It often tends to be unknown because the source is a manga or a game.
I’ve never played G Generation, but I’m interested in it.
I don’t know what Bigromeyer is… what even is that?
I had never even heard of Guf Vijanta.
I also wondered what this and the École machine were.
After that, it had mostly come out at least until the 2000s during the G Generation PS trilogy era.
Bigromeyer is a major character in the history of G Generation games.
Rather, there are many mobile suits from Gundam Ace that I don’t know about…
I’ve heard of Striker Custom.
I didn’t know the title of the work “Mobile Suit Gundam KATANA”…
Aren’t you picking up things like the Inoue Gundam?
There is also a list here with a screenshot, just in case.
I wanted it as a consumer.
What is a zany?
Regular of G Generation
I thought the Hyakushiki Kai was a Super Robot Wars original…
Gundam has had so many ridiculous non-main story mobile suits since long ago that there’s no need to create original ones.
They’re mixing in mass-produced Yaktos and such…
Surely that was there… I wonder why…
Don’t interrupt me with advertisements for G Generation Eternal while I’m watching the G Generation Eternal PV…
There are so many side stories in the Universal Century that if you just follow the anime normally, there are a lot of mobile suits you don’t know about.
Zany feels rewarded for receiving a delicious role in the sun ball.
It’s exciting to see many aircraft I’m not familiar with.
What really made me go “I have no idea~~” was the Working Mobile Suit Maniac edition.
If there are many, I really wanted more cross-project development design.
Regarding this PV, isn’t it mostly familiar faces if you’ve been playing G Generation until now?
I was really surprised by Lucien.
Well, it means that there are people who are inexperienced with G Generation but still interested.
That’s basically the strength of free-to-play social games.
Is it ambiguous whether the Dijeh SER is an original from Super Robot Wars or from the original work?
Repair device stacked Metas
That guy is classified as Z-MSV.
Just in case.
It’s from ZMSV.
Since that time, uncertainty has lined up.
It’s already the 9th, so it wouldn’t be strange for it to come at any time… I wonder if it will come soon.
I thought the release date would be announced this week, but it seems it will take a while longer.
The mechas from Char’s Counterattack don’t appear, and the list of participating works at the end of the video had a “no scenario” mark at the start of the service, so maybe they weren’t there from the beginning.
There is a possibility that among the 500 bodies, there are several that are not main characters.
Is the green mass-produced Yaktodoga an Original from Super Robot Wars?
Red Zeta and Buster Zeta are just the basics because they are anime!
It’s really the cream of the crop…
I got to know this machine in G Generation, and it’s cool, right? That’s the deal!
It makes a great contribution to spreading lesser-known works.
I think there’s a part of it that feels like it’s manga’s fault that “Lucinu” is unknown.
Well, it’s probably because many people don’t even know about that manga in the first place…
This MS is cool! Then I’ll read and play the original work.
The original work aside, the MS is cool! I like it! It often happened.
Does that mean there’s going to be a double fake? Will we be able to see Pixel Bit again!?
But I know about Canal too, but I didn’t know about Lucinyu.
Does this mean that the Z3 units will all be gathered together, and that Geminus will also appear?
I wonder if Shiskud will come out.
Is there any chance that Gardial and Winted from Sunrise Hero Tale can participate by some mistake?
G Generation is enjoyable because it allows you to learn about works you haven’t touched on shallowly and widely.
I really want to see Asuna from her school days in the Ecole because she’s super cute…
I’m really looking forward to all the things I don’t know.
I want them to release a warrior too.
Many people know École du Ciel since it has been around for quite some time.
Evolve is the medium…
I hardly know any manga works…
I want a Zephyr.
I want Plutonius too.
I like the feeling of being built tough while still being Z.
Bring out Takezumi!!!
I laughed at the mohawk guy with the chain hanging down.
I’m not really following MSV-R, so I’m looking forward to it.
Just bring out the Gundam Seere already…
There’s still a slim chance for the Bakurazan Gundam…
In fact, for minor aircraft, the game is like a royal road to increasing recognition.
I understand because Aurelon feels that way.
I want to do the scenario for Johnny’s return.
If it’s SD, Jurik might not feel out of place.
I often find myself thinking, “This is different from what I thought was a real body!”
Phoenix and Aquarius…
I quite like Belphegor.
Belphegor doesn’t feel out of place because the New Federation is making MS with even more extreme body shapes.
The most significant factor is the noticeable shape of the head at the SD stage.
If there are those who attack with cool movements that seem flashy without knowing.
That guy had never even moved until now, with the original manga just being concept art.
Are there any G Generation titles that include a story about the Falling of Colonies? If not, I would like to see it in an Eternal event.
How was it during Genesis?
There is/exists.
Genesis also had Cross Dimension and G-Energy Front.
The reason D Gundam is often talked about is probably because it appeared in G Generation.
Because the ZERO was appearing instead of the three main mechs, like the Jegan Custom and the Vagidooga.
