Galaxy Man
I wonder if it’s a Snake Man.
I have so many things I like that I can’t decide on just one.
Snake Man
Wily Capsule Battle 4
Magic Man of Roquefort
Flame Man
Is it a dive man?
Title screen song of 3
That guy is the nice guy everyone is talking about.
Maybe it’s gravity…
It might be due to the recent buff, but the 11’s Hughesman.
Wiley 2 of 9
Solar Man
5’s Wily Stage
Cossack Stage Part 1
Wiley 2 of 5
The Cossack Stage 1 is hard to give up.
5 is also good with Darkman.
7’s Wily Stage Boss
I love being able to listen to the full version of the title music in the ending of 2.
I like that I can finally hear the boss battle intro properly for the first time with the final boss.
Rokko-chan’s boss rush BGM
OP title of 4
Gemini Man
No Magnet Man, who has been in first place in the popularity poll up to this point.
Normally Wily 2
I recently played 2 in Kurakore, and I was like, “Waaah!” when facing the booby trap.
I like the final Wily stage of the World for its lively tune, even though it’s for GB.
Magnet Man
Metal Man or Flash Man
Title from op of 5
It’s a Snake Man.
I’m really torn between Dive Man and Tomahawk Man…
Surprisingly, I like Brightman.
Who created Gravity Man? Was it Okan P?
Gravity Man
Cloud Man
Air Man (World 2)
I’m being picky, but Gravity Man and Gravity Man are different.
I looked it up, and there is a character like that in EXE.
Gravity Man is an EXE…
Is it like a fireman and a fireman?
Is that so!?
I… didn’t know that!!
Napalman was also good.
I like Snake Man, but I’m more of a Hard Man fan.
In Mega Man 3, it was my routine to come home from school and clear the game in one go.
Is it Snake Man?
Late stage of Wireless Stage 4
I like that sound at the end of the explosion.
It’s like a “GWAH!” kind of thing.
That’s nice.
I kind of like the boss battle in Rockfort.
Usually, the boss themes are really intense, but the King boss and Wily boss themes were songs that were somewhat hard to remember.
I remember struggling against the floating boss in King Stage, as it was one of the toughest battles in the entire series.
I’ve never seen a thread where 5 is mentioned this much.
Tears are coming out.
Songs like Napalm and Gravity were already popular from the start!
Mega Man 10 Wily Stage 1
No Nitro Man, surprisingly…
5 is easy to play and can be recommended for beginners of Mega Man.
I feel like it’s not the easiest series just because experienced players say it is, given that both Charge Man and Dark Man have strong body attacks.
The Wily stages being full of instant deaths hasn’t changed from 5 either.
Sword man
I also like the intro of Charge Man.
I really like the typical songs of Flame Man.
Is it Wireless Stage 1 of 3?
Late stage of 3’s Wireless.
Wireless stage of w4
I love the silly songs of the baseball man.
But my favorite is the thread image.
Mr. X Stage
Actually, stage select is the best.
Spring Man
The only thing that came to mind was the Flashman stage.
The text translates to “Overcome the mountain.”
There’s an arrangement in Smash Bros too, Gravity.
Shadow Man
Is it Sangod?
I want to assert that I like Wily Stage 1 from 2, regardless of my relationship with Death Man.
Next is Wireless Stage 1 of 9.
Robot Museum
Is it the ED of 4?
It’s difficult to decide on one.
Electric Man
Introduction of
I love 10’s Wily Stage 1.
It’s great how the music changes after defeating the first archive at the entrance.
With the sound of the joints of the Charge Man Stage rail.
It seems like you’re looking for lift sounds in the songs from the Gutsman stage too.
Napalm Man!
Quick Man
Yamato Man
I still remember some crappy lyrics I saw on 2ch a long time ago.
OP of 3.
Wily Machine No. 10, First Form
I like that each title has its own composer creating the music.
Sheepman stage that you can immediately tell is for the number 5.
Pharaoh Man is definitely a good song.
I wanted to fight you, the elusive mid-boss…
Boss BGM of 4
Tengu Man
There are three!
I also like the BGM of the blues stage.
I love Stage 1 of Cossacks 4.
That rhythm is addictive.
I’m sorry, but I’m part of the group that doesn’t think a mid-boss is necessary on the stage because I grew up with 1 and 2.
I also hate the dog on the Woodman Stage.
Will Toadman’s fish be forgiven?
The mid-boss of Toadman is a snail.
Sorry, I made a mistake… It’s Bubbleman.
If you leave one little frog behind, it’s harmless and standing in a place where it’s easy to hit, so it’s completely different from a dog…
On the side of the anglerfish
Is it the one that spits out shrimp?
I have a memory of defeating it with a few shots of the metal blade, so it didn’t feel that stressful.
If I keep dealing with them with a buster, I’m going to go crazy.
I’m glad to see that you don’t seem to dislike mid-bosses that much.
It seems we can still converse.
I feel like going crazy on the ringman stage.
I feel like I might go crazy, but basically, I can dodge it just by jumping in place, so I’ll let it slide…
I thought the 9’s Wily 3 theme sounded like something from “Barking at the Sun.”
The arrangement of the arrange CD was too much like the original and it was no good.
When it comes to nostalgia, that might be the case, but I think 8-bit sound is simpler and more extreme, which makes it easier to remember.
I love the set from the W5 stage selection screen to the boss introduction.
We’re The Robots
I am Wave Man.
I can’t take it anymore.
Opening stage of 8
Roquefort offers different merits in the SFC version and the GBA version.
Including the challengers from the future who use all the songs, you can enjoy three different types.
Cossack Stage
Both the first half and the second half
It’s luxurious that 11 has mid-bosses in all stages.
Spark Man
I love it from the intro.
Sangod is great, isn’t it?
I won’t forgive Concrete Man, this elephant for the third time, Strike Man, or this goalkeeper at all.
I’ve never seen someone who allows a flower clock before.
Since 10 has difficulty attacking upwards, the goal keeper is truly a one-hit kill for first-time players.
Defeating the mid-boss is a good balance for the save point, so it’s not unnecessary.
3 has an overall sense of melancholy.
9 has a special weapon that’s strong, making it easier to deal with mid-bosses as well.
MegaWorld’s Wily Tower 4
It’s a bit amusing to treat the frogs that are arranged in various places as mini-bosses.
There are two of each, whether it’s a dog, a cat, or an elephant.
I like Wave Man because he has a cool vibe, including his stage.
Talk about the song.
Talking about the song will likely remind you of the stage setup too.
I’m sorry for Needle Man and Wily Stage (OP) from Mega Man World 2…
World 2 likes magnets.
I like the BGM from 2 the most.