Home » Game » Uma Musume: Pretty Derby » [Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] Starting my training today, so I look forward to your support!

[Uma Musume: Pretty Derby] Starting my training today, so I look forward to your support!

Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3

For now, I would like to know the strong characters and essential skills for this month’s Charmy.


For example… After entry, if you purchase an e-book for 3,000 yen*, you will receive 2,000 points back! *The amount is after coupon discounts and excludes tax. *This applies to the first purchase within the period. *Points will be awarded around the 25th of the following month.


1: Japan Otaku Reviews

Also, I would like you to tell me about the support card composition and the training policy.

2: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

This is the second time I’m manually touching this scenario, so Windy-chan doesn’t understand either. Please teach me!

4: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it possible to do things like Blue Ruby and the Holy Sword?

5: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx5

It’s much faster to research than to ask here.

6: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s complicated, so explaining it is difficult.

If anything, Windy-chan doesn’t quite understand it either, wahaha.

7: Japan Otaku Reviews

So shall we change the topic? How was the free gacha?

9: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx35


Shut up!!!!!!!!!!

8: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are they choosing between the brilliant Mile Senko and the curved line Hayate?

10: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx4


Given that one option is limited to mid-range, there is no reason to choose anything other than the one below.

11: Japan Otaku Reviews

I did 250 pulls including the free ones, got 5 Ai-chan cards, and exchanged them for Gurusapo at the guarantee.

I’m too biased towards Ai-chan to pursue any further.

13: Japan Otaku Reviews

I heard for the first time that you can accumulate a thousand miles with blue rubies.

15: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think it just happens because you’re using Power Support Chris-S.

17: Japan Otaku Reviews


Ah, such things…

14: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I want to latch onto the young lady’s breasts…

16: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even if my heart races, I won’t say I want it?

18: Japan Otaku Reviews

Strengthen the blue ruby and flight with the bride Nishino power!

The concept is a small things club.

19: Japan Otaku Reviews

I like the pretty girl’s net gloves because they are sexy.

21: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I want you to step on me, my lady…

22: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

The Ohimba team is serious, so it doesn’t become a theme team.

41: Japan Otaku Reviews


The theme team just ended up being serious after all.

48: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is it true? You’re not interested in bloomers?

23: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t have my own Krisus, so I can’t borrow Wisdom Ikuno.

Is it not good to be the president?

25: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think it’s good.

I feel like Senri has more of an older sister vibe, but considering the low cost of the hint, I think W Symbol might be a good choice.

29: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think it’s better to use Lamone because the source for acquiring mile skills is wise.

24: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it not that being brave and bold is fine as long as it’s high-pitched?

81: Japan Otaku Reviews



However, that’s why High Pitch wants to dive into the factors, but this time the skills wanted from the factors are excessive.

Especially if you’re not using Speed Toad, you have to pull all those skills that reach those itchy spots from the factors, wahaha.

26: Japan Otaku Reviews

Please give me the support card that can be used to run down.

It’s tough to inherit through factors…

27: Japan Otaku Reviews


Does this mean to run away?

30: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you run away, evolution will die, so you must not escape.

“Don’t run away easily; go ahead and aim for the top!”

28: Japan Otaku Reviews

I struggled to create the factors for the descent.

I will ignore the blue.

31: Japan Otaku Reviews

Thanks to the second serving step, both the characters and support cards are doing quite well.

32: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

It's a complete victory in spirit. It's strange that taking this photo after reducing one ticket makes it look more like a winner.

Welcome to the shop. Please take your time to look around. SSR [The Gaze that Changes the World] Almond Eye Required 1 Exchange Count None SSR [Guiding Light] Embodiment of Legends Required 1 Exchange Count None SSR [Never Leaving Anything Behind] Fine Motion Required 1 Exchange Count None Support cards that have been obtained will be sent to the storage. Return NEW Story Home Race Gacha

It’s a complete victory in spirit.

