Atman, to be able to meet again like this! Hahaha! Isn’t this what you call fate?
The fundamental way of thinking has completely reversed compared to the time as a commander, so it’s clear that something happened within the daruma.
It seems that I won’t be able to go out, and after researching, I found out that living here is not difficult.
Well, should we just enjoy it then! HAHAHAHA! I wonder if that’s what happened.
The environment of Daruma looks really convenient when you see it as a biotope.
Laurent was sane, right?!
But it’s a betraying glasses…
If I hadn’t met the late Aldo, it would have been seriously bad.
The timing of their laugh is strange, but other than that, they are an ordinary star citizen with a good voice.
In the past, there was too little emotion, is that the default for the people of the stars?
Mikaboshi is not only cute but also decent…
What happened inside the daruma?
For some reason, the inorganic, typical star people have become like Zhao Gongming…
I wonder if I was connected to Sankara-chan when she was alive.
I call her mother.
It feels like the result of trial and error after realizing that human behavior has become a code.
Does Roland not betray?
You betrayed me.
People of the stars
500 years ago, Sankara mixed with Dharma and met Sowaka, hoping that the people of the stars and the people of the sky could all laugh together.
I saw that the people of the star gradually resembled the people of the sky as their desires accumulated.
The act of enjoying that the star people often do is either not felt or not shown, making them overly emotional…
Tomorrow is the 11th anniversary live broadcast.
What should I do if the boomerang swimsuit Artman is announced…?
It seems that Orkis’s parent was also influenced by the people of the sky.
Rather, there are quite a few.
Like Loki’s older brother and the one who created Sylph.
Babu-san’s heretical nature shines through.
It’s just that they have a desire for improvement that is characteristic of the people of the sky, so in a sense, this is a mainstream influenced by that kind of thing.
The number of star people has increased quite a bit, hasn’t it?
I was surprised to find that there aren’t many named characters who are useless.
I would be troubled if you present me with something like that.
Behaving in a way that smells of incompetence typically only applies to unnamed characters in anniversaries, but when it comes to named characters, it’s something like Loki.
There is a solid reason for why I ended up becoming a lethargic nuisance.
It’s really sad that Mikaboshi-chan died without being playable…
Since Grady is trying to regain his companions, we need to do something about Mikaboshi and Fenrir as well…
Babu is one of the strangest among the people of the stars, who gets jealous when he sees someone above him and starts training to surpass them.
Rather, I think this guy acquired humanity as a rational means to escape, so once he breaks free from the predicament, he will simply consider attacking the world of the sky again.
I ended up thinking that it doesn’t have to be based on results achieved through rationality, but rather that it could just be a place for those stars and the like.
This guy might not be speaking only the truth, you know.
The purpose of defeating Sowaka has absolutely no disadvantages on the sky side.
If it’s just about escaping, we now have Sowaka on our side, who can manipulate the code as much as needed.
It started as an escape, but now it feels different again.
I wonder why the star person can’t be playable; perhaps it’s because it’s endless.
Many people from the starry world are influenced when they come to the sky.
What makes Bab-san unique is that they have been full of ambition since their time in the world of stars.
The reason the people of the stars have thin emotions is because they were completed from the very beginning.
Because Mr. Bab and Mr. Fa are incomplete beings that were born having been stripped of their roles from their original forms of Shalem and Sahar.
I guess I’m driven to fill that void.
Astaroth seems like they have a rich emotional presence too.
That’s someone with ambitions on a cosmic scale.
If you were to normally conquer the code, you would naturally develop your humanity.
The direction of humanity is a little off, but…
Loki looked like he had a bad personality from the very beginning.
I think Astaroth is definitely an interesting guy, like, “I’m the boss of the Magus, and I want to go to space!” kind of mindset.
A man with a mask, a cape, and body paint!
Far-san is acting all cool and important.
Everything I do is filled with emotions.
Is there a possibility that we might see Mama-like Kyuru-chan overflowing in part 3?
Could it be that even after 10 years, there are still no playable members of the Astrals who have joined?
