I don’t get it…
Is this what they call “aging”?
You’re just a role that gets grilled by the prosecutor and defense attorney at the court due to a memory mix-up.
The rocking derailment seems worse than the original.
Memo! (Bang!)
But I’m not lying and there’s no psycholock, so I’m the worst kind.
It’s a case that’s too much like “why did you bring in the witnesses?”
Naruhodo-kun proves in court that “there is an important witness!” and brings them forward.
The prosecutor’s side knew about it but remained silent! Add that as well.
And they are made to stand in the witness box and said, “…that’s why I removed them from the witness.”
A modest yet strong enemy around episode 3.
The one who makes a bombshell statement at the end of the last part of the trial, and then the second day ends.
I feel like I would talk a lot about things no one asked me about.
Is this the “checking answers” moment? (BGM stops)
The defense attorney should not provoke the witness further to complete their testimony! There will be penalties!
Guilty mama
It’s just that I’ve simply forgotten, or rather, no matter what I do, I can’t remember, but I’m the type who remembers later.
The testimonies that were dismissed as delusions ultimately turned out to be entirely correct.
As expected, it’s Brother Datsu.
A trial where only Tatsu-niichan and Yahari are the witnesses.
It’s no longer a trial…
Who is the defendant?
Both the defense and the prosecution are thinking, “This is no good,” and trying to withdraw.
The judge listens while empathizing and continues to let the witness testify.
Koko-chan is happy to have made a promise for a feast.
A type of witness who is also anxious on the prosecutor’s side.
A crash face is a calm type.
I’m sorry for asking you multiple times, but…
Is my statement the same as before?
It’s clear that he’s a kind uncle who seems intimidating but doesn’t say harsh things, so I end up being considerate and my retorts become dull.
I’m starting to feel a bit anxious…
I don’t intend to lie, but does it become perjury when I’m wrong?
Did I say something like that!?
Tatsu-ni looks like a delinquent when he gets colored.
Hey, Naru-chan… could you ease up a bit on the teasing?
It’s work for us too…
Even uncles cry, you know…?
Uncle’s tears are ugly, you know…?
Recently, I’ve been saying that my eyesight is poor or that my memory isn’t good, and the judge is really agreeing with me.
The client is Senior Kazama.
Was I… even there that day? At the scene?
→to confront
Um… that was definitely yesterday… or was it the day before yesterday?
I ate dinner that night… what did I eat?
While I was walking through the city, I passed by a park… I wonder what kind of park it was…
So there was a person who collapsed… The police say that it was apparently the victim, but I can’t say for sure because I didn’t see clearly…
So there was a person who met my gaze and hurriedly ran away, and that person apparently was the defendant… I can’t really tell since I didn’t see clearly.
Are there times when memories become more detailed fragments than a jigsaw puzzle?
I don’t get the point.
I feel like there was a time when the first panel had a thread drawing.
The site is a snack bar.
The victim is mom.
(Surprised judge)
(Naruhodo, clutching his head and leaning forward)
(Mitsurugi with a displeased expression, resting on her elbows)
Hey, you there, prosecutor! Yes! It looked like someone dressed like that prosecutor over there…
…I mean, isn’t that person the prosecutor over there?
The man’s testimony is extremely questionable… this trial proves it!
That’s nonsense!
Name and occupation
My name is Tatsumi… it should be Takuro! Well… at this age, I rarely get called by my first name, so I just forgot it for a moment…
I understand.
Sometimes, I forget my name because everyone only calls me “Judge.”
Maybe Akemi-chan is a fake breast category that tells lies for money.
Morita will probably testify very seriously.
The image of Tatsu-ni is that he stirs things up with misunderstandings, while Morita gets overly excited and embellishes things dramatically.
The incident begins when Yahari suddenly stops by a snack bar and falls in love with Akemi-chan.
Shibukawa Trial
I can imagine Mayoi-chan looking at me with a look of exasperation.
I’m glad that you trust me.
I can’t even believe in myself the most… ?
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney…
Every time I review the testimony, it changes slightly, so I have to hit it on the first try.
I understand that it sounds like a recipe for a turnaround.
What is a donburi? What kind of donburi did you eat and where?
…Did you eat a bowl of rice? What about me?
Well, when you think of a bowl of rice, it’s gotta be Yoshinoya or Matsuya, right?
(The correct answer is soba restaurant)
Wow, sometimes there was a nice smell of dipping sauce in front of the shop.
…Ah! The soba shop’s bowl is delicious too!
Presenting → Newspaper dated 2025
I remembered!!! I stopped by the beef bowl shop not yesterday, but the day before yesterday!!
…Wait a minute?
So where was I last night?
→ to confront
You were here… in this place!
Hearing you say that makes me feel that way too…
Yamada’s testimony is lacking in interest… there’s no need for provocation either.
Please do not seek entertainment at the witness stand!
The witness’s dinner is irrelevant, isn’t it!
Refrain from questioning that is unrelated to the incident!
In that case… there’s nothing to talk about!?
Shall I tell you about the time I was hospitalized the other day?
…Is that really the case? What did Tatsumi-san eat…?
Not important.