Don’t spoil it in the title! 👆💦
What’s wrong?
Did it fall?
Well, I suppose it will fall.
Where is my son?
You took a few, right?
Total defeat.
What was the name of this manga again?
My small failure.
Is it about child-rearing?
Is it an exam or something?
“Always between the first son’s entrance exams, I failed with the paid advance section.”
I thought it was a divorce.
What was the original judgment?
No good.
What, no way!? Then why are you so confident about this!?
It’s a form of escapism or maybe just being optimistic…
If you pass, everything will turn out fine…
You have the qualities of a gambler.
If you are losing, you probably don’t have the talent.
There’s no way that someone who can win is a gambler.
I fell…
My eldest son took the high school entrance exam, but even a week before the test, he was making excuses and being lazy, saying he wouldn’t go to cram school unless he got pocket money from his dad.
I took the exam.
I fell.
Sori Yamasaotaro
(Gunma, Meiji 19 – Showa 17)
There are cases where you fail to get into any high school… I guess that can happen…
High IQ type of development (gifted)
The most troublesome one!
Because I’m overly smart, I don’t have the habit of studying at home at all, and it was a case that felt very familiar and was a failure.
Up until middle school, you can manage with the savings from elementary school…
This is about me…
Those who insist on calling themselves “gifted” definitely don’t have any gifts.
The hardware performance was probably high.
It seems like the software ruined everything.
Are you really spoiling them that much…?
He was the type of son who had normal disabilities like a head impairment or hearing impairment.
Is it a high school entrance exam…? I thought it was a junior high school entrance exam.
Failing the high school entrance exam is really serious.
Setting unnecessarily high goals despite being lazy.
If you set the non-slip grip above the realistic line, then of course everything will fall off.
You’ve grown so much already!?
In my high school, about 1 in 30 students enrolled after repeating a year in middle school.
The eldest son was supposed to have good grades, but did he fail all his safety schools!?
What are you going to do? Communication?
Because I have a developmental disorder, it can’t be helped.
Hey hey hey
You were a power type, right? Someone with a temper.
I hope you find a good workplace.
Among those taking notes, I wonder how many of them could actually beat me? I remember things even without taking notes. I’m saying that coolly, but if I end up failing everything, that would be incredibly foolish, right? Acting like a strong character from a manga… Am I really a strong character, or is this a monumental death flag…? Hmm… I was the older kid who wasn’t taking notes… Zuuun…
A guy who doesn’t betray expectations.
So this is how it turned out…
With this level of deformation, this person would be quite chubby in real life…
In the end, I’m a laughingstock in a manga.
It’s not a good life.
This itself is already something I’ve told my son, and it’s a fact that I’m making a living with my parent’s manga…
Well, it’s a child’s life, so there’s a part where it can’t be helped even if parents say this or that, right?
What are parents supposed to do if children, who can’t take responsibility for themselves, don’t listen?
Whose life it is, failing an exam isn’t the future anyone hoped for.
He’s become a giant…
Moreover, there isn’t a single aspect of their personality that you can like as long as it’s depicted in the manga.
Well, since it’s someone else’s depiction, it can’t be trusted.
While there may be some exaggeration, isn’t that quite significant for a manga from a parent’s perspective…?
The image of a wife who constantly yells and kicks her husband is exaggerated, considering that in reality she is such a beautiful and seemingly kind person, right?!
Don’t parents have any bias due to their desires?
In February, if you’re watching the First Gundam, you definitely got your dad to take you to see Zieg Axes.
It’s just a regular idiot with a developmental disorder…
Is it even bigger than the author with that build?!
I feel like the reason is a subtle success experience of silencing a bully with my strength…
It’s gotten too big.
Well, there should be some places with vacancies…
Is the child a DK!?
The type that can make excuses is the most troublesome to deal with.
Well, adolescence is something like that, to a greater or lesser extent…
Types with high intelligence and development like this are not suited for high school entrance exams, so it’s better to take the middle school entrance exams and skip the high school entrance exams.
University entrance exams can be deceived with intelligence.
I had the impression that high schools wouldn’t let you apply to places where you might fail.
It’s not really about being smart; it’s just that when things are straightforward, you can manage by memorizing them casually.
I think I just never really grasped how to learn properly…
My first choice is one thing, but did I also fail at my safety school?
Do they have the intention to work?
Well, it might not just be a stronghold of white-collar jobs from now on, and not having a degree won’t necessarily lead to death.
Even for those who supposedly don’t take notes, they should be able to take exams well enough to go to school…
Were you just acting cool even though you were no good at the exam?
I just failed without studying, so it’s better than failing after working really hard, I guess…
When I think about entering society, isn’t it tougher if I can’t do my best there…?
What happens if you fail all the entrance exams for high school?
You don’t know?
It can’t be helped.
Should I wait for the enrollment cap to be reached, become a ronin, pursue correspondence courses, or look for a job?
Yutapon, how have you been?
Did you not receive your high school diploma through correspondence?
For some reason, I’m riding a large motorcycle now.
