You filthy scoundrel…
Isn’t it better just not to commit murder?
Evil that induces nausea
You pig bastard with a hobby of murder, don’t just rant based on your own convenience, you octopus!
Murder isn’t just an intense joy that can be done occasionally; it’s actually an essential hobby that is crucial for a peaceful life.
Don’t put it in a modest way like plants, saying that you can enjoy killing without any convenient interruptions!
Isn’t it impossible for a peaceful life and a murderous impulse to coexist?
For Kira, murder is a perfectly normal everyday act.
I’m saying this, but I’m a pig of a guy with an exceptionally high pride and a murderous impulse.
The only thing Kira and I have in common is that we still live at home…
Three ambulance
I’m following you because you killed Shigechi.
Don’t talk about your own convenience, you scum with a murder hobby.
The tsukkomi from the two yankee kids hits the mark perfectly, what a fool.
This stupid duo is clever…
I don’t think he’s such a bad guy if it weren’t for his murder hobby…
Well, that’s quite a character…
The policy is great, but their personality is simply lousy.
While saying they don’t want to stand out, they still manage to take 3rd place, showing a high desire for self-promotion.
Despite having only engaged in one-sided killings, they arrogantly say, “Even if I fight, I won’t lose,” only to end up getting beaten to a pitiful extent afterward (there’s even a similar flow in the final battle with Josuke).
My father was also defeated by a Stand user!
I only killed 48 women with beautiful hands, and not a drop of blood or tears!
Is there no salvation for me, Yoshikage Kira?!
Masturbation is my hobby, and because I have no patience, when I get turned on, I suddenly act out in public like a perverted guy.
A pervert and murderer endowed with a level of self-control that is no different and a level of nuisance that exceeds it.
This guy is at a level where he would suddenly rape a beautiful woman he finds just from her actions and words in the story.
There are parts that can’t be helped because I was born with such sexuality and ability to execute.
A man who is overly wary of Jotaro and ends up getting hurt by underestimating others.
Especially since Koichi-kun has already done ACT3 once.
The special ability is amazing, but once you get into close range, Killer Queen gets completely beat down by Crazy Diamond…
The ability ends when you touch it, so something like Crazy Diamond or Star Platinum is just too abnormal.
For Kira, killing and living with his favorite hands is not an intense joy.
Kira’s claim is that committing murder should be as natural as photosynthesis for plants, since murder is a part of his daily life.
I wonder how this pig can pretend to be a plant after hearing the victim’s testimony.
I think Killer Queen would probably lose in a bid against GE or Stone Free.
If living quietly is my top priority, I can hold back my impulse to kill, but this guy doesn’t allow that…
Placing the urge to kill as the number one priority seems a bit off, doesn’t it?
Due to the nature of Killer Queen, if it gets hit by ACT3 on the arm, it will be completely sealed off, so Koichi-kun is a terrible match-up…
Since only a part of the body can be made heavy at once…
It is ironic that the afterlife is far from peaceful.
I believe that my creed is as shown in the picture, but I think I’ve encountered desires that I can’t control.
Although I have my own issues with sexuality, I keep saying that I will be happy.
I like how the script portrays the character as a complete jerk who would torment Koichi-kun, touch the merchandise bread with a corpse’s hand, and tear open the bag without buying it, making you want to take him down.
Even after becoming Kawajiri, I’m still exploding with murderous impulses over trivial things…
I really like that double-page spread.
It shouldn’t be okay, but that couple getting blown up was a bit refreshing, and as you said, that double-page spread is just too amazing.
This is the ultimate egoism, so we must not tolerate it.
For some reason, having a strange sense of victimhood is quite a yakuza mentality.
Well, I guess I have to hold back on murder…
If you want to live happily in society, don’t kill people, you fool.
A man who should somehow deal with his unnecessary pride as high as a murder habit.
The thread started by Araki.
It’s acting so high and mighty despite losing to Omachi just once, isn’t it, the thread image?
It’s because of my sexual desires~ (cry) I’m talking about it, but I’m also killing people who annoy me, so it’s just selfishness, isn’t it?
But if I had Killer Queen, I would blow away that punk I met on the train.
It’s limited to women only, and since there are 48 people, if you include something like that guy who blew up and stole underwear, he’s definitely killed more people…
Arnold, Shigecchi, the owner of Cinderella, Hiroshi Kawajiri (the real one), and the boyfriend of the bowling nail clipper have at least killed someone.
It’s strange for the old man in the photo to go to such lengths to protect this guy…
First, without this troublesome temperament, Killer Queen wouldn’t even manifest.
I think the ability setting, which shows a fierce temperament and a desire for self-expression while erasing evidence, is really well done.
Killer Queen’s appearance is just too awesome.
It looks good to see it like a championship belt around the waist…
Seriously, Killer Queen has an ability that’s just too convenient.
