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[Pokémon] Dad, I’m over 40 now, but I’m thinking of trying Pokémon for the first time.

Japan Otaku Reviews+

Are there any Pokémon that can be started relatively cheaply and are beginner-friendly?

1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx27

If you’re not particularly concerned about characters from previous works, you should try the latest installment.

2: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Red is nice.

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

Do SV, do SV.

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m troubled when you say to do it cheaply.

Anything that can be done on the Switch is fine.

6: Japan Otaku Reviews


I don’t have any Nintendo hardware.

7: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


Then let’s play Pokémon Card or GO on our smartphones.

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

Why don’t you try playing Pokémon GO?

9: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Let’s do emerald.

10: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

Are you saying you want to skimp on money for buying a game console?

An old bald man who doesn’t play Pokémon GO.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews


If someone says they want to be stingy, it might turn out that way, but that doesn’t mean they won’t buy it.

Since there are often many things to buy, I wonder if there are good used ones like the 3DS.

It’s not impossible to buy a Switch.

15: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7


Well, I recommend all of them.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

Pokémon Sleep is a beginner-friendly Pokémon that requires about 8 hours and 30 minutes of play each day.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you have a Switch, I recommend Pikachu and Eevee.

It will be finished quickly by the time you clear the story.

65: Japan Otaku Reviews


I heard that you can’t level up because you keep battling wild ones…

The Pokémon I know was a game where you go to the gym after leveling up to the point where you can take them down in one hit.

67: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


In the first place, I can’t fight against the wild.

14: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If there are no hard rules, then GO should be fine, right?

Send a lot of Genesect to your son.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

Sleep is an app that specifically targets middle-aged men who have only touched red and green, so it is recommended.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

The timing is indeed bad as Switch 2 is on the horizon, and the prices for the old generation handhelds, along with their software, are on the rise.

18: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

Isn’t it more trouble to get a used 3DS these days?

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, there are so many that I guess it’s natural to recommend all of them…

If you don’t want to spend money, then it makes sense to just do it on your smartphone.

22: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Seeking comfort usually costs much more in gacha games than in poorly made one-time purchase games!

20: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

Well, a new release will probably come out again, so how about waiting for that and buying it with my son at the same time?

21: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

What a troublesome old man!

If you’re looking for a recommendation, it’s obviously better to buy a Switch, but now that the Switch 2 has been announced, the timing is bad.

If you’re not interested in the Switch 2, you can buy a Switch and casually play any Pokémon that’s available on it, which would be good for beginners.

24: Japan Otaku Reviews



If I’m going to start with the switch, I’ll wait a little longer.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have a son, but he doesn’t play games at all.

I usually watch videos on my smartphone or read a mineral encyclopedia.

26: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx8


You have a good hobby, don’t you, son…

33: Japan Otaku Reviews


A little while ago, I was watching Cells at Work and reading something like a cell encyclopedia, but I’m not sure how I became interested in minerals.

Well, it’s not a bad thing to read, so that’s good, right?

55: Japan Otaku Reviews


It will be the later Tsubakidaigo.

30: Japan Otaku Reviews


In the future, you will be responding in an upper-class manner mixed in with the mineral threads that sometimes stand here, my son…

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

Buying a used red Game Boy without a box is the cheapest option.

27: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have to make sure to drop your son into the swamp through minerals-based Pokémon…

28: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Why do you want to play Pokémon? What are you looking for in Pokémon?

37: Japan Otaku Reviews


I thought I would like to try playing some old games that I haven’t played before after trying Rebe Saga.

I was exactly the right age for Pokémon, but I had never played it, so I thought it was a great opportunity.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you want to play old games, you could start with the first one, but the screen on the Advance SP is probably tough compared to now since it’s darker.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

Have you ever played the game itself, old man?

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

It is not a game where the system dramatically changes compared to other RPGs.

For better or worse, it doesn’t change much, so if it’s a consumer game, the latest one is better.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought my son was playing Pokémon, but if that’s not the case, then why did he decide to play Pokémon now?

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

What do you think about Pokémon Masters EX, toshiaki?

Dad only really understands mobile games.

36: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


I think it’s really aimed at original fans, so it might not be very suitable.

38: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx8


Next, I’ll say “Shiaki”.

40: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


There are many limited gacha, but it is possible to play without spending money.

It’s intended for those taking the main course, and it’s not a particularly interesting game, so I don’t recommend it.

35: Japan Otaku Reviews

You might have read “Land of the Lustrous.”

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s lame to say that you can’t buy it.

It’s not even making a point of not being poor.

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

The fact that the Pokémon Masters wiki has all the information but is poorly organized is not good either.

42: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Buying a Game Boy now actually ends up being more expensive.

43: Japan Otaku Reviews

I was surprised to find that HGSS was unusually overpriced when I peeked into a used game store.

