I am honored to have been able to carry out operations with the people I imagined.
It’s nice, isn’t it, Kaede-chan…?
It’s not that it makes a difference they were there, but I’m glad they were.
Holds the SR rank
It’s quite tough that guns are ineffective against the enemies at the Double Death Mansion.
〇Travis August 【SR】 Rescue
Condition for joining 〇Kinozaka Zanka [SSR]
Destruction Squad Command
Self-Defense Forces Cooperation
〇 The Perception of Spiritual Pollution in Paintings (Why didn’t you say that paintings are dangerous?)
〇Morita (the deceased) to prevent the explosion and gate opening.
〇Prevention of reaching the final sea (Transported by Prime Minister Shiba and Defense Minister Kiryu)
This is about as good as it gets, so it’s around R in that party.
The bus guide cosplay was cute, right?
Wow, it was so intense that I really enjoyed it…
These two are ridiculously big…
This was really impressive, so I remember it.
Oh, you actually pointed that out properly!
I was working much harder than I remember.
Without the efforts of Mayunashi, there would have been no Double Death Tavern, huh?
Speaking of which, it was this person who made the re-entry of the destroyer possible…
If this lady isn’t around, we won’t be able to coordinate with the Self-Defense Forces or Director Madara.
It’s really big that I helped the professor, who was about to be thrown into a painting at the very beginning, by shooting.
If the doctor had been eaten by the painting over there, it would have been the end.
I don’t want to imagine a scenario where the reverser has completely fallen into the enemy’s hands…
The early Doctor Augustus is undoubtedly prey for the portrait…
By the end, he turns into a bold old man who charges into others’ artwork!
I can only say that Takoha’s “Let’s break down Soubo-tei by crossing this line!!!” really hit hard.
(Since Tacoha does not know the doctor’s past, it is completely coincidental.)
Because she was modeling in the nude, it gives the impression that Kurenai hasn’t been very active, but when I read it again, I’m surprised at how much she’s really working.
Well, being a naked model is a prerequisite for dealing with annoying artists.
It’s a valuable unit with a special attack against Kotou (Shikigami)…
As a specialist in dealing with spirits, I become extremely strong in that area.
It’s a bit awkward since I stay naked until I show my true worth…
The eyebrowless lady is nice, isn’t she…?
It’s an essential unit to prevent the opening of the sea, so without it, we are in trouble.
It is true that if any party member is missing, it will be a dead end.
It was cute how I was angry being called “Obasan” by Aoi, even though I’m still in my twenties!
Madara ♡
Don’t put in strange noises.
But still, that bald guy was really capable and a good person…
There are only people here who would be stuck if they weren’t around…
I liked how Remka and the lieutenant were like a comedy duo.
Lieutenant! Lieutenant!! It was funny when the Second Lieutenant said “Please stop using honorifics…” and then saluted with “Yes! I apologize!!”
But in a seriously serious scene, it’s nice for the lieutenant to quietly talk to Kaede-chan and leave it to her, right…?
If awakened, the old lady has the power to take down executive-level enemies in one hit, making her capable of facing the final boss as well; that’s insane.
Somehow, the aspiring picture book author N followed me around.
I only know that it’s not a normal N.
The portrait trap is such a terrible game, or rather, the rescue chance is too severe.
Except for one person, if they are taken in, it’s almost certain they’ll be lost.
The game is so terrible, but there was a picture book author who went all out…
If you say it doesn’t matter whether they’re there or not, it just means you’re not making the most of the character.
If it’s a well-crafted story, it won’t stand without that.
The old man… the old man is strong!
Old woman is strong!
Living a long life in a world where demons and spirits roam freely means just that.
But wasn’t that picture book author initially not planning to release it?
I unexpectedly became the main character.
I can’t remember exactly, but wasn’t the pilot episode’s title “Makoto Zanka Seiichi” or something?
But if I were to hit Yo-chan, it would definitely be Takoharu, I think.
The strong connection between Zanka and Yoshichan is probably why they intended to talk about it there.
Some lanky picture book author has sneaked in.
Yocchan is an incredibly funny character, but I think the artist Takoba is essential to bring out his cuteness and charm.
In the concept notes I read at the original artwork exhibition, there was an explanation about the evil old painter, Sakamaki Deru, who excavated extraterrestrial life forms and parasitized them.
