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[Transformers] I’ll post some crazy metal stuff.

Are you treating me like a disabled person!?

1: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx11

Well, that’s true, but…

2: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx23

No matter how much you try to sugarcoat it, this character has a motif that makes anyone who sees it go “ugh.”

3: Japan Otaku Reviews

A little intelligence is irreparably damaged.

There are defects in bodily functions to the extent that parts come off when trying to transform.

It’s just that I don’t know when this power, which is like a superpower, will go out of control and self-destruct.

4: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

I tried it for the first time, but what is this… gross…

5: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx11

“I’m going to shut down because it’s sad that you have a disability.”

62: Japan Otaku Reviews


I seriously want to pretend that your return never happened.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews


This guy reached the same conclusion even when he was brainwashed before the returns, so fundamentally, if something breaks the brakes, he consistently runs in an extreme direction, completely worn out from the war…

6: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx8

It’s vivid how everyone, regardless of whether they were allies or enemies, reacted with “What is this…?”

The only ones who showed absolutely no disgust were the crab and the dog.

30: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx8


To intervene and die to stop these two who were kind to me from fighting is a bit much, don’t you think, writer… do you not have a heart?

8: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx17

No matter how much Metalus tried to cover up the seriousness with improvisation, it was impossible to downplay the gravity of the situation here.

9: Japan Otaku Reviews

The sadness comes from the fact that it turned out like this due to an overly strong talent.

I was thinking that, but could this possibly be a metaphor for blood being too thick…?

10: Japan Otaku Reviews

What is this…?

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

A spark (soul) with an exceptionally strong power from birth.

The life pod was damaged due to the shock of the fall.

Furthermore, due to being exposed to a metalized quantum surge, a system error occurred.

As a result of not being able to undergo a normal birth process, I was born with serious physical and mental defects.

18: Japan Otaku Reviews


This is quite seriously rooted in a motif of having a congenital disease.

13: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

A story so pitiful that everyone was perplexed.

14: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Your voice is cute.

You did it!

15: Japan Otaku Reviews

Looks like this, but I’m a girl.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews

The voice is female both domestically and internationally.

20: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx10

It looks like an alien newborn.

21: Japan Otaku Reviews

The obvious lack of fingers and the asymmetrical feeling of the feet, for example…

22: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4

Dinobot death

Please provide the Japanese text you would like to have translated.

This time

Give me a break…

23: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

What is Rampage?

24: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

When did you all become Decepticons!!

25: Japan Otaku Reviews

It reminds me of the Alien newborn, even though it doesn’t look similar…

26: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx14

The wild rampage born as an experimental creature keeps saying to Mew-chan (the creepy robot in the thread), “We’re comrades, aren’t we! We’re friends…” It’s a bit tear-jerking how he protects and takes care of him.

27: Japan Otaku Reviews

If only her face was cute, she would probably be more popular.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s a guest character that exits after a single appearance.

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

An episode that was so heavy that I couldn’t joke about it at all.

31: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx8

Before the disability, the face is really scary.

32: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx11

This character needs this design and the physiological repulsion to work both in terms of the story and character.

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

Today’s beast is going to cry!

60: Japan Otaku Reviews


I thought it was just a beast, but it really made me cry – memories from my childhood…

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

The TFCC version remade into a beautiful appearance, and further true to the original with a creepy look.

Both the legacy version and the remake that can disassemble the body to turn it into weapons are great.

35: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

If this were replaced with a human, it would definitely be something that can’t be broadcast.

36: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx7

Even something like this defective combat robot emits destructive energy with a loud voice, and it’s so damn strong that I can’t handle it, and I’m taking damage myself.

37: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

There are rumors that an episode, which was said to have been scrapped due to being too dark, has gone through many twists and turns to become the one where Rattler tries to revive Dinobots.

41: Japan Otaku Reviews


There was a possibility that Rattle failed to revive, and that this would turn into a Dinobot… is that what you mean?

