry.
It seems that there was a lack of measures, or rather, it must have been difficult to switch mindsets.
I’m relieved that Mai isn’t causing that much trouble, damn glasses.
I was probably doing something simple because I had an upset stomach after eating Nakamoto.