Wasn’t it Genesis where the colony fell?
At the time of F, I honestly didn’t even know about Crossbone Gundam.
Especially since Phoenix is now only associated with the SD body type image, even more so…
I wonder if I should try the original work… Dreamcast, huh… I don’t have the money to buy the whole console…
Now, even the major Q Gundam was learned from G Gen.
I hope they add events or stories to Johnny’s return, give it voice acting, and take it all the way to an animation.
In spirits, there are also scenarios where it falls into a tropical depression, and it’s a regular occurrence.
It doesn’t exist in spirits.
Just BGM and layers are needed.
Dijeh, Hamurabi, and Psycho Gundam suddenly have familiar faces show up, which is a relief.
Ecole du Ciel 2001, huh… I can see why some people might not know about it.
MSV-R has many designs that are quite rich in flavor, you know…
You’re pushing Dr. Gawara too hard!
Even familiar aircraft can suddenly have unknown weapons added later on.
In the land where the colony fell, the original work has strict means of play.
The original work is interesting, but there are aspects that seem plain when viewed as a story, so the novel version is better.
I love the novel version of Koro-ochi.
There are many American jokes, and they are interesting.
Every time I see the G-3 Gundam, it changes its appearance and I can’t help but think, “What the heck are you?”
The RX-78-2 is constantly evolving to match the times…
Furthermore, G-3’s color is not very stable.
Recently, it seems like it’s becoming the norm to casually hook a double bazooka on the back, doesn’t it?
I wonder if there are any Z’gok-like ones in Battlefield Bonds.
Despite having Katana and Psycho Mk3, surprisingly, Dolmel’s appearance has not been confirmed.
There’s a sense that if you just say something like “proto-whatever,” it’s all good.
G-3 has an image of particularly unstable slipper colors.
I want to form a unit using the Ifrit series.
I realized that there aren’t many options for mass-produced enemies that seem stronger than the Geara Doga around the time of Char’s Counterattack.
Speaking of which, the machines from Wurz Hunt will probably come soon, but I wonder if the mobile armors like Ananel will also come… Will they be under the title of Iron-Blooded MSV?
If they release SD Musha, I want them to implement the story this time.
It seems there are many people who have no idea because they haven’t passed through Bonbon, and I also happen to be one of them, so please.
It feels like Euclid has more appearances in Super Robot Wars than in Gundam Generations.
It’s not that minor from a standing position…
I threw away the appearance and name of the United Interesting MA…
Since the Z era, there have been prototypes of the Asshimar and things like the Lucino.
I only knew the aircraft that appeared in the main story; the others were completely unfamiliar to me.
Wasn’t there a Striker Custom before KATANA?
There are HOG’s Striker Custom and KATANA’s Striker Custom.
The gang is probably equipped with twin beam spears…
It looks like it’s already out at Canal, so I wonder if Jemo will come out too.
It seems easy to complete the collection because there are few unique aircraft in the school.
I knew about Pulltoo’s red Qubeley, but I didn’t know the beam saber had that shape…
Recently, it seems like they want to ease the difficulty, and the design is sloppy.
I like blue strikers, so I also want the gang version.
The bonds of the battlefield were flowing with machine gun fire while gliding on Odessa with the Dom Barrage.
If I’m running out of minor mobile suit topics, I wonder if the X Gundam will also show up.
I’m happy that Gackt is appearing, but will you also bring out the Boss Robot?
The Tornado Gundam is making unnecessarily cool moves again…
It’s a marquee unit of G Generation in a different sense…
I wish X Gundam and X Zaku would come quietly soon…
I wonder what kind of things the payment elements will be.
If I can get the desired aircraft through payment, I might pay for it.
Wasn’t it a special machine (with a character) that couldn’t be developed through gacha?
With each new series, Tornado and Phoenix become more handsome.
The KATANA from the Federal Gang is originally a project linked to Battlefield Bonds.
The new MS scheduled to appear in Kizuna makes a striking entry in the manga! It was the first appearance of the Striker Custom.
I haven’t seen it yet, but there aren’t any Mono-Eye Gundams or DS’s Imperator, right?
Syskood was in β.
Siscuud should have been in a waiting screen-like area.
I wonder if I can bring out a Bael that can use Baelance…
I wonder if the Tyrant Sword will be picked up.
Since things like F are no longer possible, let’s decisively give up.
There’s no way they wouldn’t include Sisqo in the DLC for Cross Rays.
Speaking of which, we have the War Chronicles and Bonds, but there’s no Monoeye Gundam, huh?
It’s already impossible since it has increased significantly since the time of F.
Having realized that there are inevitably limits to the volume of standalone consumer games from the last two titles, I can now say that the method of mobile games, which allows for continuous additions and user payments for ample funding, is the best way to go.
So it would be great if you could make it possible to use it on game consoles or computers as well, because just having that smartphone alone can be tough in terms of storage!
