In the music room after school, I am having a meaningless conversation with Aine-san.
“Yes, I can’t go into details, but it’s necessary for me to be myself.”
“Hmm, I don’t really understand, but it sounds tough. But I think it’s a lot brighter than before, and that’s good!”
“Is that really true? I’m glad to hear you say that.”
“So, have you been able to have a proper conversation with Tomorin since the last time we talked?”
“No… I am a god and it is incompatible with my existence to want to be human.”
“Here we go again! Can’t you not worry about it when you’re at Haneoka?”
“That won’t do. However, if I am not a god, I wouldn’t mind talking…”
A brief silence, and breaking it is a word from Aine, just as requested in the script.
“Well then… shall I turn you from a god into a human?”
“…! That’s not good! Aine-san! Ah, please don’t come any closer!”
Desperate resistance, but ultimately I am cornered against the wall. And…
“…Hehe, you liar. You’re looking forward to it this much, aren’t you? Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle with you.”
The ritual to return from God to human begins, a sweet moment will start…
Is it cheating?
I don’t want you to use me as a decoy…
Don’t write something that looks like some virgin’s strange manuscript.
There is nothing that can bind a god.
This weird document is different…
God is omnipotent.
Of course, I have literary talent.
That future is the best!!!!!!!
So when you say it’s a script, did you hand it over because you wanted to do this?
…it can’t be helped.
I’ll do my best!
It’s Shoko-chan’s fault for being so suited for being the inviting one…
Aine-chan, can we meet? 💛
I’m done for…
It’s a minor flaw that Aine-san looks at me with a somewhat warm expression, as if to say there are times when she wants to indulge in a sense of omnipotence.
Aine-chan seems to be reminiscing about herself before studying abroad.
In this bizarre document, I thought that MyGO is a band for those who are not human to appear human, while Ave Mujica is a band that takes the form of a god and its puppets, contrasting with that.
Don’t make such analyses based on this ridiculous and nonsensical document.
I was moved to tears. 😭
I see.
In other words, it’s a conflict between the demon clan and the god clan, isn’t it?
The desire of humans is what brings down gods in every era.
You’re being too serious…
Did you do the music room?
Only Ai-ne is able to make me forget that I am a god…
It won’t last long…
Aine doesn’t make any requests of me, so it’s easygoing.
It’s fine to become a myth, Yosakirin lol.
I want you to look at the fallen god with a gaze that both pities and despises him.
Light… I’m sorry… I have been tainted…
Give back that girl.
Sakirin, you like my fingers, don’t you?
I like things other than fingers, you know.
Saki-chan is like…
I, writhing in ecstasy from Aine’s silver-tongued techniques, am like a fallen angel descending from heaven to hell…
The demon that deceives my god.
I want you to give me a nickname like Kamirin or Gott the Dangerous.
And I also like your fingers.
Aine-san is gentle like the moon.
That’s insane!
I also possess the brilliance of the sun.
Please stop calling me “God.”
It’s painful to have the eyes of those around me.
Saki the God~
The text does not have a clear meaning in Japanese and may be interpreted as a stylized or phonetic expression. It does not translate to a coherent English phrase.
There are various sides to you that seem like a completely different person in the classroom and the music room.
Isn’t it fine to use Sakkii?
God Sakiko
I like those special play weird documents.
The future student council president and vice president route has returned!
According to Shoko-chan, I’m like the moon~
So, is Tomorin the sun?
I learned that even at the same time, there’s a higher likelihood that Saturday today stands out more than Friday yesterday. Thank you.
By the way, judging by the way you said that, it seems like you raised it on Friday too; which one?
Sayoko is GOD.
Aine’s lightness is a salvation… I feel like I understand Tou’s feelings.
Next, mother-daughter play seems nice, doesn’t it?
It seems like they were doing it yesterday or something.
It’s an aunt-niece play, right? 💛
Aine’s fingers… reach deeper than Hatsune’s… mmm 💙
Mutsumi-chan… I’ll borrow the bitter melon…
In the empty music room, I am playing the piano. Someone calls out to me after I finish playing.
“You’re really good, Shoko. Come here.” “Yes! Mother!”
I run over to my mother and lean against her while she brushes my hair.
Ah, what a happy time. I momentarily forget about being a god.
“Shōko, you’re always doing your best. Is everything okay?” “Yes, mother. I’m working hard with everyone!”
“That’s really wonderful! Do you have any regrets?” “There were various things, but… I believe it was a necessary detour.”
Is something wrong with mother?
“…Shou-chan?” “…? Is something wrong, Aine-san?”
“Shou-chan is really… a terrible child… trying to use me and then leave first…” “…gulp… I’m truly sorry, Aine-san…”
“No, you don’t need to apologize. Instead, do you know what you should do?” “…Yes.”
To atone for my sins, I must offer up this body, so I will try to take off my blazer…
“That’s not it, it starts with the ribbon, right?”
Ah! You are performing with improvisation that isn’t in the script…!
As my heart raced, I untied the ribbon…
I, being a god, am the student council president.
Vice President Ai-ne is, shall we say, a priestess? An angel? delivering the words of God.
It’s lighthearted, but because she pays close attention to others, she can easily be a source of comfort for people with a repressed inner self, right, Aine-chan?
If you continue to call her “mother” without responding to Aine-san, you’ll just keep indulging her.