I love different colors.
It’s not very cool, but it can’t be helped since it’s pig-themed.
I think I would have liked it if it weren’t for the bird monkey.
Char siu mixed in with the Johto starters.
Seriously, getting three consecutive Fire/Fighting types is just crazy.
This, too, but it’s a bit late now that the others have been boring mono-color Grass and Water types.
It emphasized the boredom.
When I saw Toroken, I instinctively thought, “Another fighting type, huh?”
I pray that I don’t end up doing three consecutive Fire Ghosts out of bad enthusiasm.
Flame ghost pig… Did it get eaten…?
“Did it continue? I wonder if it’s counting including the jade.”
I’m curious whether Calorembro will Mega Evolve or if the original species will be given a Mega.
I’m coming with ZA, so I’m replaying BW2 now and traveling with the pig from the image.
If the region is coming, it would be nice to have a match, and if Mega is coming, we can do it in Mega form, so I’m looking forward to it.
Well, the ZA HOME will probably be available around this time next year.
I like everything except for the head being buried, being too thick, and the pattern being uncool.
On the contrary, what do you like?
Isn’t it a name?
Isn’t it the base stats?
The skills learned at a level are hard to use…
The area around the moving smog rush heat stamp has quite a strong character, huh…
I think it’s cool to shoot hot water from my hands with SV.
Sutemi is nice, isn’t it…
I occasionally think that maybe it’s a joke about how they say there’s nothing to waste in a pig.
Perhaps the same designer as Dnoseidon.
Are you a sumo wrestler?
A SUMO WRESTLER shouldn’t be falling down, right?
It seems helpful when carrying heavy luggage.
It falls into my favorites among Pokémon with a Chinese warrior motif.
I understand that it probably isn’t very popular since it’s thick.
Poor Pokabu.
I hate base stats the most.
If there were strong martial arts that could apply the discard technique, there might have been a chance after all.
Make the Hell Wheel’s power 120.
Writing it as “Flame Warrior King” looks cool.
I want to play at being in Journey to the West, so I want a Pokémon that resembles Sha Wujing.
When it comes to Sha Wujing, it’s probably a motif.
It seems that although it’s not really a kappa, if it’s tall and has a beak, it could be assigned and directly participate in the trio of fire-fighting starter Pokémon, making it seem like they could engage in a Journey to the West.
In a match, you can use Fake Out, and under Trick Room, Hariyama becomes even faster with a strong defense.
In terms of travel, it has quite good performance and isn’t as inferior to Hihidaruma as one might say.
Will I be able to get a region?
Since the motif is clearly defined as a Chinese warrior, I don’t think it can be aligned with a fashionable region like Kalos.
Main region rival mega evolution long shot both or nothing.
I feel like I might be able to get some regions since there will be a Mega.
I wonder if there will be a development where the region gets mega taken over.
It seems possible, but why do it in Paris?
The correction of the discard itself is subtle.
I wonder if they were cautious about raising it too high because there are originally many high-power moves.
The original species can mega evolve, but the regions cannot.
Honestly, that’s the perfect compromise, isn’t it?
Jade had a strong regional flavor, so I think this time it will also have a strong regional flavor.
It feels strange to think about what a Chinese warrior in French style would be like.
If there are region forms, I want them to do something about that ridiculously inadequate speed.
In the first place, Kallos probably never had any regional forms.
The ecosystem has changed due to human intervention.
That’s something that can be adjusted later, so it’s fine.
If anything, I can change the ultimate world line.
In the new timeline, Mega Evolution is also spreading in Kanto thanks to the Rebika.
The heat stamp is really terrible, and I have to challenge monsters or robots to a weight battle with a weight comparable to a real heavyweight, which is just ridiculous.
I think it’s fine to add a dedicated move, but I can’t think of anything suitable for Emboar.
Were there any techniques that involve sacrificing oneself without any backlash?
I’m not asking for much, so I’d like you to transfer 15 from C to BD.
That’s luxurious, isn’t it?
It’s a privilege granted only to Spearow, which was too weak to eliminate unnecessary attack options.
Even Gachikuma-kun is saying the same thing.
Different colors are cool.
It seems like not much time has passed since XY for ZA, so the environment probably hasn’t changed enough to produce that many unique species.
If there is a region, I think it will be a Pokémon that didn’t exist in XY after SM.
The three noble families are fine with the fact that new Mega Stones have been discovered.
I was told it was like a rare fire type that can use boiling water.
The regional Pokémon that were supposed to be in Johto are not in Sinnoh, so it’s a meaningless point to say they might not have been there at that time.
They probably made it a story from 100 years ago for that explanation.
The chosen subject is the Meiji pioneer era, and the scenario created for it seems to have remained in a competition within Game Freak, so I think it won’t be set 100 years ago with the region in mind.
It feels like those guys could easily disappear in 100 years, even though it’s only from the side, right?
