The top is Minyami, right?
I think it’s a top two.
It felt like Tanaka Minami and Yamashita Nanami were the top two, and the rest were just a comparison of acorns in height.
It’s amazing that all the voice actors in Bozaro had time to practice their instruments, considering how busy they are.
Because I’m the leader of the WAG.
When I looked it up, I found that there were more than 8 regulars this year for surf clams.
Isn’t this coming out after Kita-chan?
When they debuted, Misuzu Takagi and Kaya Okuno had exceptionally strong anime voices, so I thought these two would be the ones to succeed…
I think those two are also in a category of surviving somehow, even after everything.
Come to me, horse.
Okuno is here, isn’t he?
Isn’t it a set of three people?
I may look like an introvert, but I’m actually an extrovert.
Is there a social outcast who can have a serious fight with Mayushi!?
Even outgoing people can have a side that is shy around strangers, and I feel like they are doing their best to expand on that aspect to match their role.
Well, everyone has the ability, so it’s just a matter of luck from here on out…
I still can’t beat Miumi, who is playing Thomas.
Recently, the voice actors of Uma Musume have been gathering.
It’s common for voice actors to gather for social games that have been around for several years!
I haven’t touched WUG, but I think their singing and performances are impressive.
Even when called to various places, I can quickly learn the songs and dances, so I was told, “That’s impressive,” just like I mentioned in the last stream.
It feels like there were auditions around the time “Bocchi the Rock!” became a huge hit, judging by the number of appearances.
I debuted in high school and now I’m in my thirties, time really flies…
WUG set the year in the character settings for their birth dates, so during the second season of the anime, they were adding the real-time age…
I think WUG members are more popular now than when they were active as a unit.
Because, you see, the early WUG was…
I remember fondly participating in the live broadcasts of the once obscure mobile game Starry Girls, which nobody watched.
I wonder if WUG will have a limited revival at events like Anisama, just like Milky Holmes.
They were regrouping the other day, so that possibility seems quite likely.
WUG was a mobile game that had 62 additional idols besides the anime members at that time.
I just found out recently that they were the leader of WUG.
I thought it was Yoshioka-san.
The character that appeared in a recently released game was Bochi-chan in personality, past, and voice.
Since the hit of Bozaro, that legendary group where Yoshino Aoyama was an idol is gaining attention! I think now is the time for a revival.
The recent reunion was very nice.
I feel like I’ve shown almost all the performances I can do alone, so it seems like the industry is starting to understand how to handle me.
Electronic sound performance
I was surprised when they said to just put that out there as is.
I really like the episode where I bluntly told Mayu Yoshinaka that I dislike her during the WUG training camp.
When playing a character in an anime, work for cats jumps up instantly.
Popularity of the work = Popularity of the performer
That’s the same even in a regular drama…
I was surprised by the current great success because I had the most unremarkable voice in WUG.
Well, it was just that my eyes were blind…
Well, it was understandable back in the days of the first TV anime.
I don’t have a particular reason, but I want a trio song with Tsuyoshi, Virshina, and Dorija.
I thought you were really good at acting since the days of “Ren’ai Boukun.”
Among older works, I particularly liked Guri from “Renai Boukun.”
Minyami has a wide range of vocal qualities, just like Thomas and Alice.
I wonder if Hackadoll will come back too.
I want the content to be revived, regardless of the app.
The only celebrity from Kumamoto.
Can you beat Shigeharu Chiba?
The thread image was winning.
WUG remnants and Earth Star Dream remnants.
I thought Takao-san was doing her best in Aipura.
To call them remnants, everyone is still alive…
I have a faint memory that when WUG was first announced, all the anime fans reacted with similar voices!
First of all, at that time, anime fans had an outrageous negative factor of becoming biased.
Fans around here who have known WUG for a long time probably have stronger memories, don’t you think?
I first got to know WUG voice actors through Hanayamata and Hackadoll.
Kaya Okuno came quite close during the live performance, and her face was really small.
The face was small, but it was conversely far away.