The sheer heart attack, and of course, Bites the Dust, are all abilities that conveniently benefit this guy…
The murder itself might be after becoming an adult, but judging by the photos from the Kira residence, he has been maintaining his rank since childhood, so despite claiming to value peace and having high pride, he has a strong sense of self-importance that he can actually win. What a pig.
That ability actually exists, which is the problem.
It’s just too lucky that Killer Queen’s stomach is hollow, making it perfect for storing cat grass.
The spread when the punk blew up is too good.
This murder-loving pig guy
Living in a way that invites anxiety is not good, so follow the example of Mr. who has set the goal of living simply.
Life that starts fights to scrounge up money when you’re out of it is pretty pathetic too!
It’s not just the murder impulse, but I think it’s unreasonable to seek peace while living in Moriōcho.
At the time of Sugimoto Suzumi’s murder, Killer Queen probably didn’t exist, so I guess they were probably just killing normally without any stand or anything.
This guy is quite the pig too, but my old man is something else as well.
You can blow it up without any hesitation, right?
That’s rude to pigs.
It seems like they would kill all the thugs that come at them on the street.
When I’m in a good mood, I think I forgive you just like when my left hand feels heavy and I blast away the index finger.
It seems that the murderous impulse existed before awakening the Stand, so it makes sense that this kind of mentality led to becoming Killer Queen.
It’s unfair that not even a bloodstain is left behind.
It’s understandable that one might say that Bites the Dust is a ability created because Jotaro is just too much to handle, but it’s both pathetic and laughable.
Well, if I got beaten so one-sidedly by an opponent who should be on the brink of death, that would be terrifying.
It’s not a carnivorous plant, even if you call it a plant.
Why does Kira from another world have Killer Queen with that mindset…
Look at this gaudy championship belt wrapped around the stand’s belly, what does it have to do with plants?
There is a risk of being assassinated while fully prepared by someone who has activated Bites the Dust, so it’s not truly an invincible ability.
If you kill me, you’ll become a cursed soul just like me!
Because the opponent was an elementary school student, I was able to be strong, but if the opponent had been Jonathan, I would have normally been crushed in the groin by his log-like legs and died.
I don’t want to stand out, but I also don’t want to be looked down upon.
Doesn’t coming in third place stand out normally?
I understand that you can be looked down upon without some kind of special skill or strength, but there’s no need to place third in multiple categories.
I like how The Hand is winning unilaterally by exploding anything it touches and erasing whatever it makes contact with.
The only thing I can be praised for is being able to suddenly handle other people’s work.
No, this guy is crazy.
Just by growing, Killer Queen has become powerful enough to create an incredible wind, and it’s strong enough in combat to easily handle Act 3.
It’s just that Stapura and Kure D are much stronger.
The Hand may be difficult to compare just based on combat ability, but with its ability to erase space, it’s hard to touch it, and that’s why the members of Part 4 are strong…!
I was trying to find the Red Hot Chili Peppers at Joseph’s Hamipa, but I wonder why I didn’t do that with Kira.
When Josuke tries to take a picture, it always ends up showing Angelo, and basically, thought photography isn’t very useful.
I was just counting on the ability to get into the power lines in the case of chili peppers.
When Rohan Kishibe was young, he committed his first crime about 10 to 15 years ago, right? Since Kira is 33 years old, it seems possible he committed murder while he was still a minor.
Less evil and more modest for a murderer.
It’s apparent that they have killed an unusual number of people, even if it hasn’t been proven to be murder, which is certainly spectacularly evil, isn’t it?
What the hell is the mysterious gimmick of Killer Queen’s abs?
Even without the hand stuff and murder hobby, it’s simply trash.
Stab the target’s parents and dog to death.
A minor pretending to be a dog under the bed, licking a girl’s hand.
As long as you don’t commit murder, it’s a concept I can somewhat agree with.
At the point where the urge to kill can’t be suppressed, it’s just disgusting.
There were protagonists in overseas dramas who couldn’t help but commit murder.
The ability to see through the colleague who stops the girls approaching Kira by telling them to back off is incredible.
I got hit by a sheer heart but I’m still alive (the worst).
Losing power in close combat (the worst)
Being beaten up before I can act because time is stopped (the worst).
Well, Jotaro is just too much of a jinx.
So I’ll activate Bites the Dust and blow them up before we even meet! Hahaha, there are no enemies against me, Yoshikage Kira!
That’s why Bites the Dust manifested; after all, it was able to kill Jotaro once.
Everything was turned upside down because of some kid who randomly made up their mind.
Due to his bomb abilities, it seems Kira doesn’t have much experience hitting something with his Stand.
I don’t have much experience with stand battles.
The moment when Shigechi encountered a stand user for the first time.
He seems to be popular, but I wonder if he didn’t have a girlfriend or anything.
It was there, wasn’t it?
Just the hands, though.
For now, I’ll put on a show and date her, but I’ll be accumulating stress thinking, “She’s noisy and vulgar…”
It seems like we broke up to the point where it doesn’t matter, and afterwards, it feels like we’re just on a hand-only basis.
