Captain Shuuhei Hizaki has stopped here! “My sister has made her debut! Back to square one!”
When I was attacked by Fear, I didn’t have such an expression.
This is going to sting.
Isn’t it only piercing for big brother?
Omaeda and so on…
Is it easy to team up with Hisaki? Brother.
Interesting handsome man
Hinazuki is more of a convenient unit that can act foolishly towards anyone.
You’re making a face like “What…?”
Why do you have such a pinpoint accurate item ready…?
More effective than Ethnot.
What’s with Hinazuki looking like a classic side story protagonist but being such a foolish character?
To go back to the starting point means that you can step on it as many times as you want…
Thousand Cherry Blossom Scenic Elegance
My brother hurt my pride.
You think it would be funny to make big brother act like a fool, don’t you?
Is that an old anime staff?
The current anime staff says, “Let us join in too!”
Original author: “Isn’t it a bit stale?”
The handling of this Hisaki must be under the supervision of my master, right?
I can’t believe you were able to act calm while executing your sister like that.
Pretending to be calm, I barely endured and overcame it despite being critically injured.
If you are stabbed again, you will die.
In reality, I wasn’t calm at all and my mental state was completely broken.
As a reaction, I became a blindly supportive fan of Ichigo.
“Yoiichi has run away from home!” Back to the beginning!
Every time Chan-ichi is surprised in the story, he makes that face, which makes me laugh.
“Let’s also include ‘My sister is scheduled to be executed.'”
This must be some kind of stinking glue.
It has a look that seems to be able to extract broth infinitely.
I’ve always been wondering if it’s really okay to use this thing that’s on my head like this.
Why do you go back to square one when you run away from home?
Because the things we have been protecting will be ruined.
The new release has a mini-game of Sugoroku.
The vice captain attends a meeting where he slacked off.
One break.
What… did you say…?
Stupid───(kneeling down)
Tell me your recommended store. It’s nice to give my brother a hair accessory for Rukia…
I’m glad I didn’t have to execute you…
Execute Hisaki Shuhei.
It’s unrelated, but I laughed because it seems like something you would actually do.
Recreation of the original work in various ways.
These kinds of compatibility battles are great…
It’s pathetic for someone like the captain to get so worked up over a game.
This from.
Senbonzakura has a strong sense of being capable of being drawn among the zanpakuto.
Isn’t it just Yuon after this one?
Shall we let Chanichi participate?
I’m really glad you were there, Chanichi…
It seems like only Chanichi might be able to handle this kind of consultation…
It seems like it would be troublesome even if I were healed…
This was a dual six project where Rangiku-san requested the 12th Division to produce it, providing Mayuri-sama with his favorite pacific saury, and the twist was that Mayuri-sama, feeling all excited, was about to eat it with Nemu.
I didn’t buy it because I’m not good at fighting games, but the story looks pretty interesting…
It’s just too much of a calamity…
Isn’t it weird that the captains are playing sugoroku?
But if it’s a vibe like Karaburi, you’ll just do it normally…
I understand it’s tough if my little sister runs away, Shiraya…
Can’t you say something like that, Chanichi?
Hirasaki is the type of person who randomly brings up weird stories about riding motorcycles without any context…
The feeling that they might make a sugoroku (board game) is just so perfect it makes me laugh.
You’re trying to do something with the Women’s Grim Reaper Association, aren’t you!
Huh? Were you trying to teach me exercises?
Why don’t you invite me to such interesting things!
(Hisazaki seems to be filled with a different kind of emotion…)
You didn’t look that hopeless even when your Bankai was taken!
When my bankai was taken, I had no other choice but to be prepared for it.
Since the master himself serves up something like an original anime gag episode, that’s Karaburi.
The first episode starts with a barbecue party at the Kurosaki family.
As expected, this person completely falls apart when Rukia is used as leverage!
If Chan-ichi’s sister actually ran away from home, he would be desperate, but he wouldn’t be this unfazed even if he drew this in the game of sugoroku!
Why is my brother able to stay so calm…?
It’s because it’s a board game! You’re overreacting!!!
Maybe there was a panel like this.
In a way, it’s unfair how much they’re making a joke out of the despair face of that… it’s almost a symbol of the work.
It’s someone who ends up making things like a seaweed ambassador on the beach.
What a sharpened aesthetic sense…
It’s not about birth or blood anymore; the roots are that we are siblings.
What’s up with these people, they’re completely unrelated; she’s my brother-in-law’s wife’s sister, not some kind of familial sister-in-law.
Well, it’s good to be on good terms, but…
When Kira took the third squad to camp, there was something going on in the woods; Iba-san was singing while Shuhei played guitar in the background.
The way I collapse to my knees after that desperate face is just too unfair.
The recreation of the story is of course impressive, and the original story is also quite elaborate and interesting in this game.
I think it would become an excellent character game if they could just improve the quality of the key scenes in the main story and replace them later.
But I’m already quite satisfied, and given the scale of the manufacturer, it’s hard to ask for more effort. So please, just make adjustments to the balance (mainly bugs) and the online settings.
Even though it’s a secondary topic, it’s oddly fitting that my older brother is in shock over whether to buy discounted eggs, and this person suits the humorous role way too well.
I thought I was seeing it a lot lately, and it turns out there’s a new game out. I wonder if Bach and the knights are in it too?
The story goes up to the Arrancar arc.
If a handsome guy with a voice like Okiayu was seriously doing something funny, it would be interesting.
This is something I’ve seen in T〇rrels too!
Recently, Tamsoft has transformed into a high-quality character game studio…
I want you to talk nonsense in the blood battle arc on this line.
Only the gag scenes are done properly.
Put more effort into recreating the iconic scenes! Come on, staff!!!
Chad seems to get along well with the Grim Reapers, doesn’t he?
Once I tried it, instead of becoming instant like a frame from a manga, it slowly changes the expression in the thread, which is just too interesting.
I acted recklessly when I welcomed my wife, so I will never do that again!
My sister is in big trouble, but I can’t go against it because I decided during my wife’s time!
For Chan, who solved everything, I would even die for my best friend!
So once they become convinced of something, they are so single-minded that they reject any reasonable opinions from outsiders.
The recreation of the story can’t be called good, to say the least.
Can’t you say it? I’m surprisingly scared because there are anonymous people who are actually complimenting.
I appreciate that they are putting in a tremendous effort in terms of volume by featuring lots of NPCs and stages.
The volume of the story is insane!
Where to look for the reproduction, I wonder.
I want the model’s motion to be a bit better, but I can only praise the fact that it’s fully voiced from start to finish.
Full voice is normal, right?!
I want to see Shunpo vs. Sonido too!
I’ve been mimicking rock so much that I can’t break the rules any further… right, big brother…?
In Dragon Ball or Naruto games, full voice acting is common, but isn’t it different for other character games…?
First of all, Dragon Ball and Naruto are too strong as titles…
This volume being fully voiced is not normal at all.
This game took a year and a half to record.
This game also has English voice acting.
I don’t have any characters I want to use.
Even One Piece hardly ever gets a fully voiced game.
There are issues with the competition, but it’s far better than Spakin Zero.
There is also the question of why that was so ridiculous to that extent.
My standard for trying to recreate the story is Kakarot, so even Sparking Zero won’t be considered trying hard!
I will never forgive the development of Dai’s Great Adventure and Jujutsu.