46: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


The story and plot involve Metal Su-Dynobot trying to install data left by Dynobot to revive him, but in the end, it feels like he returns to Destron (setting the stage for the revival of Dynobot’s will in the final act), and the story itself has no relevance.

So it’s uncertain whether it actually served as the basis just because there are such testimonies.

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I see a thread with responses, I can’t help but shout in my head, “Stop fighting, please!”

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

Born a mutant

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s a series where various past elements are picked up, but not at all picked up.

42: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


There have been about two releases of the remake toy, and it tends to get picked up.

43: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even on Cybertron, it’s vivid how they express disgust towards anything other than the flapping dog.

44: Japan Otaku Reviews

Rather than refining the toy itself in the thread image…

There are also “what if” scenarios where a proper birth happens, so they are relatively well-received.

45: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the remake, it somehow became an erotic bike and a scattered bone dinosaur.

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

I only vaguely remember Metal Slug, but there was something this crazy…

48: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

The story of Rattle installing the Dinobot’s memory has turned into a chaotic tale with the apes, so it will be later.

49: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s popular enough to be chosen as the top character remake from the Metal Slug series since Siege.

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

(Mega-sama stares with an incredibly solemn expression)

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

However, there aren’t many remakes coming from Metal Slug.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even if the original anime, Beast, and live-action are the three popular ones, there is a slight popularity gap between the original Beast and Metal.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews


Finally, aside from Gorillachibatron, Tiger Falcon has arrived, and I thought it would continue a bit more, but then it all got wrapped up with Transmetals 2’s principal!

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

Metallics seem to be costly for plating processes.

I feel it might be difficult to handle the same or even more than what was done at that time.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews

BW season 1 is too popular.

55: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

It’s not just about Metarus, but the craftsmanship of products from that time is so luxurious that it may be difficult to remake them.

56: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

The transmutate that exploded and died.

The first three-dimensional representation of

Let’s gather the scattered parts and complete it.

Nanoha is quite terrible.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews

The shiny purple gorilla with surfer elements is starting to stand out on its own.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

The power itself is amazing, but it can’t be said to be harmless, which is dangerous.

61: Japan Otaku Reviews

The peculiar way of moving is not the one from TF, but rather the kind that appears in horror.

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

If there was a head attached with bonus parts, that would be too scary…

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Rampage toys were really extravagant… the rubber… it can’t be helped, it’s already deteriorating…

65: Japan Otaku Reviews

There was a plan for Rampage to appear in the movie as a corpse.

66: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

67: Japan Otaku Reviews

The high level of fidelity is too annoying.

68: Japan Otaku Reviews

At that time, I only remember up to Beast II (I probably graduated before reaching Neo), so I don’t know.

I wonder if the audience after completing the Japanese two-part series wasn’t filtered out by metals.

72: Japan Otaku Reviews


Metallica was popular.

I think the awkwardness of the story and design is sifting it out in the returns.

69: Japan Otaku Reviews

It's tough to have this following me...

It’s tough to have this following me…

70: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I thought it was typical of Japanese people to not read the room when they joked around in the ending of the Japanese version of this.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews
78: Japan Otaku Reviews


Are you just adding a lot of improvisation to this story, or are you a psychopath or something?

83: Japan Otaku Reviews


I watched the entire video, but the comments have a lot of “w” in them, which is kind of…

86: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx11


It’s pointless to criticize the internet vibe from 2008 with today’s standards.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews


It was a time when I intentionally included gags so it wouldn’t get too dark…

There were often stories where Megatron’s jokes would lighten the mood in places that were too dark and tense.

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

I guess I had already graduated from being a fan of Muji by now.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s been about a year and a half, so it’s around the age where children might move on to other hobbies.

The broadcasting formats in Japan and the United States are too different, damn it.

80: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even popular toys, kids get bored of them in three years, just like the Takara Tomy jinx says.

75: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


It’s not like that!

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

It feels like just being alive is experiencing pain, and it’s tough to be told from the conscience that maybe I should consider euthanasia.

Regardless of the person’s will.