Riding through the vast lands overseas on a motorcycle.
Usually, there are some places with fewer applicants, so there will be a second recruitment.
Even if the person or their family don’t know about it, the school will inquire.
Under-enrolled public schools, second round recruitment, or part-time and correspondence education.
It is indeed a rare case to become a ronin (student who is preparing for entrance exams) until high school.
It feels like there are quite a few things like secondary options, regular hours, and safety nets…
Well, that’s still safe…
In the first place, getting rejected everywhere is a rare case, right?
I’m the type of person who can do it if I try… so it’s a turning point on whether I’ll become that kind of person or not.
I feel like I probably got a zero on the math entrance exam, but I passed anyway…
I only studied the day before, and I still passed.
I think I was crossing a fairly dangerous bridge.
What are we going to do next…?
Whether to become a ronin or seek help from the re-enrollment of a part-time correspondence course with insufficient enrollment.
Speaking of which, there was a manga about night school, right?
I can understand the feeling of not wanting to try because it feels frustrating to please your parents during a rebellious phase; it’s something I can relate to and it’s painful…
Has my son grown that much already?
It feels physically big, and it would be problematic if it goes wild.
The children here, both the older son and the younger son, had developmental issues, right?
The eldest son has a diagnosis, but what about the second son?
You might not understand, given that you haven’t even been able to get married, let alone have children.
At least until they become adults, it is the parents’ responsibility to take care of their child’s life, and that is parenting…
When I was working as a tutoring instructor, there were usually kids like this.
Is it possible to fail all high school entrance exams…?
Isn’t it the case that, regardless of private or public schools, you should at least be able to get into the lowest-ranking high school in that area?
Seeing this arrogant attitude, it seems like you excluded the option of not wanting to go to such places and only applied to places that are beyond your means…
The feeling of omnipotence that comes from a groundless confidence that one can actually do it is something everyone has.
When the timing of its loss is delayed, such tragedies are born.
Well, it’s probably going to be okay…
If you completely fail, it would be fine to go to a technical high school that has a second round of recruitment…
Well, you can probably get into a high school like NicoNico now.
I guess I have no choice but to make money by using my stupid and foolish son as material.
Well, I think it’s the events that break us once that make us human.
As for my son, it would really be better for him to experience this first setback.
I already failed the middle school entrance exam, you know!
Did you make a child with a disability take the junior high school entrance exam?
Anyway, I’m just…
It’s a magic word.
Aren’t you getting treated at a low-cost place with insurance?
It seems that in the future, like Nishihara, children might sue for privacy infringement.
I mean, if you knew there was a disability, you should have let them take the entrance exam at least if they could write their name…
This child should have good grades at school.
It’s not that I lack intelligence; it’s more about my personality being like that…
There are schools that can somehow help with intelligence…
Did you not apply to private schools where you would pass just by writing your name?
Even my parents were laid-back and failed all their high school entrance exams, ending up in night school, so it’s clearly in the blood.
Yutabon is attending a correspondence high school and has passed the high school diploma equivalency test, so it’s disrespectful to compare him to the child in the thread image.
Is it just that they are a simple fool and a slacker?
It’s not a total loss! It’s almost everything.
The anti-slip is passing!
I’m glad.
I’m sorry I haven’t read the paid version yet…
Did you pass the slip prevention?
I wish that were the case…
Isn’t it the case that public schools are all under capacity now?
My eldest son looked so happy when he was diagnosed as gifted.
It is not a quality that can adapt to school education…
What happens if you fail completely? Drop out of middle school?
I should have received a recommendation, shouldn’t I?
There is that sense of omnipotence unique to little brats who don’t know society yet.
I might end up attending night school for about four years, just like my dad.
To be honest, it’s extremely rare to be a high school repeat student these days, but I’m only around 15 or 16.
Is there such a thing as being a rōnin in high school?
Aren’t you going to let me in somewhere out of pity?
There are so many high schools with more openings than applications right now.
Honestly, I don’t think broadcasting my son’s disgraceful behavior to the whole world is something that can be justified just because permission was obtained.
Well, I guess it can’t be helped since I’m making a living from it…
Giftedness is just a workaround for children who have 99% of no talent, right…?
Please do not impose the words that you disliked when they were said to you on other children.
For now, I only tell children with high numerical IQs, so that’s a different story.
Just because someone has a high IQ doesn’t mean they are also smart.
“Angel” or “a different kind of talent” is exactly that.
Giftedness has diagnostic criteria.
It’s just that studying at school doesn’t suit me!! I’m like Edison!! There are successful schools overseas that gather gifted students!!
People often say that, but I wonder if they really succeed overseas…
The “Hare” type overseas is almost like an escape from reality.
Real gifted people produce results, you know.
There are also people who passed the Tokyo University of the Arts and dropped out, like those with an IQ of 140 who design motorcycle helmets.
It’s amazing that this has four Yeahs in it; it feels really anonymous…
Even if it’s self-promotion, whether it really had the support of four people or not.
This couple went to great lengths regarding the entrance exam.
