If there are more than ten Vastrolate under Aizen at this point… then the Soul Society is finished.
“Here is the sword of the lingering flames.”
It feels like we’re out in terms of strength and also out in terms of the balance of our spirit…
It seems like everyone except for the mountain elder will be destroyed.
And if Yama-jii burned everyone, that would also mess up the balance of the world.
If you’re incinerating the spirit particles, won’t the soul itself be gone?
Huh? Does that mean you’re essentially a Quincy?
As long as spirits don’t remain in the human world, the balance between the human world and Soul Society won’t be disrupted, but in the case of Hueco Mundo, the balance tips dramatically as soon as a powerful being is defeated, so it’s impossible either way.
It was okay because there were not ten bodies under the indigo dye.
In reality, you can’t win against 1 to 3 with just one captain.
If there are more than 10 that require 2 to 3 captains to defeat, it’s over.
After this line, there’s a scene transition and it shows twenty compatriots, but there are only about three of them, which is strange!
It really feels like there are times when there aren’t even 10 of them, huh?
As something close, there is the nameless shura from Fist of the North Star.
“I’m just a low-level guy who hasn’t even been given a name! If you go further from here, you’ll meet formidable opponents who are allowed to bear names stronger than mine, so be prepared!”
They said something like that, but there are only a handful of guys stronger than him who can be counted on one hand.
As long as I can get a name, there’s no need to become stronger; it’s a flawed system.
Because this follows from being above the captain rank, that’s just how it is.
But there weren’t that many.
That’s great!
This is the first time I’ve seen a pattern where there are not 10 bodies with this freebie.
In front of our 20 comrades (not referring to the Vastrade class)
In the end, how many Vastorodes were there among the Espada?
With estimates included, 0 to 4 of the 4 bodies are former Vastord.
Wonderweiss is outside the Ten Blades.
It’s not confirmed, but isn’t it seven people: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and Wan?
Isn’t 0 an Ajuukas with an unlimited enhancement limit?
If anything, this kind is the type that has an extra 1-2 bodies, isn’t it…
If they’re there, the stylish teacher can’t easily overturn the settings, so it really ends.
Is it okay for everyone with 6 or higher to be a Vastrode?
I think it’s a judgment based on individual strength that it’s impossible in terms of military power since we were just talking about Vastorode’s fighting ability.
It’s a bit suspicious, you know…
Is that guy even real to begin with…?
There are a lot of relatives.
I wonder what that is.
Since there are six fingers, there are various theories like one of the Merhens being Hollowed out or the Hollow being able to reproduce, leading to the theory of a Hollow lineage.
However, it bothers me that the only one from that clan, Ulquiorra, lacks the characteristics of a Hollow, so personally, I prefer the former.
Most Vastrode have personalities that are not suited for battle.
The numbers are few, and motivation is low, but I managed somehow.
After the talk that it would be the end if there were more than 10 Vastrorde class, it quickly switches to a scene where the Espada have gathered.
You’ll misunderstand, right…?
It’s used as a joke, but if the concern actually came true, then it’s correct, so the child’s captain’s assessment isn’t wrong.
It was somehow manageable since it was less than the worst-case scenario.
Even so, it was dangerous because the mountain elder meta was prepared.
Since releases above 4 are too strong and there’s a setting that says not to use them below that level, I believe it’s from Ulquiorra to the Vasto Lorde line.
If Yamaji or Kyouraku’s Bankai is activated, they might win, but when all three of them did that, the Gotei 13 was in a state of complete destruction, so it’s probably the end of Soul Society anyway.
After all, it’s a Gillian.
After all, they’re Gillians (most of the dead Hollows are Adjuchas).
There are many sources of confusion around there.
Gin and Tosen are at least ranked higher than the Espada, and if Aizen is stronger than all the Espada combined, then overall it might be about the fighting power of 8 or 9 Vasto Lorde?
I can win, but Soul Society is over!
If Yama-jii goes all out, he can generally win against everything.
In fact, the battle in the main story would have ended if Halibel had died…
They’re talking about the Vastolorde class, but for regular Shinigami, even Menos are dangerous.
Far from Menos, even a huge one would turn into a mountain of corpses if it’s not at the captain level.
In the case of a true foot soldier, facing a Huge is already impossible, let alone Menos.
Basically, the basic combat of the current world’s death gods involves surprise attacks targeting vital points from behind.
Although handled carelessly, Imoyama-san is elite as they themselves acknowledge.
