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[Mobile Suit Gundam SEED] Beam rifles have as much personality as the MS itself, don’t they?

Strike Dagger M703 Dagger L M703k Windham M9409L

1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Wyndam looks incredibly strong.

2: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6

Even though it’s a hard-earned weapon, everyone only uses their special equipment, so it doesn’t get reused much.

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

It feels like a dam rifle.

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t Windham too big!?

5: Japan Otaku Reviews

Just adding “k” makes a huge difference, huh?

6: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems that the Windham is not very easy to handle.

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

In reality, this is about the right size.

In reality, this is about the right size.

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want you to establish a little more genealogy.

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Dagger L looks like a spray gun… it’s small and cute.

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

Flying in formation with jets is the main tactic.

Maneuverability < Did it become a matter of range and firepower…?

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s the same handheld beam type, but there are also carbines and assault rifles, so I don’t really understand.

The beam machine gun is easy to understand.

12: Japan Otaku Reviews

They hardly ever just refresh the contents while sharing the exterior, right?

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

This seems like it could work even if called a beam launcher.

14: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s the main weapon of most aircraft, and it’s where their individuality shines, right?

15: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

MIA’s is a bit too big.

In HG, this is how it is.

MIA's is a bit too big. In HG, this is how it is.

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

Although these two machines are recent mass-produced MS from the same faction, the size difference of the rifles is extreme.


Although these two machines are recent mass-produced MS from the same faction, the size difference of the rifles is extreme.

25: Japan Otaku Reviews


The Dagger L is technically a beam carbine.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

Gates’ beam rifle is quite something too.

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The early Gates couldn’t be made that small.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Dagger L is said to be a beam gun designed for easy handling for plant control after the Yakkin War, but it seems to be used in normal space combat as well, so it turns out it is more effective than expected.

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

If we consider it as a companion machine to the mobile armor, the Dagger L’s rifle seems better.

20: Japan Otaku Reviews

I guess the rifle with the grenade launcher was excessive… even though it’s cool.

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

I really like the design of the beam rifles for the species, and the one from the legend is especially cool.

22: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’ve never seen a 105 rifle machine gun used in a lot.

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since we’re just NPCs, wouldn’t it be better to unify the firearms?

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s not limited to specific works, but…

If the weapon holding parts of MS are standardized, it seems like handheld weapons could be made common across different models.

In the end, it feels like everyone is scattered apart.

Since it’s entertainment, there may be a preference for one-of-a-kind items to appear more in front of the cameras rather than mass-produced ones.

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

The more compact it is, the more it feels high-performance.

27: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if there has ever been any mention of the significance of the size difference in beam rifles.

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

Wyndam probably has beam weapons standard-equipped on ZAFWMS as well.

I think it’s a long barrel aimed at out-ranging with a longer range beam.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel like there was a setting that the Beam Rifle of Wyndham is high-performance in terms of its specs.

32: Japan Otaku Reviews


There was a game where Windham’s rifle had an absurdly long range.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Stotaga has the same rifle as the Strike, and didn’t the official Raider or 105 Dagger have rifles marked as for Stotaga?

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

What kind of MS has a size similar to a beam rifle for Windham?

The Gabsray’s Federain rifle is a bit too large, so it’s different.

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

That thing about Provi…

35: Japan Otaku Reviews

The normal strike rifle and Noir’s pistol have the same power just because their range is short, so it’s probably more about ease of manufacturing rather than performance.

36: Japan Otaku Reviews


That was originally not capable of rapid firing like a handgun…

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the SEED world, the rifle of the Life-Rimoja is quite large.

In the SEED world, the rifle of the Life-Rimoja is quite large.

44: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s nice that it seems like they can shoot a thick beam, like Life Ree and Imoja’s thing.

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

Well, if you’re going to equip a high-performance generator or battery, you’d want to increase the power as well, right?

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Dagger L seems to have good fuel efficiency and is likely easy to handle.

In the main story, episode 105 also had characters carrying beam carbines.

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

ProV Rifle is really cool, right…?

41: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are also beam rifles that seem to be inspired by real firearms, occasionally.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the Dagger L a rifle or a carbine?

43: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I quite like how multiple units use the same weapon, like in the Federain Rifle, so I hope to see more of that.

47: Japan Otaku Reviews


Z and ZZ had quite a few people sharing weapons, didn’t they?

45: Japan Otaku Reviews

Everyone should be fine with beam carbines.

46: Japan Otaku Reviews

Wyndham only writes about being strong aside from the depictions in the play.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s nice to see a mob with weapons that aren’t standard equipment.

49: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the Freedom 105 the top one?

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

I like the Beam Rifle of Marasai.

I like the Beam Rifle of Marasai.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

Looking at things like TodesSchrecken, it seems there are techniques that don’t lose much power even when minimized.

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