Race Results Major Wins Classic Triple Crown Race Record GI Tenno Sho (Autumn) Tokyo Turf 2000m (Middle Distance) Left ☁ Good Strategy: Come from behind Race Period: Senior Class Late October 1st Place GI Takarazuka Kinen Hanshin Turf 2200m (Middle Distance) Right/Inside ☀ Good Strategy: Come from behind Race Period: Senior Class Late June 6th Place GI Tenno Sho (Spring) Kyoto Turf 3200m (Long Distance) Right/Outside ☁ Slightly Heavy Strategy: Come from behind Race Period: Senior Class Late April 1st Place GI Osaka Hai Hanshin Turf 2000m (Middle Distance) Right/Inside ☀ Good Strategy: Come from behind Race Period: Senior Class Late March 10th Place GI Arima Kinen Nakayama Turf 2500m (Long Distance) Right/Inside ☃ Heavy Strategy: Come from behind Race Period: Classic Class Late December 1st Place GI Japan Cup Tokyo Turf 2400m (Middle Distance) Left ☀ Good Strategy: Come from behind Race Period: Classic Class Late November 17th Place GI Kikuka Sho Kyoto Turf 3000m (Long Distance) Right/Outside ☁ Slightly Heavy Strategy: Come from behind Race Period: Classic Class Late October 1st Place Close
(I guess it didn’t work out…)
The weakest generation → Lucky horse good at heavy tracks → Vampire
The classic period that demonstrated that horse racing is a sport.
Old horses that made me realize that horse racing is a gamble.
The supremacy of the eight major races.
After the deadline, a ray of sunlight breaks through the cloudy sky.
A scream rises.
Since it was incorrect last time, it will be correct this time.
It’s the vampire faction.
It is the faction of the supremacy of the eight major competitions.
It’s all about winning and losing.
The people who say we will win because the Nikkei average has risen since last week.
There are people who make it their axis or cut it for silly reasons.
“There are certainly people who say ‘It’s sunny, so let’s cut’ and ‘It’s cloudy, so let’s stick with the axis’.”
Is the Triple Crown winner’s 17th place finish in the Japan Cup due to an injury or something?
Fortunately, I didn’t get hurt! I’m going to Arima! Everyone gets mad.
“I’m going to crush the triple crown horse!!!”
I won.
Winning the Triple Crown, the Arima Kinen, and conquering the Tenno Shō in both spring and autumn surely qualifies as a legendary horse that will remain in history, doesn’t it?
Famous horses and rare horses coexist.
The reverse teru teru bozu is merchandise.
Kiku → JC → Arima is not the way to use a Triple Crown horse.
Could it have been normal during the Showa era?
Rudolph did it.
I couldn’t win.
It seems that the Osaka Cup, which has a more dispersed lineup, will have a greater impact on betting fans.
It seems like it’s going to be a hassle if this guy gets mixed in.
First, the weather.
It can’t be that meteorologists have the easiest time winning bets.
Why did you cut the Satsuki Sho horse?
A true stayer temperament.
Whether during the classics I was able to win on my own strength even when it was sunny, or if I just happened to be lucky with it being cloudy the whole time.
Once it clears up after entering the third corner, we lose.
As we enter the final stretch, it becomes cloudy, and we win.
It seems like they would win by an overwhelming margin when a typhoon hits and the ground is in poor condition.
I wonder if being invincible in heavy rain meant this…
I feel like I’m gradually overcoming solar power since I’m improving my rankings from 17 to 10 to 6.
In the end, will I become a daywalker…
If the Derby had been on good ground, I would have been excited.
The autumn point is around the 6th favorite or so.
At that time, the camp said, “I want you to ask the horse if it will run.”
Good morning! Why did you miss the Satsuki Prize?
Is there really someone this sharp?
There are several horses that can be read in the racing newspaper that only run when they are unpopular.
This type usually doesn’t do well in classical performances, so in that sense, they are not present.
The topic of fierce debate about the strongest horses of all time.
If the sun is not out, there is no doubt it’s the strongest.
JC→ I feel like fans will become emotionally unstable at Arima.
This time, I’ll cut it by reading that it won’t come!
If it’s the Arima Kinen, you can win even if it’s sunny (Proponent of the Supremacy of the Eight Major Races).
Strange things like this generally have the image of a Satsuki Sho winner.
Vampires are really popular, as seen in historical battle images…
It is famous for not selling any advance tickets until the weather on the day is confirmed.
I understand that the odds are high in autumn.
I really want to see a vampire sliding back while light shines through the clouds on the final straight!
There might be horses that excel in rough conditions, but is it really possible for a horse to struggle on good ground?
As the fanfare at the start plays, the sun shines and cheers resound through the racecourse.
When I went to the Arc de Triomphe, of all times, it was sunny.
(The Green Channel has an oddly high number of scenes informing about changes in weather conditions before the main race.)
In the retirement race at Arima, there was light rain until just before the race → as soon as they passed the home stretch, it cleared up → the stands erupted in cheers → in a situation where it usually wouldn’t perform well in the straight, for some reason it held on and won by a neck.
I want to blow the minds of all horse racing fans.
See? We won, right? That’s the attitude of the supreme racing faction.
They call him Night Walker.
When becoming a Uma Musume, there is a special skill that activates in conditions other than sunny weather.
The Triple Crown winner finishing 17th in the Japan Cup is the one that took the Triple Crown, Air Shakur.
Having finished first in the Arima, it was said that the condition for the Japan Cup was at its worst, causing everyone to panic during the Osaka Cup.