It’s strange that taking this photo after reducing one ticket makes it look more like a winner.

33: Japan Otaku Reviews

Why is Ken Daya not good for this push?

36: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


I think it’s simply just outdated.

43: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


That topic isn’t being discussed anywhere, huh? lol

34: Japan Otaku Reviews

Checkmate is essential, so make sure not to forget it.

46: Japan Otaku Reviews


I thought it was miles, but was it valid?

Windy-chan doesn’t know anything…

35: Japan Otaku Reviews

Now, since I can actively raise my proficiency rate in the current scenario, it means I can revive a support character like Ramone that can compete on the front line with rates other than proficiency.

37: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it really essential to rush down?

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In fact, the effectiveness rate isn’t that high, so I don’t think casual players will actively pursue it.

It’s okay to be in a position to overtake.

38: Japan Otaku Reviews

What does it mean to have 3 tickets?

Is it that the luck of the third ceiling was just too good?

49: Japan Otaku Reviews


There was a timing to withdraw along the way, but since it was just a little bit away from the ceiling, I charged in and it ended up going up.

39: Japan Otaku Reviews

I’m shaking because I’ve been told that I need 950 stamina.

44: Japan Otaku Reviews


Is it really that many for a mile?!

45: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think that without stepping on the power at all, I’m around 600, so if I include a power support, it should be fine, probably maybe.

54: Japan Otaku Reviews


So far, when I checked the best individual I’ve raised for a mile with Seiko-chan, it unexpectedly reached 900 stamina without me even focusing on it, so that seems to be fairly alright.

40: Japan Otaku Reviews

I don’t understand the distinction between races where a checkmate is valid and those where it isn’t.

42: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have sprinkled it across six points of my own factors while rushing down, so it will almost be inherited.

Blue feels kind of like…

47: Japan Otaku Reviews

The intelligence diamond has an output that is almost at the level of an intelligence cafe…

It just has a vibe like a flashy diamond standing in line for the advanced McDonald’s.

50: Japan Otaku Reviews

Blue can honestly compromise.

Anyway, increasing the limits other than speed is just a margin of error.

51: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is there any other good support card besides the ceiling exchange ticket, considering the chairman and Still are not around?

61: Japan Otaku Reviews


If I had to pick, maybe something like Supifar’s Sapporo Ramen Kenricky?

72: Japan Otaku Reviews


Falco seems like a good option, huh?

52: Japan Otaku Reviews

Rather than using the smartness diamond, it’s better to put in the smartness chairman and make it a support member for boosting stats.

53: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the stats distributed with the fixed value of the scenario are high, unless something extraordinary happens, the stamina should rise to a comfortable level.

55: Japan Otaku Reviews

I pulled three times, but I bought all the paid stones, so the damage to my wallet is significant.

I want to look away.

56: Japan Otaku Reviews

Using Ken Diamond and Spibrian to factor in Full Throttle and Aggressive seems like a good idea.

57: Japan Otaku Reviews

I guess the ones I want to exchange are Dantsu, Spifalco, or Smart Taishin.

58: Japan Otaku Reviews

This time, strong characters are breaking through as expected in a good environment.

As a strong character, it’s quite troublesome for me, wahaha.

62: Japan Otaku Reviews


The layer of leading milers is thick.

59: Japan Otaku Reviews

Kendo Diamond has power burikuri and overlaps with hints, so I don’t want to use it much for that reason.

60: Japan Otaku Reviews

Ruby’s parents are Oguri Nishino, with the ancestor on the Oguri side being Messiah and the ancestor on the Nishino side being Fuji, is that correct?

If you don’t have a smart device, then you shouldn’t even attempt to do anything in the back, right?

67: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think there are two other people.

If it’s a front-runner 2, it’s okay to surpass them with debuffs, but if it’s a front-runner 1, it’s too much of a gamble, so I want to provide support as insurance.