If you don’t socialize at all, you’ll be regarded with suspicion, so it’s better to just go along with it. It seems like you might be dating and breaking up with about three people you met during a mixer you attended with colleagues.
Even if I fight more, I won’t lose to anyone.
When Jotaro and Josuke fought Kira, both were injured, yet they couldn’t do anything at all…
What kind of outfit is this for a sales job?
The statement of the skull tie is too intense.
When I was being harassed by thugs, I was wearing Valentino, and my favorite brand is Gianfranco Ferré.
I’m an ordinary salaryman…
Since becoming Kawajiri, the sudden makeover is one thing, but this guy really has a strong desire for self-assertion.
I like this guy who is refreshingly free after death.
As always, I have no hesitation when it comes to murder.
I heard that Killer Queen’s champion belt is a manifestation of self-importance, and I definitely agree.
“I’m saying things like ‘Even if I fight, I won’t lose to anyone,’ so my pride is actually quite high.”
It’s just that I dislike trouble.
Since stands are attracted to each other, it’s not just by chance that they end up fighting with Jotaro and the others.
It’s incredibly unlucky to end up disguised as Hayato’s father of all people.
Well, the face of someone who gets killed on the way home, that’s certainly unfortunate.
Kira’s father’s love is genuine, and I can’t dislike him.
Don’t do it! Don’t do it! Born to Love You is invincible against someone you know inside out.
There is another person close to me who has Enya Baba’s arrow, and that person is…
I really think it’s bad luck that Morioh Town is filled with Stand users because they were mass-producing them.
I should have quickly gone out to the city.
I can’t sleep peacefully, so it’s no good.
I think it would be much easier to leave the city and start over than to take over someone else’s work and relationships without being noticed…
It seems like I lost, and that must be frustrating! 1!
Hmm this…
I wonder if they were gathering people together before the stand manifested.
If gaining the confidence that you won’t get caught for committing crimes just because your Stand has manifested is a kind of misfortune, then that’s a kind of misfortune in a way.
Just making too many enemies out of getting carried away, but I really admire a lifestyle that’s the epitome of selfishness.
This guy was the type who enjoyed every aspect of life, and the boss probably felt happy just by grinning while looking at the balance in the bankbook.
It was as easy as catching a popup fly.
I lost just because I got distracted by Koichi’s socks.
It’s a really interesting scene that I like, but…
This guy is always being cornered.
It seems that the consequences of life tend to come during the more difficult times.
For wanting to live like a plant, my personality is just too incompatible.
If Shigechi were truly merciless and had no hesitation in killing, his stand would be an extremely evil one capable of wreaking havoc not just on Kira, but even in the third part.
What the hell is Kawajiri Hayato?
In the end, I couldn’t respond at all to the time stop itself.
Isn’t it impossible to respond to time-stop itself unless you’re of the same type that moves within time or something like time-related abilities?
If it’s the toughness of someone like Cars, I think I could manage, but after all, with human durability, just getting hit or stabbed with a knife would be the end.
Huh… Porporu-kun, why are you alive…?
I seriously wanted you to stop.
It’s quite a high difficulty to desire a peaceful life without murderous impulses while also having high pride and a desire for self-assertion.
Seems to always be frustrated.
Telling Kira to stop killing and live quietly in another town is…
It’s like telling the boss to quit the gang and just live normally…
Because of that personality, such a stand manifests.
That’s why that kind of personality won’t change, because those kinds of stands appear…
It’s a relief that I couldn’t escape from Morioh because of my high pride.
When it comes to a fight, it feels like I’m not that strong, but during the rush in Echoes 3, I lightly absorbed the hits and retaliated.
It might be that the echoes are weak.
I can’t say anything because the opponent I fought was too bad.
In terms of abilities, Killer Queen is completely outmatched by Kure D in both explosives and close combat.
Well, the performance of melee abilities for the Cleric D is quite ridiculous…
Huh? Are you top class in healing abilities too!?
If you touch it, you win instantly, but you can’t touch it.
I like it when Kira recites the ability of Crazy Diamond in front of Josuke himself.
Although he was immediately treated, Hayato didn’t die instantly even after being so badly torn apart.
I guess people who really feel like killing someone have no choice but to manage it mentally.
First of all, if there is no intention to fix it and one does not think it is a problem, there is a possibility that it could be managed somehow… maybe…?
Even if you don’t commit murder, it’s still not a good personality.
Buy the bread with holes!
Let’s buy the one next door.
It’s unfortunate for the person buying the bread touched by the corpse that is starting to smell bad…
I guess there won’t be anyone buying bread with torn wrapping and sauce spilling out…
I wonder if they were one of the original inspirations for Muzan from Demon Slayer.
Placing oneself on the side of nature or phenomenon and starting to make excuses.
Murder? That’s just something that can’t be helped, like a natural disaster.