I don’t want to say it too much, but I think things would have been different for the early WUG if there hadn’t been such tremendous negative factors.
I’m just glad that it was able to be dispelled in the new chapter.
Who is inside Kida-chan?
I wonder which work brought us closer together.
It’s a thread image, right?
There are a few characters that people like under different aliases in Kita-chan’s case.
Was it your JK debut?!
The beginning of WUG was a project to turn amateur girls into voice actor idols.
I thought they were someone who specializes in that kind of thing since they were doing the introverted character in Pokémon as well.
I am also the person behind Koharu Tachibana.
They should be close friends with Umma and others besides the thread image.
I want a role other than a loner soon.
I feel like the chairman was also unusually famous for appearing in Hundred.
For a while, I often heard the voice in the in-store announcements of the Aeon in Tohoku.
I liked the short anime about the WUG zoo.
A lot of them, a lot of them.
I think there was a feeling that the wind was starting to change regarding WUG’s popularity since ZOO.
I have the impression that the introverted salesperson has resonated with a considerable demographic.
The biggest flaw of WUG is its director.
You’ve really managed to climb up from such a negative situation.
Stop talking about that person.
Well, when looking back at the history of WUG, it’s a period that cannot be overlooked…
In the second season of Jujutsu Kaisen, at the train platform.
Someone was left behind alone.
Speaking of which, the lone wolf has won against the Mohican.
Is Airi Nagano active?
I stopped watching since they suddenly quit the baseball and personal shows.
Don’t boldly respond with images that abuse the handwritten feature.
I didn’t know the series was still ongoing.
WUG has already disbanded.
That’s why topics like reunions and reformation are coming up.
I feel like my hairstyle changes every few months.
I want to say with a knowing face that the next job gained from a hit role or a noteworthy work is important.
WUG’s first theatrical version was well-received.
It was no good in episode 1 of season 1.
No matter when I think about it, the episode where I’m made to tour local hot springs in a swimsuit shows a bad type of malice.
I am grateful that WUG members are still frequently invited to radio shows and events.
The one who taught Yamashita Nanami, who was not well-versed in subculture, about BL is the one in the thread image.
The thread image shows someone getting angry at Yamada, who hasn’t watched Madoka Magica, saying that watching Madoka Magica is an obligation for otaku! (Madoka Magica aired 14 years ago in 2011)
The Bozaro radio is interesting, isn’t it?
It seems that Kumamoto barely broadcasts late-night anime, but you can still become an otaku there.
Kumamoto also has an Animate, you know.
Did it exist?
I wonder if I still carry around the notebook where I wrote all my puns.
It feels like the entire Kyushu region is producing quite a few voice actors.
No one knew that Ikumi Hasegawa could sing so well.
It’s a shame they were good at making naughty sounds.
It’s a shame that WUG ended just when they finally became able to speak properly after that person left…
I thought the wagurisu event finally happened, but then Wag disbanded and Ran disbanded…
…Why is the senior group still surviving?
Was WUG not in vain after all…
The newcomer discovery project is definitely a big hit.
The WUG members who are surviving in different places are one thing, but I think it’s fair to describe the missing Earth Star as remnants.
The moment Tanaka Minami heard the voice of the new character in the FGO stream, she started crying, saying, “I know this voice!” Well, she’s someone who cries often, but it was surprising.
Simply high acting ability.
Tanaka Miumi, who has been selling like hotcakes.
Nanami Yamashita is blessed with opportunities but has not had a breakout work or has not been given many chances.
Aoyama Yoshino, who has been quietly active as a supporting character, gained popularity in the thread image and in the Pokémon anime.
Sometimes I see Takagi Miku.
The impression of “others.”
I only know the song “Because I Know the Tough Seasons.”
That was fun because they also do calls in the anime, so I could get into it right away at the live performance.
In Kumamoto, anime is somehow being provided by BS11.
Miyu Takagi has a strong image of making a living through Granblue Fantasy and as a lewd DJ.
Miyu Takagi should do more ASMR.