63: Japan Otaku Reviews

I would like to know about support cards that seem to be decent with no to 1 enhancement for the sake of stepping up for a refill.

By the way, Windy-chan went into hibernation after her first anniversary, so the Support Cards I have are only as strong as a rental deck if we exclude Ai-chan’s legend.

96: Japan Otaku Reviews


If it has already peaked, that’s one thing, but if it disappeared at the one-year mark, then creating a new account and doing a 120-roll gacha reroll will probably make you stronger.

130: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’ve already done it twice and fully leveled up Still…

I want to aim for 1 limit break Stashaka as a byproduct and unbroken Wisdom Taishin in the third round, but I’m in a situation where I’m undecided with 8 slots left.

64: Japan Otaku Reviews

Although Smart Digi-tan looks strong, the president takes priority, doesn’t it?

83: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think it’s simply that the virginity rate is low in the digital space.

88: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx6


What are you talking about?

65: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the range is exactly the same as the previous SSR exchange ticket, if the previous two are still remaining…

With three copies, you can max out from zero.

66: Japan Otaku Reviews

Crafting and the Holy Sword have a difficult adjustment for Speed 20.

I feel that Spi 2 is excessive.

68: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Because the Tokimeki Heart is activated, I think it’s okay to compromise even from the back with power being power.

What’s more, the possibility of a guaranteed charm is quite a significant advantage.

69: Japan Otaku Reviews

I thought I was guaranteed a win because I pulled a good card on New Year’s, but that wasn’t the case…

70: Japan Otaku Reviews

Even though I pulled to the maximum for the bubble measures, I’m wondering whether to use the New Year’s Mabu that came with Orfe’s slip.

71: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you have the confidence to take the lead, then go for a Bubble; if not, Craft or Flight should be fine, right?

73: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t Falco coming after Still?

75: Japan Otaku Reviews


Swimsuit → It’s a half-bath.

74: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to use the New Year’s Mabu, but I can’t think of a way for my partner to escape, and I’ve heard it’s strong in the lead. I’m also wanting to use Durandal, so I’m in trouble.

98: Japan Otaku Reviews


Isn’t Helios good enough?

76: Japan Otaku Reviews

As a result of trying various things, it has become clear that it is impossible without Seiko-chan.

82: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s stressful except for Seiko-chan…

On the contrary, Seiko-chan is a stress reliever.

77: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it okay to use the Helios system?

85: Japan Otaku Reviews


I think it’s surprisingly strong.

But I definitely want to make sure to keep the acceleration.

78: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you can charm Seiko-chan, can it be resolved with just one bond mindset?

87: Japan Otaku Reviews


With two and a charm, you can soar.

93: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s a jump.

79: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are various opinions on whether it is better to have Kendoji or Ikuno in the back.

80: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t the ST950 also taking into account the consumption skills?

84: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it better to use the remaining ones after popping the bubble with a New Year’s Mab and have either two upfront and one in the back, or one upfront and one in the back?

86: Japan Otaku Reviews

What should the support card composition be for mile races…? Is it a guts training style?

89: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since the buff for Yome Nishino has increased, the partner for the flight has been decided.

Even just seeing the bride loli running brings me great satisfaction.

90: Japan Otaku Reviews

The escape depends on whether the high-bore support horse comes or not.

91: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2

I started training in the Seiko-chan route, but it feels like a high hurdle to raise the bond twice before the debut match.

107: Japan Otaku Reviews


Personally, it feels quite probable and stable to me.

I’m completely uncertain if I’ll be able to make a limit draw before the junior ends, but I’m compromising by thinking that if I can, it would be a bit of an upswing.

Even if we get past that two-stage croon, whether we’ll be able to pull a good ☆3 by the training camp is all up to luck… Ideally, it’s a harmonious connection…

112: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


The feeling of finishing when only getting 3 stars in the five-person training is intense.

92: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s Spring Mile, so I’ll use Chiyo-chan.