Not here.
Is Loki the closest one at the moment?
Pengie is a bit suspicious.
Isn’t Pengy from the Moon people?
Aren’t there any star citizens who are in love with Star Kemono?
Is it okay for Silph… to be in love?
The creator of the sylph is different because they are from the sky people.
In the end, it seems that even though I couldn’t forget and ended up becoming naturalized in the sky, I left the matter of Sir Sylph itself unattended.
Even if I love the girl and the sky that inspired it, I don’t think I feel the same way about the Sylph from Star Beast.
If the sylph had a more troublesome personality, it would have turned into a monster…
Loki and Fenrir
There is Fur-san who is in love with Fel.
Hey, it’s already enough about Lucifer, right?
Are Far-san and I lovey-dovey?
It’s not just glitching in the Daruma space; sometimes it can go back to its original state.
If there’s blood of the star people, then they must be here, right?
The Magus was a more cheerful woman than I expected, so I guess my boss, Astaroth, must be a cheerful man as well…
Right now, this guy is the most playable and I want it the most.
If possible, give me the wind attribute!
If you really wanted to, you could have gotten out of the Daruma at any time, so you truly have no intention of leaving.
I thought a dirty Julius had appeared, but he wasn’t actually dirty.
Laurent said that 100 out of 100 players thought this guy would betray them.
That guy really stayed clean until the very end, despite being in a position that seemed really suspicious.
Hehe… you all did really well.
By having me remain in the gap of space, you will be able to return to your original world.
Hehehe… Thanks to the communication device you had, I’ve been able to return to this sky.
I find it scary to trust the people of the stars just because they have a cheerful personality and are saying reasonable things.
I feel like there’s no villain in this story this time.
Ba… Baishura said that Mapura is a bad person…
Stop it, Baishura… If the young girls misunderstand, it increases the risk of litigation…
Well, it was suggested in the Relink that the people of the stars can become the people of the sky.
This time, it seems like the relink is starting to connect, so there might be a possibility of doing something there.
The story of the people of the star who became naturalized and lost their eternity is frequently mentioned in the main work as well.
Only this guy is saying that the daruma is bursting.
However, since I trusted Sowaka, I feel like I was quite seriously enchanted by the Star Beast and was able to go outside.
Or it could be Cal-chan’s mom.
What kind of guy is Loki again…?
Characters that currently fit into the true companion category in the main story.
I think the current Cali-chan is a recreated version of Cali-chan, who was an amazing mom until her death.
I wonder if it’s due to the influence of the power of Sowaka or if it’s simply a change of heart over time.
In terms of untrustworthiness, even the mischievous Baishura who keeps evading the issue is quite something.
But I have a year pass, you know?
I can’t fully trust someone who doesn’t clearly state their age…
For now, 100 years is fine.
It feels like I’m revealing a lot about my inner feelings when I say that it’s okay to be disliked by the Twelve Divine Generals because I love myself.
In the main story, there is also a suspicious member of the star people, voiced by Ishida, who delivered a letter from Grady Papa to Grady!
Well, if this guy betrays me at the very end, I think I would be somewhat shocked.
Astatro must definitely be a man who understands romance.
If the old Artman is the default for the people of the stars, then someone with ambition who wants to go to space is definitely strange by the standards of the people of the stars.
What does Mapura-san think of the Twelve Divine Generals…?
Young girls who are different from ourselves.
Well, from here on, the true nature of someone in their late 30s, like Mapura or Artman, is actually…!
If we do it, it will get out of hand, and even if something happens, I think Artman had a different aim after all…
I wonder if Astaroth is a pants man because he’s incomplete or if he’s normally a pants man.
Isn’t it too extravagant for Astatoro-sama to be strutting around in just his underwear at the fabulous and splendid council facilities of the star people?
There are those who usually flaunt their cleavage as well…
Being in your late thirties and being in your early forties are almost synonymous, so it’s suspicious that someone is fixated on the former…!
Once you turn 40, people start calling you “around 40.”