45: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


DS games are currently experiencing a surge in prices overall.

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Pikachu and Eevee versions of the Switch are relatively old, so the price might have dropped, and they could be good for beginners, right?

I feel that the effort of deliberately buying something from before the current hardware outweighs the benefits.

If you want to fully enjoy the dot patterned female trainer, there’s no helping it.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since used Pikabu is around 5000, used Sword and Shield or SV is much more economical.

If we’re recommending based on price, it will end up being BDSP.

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

If possible, if you don’t want to buy a Switch, then isn’t it fine to just stick with the original DS and box-less Diamond and Pearl?

50: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


If you’re going to buy DS and Diamond and Pearl now, it’s better to buy a Switch and get the remake.

I think it would still be better if it’s platinum.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews


A used platinum one costs 3000 yen… Well, even so, it comes to around 6000 yen with the hardware.

49: Japan Otaku Reviews

Dad, it might be pretty bad that you can’t buy a Switch at your age.

If you’re looking for something inexpensive, I recommend the basically free Pokepoke.

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

HGSS has the best walking mechanics, you can adventure through two regions, and you can catch a lot of legends, so the volume is amazing.

Some people can also easily generate random numbers.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews

The plain Diamond and Pearl are too sluggish, you know…

If it’s your first time with the series, you might not mind it.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews

Pikachu and Eevee are so cute when playing with Poké Balls that they might jump out!

You can also include Pokémon from Sword and Shield.

57: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Even though they say old games, 3DS still costs quite a bit, and the software for DS and GBA has gotten expensive, so I really think buying Switch games is the best.

Even though there are issues with heavy processing, there are definitely many more comfortable aspects compared to older software.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not a game that requires buying hardwares, so it would be nice if we could play past versions on smartphones too.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you’re experiencing Pokémon for the first time, I think it’s best to buy a Switch and go for SV or Pikachu and Eevee, right? The timing is the worst, though.

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

The latest work, Scarlet and Violet, is recommended.

The scenario is really good.

61: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Considering the resistance to upgrading hardware, it would be better to just buy a Switch Lite and Sword and Shield.

62: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I get motivated and want to do more than just Pokémon, I might end up needing a used DS or 3DS after all.

In that sense, buying a handheld console might not be a waste after all.

63: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If it’s the Switch, I also recommend Sword and Shield.

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

Although there are harsh words being said above, I feel that it’s actually okay to go with GO quite seriously.

66: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If it’s GO, you can enjoy it for free without being greedy, and you can also become healthier by walking.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

If the 3DS store were still active, I could have played most of the past titles by buying a 3DS…

72: Japan Otaku Reviews


There was a moment when Generation 67 came out, covering all regions with 12 compatibility in VC and a remake of 45 and 3.

69: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I don’t think GO is a bad game, but the management is so terrible that I find it hard to recommend.

70: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

If you’ve played Remake Saga and want to touch Pokemon, then Let’s Go Pikachu/Eevee is good, right?

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think BDSP is the easiest to get into if you’re trying it for the first time.

75: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s called a bugger and all, but if you’re not used to the series and just play normally, it’s not something that stands out that much.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews


Right now, I don’t really encounter strange, serious bugs very often.

The peak period was comparable to the first generation.

79: Japan Otaku Reviews


I encountered some minor bugs shortly after its release, but nothing critical happened.

Still, the tempo felt a bit off.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

Scarlet and Violet have an incredibly intense development and BGM during the final boss battle, so I recommend it.

If you want to dive deep into it, I recommend Emerald.

74: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

Emerald is a bit…

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you don’t do the recent ones, even if you have your favorite Pokémon, it makes you sad because you can’t transfer them to the next game.

So, I recommend Pokémon for the Switch or Pokémon GO.

78: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

Emerald’s thorough play is not something beginners should do.

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you want to touch old games after playing a remake in the Reiwa era, Pokémon Let’s Go is a safe choice.

81: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

If you know the current games, you shouldn’t go back and play the old ones.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews

If there are any Pokémon you’re curious about after lightly touching GO for free, you can look them up in the main game.

84: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

To be honest, as a game it’s not great, but I think BDSP is easy to recommend for beginners.

It’s also something that can be done with the current equipment, and it’s probably being heavily discounted.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s not like it can be easily obtained at a low price right now.

85: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

At this rate, I probably won’t buy the Switch 2 anyway, so I guess it’s fine to stick with the Switch Mini and Pokémon Sword and Shield or Scarlet and Violet.

If you feel a sense of value from the past, you can just buy something like a GBA or the red version.

87: Japan Otaku Reviews

Right now, you could say that the rewards for completing the software encyclopedia are also exciting all the Pokémon on Switch.