The balance of that world is too peaky.
I was surprised to find out that not everyone was like that after the series ended.
Bleach is too much for me.
Even without ten bodies in the main story, there’s a good chance they would have been devastated if the masked army hadn’t been there…
Baraggan is too strong.
The confirmed Vastorode is 1, 2, 3, and 4’s Ulquiorra is something I don’t really understand.
That said, when asked if 1 to 3 are ordinary, 1 is still too strong even if it has weakened due to splitting, and became a Hollow; 2 is the oldest Hollow and has significantly weakened; and 3 has a mysterious ability that allows it to maintain its powers without preying on other Hollows, so the Vastolorde as described has not appeared in the main story.
Looking at it that way, it was pretty lucky that it was just the main cast.
I wonder if 2 is just not mentioned and isn’t a regular evolution…
It is certainly true that the only one who can be said to have definitely achieved proper evolution is Zaeal Apollo.
For an ordinary Shinigami, even facing a Hollow head-on is a life-and-death battle.
There’s no chance of winning against a giant void.
First of all, Chanichi and his surroundings are weird, so as a reader, I have no standard to go by.
Even Chad, who is made fun of, is below captain but above vice-captain.
Ishida is as strong as Bankai Ichigo and Bankai Renji by the time of the Arrancar arc.
Did the world break on its own if Yuha Bach and the others continued hunting Menos and Arrancars?
I have a memory of Mayuri working hard to fix it, though.
However, that doesn’t mean the goal is to turn the world upside down, so Harribel is being confined instead of killed.
Would Kyouraku have won if he had continued to face Stark one-on-one without surprising the Shadow Demon?
Stark’s wolf bomb is a technique to weaken enemies by chipping away at their soul and then exploding, so if you persist, you can win.
Even the weakest named shinigami, Hanataro, is still a single-digit seat officer, so he’s really elite.
It’s at the level of a captain who can take on executives or named classes…
They are the top 1% of the Death God’s forces.
It’s just too much of a challenge to become a higher species in the ecology of the void.
In reality, only one and two and Wonderweiss are dead, and the boundary between the living world and Soul Society has become all messy, so Aizen, who cut off Halibel, is really the worst.
Well, it all started with the prologue of the final chapter disappearing too much, and the world is in trouble!
Wonderweiss was small even before his Arrancar transformation, so he is probably a Vastolorde.
I don’t really understand how capable the officer class is in terms of combat, as there seems to be a wide range within this category.
If you can start resolving issues as an elite officer, you’ll be a super elite.
Of course, I’m definitely more excellent than a real plain death god…
I think the weak ones that get one-punched by Chad can at best be defeated in a one-on-one with a Huge Hollow.
At the Spirit Arts Academy, we learn to break the mask in a surprise attack during battles against phantoms.
The only one executing named attacks is the 69 who aims for surprise with bindings and small items.
It seems that types of humans like Shrieker and Zael Apollo, who have lost their hearts since they were human, instantly become hollows upon death, which might give them a certain advantage in evolving.
Weiss was born from a completely awakened Chōgyoku, right?
Did that produce the Menos from nothing instead of transforming one from around here?
Because there are fundamentally isolated walls between the Grim Reaper, Heibei, the deputy captain, and the captain…
Furthermore, at the level of the main story, it’s not like a vice-captain hired through connections like Ikakumo; even the vice-captain is lacking in strength.
In front of 20 comrades (not Vastrode) (not Espada) (not the full enemy members)
What was that scene?
It seems that 20 people happened to participate in the tea party.
If it’s just a Vastrode, it seems like the old man from the mountains could burn dozens of them by himself.
It will burn, but if I burn it, I will lose the conditions.
When it’s burned, the boundary melts at that point, and the real world and Soul Society collide, causing both worlds to explode.
I think it’s strong because if it breaks three, it doesn’t take any damage.
The person from Exeta is an idiot for coming into the battlefield with the strength equivalent to five seats, where there are so many captains.
Although the Vastrode, which is stronger than the captain, should be getting even stronger through Espada transformation, it seems that Stark and Baraggan have become weaker than in their prime during the Hollow era…
It’s outrageous that Rukia wasn’t even an officer at first.
What seat?
I see.
How many seats?
In the story, they casually cut down the Arrancars, so I didn’t think the world was in danger.
It is very unflattering that Taira can be subdued by Orihime even with bare hands.
The more I think about it, the worse it is!
Orihime is a bit too strong.