79: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If you mess up, parts will come off… it’s no longer functioning as a TF.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews


Just from the name, it’s clearly a transmutation…

88: Japan Otaku Reviews


Even if they get scattered, there are Waspeaters that will go back to normal next time, so that’s not a problem.

81: Japan Otaku Reviews

In my surroundings, Metal Saga was at the height of its popularity during Beast Wars.

84: Japan Otaku Reviews

Not to mention Metal Slug, the sales were already declining by the time of Neo.

85: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


87: Japan Otaku Reviews

The last scream is so painful, even though it’s such a violent rampage.

89: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

People often say that my improvisation is just a joke, but even so, the madness of Chiba Tron and the darkness of the story come through.

91: Japan Otaku Reviews

Both sides that want to increase their numbers are all going “uuuuuuuu…”

A seriousness that can’t be resolved even with improvisation.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even with the ad-libbing, Metalus had a pretty serious development.

94: Japan Otaku Reviews


The returns that are told to be creepy or scary even in ad-libs…

98: Japan Otaku Reviews


The convoy is also kind of creepy, and the Ratchet toy has such a strange face…

Metalus had a cool design reminiscent of American comics, but…

93: Japan Otaku Reviews

Without improvisation, it’s too dark, but there’s nothing that can be done about this story…

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

The main story of Metal Slug does have improvised gags, but the main scenario is quite serious.

The ones filled with ad-lib are the compilation and the returns.

96: Japan Otaku Reviews

No matter how you look at it, you guys are definitely dead!

It was about ants, bees, crabs, and spiders.

It was funny that everyone came back to life later on.

Only the jaguar died…

104: Japan Otaku Reviews


But it was revived in a different work…

The residents of the Beast world have an abnormally high durability.

When you die, you die, but…

185: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s come back.

97: Japan Otaku Reviews

I still remember the scene where Rampage screams after the thread image takes its last breath…

99: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I had a scary impression of Mega-chan, who evaluates whether the thread image can be used and then, judging that it has no value at all, adopts a trash-like attitude.

103: Japan Otaku Reviews


Without Chiba Shigeru’s ad-lib, it’s seriously wicked…

105: Japan Otaku Reviews


The original Megatron would praise his subordinates, but the Beast Megatron, who claims to be a reincarnation of that, is quite ruthless…

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the voice actors are all veterans, it’s just painful to hear their intense performances.

101: Japan Otaku Reviews

Oh right, it was Haruna Ikedzawa.

102: Japan Otaku Reviews

Usually a silly funny uncle, but the coldness is for real; it’s scary Chiba Tron.

106: Japan Otaku Reviews

Sometimes there are jokes included from the beginning, regardless of improvisation.

107: Japan Otaku Reviews

Crabs are the monsters of laboratory animals.

The dog was transformed into a fusion beast due to an accident.

I can understand feeling sympathy.

Quick Strike? … I don’t know.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews


The essence of the story lies in the fact that I am torn between Rampage, who treats me kindly as part of the same clan, and Silverbolt, who genuinely worries about me.

108: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s someone who can’t be seen as a source of strength and can only keep quiet as an individual; whatever they say ends up being a problem…

The brain’s circuits are also a mess…

109: Japan Otaku Reviews

(A mysterious wig that doesn’t seem to have any particular reason)

114: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


In the British court, there is a custom for judges to wear such wigs.

“This trial is just for show, isn’t it?” as an appeal.

You won’t understand!

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s true if you say that about TF itself, but…

Beast Wars has quite a few serious deaths on both sides, which is quite scary.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews


(Despite falling apart every time, the wasp eater revives.)

112: Japan Otaku Reviews

The intense depiction of TF’s death over two consecutive episodes is heavy!

I realized I was sobbing uncontrollably in front of the TV during the Dinobot death episode.

113: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s a situation of either Autobots or Decepticons, so there’s nothing that can be done.

This guy, who can’t choose either ideology, should be protected rather than welcomed as a warrior.

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

I clearly remember the scene where the crab reaches out to the thread picture saying, “We’re friends!” and the scene where the thread picture dies in the crab’s arms and the crab mourns.