The official distributions for the Pokémon Center’s birthday month are only for SV as they are the most recent.

88: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

GO is not a game I would recommend to people thinking about playing Pokémon.

93: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well, it depends on the reason you want to do it.

If you want to talk about communication with children and relatives, go ahead.

95: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Can’t you even read the text?

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you just want to enjoy Pokémon purely, get a Switch LITE and SV.

I don’t want to spend money! Then just go do it with GO!

91: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Those who recommend past works or used ones without a name are just suggesting based on the atmosphere and haven’t actually experienced them themselves, so if you take them at face value, you might end up in pain.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well then, just go play Arceus.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

Shut up, you annoying old bald man.

94: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you want something close to a remake of the original, go for Pikachu and Eevee.

The story is ordinary, both good and bad, but the presentation is popular, the gameplay is relatively light, and the character customization is rich in Sword and Shield.

BDSP can be obtained cheaply and, if properly updated, can provide a smooth gaming experience.

The gameplay of Regial is quite different from other series and leans more towards action.

The latest work has a fairly popular story and a decent level of freedom, but there are concerns about frame drops in SV.

I guess it’s something like this…

96: Japan Otaku Reviews

Let’s go for the Pokémon that I’m curious about.

Even among the Switch generation, a very small number are waiting for Z-A…


97: Japan Otaku Reviews

Can you buy the first generation now, excluding things like the cartridge?

The download purchase for the 3DS VC version was finished, right?

101: Japan Otaku Reviews


You can only re-download what you have already purchased.

Even if you buy the device as it is, it technically violates the terms.

Also, there are many initial batches of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire that have cartridge errors or become unbootable.

103: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since it’s over, it seems tough unless someone is willing to give it up or there’s some connection.

99: Japan Otaku Reviews

GO has Pokémon up to Sword and Shield, so it’s fine.

102: Japan Otaku Reviews


We’ve already reached the Pokémon from Scarlet and Violet!

In terms of being comprehensively covered like an encyclopedia, it’s up to the Isshu region.

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

In reality, you don’t really have any intention to play Pokémon; you just want to create conflict, don’t you?

104: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Psychic type?

105: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


I’m receiving weird radio waves, so it’s an Electric type.

126: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t the electric type the one that generates electromagnetic waves…?

106: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

If we’re talking about timing, waiting for ZA is the best, but Legends probably isn’t a game to play right when you come back.

107: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If you want to create a conflict, you would probably say to stop just BDSP, so I think that’s probably not the case.

108: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

It depends on whether you want to engage with the content or play an RPG.

For content, GO is convenient, but as an RPG, it is out of the question.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is it decided?

110: Japan Otaku Reviews


I switched to Pokémon Sleep.

I’m sleepy.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since Pikachu and Eevee are about capturing and training, how will it be for beginners…?

Since Arceus has a unique game system, I wonder how it will be for beginners…

BDSP may have good cost performance, but because the graphics are lacking, I don’t want beginners to think it’s just like this…

SV is not bad, but the processing is heavy and the volume of customization is somewhat lacking, and since it’s the first open world, I would prefer a Pokémon game where the story progresses along the paths…

Play Sword and Shield.

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

Before DS, the rate at which the HP gauge decreases isn’t based on a percentage, but rather on a constant, which makes the game tempo really sluggish…

119: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I kind of liked that in its own way.

113: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

I wonder if the group of people who are playing Pokémon for the first time will actually care about the volume of customization options.

Am I not imposing it because I’m getting off with a female protagonist I dressed up?

114: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, Pokémon Sleep can be done casually, and it’s actually not a bad choice.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the mineral encyclopedia the land of gemstones?

116: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

I’m a Psychic type, but I don’t think I’m watching this thread anymore.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s an electric type that received strange radio waves, but both the thread and the replies are completely false.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think the sense of improvement in Sword and Shield is remarkable since XY.

118: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I mean, Game Freak should seriously release the VC versions from the first generation up to the third generation on the Switch already.

123: Japan Otaku Reviews


Since the DS and 3DS have two screens, it’s a bit different, but it seems possible to do it up to the third generation if one sets their mind to it.

I don’t know if it’s because they’re short on manpower or if they think it’s not worth the cost.

124: Japan Otaku Reviews


I have a feeling that past generations will be gathered in switch2’s VC.

This premonition does not involve any kind of responsibility.

120: Japan Otaku Reviews

Can you still buy a used Red version or FireRed and have it work?

121: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s unlikely that I would encounter a unit that has reached the read/write limit of flash memory.

Since there is no clock, it means there is no battery, and for the third generation, it could be the safest bet.

125: Japan Otaku Reviews

Brilliant Diamond

The simplest Pokémon you can play on Switch.

127: Japan Otaku Reviews

I think Arceus is good.

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