It disappears and suddenly is born.
The Gyarados line is a Pokémon that was discovered quite recently too.
I don’t know how many years after the main story ZA takes place, but even if we assume it’s 10 years, it doesn’t mean that the ecosystem won’t change in that time.
In just two years, the ecosystem in Isshu has completely transformed.
Worrying about new Pokémon is pointless.
I think this guy’s evaluation would change completely just by learning the cat trick.
Well, if it’s Emboar’s Mega, it would probably be the Mega Camerupt style.
I still think I can make up for the speed on this side.
Is it clear what year ZA will be in Kalos?
How many years later! The only one explicitly stated is the 3 years later from Red and Green to Gold and Silver, right?
It’s been about two years since BW→BW2, hasn’t it?
It is confirmed that there is not much time between XY and SM.
It’s only been about the time that the real release period has opened.
Don’t be stuck on the settings.
Since it has been confirmed that multiple parallel worlds exist in Pokémon, anything is possible.
Red from Team Rocket hasn’t been defeated.
There are also devastated Alola regions.
There is a world without Mega Evolution.
There is also a certain Kanto.
Don’t worry about it.
If the fighting disappears from the region, will the sumo wrestler body type also disappear?
If new Pokémon are going to appear in Kanto in three years, then in ten years, regions will probably be born as well.
It hasn’t been explicitly stated, but time is flowing into the future, albeit slowly and gently, fundamentally speaking.
In Sword and Shield, there is Silvady, and in SV, there is a book published by Sonia.
It’s flowing in pretty much the same way as in real life.
By the way, it feels like quite some time has passed since Nobori-san from Rejeal was dismissed, from the release of BW to the release of Rejeal.
Emboar’s Sacrifice Flare Drive and Double-Edged Headbutt are the strongest!
The speed of 65 is not enough to benefit from tailwind, and in Trick Room, it gets outspeeded by Riki-Girin, plus it’s slow in the story, so it really has nothing good going for it with that exquisite value.
You have a body shape like a barrel with arms and legs attached.
New regions will probably come out, and new megas will likely arrive as well.
Similar Pokémon like Umidigda and Rikukurage that were in SV will probably appear.
In Sun and Moon, smartphones started to become common, and the Rotom Pokédex, which can be considered a prototype of the Rotom smartphone, appeared, leading to the complete adoption of the Rotom smartphone in Sword and Shield and Scarlet and Violet.
Rotom is like an AI from another world.
It looks like both Incineroar and Cinderace are trying to intimidate with their appearance as if they might have Fighting-type moves.
The compatibility of combining the fighter type appearance with fire is simply high.
It looks cool for a pig, but since it’s a pig, I still think it’s kind of lame.
You can use the double-edged sword and the boiling water!
It has a performance that can’t really be said to be good or bad in terms of travel capability.
It seems that until Mooland was excavated, thread image charts were the mainstream as a TA (Technical Analysis).
In a regular trip, the Daruma is stronger.
Ultimately, they will also learn things like arm hammer and martial arts within a reasonable range, making it even better.
But I remember that before evolving, it was quite painful!
I wonder if one day there will be an evolution that makes the three main types disappear.
Monkey characters tend to have unique appearances not limited to Pokémon.
It’s nice that they have been designed really stylishly as part of the Three Great Houses.
Recently, it seems like I like the rock-paper-scissors of bad Ghost battles…
If it had a bit more of a warrior-like ornate look, it would feel cooler, but the decorations seem somewhat half-hearted.
The designer of the Pokabu line, Ashimari line, and other Pokémon like Zeburaika, Kamebuki, and Jika is Korean.
Isn’t it true that Hyunjoong has no experience as a trainer other than for Ball Guy?
If I trade this guy for a Goukazaru and give him Flying Knee, I think it would result in a pretty satisfactory outcome, don’t you think?
Aren’t you just forcing the unnecessary Iron Fist onto Emboar…?
You can use Fire Punch and Arm Hammer.
It’s 35 because I’m enthusiastic…
I like it because the graphics on my side are reliable.
It’s soft considering how reliable it is.
I want you to allocate the somewhat expensive C to durability.
It doesn’t seem like Daruma is slow to evolve, nor does it seem like the pre-evolution pig is particularly strong…
The energy from the final weapon’s explosion scattered across Kalos and affected the environment in some way, which seems fine.
In ORAS, it seems that many Pokémon that weren’t seen due to the influence of Mega Rayquaza have started to appear again.
What kind of effects would make this guy shine anew if we only consider type and move additions?
For now, if the stats are reassessed, I can’t shake the feeling that unnecessary stats will be redirected to H for this guy.
It’s okay to make something happen with the power of Zygarde’s ecosystem monitoring.
Slow fighters are subtly troubled by their main weapons.
Isn’t it pretty serious to not become the same intense ability as Chao Boo? Isn’t that fine? If you change to intense ability, a lot of things you can do increase.