The quality varies significantly depending on the squad, as the regular member Makimaki from the 11th Division is restraining Orihime.
There’s a story that says spiritual pressure enhances physical abilities, so the difference in spiritual pressure between the Shinigami and the living world group is terrible…
If Nii-san has made arrangements for safety, let’s stop that kind of thing…
When truly strong ones attack, it only results in a massacre at the level of a Quincy, highlighting the thinness of the Soul Reapers.
That’s doing that while being in a situation where they’ve been almost completely defeated in the information war since going gunmetal.
Even though there is a time limit, at least we haven’t been wiped out.
This is too awful considering there are only a few bodies outside.
This world is balanced with the living world, Soul Society, and Hueco Mundo…
Vastorode will become incredibly light whether it’s cut or destroyed, causing a collapse of balance in the void.
Even as a Gillian, when it becomes an Arrancar, it can still easily defeat the raw form of Harribel, so it’s true that its spiritual pressure is at the level of a Vasto Lorde.
The reason you must not defeat Vastroad is simply because the amount of soul and spirit is too bothersome.
I think Nel was also a Vastolorde.
(I made arrangements so that Rukia wouldn’t become an officer with many dangerous missions, and it seems you followed through properly, Utitake.)
In the first place, most of the time in the work, it’s unclear whether it’s Vastroad or something else, so they probably didn’t think about it much…
What would happen if there were many? That was explored in the Thousand-Year Blood War arc.
It’s really terrible how the higher ranks automatically get weakened.
Orihime is strong enough to reach the level of a karate black belt just from being taught a little by Tatsuki…
At the point of that clearly oversized Menos, it’s as if the average power level of the Soul Reapers is too low, being about 99% weaker than that of a Soul Reaper.
Although it can be used at least until the initial release, having Enjoji in the third seat gives off a strong sense of manpower shortage.
Baragan, that guy is going to age anyway, his heart will weaken and he’ll lose his power, it’s an inevitable nature of his…
That guy has been an old man since a long time ago, so I can’t even tell what level of weakening he’s at!
I don’t think Quincy foot soldiers are that strong without His Majesty’s buff.
After a quick search, I found that Baragan died because of his own abilities and was completely annihilated, but it seems that quite a few inconvenient things happened in that battle…
The Vastolorde wannabe cat-chan who wants to fight Ichigo is way too much trouble…
Ishida finished the weasel, and that’s the surface layer.
It’s a top tier title, but it’s kind of lame like the weasel, so I wonder if it’s okay to use it confidently despite being overlooked.
It seems that Don Kannonji is normally stronger than a regular team member when it becomes a spirit.
Orihime is skilled in both academics and sports, despite her personality and appearance.
GJ is an Ajukasu, right?
It seems that they became a Vastrad class in the novel.
Correctly, it is the Ajuukas certification that is strong in the Vastrode class.
It’s not Vastrode.
GJJJ is an Ajukas, but it seems that in the Hisaki novels, they have trained and become strong enough to reach the Vast Road level.
The loach is also an elite with abilities, you know…
Yummy is a Ajucas, right?
It seems that the design settings for the Espada have not been solidified at all at the time of the thread image.
In a way, it doesn’t matter; I don’t want to kill, I want to fight and become friends. Chanichi’s stance is correct, isn’t it…?
Did Yami mention Vastolorde or Ajukars?
8 has split and is now a Jujutsu.
An example where fidelity to world-building does not lead to interest.
Surefire bottom-ranked Vast lord Aarroniro and sure-fire mid-ranked Vast lord (formerly top-ranked Vast lord) Zael Apollo.
Mainly, although the various incidents caused by indigo dyeing were particularly abnormal, there were also times when the Tenth Division captain was killed in battle and there was a vacancy, especially around the time when Hirako and his team were serving as captains.
Although I may be too complacent, GJJJJJ got his arm cut off by Tosen, which has thrown off the power balance.
Captain Tosen is strong.
I have no reason to be criticized…!
The higher the rank, the more it becomes a world-destroying bomb, it’s pathetic.
Considering that Chad could be taken out with one hit even with three seats, it’s clear that the bald guy is on a different level of strength among the three seats.
The number of the ten blades is also a trap in the order of combat power.
The people of Vastroad casually weaken, and there are even Ajuukas who become stronger than Vastroad.
It seems that even the Hollow can be trained to become stronger…
Zael Apollo is Vastrode → split into Gillian → doing his best to become Adjuchas.