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

The handling of the protoform is quite terrible throughout the entire work.

It’s said in the script that although some of it could have been recovered when leaving Earth after the main story, it probably wasn’t possible to retrieve everything.

118: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It’s too much of a gag dimension resident at the video stage, just for the Waspeter.

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

This guy hasn’t even scanned any organisms, so is it impossible to transform in any way?

120: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

When I was a child, Megatron was an interesting character, and then Galvatron, Magmatron, and a bit later, Gigatron seemed scary, but looking back, I realize that everyone except Chibatron seems like kind people.

121: Japan Otaku Reviews

Returns is overly complex and has a somewhat religious feel to it.

Once you understand the story, it makes you think that this is just the Oracle’s scheme, doesn’t it?

125: Japan Otaku Reviews


Oracle is the false god created by Quintessa, so that’s correct.

126: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s crazy how they can casually add hate-like settings to works that are unpopular in America…

122: Japan Otaku Reviews

Terrazaur and Scorpos, who fell into magma and died messily in episode 1 of Metals…

123: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

🦖Oh no, it’s hot hot hot!

My tailbone is burned.

This is Dinobot.

It seems you tried really hard…

Well then, here’s a question.

I have the golden disc.

I can change the future.

However, there is only one person who is an obstacle in my reign.

Who could it be?

It’s you.

134: Japan Otaku Reviews


It sounds like a joking line, but the overall tone of the voice is low and powerful, so it’s really scary…

124: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s a bit late to ask, but why did you load so much in the first generation even though it was crashing with all that pot?

130: Japan Otaku Reviews


Originally, the abandonment of Protoform X (Rampage) was on a mission exploration ship.

The Megatron tracking was something that was suddenly imposed on us.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is the Cybertron side also a wicked organization…?

140: Japan Otaku Reviews



The top three members of the Decepticons are also spies for the Unicron faction.

132: Japan Otaku Reviews


It was a transport ship for the protoform, ostensibly as camouflage to discard the rampage.

133: Japan Otaku Reviews


I feel like there wasn’t a clear setting, but maybe that’s because it’s a research vessel.

It seems that the Beast Warrior, or Protoform, is seen as convenient for interactions with other species.

127: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

I can honestly understand the aversion to Megatron being corroded by organic matter in the Transformers: The Return series.

Because the designs of the Cybertron crew are gross…

136: Japan Otaku Reviews


In the returns, they basically don’t come out to the field, so I always had the image of them talking on the phone with the bar owner.

129: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Dinobot episode is also good, right?

131: Japan Otaku Reviews

The only being that the crab trusted.

137: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is there a way to watch the episode where Chokkinna appears, which was somehow made into a movie?

141: Japan Otaku Reviews


The only legitimate way is to buy the VHS of the item from that time.

138: Japan Otaku Reviews

I should have been watching it every week, but suddenly a new character appeared, their way of speaking is scary, and with Da-chan dying, I thought there was no way I could like this character, but somehow I ended up liking them.

139: Japan Otaku Reviews

As a robot, it has quite realistic and rational moving gimmicks, but in the context of the TF universe, it has an unusual design.

142: Japan Otaku Reviews

They are the ones creating immortal monsters through the reproduction of the immortality of Stask in the first place…

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

I just thought of it, but are there any one-eyed Transformers or disabled Transformers?

145: Japan Otaku Reviews


Big Convoy has a setting of having a prosthetic arm.

147: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


That guy is the epitome of coolness.

149: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


It’s a bit strange to have a prosthetic arm even though it’s a robot.

163: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s the prosthetic limb that has clear cosmetic surgery only on one arm, right?

148: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Did you talk about the house-sitting staff now?

151: Japan Otaku Reviews


Thundertron is from the Prime game, and he has a prosthetic leg.

159: Japan Otaku Reviews


The color-changing Leo Prime (Lio Convoy) comes with prosthetic leg parts, which is why people say he sprained his ankle too much in the OP.

