North Star Arhat Strike
I thought a new work had come out.
Basically, it’s either at 9 PM or 10 PM every Sunday.
Hokuto Rakan Strike
This guy is always apologizing.
The job hunting game that looked the most promising turned out to be unbearably harsh in every way, and it’s making me cry.
That game is too harsh on bald people.
The original character Bunzo-kun surprisingly doesn’t have much screen time as a secondary character.
Even though it’s cute.
Release Mr. K.
I was wondering if it was really true that Sisyphus has an easy rating on the difficulty graph.
Many streamers, including V, are able to clear it, so it really is easy.
I was thinking about watching it because someone was doing job hunting in V, but when I looked, the subtitles were really tiny and it said 11 hours, so I gave up.
I wanted to see the game of that crappy Pegasus guy too.
The difficulty in operating may be hard for those watching to understand.
Even though the difficulty of glass has been eased, what about the stretcher?
This is Bunzo-kun’s! I like it!
Who is Mr. K?
I heard from a nameless person that a wild madman comes to throw a bunch of support illustrations when Ashitsuji is live streaming.
People posting hand-drawn MADs using Desuman.
For some reason, I’m glued to the stream of the thread and constantly throwing support drawings.
I don’t like it, it’s scary…
As I thought, he was a madman…
It’s clearly the kind of vibe where you’re drawing while watching the content of a live game broadcast.
Mr. K is doing skeb…
Isn’t it rather that Mr. K is persistently tying A’s servant to the crappy game?
(The expression that K is not the second personality of the poster.)
Isn’t it the case that Ashitsuji is the one being held captive by Mr. K?
I thought K’s illustrations were cute, but they were really scary, especially Huggy Wuggy and many others.
Originally, it’s the scare character from a horror game, so that makes sense.
I wonder why I’ve ended up in a position like a fancy character…
Release Mr. K.
I totally thought they were a duo… but they were wild instead.
👀🍩 Whaa!
The A butler is saved from death by a lewd dream.
Probably the person who writes the most FA for Huggy Wuggy in the universe.
I like that I ended up doing cooperative play of a tough game with the enemy who threw a tough game at me.
A little Mr. K
Someone who is better at games, editing sense, and using quotes than a wooden walkway.
3 Takku Quiz!
I’ve never seen an answer other than B!
A man playing a terrible game meets a madman forcing a terrible game on him and another madman throwing support drawings, making them unbeatable.
Return of
Sisyphus wipe
I’m using a lot of quotes, but it feels like there’s a different flavor from the category of “Inmu.”
Mr. K is another personality that A Shitsuji split off in the past…
Hokuto Rakan Geki
The person who threw the stretcher game was someone I know fairly well.
“It’s kind of funny because, aside from the despair that baldness brings to job prospects, it feels like a beautifully balanced, difficult game that’s been thoughtfully crafted.”
It’s only natural that it’s properly rated on STEAM.
Flying, flying, flying, flying, flying, flying, flying, flying, flying, flying.
Mr. K really existed…
Honestly, I thought it was the streamer’s own doodle.
It’s impossible to prepare that much graffiti while posting videos…
I don’t know the original source of Tegoshi, but the overwhelming amount of content makes me laugh.
Baldness is being considered, but the process of restoring it seems really troublesome.
I’ve never seen a V who actually does stretcher training; it seems like such a tough ordeal.
It’s clear that you’re also well-versed in the next episode previews, Battle Operation, and Gundam.
I was deceived into buying it.
It was quite fun to play for about 30 minutes to pass the time.
Mine mode is bullshit.
Experiencing hardships with a sense of speed feels much more bearable.
Professional players and the asymmetrical game will become more than just miserable if they become deserted.
I was able to make the homo kid aware of that…
It’s inevitable that monsters like the black Hagi brother, who plays the role of the villain properly with new homo gaki at the beginning of the Pro-Puru video, but unleashes glitch techniques without holding back against equally ranked uploaders, will roam free.
I think there were shining moments, but… deer.
It feels like stretchers are often just touched a little at first and then not touched again.
Well, I guess that will happen.
What I’m asking for is not a My List, but rather a Like.
What’s with the stretcher being ready to interfere right before the final goal…?
Speaking of which, I’ve liked it, but I haven’t added it to my favorites.
I laughed so hard it hurt when the deer in the landmine mode of the Okano Shika stepped on a landmine and died after surviving and turning the tables during the attack and defense reversal time.
I love Gundam-style next episode previews.
Every time it’s a fierce battle, I can’t help but laugh.
I love physics that is shaped by society.