It just didn’t resonate with him/her at all…
If you’ve passed the slip resistance test, then there’s no problem at all.
I remembered an unpleasant memory of being the only one to be left out of the friendship circle because I unexpectedly passed an entrance exam that was about four ranks higher than the safety school I was planning to attend with all my friends, and I couldn’t even tell my parents, “I don’t want that.”
Dad is doing his best after going through setbacks, too…
Dad says it’s a setback, but to the outside world, it looks like I’m enjoying myself…
The background of the establishment of the karate club is quite enjoyable.
In extreme terms, this kind of discussion ultimately boils down to the individual’s perception being everything…
Even if it’s shocking, it’s still good that you passed the slip prevention test, isn’t it?
If you’ve passed the slipping prevention test, then you’ve already succeeded.
People like this feel a sense of defeat when faced with underwhelming numbers, so they either work, spend a year as a ronin, or give in and become reclusive.
If you can understand your situation with this, it’s a low cost.
The parents being upset up to this point is…
Isn’t the anti-slip level probably better than a dump that is seriously at a middle school dropout level?
Is it like Hina’s high school in Hinamatsuri?
You can take high school entrance exams until the last minute in March.
If anything goes, it’s easy to throw any idiot into a private school.
When choosing a school, if parents blindly accept their son’s desired school without properly understanding his abilities, it won’t turn out well; therefore, the responsibility of the parents is quite significant.
If your original performance is high, then instead of wasting it here, if you work hard for three years in high school, there are plenty of learning opportunities now, and you can easily make up for it.
If it rots, it’s already no good.
Yeah, the hurdle is high…
It doesn’t seem like they are doing it voluntarily.
Have you never taken them to a cram school even once?
It is an opportunity to realize that not only are there people above me, but even those below me are in a better position.
If you can go there and be number one in your class, I can give you some pocket money or something like that.
First, I won’t go unless I get my allowance.
This is no good.
The eldest son has been going to cram school all along.
You can understand if you read it, but it’s at a level where I give money to send them to juku even though they are already enrolled.
Even if I go, I won’t take notes.
Isn’t it sad for the kids who have been told that they’ve failed?
Children cannot choose their parents.
Well, parents can’t choose their children…
If I was playing around with a sense of ease, it’s only natural that it would be depicted in a manga.
After all, I’m living off royalties from manga.
That becomes the rice that eventually goes into my own mouth.
A child who is bullied and has developmental disabilities and hearing impairments.
It’s great that your dad is rich.
It’s better to experience setbacks early on, and from now on, you’ll tackle it seriously.
I wonder how someone who fails high school entrance exams can have confidence in their own intellect.
A typical example that having a high IQ does not guarantee success in life.
If your character is bad, there’s nothing you can do about it.
They say there was a setback once, but wasn’t the eldest son applying for elementary or junior high entrance exams?
Not growing at all…
Where can you find a gifted person who can’t even pass the high school entrance exam?
It’s a matter of building a foundation, not to mention that it’s a high school entrance exam.
A gift that isn’t even based on fundamentals is the same as being empty.
Isn’t building up the basics the act you struggle with the most?
The eldest son is really strong in boxing, so he should go in that direction.
They are completely unmotivated.
Can Yutabon do boxing…?
By the way, this eldest son also slacked off in studying for the junior high school entrance exam and failed.
I skipped studying again this time and failed.
It’s amazing that they have to take the entrance exam for junior high school…
I don’t mean to be rude, but even a manga artist at Shige-chan’s level has enough financial power to raise two children and send them to boxing classes and juku (supplemental school).
Shige-chan has a house!
Didn’t Dad drop out of high school?
I went to college, just for the record.
It’s common for things to happen after starting high school, but this is less than that…
Do you have any talents other than studying?
Having a high IQ is impressive, but if nothing comes of it…
Because Shige-san is someone from the part-time system, right?
It’s blood, isn’t it?
It’s common to find ordinary people who consider themselves to be relaxed geniuses, but isn’t it quite rare for a truly relaxed genius to be in this state?
A self-proclaimed gifted person that doesn’t lead to results is just an empty box…
If you don’t want to try hard, you don’t have to.
Then I should have led you to a path where you could advance without having to struggle.
If you couldn’t do that for a 15-year-old kid, I think it’s the parent’s responsibility.
Isn’t it the kind of group that gets single-digit scores on regular tests if they fail all of high school?
My cousin is this type, and even though he went to Waseda, he was broken-hearted by feelings of inferiority and ended up making a meager living in a mountain vegetable field after receiving a mountain from our grandfather.
I’m not quite a hermit, but…
You’re gifted, right?
I think it’s time to stop being general and start facing reality and send them to a proper place.
Isn’t there a problem on Shige-chan’s side for letting the exam takers play Dragon Quest?
What is high intelligence that cannot handle high school entrance exams?
You can pass to some extent without doing much for high school entrance exams.
Well, even if you go to a good school, there are cases where it’s tough if you aren’t surrounded by good people…
The secret to making friends at any school might be how you continue to do so…