94: Japan Otaku Reviews

The escape has weak acceleration and lacks a dedicated power support, so it’s somewhat at a disadvantage.

103: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


Sei-chan has laid down…

Why is the money restricted to mid-range only…?

95: Japan Otaku Reviews

It’s perfectly fine to use intelligence in a way that suits your preferences.

97: Japan Otaku Reviews

Speaking of which, Chiyo-chan’s name doesn’t come up much, but does that mean she’s not as strong as Fuchu?

102: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s strong, but very weak in the middle, so it’s for those who can reinforce it with Spinelibs or Ne-Fuji.

105: Japan Otaku Reviews


The fact that it’s a course where the early runners are not strong is a big factor.

In that case, even just having the Speedstar in green can maintain a decent amount of points.

100: Japan Otaku Reviews

I just found out for the first time, but it seems that using the clever digital tan in a mile difference is quite convenient.

101: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you can’t add extra while pushing, it’s better to prioritize the bald over the flying legs?

104: Japan Otaku Reviews

I heard that you can go to UC automatically, but I would like to know what kind of support card you should use.

If I set intelligence to 1, it feels disappointing, and if I set speed to 2, it doesn’t hit the cap…

106: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want them to stop because so many similar-performing predecessors with shameful escapes accelerate the blue ruby game.

108: Japan Otaku Reviews

I want to use the New Year’s mabu.

I want to use the bubble that we pulled together through the slip.

What should I do?

150: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1


To win with Marzen, you need to solidly protect Marzen’s surroundings, so I don’t recommend being indecisive.

109: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are there any other accelerations that could be useful for escaping besides Unskilled and High Voltage?

114: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s a desperate attempt, like clinging to straw, to make a second shot.

122: Japan Otaku Reviews


Ah… Aoharu power…

132: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s too meaningless to simmer the secret sauce for this…

126: Japan Otaku Reviews


If we don’t send out three people to escape, we’ll be weak, so we’ll also take the buds.

110: Japan Otaku Reviews

The blue ruby isn’t easy either; it’s too crowded in the front and ends up going wide, making it difficult to win comfortably.

111: Japan Otaku Reviews

You can just farm around during New Year’s and focus on training with the bubble, wahaha.

113: Japan Otaku Reviews

This scenario book is quite challenging to develop…

115: Japan Otaku Reviews

Speaking of which, I’ve only used auto for farming factors, so I’ve never tried it myself to see how good it could be if I really went for it.

125: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2


Since there is an SSR guarantee in the scenario record, I recommend giving it a try.

156: Japan Otaku Reviews


It was my older sister, Power Hishiama.

It seems like there’s no longer any place to use it.

116: Japan Otaku Reviews

I am a bubblegum fellow.

117: Japan Otaku Reviews

I couldn’t get a bond up, so I’m resetting before my debut, wahaha!

118: Japan Otaku Reviews

The chance is of lawless strength, but it rarely comes out…

119: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it at a level where you want to take it if you can do things like running down or sliding straight down?

123: Japan Otaku Reviews


What do you think I was going through all those factors for?

133: Japan Otaku Reviews


For what reason did you cry? For what reason did you abandon?

121: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is the Guts Support stable with Karen-chan?

124: Japan Otaku Reviews

My heart is full and bursting with excitement, wahaha!

127: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Junior’s gauge increases at the timing when the three legends can go out, so it’s quite important.

If it suddenly comes on the first turn, I actually dislike that.

134: Japan Otaku Reviews


I really dislike that it depends on this timing to end the course…

140: Japan Otaku Reviews


I’m glad I can make my appearance in the first 6 turns and then go out in the next 6 turns.

128: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is it that the downrushing factor is not stalled if you don’t have the messiah?

137: Japan Otaku Reviews


Just borrow and increase it.

138: Japan Otaku Reviews


There are plenty of them when you look for them, so it’s helpful.