164: Japan Otaku Reviews


In TF Prime, Ultra Magnus was crushed by an enemy and became a cyborg, while Breakdown was dismantled and later had his body taken over by a human, resulting in him being one-eyed.

144: Japan Otaku Reviews

What is it with this crab guy being born to replicate Starscream’s immortality?

154: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’m the new leader of Decepticons.

157: Japan Otaku Reviews






158: Japan Otaku Reviews


For some reason, it’s the kind of guy who turns into a ghost and causes trouble…

146: Japan Otaku Reviews

The dubbed voice is cute, but the original version is too scary.

150: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s the homo fusion Tiger Falcon! Incredibly strong!!!

I was out in an instant!!

152: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

If you haven’t seen the movie, suddenly there are a lot more crabs and rays.

153: Japan Otaku Reviews

The lower half is strange just from the returns throttle…

156: Japan Otaku Reviews


It seems that having only wheels is too much, so it could be that with toys, the legs could also be deployed.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews


Returns has the image of the imperfection of organic life forms and the perfection of machines, so it seems like there’s an intention to incorporate such motifs on the Cybertron side…

155: Japan Otaku Reviews

Because it’s a robot, there are aspects of its limbs being a bit strange that people can relatively accept.

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

By the time it got to the Returns, it felt like it had gone beyond improvisation and was just playing footage in the background while the voice actors were casually chatting, which didn’t sit right with me.

161: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the current comic, the commander has a prosthetic arm from Megatron, and Starscream’s lower body has turned into a tank.

165: Japan Otaku Reviews

They recently re-released a best album of the Beast Wars opening and ending themes, and it’s now available on subscription services.

For some reason, “Thousand-Year Soldier” is not included…

166: Japan Otaku Reviews

But the returns while Rattle temporarily defects have a certain poignancy to them, and that’s nice…

169: Japan Otaku Reviews


Are we really going to let the Destrons go home? While having that kind of conversation, we were seeing them off for the time being.

167: Japan Otaku Reviews

Big Convoy definitely has a different color, and I didn't realize it had a prosthetic arm.

Big Convoy definitely has a different color, and I didn’t realize it had a prosthetic arm.

168: Japan Otaku Reviews

Vok, a presence that even most people who have thoroughly watched Metalus don’t understand.

170: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the remake, they become super cute and fall in love with a crab.


In the remake, they become super cute and fall in love with a crab. Die

171: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

You’re super beautiful!



173: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3



172: Japan Otaku Reviews

When I was a child, I didn’t understand that Taransu was from a different organization, so I watched thinking, “What is this guy?”

176: Japan Otaku Reviews


Something like a child’s voice, a skeleton? A ghost? Possessed me and exploded, leaving only my legs behind… What was that…

174: Japan Otaku Reviews

The setting is too much to understand without looking at that book about the language version called Universe!

175: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the trend of crab abuse becoming standard?

177: Japan Otaku Reviews

There is probably a certain number of people who get excited about the idea of feeling sorry for crabs.

178: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is Beast Wars available for streaming anywhere right now?

179: Japan Otaku Reviews

You should definitely read it… Beast Wars Uprising…!

181: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s unclear whether it’s official or fan-made…

180: Japan Otaku Reviews

The true identity of the mysterious alien Vok is the ones that were supposed to appear if the canceled overseas G2 comic had not been canceled!

Who… ?

182: Japan Otaku Reviews

Metallica was kind of scary overall, so I couldn’t really watch it properly.

Vok was also scary.

183: Japan Otaku Reviews

Crabs, fear the submarine crab trap! Fear it more! Fill my spark with your screams! Even though he says things like that, he was pitiable in the episode of the thread picture…

184: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the recap, there’s a scene where the crab jumps into the waterfall saying “Mommyyyyy!” and I still don’t understand the meaning of it.

186: Japan Otaku Reviews

They are a different species from the original group! …Was there a species in TF?! I was surprised.

187: Japan Otaku Reviews

I wonder if everything would have worked out if I had returned to Cybertron…

It won’t do…

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