I understand that talking to minors can be scary…
It feels reassuring when we’re close in age…
The people of the stars and the star beasts are often said to be machine-like and lacking in emotion, but it is usually after they have changed under the influence of the skies.
I can’t help but feel that the typical stars’ people who frequently appear, like Far-san, Bab-san, and Ishida, are really lacking in emotions because they are irregular among the stars’ people.
Around forty
Boy’s daughter
Furry Uncle
The thirteen buddhas have much more distinct characters than the twelve divine generals.
Isn’t it true that other than the socially awkward furry uncle, the characters aren’t that intense?
Isn’t the Baishura a bit thick!?
If I had to describe the attributes of the Twelve Divine Generals, I would say they are all beautiful girls, but it seems the Thirteen Buddhas have already introduced three attributes.
The closeness at an intermediate distance feels suspicious.
When it comes to the Phoenix, it can be trusted in the opposite sense.
Mr. Mapura himself is viewed unfavorably by kemono fans.
Mr. Far is a high-grade doctrine supporter.
When Bab-san gets in the mood, they take it off too.
Among the people of the stars, wearing just underwear is probably normal, right?
It’s true that it’s said there is no hostility towards the thread image due to Mapra’s abilities.
It’s not that the possibility of wish power doesn’t exist.
From Mapura’s perspective, they probably don’t think that this person from the Star People is an ally.
I just investigated that there is no hostility towards Mapura…
Rationally thinking, it would be good to get along with Mapra, so there is a possibility of no hostility.
It’s amazing how much trust there is in Artman’s rational character despite only having that one scene.
Is a single woman in her 40s who regularly attends with an eccentric parade year pass really that distinct in character?
Maybe even if they are in opposition, there is no hostility or malice, but the actions they choose are the worst, or something like that.
I understand how you feel, but this is really bothersome, so please stop.
If Soraka can change the code, I think I could get out if I wanted to, but I wonder if the reason I don’t is because Daruma really likes it and is serious about the idea of the paradise of Star Beast.
I feel like I was influenced by the relationship between parents and children.
It seems like I’m quite dependent on Sankara.
Isn’t it because the place where the current powers of Sowaka can be most fully realized is within the Dharma that is filled with worldly desires?
I still don’t know if I can overwrite Shukra with Sankara outside.
If it were someone like Anchira, I’m sure Mapura wouldn’t be flustered, no matter how beautiful she is.
Aren’t you worried about how others see you?
There may not be a risk of a lawsuit from the other party, but the risk of a lawsuit from those around us after seeing that is significant, you know?
No… Isn’t there a risk of being sued when interacting with children around that age?
Is it a case?
Thank you, Lizard-kun.
Anji-ra’s visual is quite lewd, you know…
I think there is a risk of litigation… which means I am also anticipating a thick, risqué development…
I have a feeling something terrible is about to happen…!
It is precisely because I am with someone who makes such transformations that I believe there is a risk of litigation…
By the way, where should I be looking when I’m talking to Anshira?
Is it a case?
When I think about how long I’ve been associated with Sowaka, the request to destroy it becomes quite a heavy burden.
It can be seen that the rational roots as people of the stars haven’t changed, which allows for such requests to be made.
Well, the sense of time for the people of the stars is probably quite different from that of the people of the sky, but still, it’s 500 years…
So be it, so be it.
I saw Anchor’s Mammolo.
It’s okay.
Lyria will help.
Apple Maaaaaan!!!
It’s only very recently that the three of us became a cheerful group because Shukla looks her age…
I just realized, the voice actress for Shamu-chan is amazing.
Zita has a hard time with young women, so she’s completely out of the picture.
I want to send chocolate~
I want to see the seasonal conversation~
I want you to try to mentally break Mapra by deceiving him while naked, since you’ve been bored lately, old man Kari.
Even if someone looks young, it doesn’t change the fact that they are getting older.
I also have the right to choose.
The star crystals treat girls around the age of adolescence as if they were older, but they can have normal conversations with Karikun and still be delightful.