It’s kind of scary that most people who are producing the 3 factors for the downrun aren’t Messiahs…

155: Japan Otaku Reviews


The streets are already overflowing with people holding three pieces.

If you understand, hurry up and search for it.

129: Japan Otaku Reviews

Auto goes to UE or UD if it’s not a loop, so the training is good, wahahaha.

131: Japan Otaku Reviews

It seems Zephyr is strong, but all I have is the regular version, haha.

135: Japan Otaku Reviews

If it’s the real thing, then at least one person will probably escape; I’m going with one runaway, one leading, and one closing.

171: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s typically better not to diversify running styles too much in championships.

Well, I think you should do what you like.

136: Japan Otaku Reviews

In the end, I still don’t understand the tier of knowledge.

I understand that a type that requires a recast is terrible.

144: Japan Otaku Reviews


It can’t be said because the tier varies depending on the route.

139: Japan Otaku Reviews

In terms of acceleration without ranking conditions, running downhill is probably the strongest.

It seems that the rankings for the dash are unstable, so I desire it quite a bit.

141: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

Even if I max out all the gauges in the first round, I only get ☆1, so it’s completely pointless, wahaha!

The ideal for the outing start event is only being able to fill the gauge a little during the second time for Junior, but there’s no way to control that, so all I can do is hold my head in my hands…

142: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since db passed away, where are Windy-chan and the others searching for factors?

145: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3


db is alive.

146: Japan Otaku Reviews


It’s not just that it’s hard to connect, is it?

I could use it at noon.

149: Japan Otaku Reviews


Reload it.

143: Japan Otaku Reviews

I completed the legend of Ai at 3 ceilings.

Because the speedbrine came through a slipstream, I can just barely forgive it.

147: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t it good to just show your face around the 5th turn?

Windy-chan is a genius.

148: Japan Otaku Reviews

I found it normally in the database…

151: Japan Otaku Reviews

I just realized that there were restrictions on the performances.

154: Japan Otaku Reviews


Windy-chan also noticed it today, so it’s probably starting today.

152: Japan Otaku Reviews

Cygames should quickly implement the official database.

161: Japan Otaku Reviews


Auto has been implemented, and the choice cheat sheet has also been implemented, so now it’s just the official Dragon Ball feature.

162: Japan Otaku Reviews


It is an official fan count verification feature.

167: Japan Otaku Reviews


Today, I’m going to do it casually!

175: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx2



153: Japan Otaku Reviews

The DB is alive, but it’s changed in a slightly awkward way and has become inconvenient…

157: Japan Otaku Reviews

I heard that while it’s not a top priority, clone techniques aren’t actually that bad.

158: Japan Otaku Reviews

The Hanshin 1600m has a long downhill stretch, and the downhill at the end is even longer.

Therefore, the effectiveness rate of straight downhill (sprinting down) will be greater than that of downhill experts, so it’s better to prioritize the acceleration skill for downhill skiing.

159: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are we building a strategy for escaping or leading? Windy-chan is really confused… Neo Orfe doesn’t use gold skills, and I’m thinking about swapping with Karen-chan.

179: Japan Otaku Reviews


There’s no way I’m going to accumulate miles.

What is more important is the solidifying confirmation activation.

160: Japan Otaku Reviews

Are you rushing down with a heart full of joy?

If you’re going to use Root City in this training, you don’t need to be excited…

163: Japan Otaku Reviews

Since there are often cases where I can’t use it because there are too many followers even when using the DB, I want the restrictions removed.

164: Japan Otaku Reviews

There are fewer downhill sections, so underestimating stamina will normally result in dying.

170: Japan Otaku Reviews


Well then, please tell me that unlicked value.

Is it good to lick shoes?

188: Japan Otaku Reviews


If you don’t stack stamina consumption skills, you can probably go with 750 in the back.

The front leg type is more than that.

If you’re stacking stamina consumption skills, around 1000 in front and about 900 behind would be good.