Is there an addition to the build system? Was it in the beta?
It seems like it will ultimately be something like F…
Is it a Zak dedicated to Yumi Shaku?!
Some may say it was possible because of the time, but even back then, it was something that couldn’t be done, and yet they forced it into existence.
I wonder if a Katana version of GP02 will be released…
That manga is so out there that it feels like they could easily release a KATANA version of something.
The Sinfederal version is a final boss (not a final boss) machine, so it should come out first, right?
The section for exhibited works sometimes has moments of “huh?”
It’s under the main title…
Since there is a beginning, it will be an additional build system eventually.
I’m happy that the Nether Gundam is here.
Because both Beginning and Kyōshirō are here.
It definitely won’t not appear.
It’s okay.
These kinds of things are generally covered by mobile games.
There may be some gaps in the recording, but it’s really comprehensive.
I want to have high hopes, but the mobile game G Generation FR was incredibly pay-to-win.
The provision ratio has already been determined, so now it’s just a matter of how many limited-time offers there are.
Is that so?
What percentage was the UR?
To be honest, the past social games like G Gene were completely different games that just borrowed the name, so there’s really nothing to reference that suggests this new work will be the same…
It seems they have obtained the rights from Kadokawa, Shogakukan, and Kodansha, so that should be fine.
Kadokawa… Shall we go?
Zorin Sole (F90FF)
A collaboration between Daley and Zani?
By making it a social game, every time a new title is released for consumers…
I will be freed from the heartbreaking effort of gradually polishing existing battle machines so they won’t be said to be reused.
I want units that only exist in SD Gundam to be added to mobile games.
Gun killer and so on.
Revive the mystery of the Dije SE-R’s giant rifle.
Aren’t the G Gundam guys a bit odd!?
If we’re talking about participants, it doesn’t make sense to just show the obvious lineup.
They said.
It’s perfect as a promotional video to say that it’s natural for the usual members to be there, even with something this strange!
But at the time of F, there were also tequila and skull added here…
The lineup was crazy, with Bushi among the early production group, and of course the Mermaid Gundam, and even Pesca Tore.
I was surprised that the Nether Gundam appeared, but I was even more surprised by how it flew.
Zaram! Zaram!
Euba! Euba!
It’s still under the name of the Mira Soul company’s flight unit, which is funny.
The full armor for Ez8 is the one that can be chosen in two types, right?
It’s fine to keep releasing color variations that can be reused.
It looked like the propeller of the Nader was flapping its feet.
I wish they would release some really niche AGE merchandise.
There are plenty of wear and machines that only appear in the game, so AGE has that.
I wonder what the event will be like.
I wonder if they write original event scenarios or something like that.
It is said that they will be releasing a short side story with few aircraft at the event.
Let’s do a raid event where the enemies gradually become stronger, like in FR.
I’m most curious about what will happen with the background music for Sambol.
It seems like both the original and the non-original will be costly.
Surely, Seira-san wears a swimsuit at the beach and happens to wear a bunny outfit at the casino, right?
Akira Tsuchida Collaboration Event!
The Tsuchida-exclusive Zaku appears in the limited gacha!
If you say that, you’ll end up with a gym that has the faces of idols plastered everywhere.
Huh? The Treasure Star?
Kotetsu Genoas… Ruga Exes… AGE1 Phoenix…
There are probably events without a scenario.
The Zeon Sports University is definitely impossible…!
If you’re going to make a big deal about it in the promotional video,
Maybe it would have been better to just use the red Gundam from the Ziek Axis, right!?
It’s completely different and there’s no context connecting it at all…
It seems there are some characters whose color schemes haven’t even been revealed yet when you dig into manga-related content.
It’s coming… some slightly different MS from the RPG Magazine series!
Did École du Ciel conclude?
I know it, but just knowing it is all I do.
There are some things I can say “no” to when it comes to whether I’ve played games or read manga.
I wonder if there will be a version of Fenekus without a tail…
The Kizuna gym guard custom was supposed to be cool and black, but it’s settled on the current color in Gun On, so I’m confused about the source.
I wonder if a phantom will appear…
I really think that what is not well known is the spin-offs from series other than the Universal Century.
That place was quite well done by Cross Rays.
Nevertheless, the SEEDMSV and Astray series that could not be fully processed.
Since it’s during the test, it can’t be relied on for the official version, but the reroll ranking is interesting.
What is this next to the old man S?
Everyone loves Phoenix.
In Exvs, it will appear under the name Phantom Gundam with voice settings for the font.
I want you to do a psycho rocket punch, Red Zeta.
Around the time of Gryps, isn’t that pretty much stepping into time-space crimes?
You should watch the story where this guy from Evolve appears.
In the mix of good and bad, Evolve is one of the more interesting ones!
I want the demo BGM of the Tonchiki MS to be introduced with “Shangri-La no Shonen.”
I wish they would also show the DG cell eroded state of Minaret Gundam…