I’m curious about how to judge after seeing Fenny.
Mapura uncle is a bit creepy, but he’s not the type to be disliked by girls, right?
What on earth happened in the past?
You can take on a form like a werewolf, so maybe you were rejected?
Just talking to you probably got me reported for disorderly conduct.
I heard there is a suspicious person here who can transform into a wolf and sneakily follow women…
I think the malicious Mapura that tries to cause trouble will notice it.
As expected, it’s Anshira or Pai…
CV. Miyamoto Mitsuru can go either way.
It’s undeniable that the CV makes it even more suspicious.
Jita is also Gran, so she might have a normal conversation.
This setting is usable.
I want to see the cute Kemono forms being adored by the beautiful girls of the Gra Sai.
(Lenny bringing Woofer)
If you throw Mapura into a space with Lenny, Mapura will die.
It sounds like a familiar voice, but is it really Nakagawa from Kochikame?
That’s correct.
Other than that, there’s Roger from Big O and Star Phase from Blood Blockade Battlefront.
Despite being connected by the zodiac, Ayame’s name from Fruits Basket doesn’t come up.
That’s correct.
Other than that, there’s Roger Smith from Big O.
But the voice…
It’s the person from Big O!
The voice actor who often has the voice of a suspicious-looking man in a suit!
He has a carefree attitude, but in reality, if you put him to work, he’s unmatched.
I think this is about the only place where Roger’s name comes up with Miyamoto and Nakagawa.
There are quite a few people in the online community, but Nakagawa hasn’t participated in Super Robot Wars.
The person who died in the first episode of “Ga-Rei”!
I also did things like falling off the microphone during karaoke.
Uncle Mapura is just being humorous.
It seems that you might have a serious history of painful discrimination, and the current situation is a bit scary.
It’s not that I might betray you.
A boy who wants to naturally blend in with girls.
A man who worries about others’ opinions due to his appearance and nature.
Single in my late 30s.
Are the thirteen buddhas a group that has some kind of complex?
For now, it’s 100 years.
Isn’t this complex my fault?
I want you to stop suddenly using stinging words.
The most serious one is “3”…
In the online world, I feel like Nakagawa comes to mind even more.
After all, homo jokes are powerful…
I don’t know the scale of Aozora Shrine, but if it has little interaction with the outside world and there are no opportunities to meet people, then being single is understandable.
No, this guy frequently went to hang out with the Twelve Divine Generals.
Meeting or conversing with young women like the Twelve Divine Generals carries the risk of litigation…
Ah, Baishura is fine.
Sajudakoh is quite often out in the outside world playing around…
It’s not just one invasion of Grasa… it seems like San-chan is drinking coffee.
Miyamoto Mitsu’s recent standout role is Mori Ōgai from Bungo Stray Dogs, but the fact that their name doesn’t come to mind at all suggests that the person is likely anonymous regarding age or gender.
“The world of Erased seems more relatable to me.”
Both kemono form and human form are rather handsome types…
There are others from the same generation, so it should be just right, right?
I have the patience not to lose my temper even when told to die and getting kneed in the stomach.
It is inappropriate to casually say such things to women who are at a critical age for marriage, even as a joke.
It’s better to stop because it could lead to potential legal risks in the future.
It’s better to avoid late childbirth because it poses risks to the mother.
So you’re a fighting couple, huh?
It seems like Yakushi-sama might have already had a proper conversation with the sandals when sneaking in.
The exchange with the sandals went really smoothly because I had discussed it in advance.
Well, now that you mention it, it might not be impossible.
The people of the sky become incredibly strong… Can’t we do that too? I wonder if there are quite a few instances where we get burned by the sky.
It’s a definite fact that Europa is flirting with the captain while Grimnir is doing his chuunibyou moves…
I… I also have the sense not to mention the name of the Skiahead from HiroPuri in the role of Miyamoto Mitsuru…
W-Well, it’s a work aimed at young girls…
Honestly, I’m already really wanting the three of the 13 Buddhas!