166: Japan Otaku Reviews

It has returned to the specification before the database, and Windy-chan is smiling.

168: Japan Otaku Reviews

DB should soon correspond to the ~ gene.

169: Japan Otaku Reviews

The factors of those who come here and don’t even organize their followers will eventually become trivial.

172: Japan Otaku Reviews

They suddenly started to focus on playability, and isn’t the database coming by next year’s anniversary?

176: Japan Otaku Reviews


I thought the auto would be useless, but I was surprised to find something that works.

173: Japan Otaku Reviews

When you stack the proficiency rate + 1002 times, the effect is noticeably visible.

I don’t know if it’s strong or not.

174: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx3





It is.

177: Japan Otaku Reviews

Once you remember a few tricks, auto mode is really helpful for farming factors.

180: Japan Otaku Reviews


If anything, it’s not much of a problem even if the settings are arbitrary.

181: Japan Otaku Reviews


It seems like Oguri and El are going to create a dead-end of blood, wahaha.

178: Japan Otaku Reviews

When the official database arrives, it seems like the good factors will be instantly filled and there will be a scramble for them.

182: Japan Otaku Reviews

Isn’t the auto setting just about setting the race participation to low?

If Ai-chan intends to win, it’s necessary to stop in October, but it’s bothersome, so I’m using the clock as it is.

183: Japan Otaku Reviews

I feel a bit sorry if I take part in G1 races recklessly and cause skin problems…

184: Japan Otaku ReviewsYeahx1

This is Oguri who ran in the mid-long dirt race.

This is El, who ran in medium to long dirt races.

187: Japan Otaku Reviews


And that parent is Oguri, who ran in the mid-long dirt races.

And that parent is the El that ran in the middle-long dirt race.

195: Japan Otaku Reviews


That’s why I mix Oper and Fuji like this from time to time.

199: Japan Otaku Reviews


Spe, older sister, and Naribu are also easy to use.

185: Japan Otaku Reviews

If you’re going to create an official database, I also want you to do something about the follower limit.

It might be because, with no limits, the focus on specific strong factors becomes too concentrated, but it doesn’t matter for Windy-chan, who can’t be borrowed anyway.

186: Japan Otaku Reviews

If I keep doing auto-training, regular training becomes frustrating and unbearable…

This is bad…

189: Japan Otaku Reviews

What skills are necessary for escaping?

190: Japan Otaku Reviews

I tried auto farming in Inari, but it really results in a lot of accidents.

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The rear-running horse No Skill is always the source of accidents, wahaha.

191: Japan Otaku Reviews

I will raise it for the first time with both PU fully leveled.

This won’t make for a good excuse…

192: Japan Otaku Reviews

For now, I have Ai-chan fully awakened and a zero-awakened embodiment, and I have two more exchanges left. What is the best course of action?

193: Japan Otaku Reviews

Aside from the necessity of increasing bonds, Seiko-chan is quite strong no matter how you pick the abilities, but St. Light-san’s 3-star ability gacha is just too tough.

The fact that the events that boost performance tend to be clustered towards the beginning makes it unpleasant because by the time the guidance activates, they are mostly already over.

194: Japan Otaku Reviews

I have a feeling that El and Oguri wouldn’t be rented out much even if they were available for rental.

197: Japan Otaku Reviews


Transfer the inheritance between Oguri.

196: Japan Otaku Reviews

I went out of my way to check the factors I’m interested in, and managed to get into the section, but I’m starting to feel like I won’t use it that much.

198: Japan Otaku Reviews

Once the Amoai legend was completed, it became possible to achieve at least UC or higher.

In the past, reaching UC felt like an upward trend, so the quality has clearly increased.

201: Japan Otaku Reviews

Is there an unskilled person in the bubble?

The compatibility is tough…

202: Japan Otaku Reviews

I can’t go too far, so it’s a bit lacking, but Yukino is still good for farming, right?

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