I love D-tecnoLife.
You are just tired of the sky being too blue.
At the guaranteed 10-roll gacha for the hatch.
The thing that goes po-po-po-po-po-po-po-po-po-po.
I really love the scene where Chad throws the rock.
The countless scars on this palm that will never fade are my proof and mark.
Without having to say it in words
You, who have seen sadness that you didn’t need to see, are now…
I really like Scar.
It’s the opening of the first season, but it’s great how it fully incorporates the thesis from the original work’s ending…
See the world through Google Search.
What you’re saying is different from what you said earlier.
Looking back at the past, even if I resent it, it is nostalgic.
The gaze that rushes through life exaggerates the inferiority of outdated forms.
It doesn’t have to be strong—it’s fine.
No, that’s not good.
“Are there people who don’t know the connection from ‘living solely on the truth’!?”
It’s fine, really.
It’s Velonica!
“The sense of ‘so precious and beloved that nothing else matters’ is overflowing in Gin’s reflection.”
My own pace
I like the sword-chan version of TONIGHT, TONIGHT, TONIGHT.
Tends to affirm the weakness of Aqua Timez’s songs.
Ichigo himself has been living on while hiding his tears and putting on a brave front, so his level of understanding is very high.
I want to convey to you beyond a thousand nights.
There is something I need to tell you.
Listening to this song gives me a really nostalgic feeling.
I really love the reverse playback effect of monochrome.
There are many songs that I really like when there are OP visuals in TV anime size.
“I think the lyrics are perfect because they express a wish for you to live without clouds and not to dislike the rain.”
I love Diggy, but STAY BEAUTIFUL.
Sakura people
I like the original song, but the Bruin version is too good.
I like rapport.
I really like the lyrics of Scar.
If I could become a comet.
Flying through the sky.
Girl S is really sexy, but
The quality on platforms like YouTube is poor, so there’s something like memory correction.
The light of the stars in the night sky I looked up at.
Just count one and move forward.
Just count to two and take a break.
Mark the era~~… Unyunyunyu…
Quietly, quietly (Aizen’s appearance)
I love that part too much.
I’m sorry, God, but you seem suspicious.
I really love the part where the single flower is singing in that still image with the pose chosen before the rust.
I want to participate too.
OLDROSE is too good.
You are the only one.
Not here!
Honestly, there isn’t a song I dislike.
With visuals included, they are definitely achieving a batting average above a certain level.
I love Scar.
The Hyakki Yagyō in Bleach Brave Souls is good too.
Words are no longer necessary; we’re connecting more deeply than that.
I can never return to you anymore.
On that day, my heart silently crumbled away.
Isn’t it BLOOD+?
Boys and girls!! Running wild in youth!! Aaaaaa!! Let me think only about you!!!
I like Moto, but I like this even more from Captain Wanko.
Is the super cool OP with all the Espadas “alones”… or “After Dark”…? It feels like none of them are right…
The Thirteenth Division and the Espada line up in a row in ALONES.
Chanyeol crashing the Tōbi tea party is After Dark.
I love the cherry blossom weather sung by Unohana-san.
And so you filled the depths of my closed heart.
BuriCon’s Mayuri-sama sings well… that thing.
Life is like a boat?
As expected, Velonica.
Until the day I can meet “you who I want to protect.”
Rather than the beauty of a glorious end, the enemy before me.
Words are no longer necessary.
We understand each other even more than that.
God, I’m sorry, but you seem like a liar.
Light does not properly penetrate.
You are like a flower blooming in the shade.
The ending songs are mostly masterpieces too.
The one who sings first is Kon.
It looks tired of the too blue sky.
I hope the next Blood Battle Arc OP is by Aqua Times or ORANGERANGE.
Mud-covered ROLLING STAR
Even the masked army that’s usually showered with harsh words in things like Desman doesn’t get criticized when it’s the video of the dancing melody, which makes me go “heh.”
After Dark
I’m sorry, God, but you sound like a liar.
The melody of “Ranbu” is famous, but I really love the one before it, “Change,” as well.
Looking at the theme songs from this time, I think Japanese rock from that era was really good.
How loud and annoying, I believe you.
Even if we are apart.
Even if you forget me someday
I feel like there was an OP where Lukkya, Orihime, and Rangiku were dancing.
The song is “chAngE” and “Rock of Light”.
I wonder if it’s with the video.
I might quite like all the lyrics, even without saying it in words.
It’s with video, but HARUKAZE.
It feels like a culmination.
The song feels like graduation and matches the images of the present world nicely…
It’s great that the everyday colors are becoming stronger, which is very characteristic of the disappearance arc.
“I like Aoi Tori.”
I liked the ED video that was mainly focused on Ishida, even though it overshadowed the original heroine.
“I want to be loved, but I don’t try to love.”
Wandering through this repetition.
I think the person who came up with the idea of displaying the titles and illustrations of the previous story in a row before the last part of “Ranbu no Melody” and “HARUKAZE,” and the direction of going back to the first episode, must have been ecstatic.
There are quite a few scenes where they haven’t had a sparring match unless it’s at least an OP level…
I really like BLUE.
The death gods that appear for just a moment are cool.
The tempo of the chorus is really great, isn’t it?
Since the decision to end the anime was made, the production of the “Advance Arc” has seen improved control over animation, allowing for a culmination of the battles that cannot be featured in the “Disappearance Arc.”
The main vocal-like Matsumoto and Orihime, along with… who? It has a Brooklyn vibe and a lot of “what if” in the ending, which is nice.
I couldn’t see it at night…
I mean, I realize that Yhwach from the if timeline exists on the extension of that.
I like the foreshadowing of Chad’s boxer…
I love the Aqua Times song sung by the Con and original character stuffed animal crew.
Rejoice, for the world you loved too.
I can’t catch the lyrics of Aqua Timez.
When it comes to yellowtail, this is definitely it.
I couldn’t help but grin when I heard the orchestral arrangement in the Thousand Year Blood War arc anime.
This is Number One.
It’s seriously cool.
It’s nice to see the Bankai in the new anime…
If I could become a comet.
Changing all the ending themes for teams 1 to 13 in one season is exhilarating.
Last Moment
For a lifetime, for you
What kind of me can I be?
The indigo-dyed sutra somehow becomes addictive.
Personally, I think endroll is just too perfect as an anime ending theme.
“Sing, Madono! They say, with a laid-back attitude.”
I like a single flower.
I really love how the official MAD changes with each episode of Haruka Kanata.
CHU-BURA is nice, isn’t it?
Velonica’s, come on!
It’s so cool how the captain and vice-captain switch places!
It’s cool, you know!
I love the feeling of “Asterisk is the present world!”
Well, it’s no surprise that the Grim Reaper crowd is quite popular.
Chanichi’s home is definitely this world, after all.
For many years, I thought the second line of Veronica’s song was “Forgotten wolves,” but it was “Standing on the forgotten hill.”
I’ve heard various opinions, but I also like the version where Hinamori and Yonsama are singing.
The part of Hinamori is nice, isn’t it?