Green Wolf, Blue One, Remaining Flower, Returning Black, Auspicious Sign, Self-Defense Force
It was a composition of…
The strong image of Kurenai always modeling nude, but it’s like she’s constantly attracting those hardcore fans…
If there wasn’t Takoha and Akai, I think Shinosuke-chan and the uncle would have been annoyed and started cleaning up the destroyer…
Since returning to the front line, Akane has defeated Kagemitsu, who has struggled so much against others, in one strike with her spirit blade and has been holding her ground against Izouji with her jutsu; she is really strong in the spirit realm.
What the hell is this haunted house scam!
The eaten psychic also ends up on the mansion’s side, so lacking psychic abilities is not acceptable in this case… what a terrible game!
Mr. Barret and my wife prefer strong men (the impact of “pump up” is too strong), but upon rereading, it seems they were more active in supporting, negotiating among friends, and using connections and financial backing.
I’m handling everything except Grandma’s attacks, so I have to be there in combat as well.
Until overcoming the trauma, both my wife and I had a desire for destruction, so I felt like I had to maintain a massive body in order to stand together with her on the battlefield.
It’s crazy how that couple became the world’s strongest Ghostbusters, dancing the dance of death with that motivation.
Yocchan is an unpredictably annoying unit, regardless of friend or foe.
When I get in a bad mood, I stop drawing and start wandering around aimlessly, and it feels like my mood gauge is filling up.
When it builds up, the damn landlord spreads a metal storm and blows everything away, including the terrain, before leaving.
The sword priest itself takes a bit longer to fully demonstrate its abilities in a one-on-one situation, as it is more about self-defense at first…
I mean, Grandma and the Doctor always have excessively high extermination power.
In terms of strength, it seems we have a lineup that could appear in a strong B-class horror film.
It was a quite sharp team.
First, I thought of a plot where there is trauma painting surrounded by a particularly strange mansion, and then destroy that house!
If the final boss is a painter, then the one who can ultimately face them is really a painter, right?
A setting of a wandering outlaw who was imprisoned in an American prison and perceives space with his tongue, as a painter.
But it seems like this guy could fight alone with this… so it’s interesting how the strong parts are gradually stripped away until it becomes a kite leaf.
Even if the face of the angry mud can be drawn out by remnants of flowers or red,
It seems that my true desire as an artist won’t be fully explored without Takuba being present.
In that sense, it was a good resolution to have each aspect attacked by those closely related, to completely break down everything and then have the drawing battle!
I like them because they’re big.
I understand.
I totally understand.
Huh? I remember not having eyebrows, but did they start growing in halfway?
At the beginning, Takoha was saying to Yadosan, “We’re ‘normal people’ friends!” and I was angry, saying, “Don’t lump me together with you!”
Looking at it now, I can’t help but laugh, thinking that I definitely wouldn’t want to be grouped together for a different reason…
A person who seems rigid but can think flexibly.
It’s a navigational character, not a playable one…
The mountain priest, who seemed to be able to gain an advantage against the old lady single-handedly and could also potentially withstand Augustus’s lightning strike, was quite strong as well.
It must have been a hassle for them to be turned into a resurrected soldier.
When you’re reading, everyone is moving around chaotically and you might overlook them, but upon rereading, they turn out to be quite important characters.
The eldest daughter of the three sisters is also too exceptional.
Why did you see through almost everything right from the start?
Is it because it caught the attention of the three sisters?
Isn’t our team quite biased towards firepower?
No matter how well they perform while reading, I feel like I was thinking, “This guy is showing corpse photos to a child whose parent has died.”
If you say that, then all three grandparents are abusive parents…
They were here in the beginning, but where did they go? Well, it’s fine, but what about Uncle Izu?
I’m curious if that role at the end was as planned.
It’s totally not going as planned…
It seems that the casting became that way because I forgot to write it down for the initial entry team.
Rather, once you understand the true identity, it becomes puzzling why the founder shows up at the countermeasure meetings.
But I do things like that.
There’s a possibility that I was seriously checking if something dangerous was coming in a strange way.
I still can’t quite accept that the founder of Shugendo has the public status of being a servant both inside and outside the mansion.
I knew I had forgotten about that…
The story of the main character N, who joined in the early days of this mangaka, being an SSR is well-drawn…
But you know,
I had trouble even finding a proper water’s edge, let alone the sea, which occupies 70% of the Earth’s surface.
I think a game where you gather weird characters to invade the Twin Death Mansion would definitely be fun, but I wonder when it will come out.
Did you get chocolate again this year, Izuoji?
I received it.
What the heck is this guy…?
Yocchan has too much talent for combat…
Is the crap metal shower a matter of talent, I wonder…