It’s the charisma opposite to half.
A wise tyrant who understands that neither the people, the vassals, nor even his own brothers support him.
It’s ridiculous to think that I was still being evaluated by my father.
Although I didn’t recognize him as a king, there’s no doubt that both my father and the ministers, as well as my brother, loved Harkeen, and Harkeen loved them too.
But the pitiful Harkeen, who can only resent his father’s choice and kill the minister and his brother… I have to support him…
It’s quite a strange one, but I can see why it became popular.
I can understand why it might be popular with some people.
In the latest episode of the paid version, I saw the outcome of killing that guy when you really shouldn’t have!
This guy is just no good… I can’t help but feel that way and can’t look at him differently…
It seems that I received this from the point where it became clear that this king is quite hopeless.
The person understands that they are not fit to be a king, but since they have already gotten their hands dirty, they can’t step down from the stage; they’re a fool.
It’s a character whose destruction is certain.
There exists something like a pitiable mad king fetish.
The semi-gray group was made up of pleasant bad guys, so to be honest, I actually liked them quite a bit.
The thread image has some sympathizing aspects, but…
Bugsy, who appears this time, seems to be getting everyone excited for some reason.
Because I’m aware of my own shortcomings, I’m not actually dumb.
Even though it is not sheer foolishness, I am making silly choices.
Just simply changing the gender to female can be somewhat understandable.
I have a kink for seeing a damn woman walk the path of ruin…
Since it’s a character whose miserable end is foreseeable, that’s how you can enjoy it, right?
The saga of knowing but being unable to do anything about it.
I wonder why Mochi thought to progress the Royal Succession Arc and the Dragon Tribe Arc simultaneously…
Both are interesting, but I want to focus on one side.
You can rest assured that the assassination family arc will probably merge as well.
Is that necessary?!
Harkeen doesn’t have much popularity, so the family is the most suitable strong piece that can be used freely.
While other countries are properly addressing the issues with the dragon race, Zeluj is stuck in internal conflicts and not taking any measures at all, which I feel is creating an opportunity for outsiders like Rain to thrive.
I think it’s quite an interesting character that strikes a balance between human qualities and trash elements.
It means they are a character that should be defeated, yet they still manage to have depth.
Good character
I can understand that it’s quite common to get hooked on something because it’s pitiful.
I feel like I’ve become an irreparable character with today’s update.
But as a country, I think the prince who has the supporters’ approval will win.
Is this person in the original work?
At the very least, I don’t think Tail would have faced the king.
Too kind.
It’s truly disappointing that it seemed exceptionally capable in terms of support.
If only Harkeen, who was perfectly suited for that position, hadn’t gone more crazy than expected.
My gentle younger brother would never support someone as cruel as me… So I have no choice but to kill him.
Because one sword broke, Uralis had to maintain a friendly relationship with Zelouge, and behind the scenes, the Dragon King was scheming, so although it seems unrelated, it is quite intertwined and not unnatural at all.
A prince who becomes a mess because of his father’s incredible timing and the amazing things he left behind is always entertaining, no matter the era.
I thought the Dragon King’s vessel was Dura.
Despite being such a kind and noble princess, she suddenly transformed and massacred people, only to be killed by King Harkin; I imagined such a disastrous outcome.
Did Buruburu Holder-chan make a statement about their position?
Perverts act according to the logic of perverts…
I haven’t done it.
Given the flow of the conversation, it seems like they’ll align with that side…
In the previous chapter, there was also a story about Rain’s loss of ability alongside the half-gray.
It’s so sad to be a monster where love for family is overshadowed by obsession and murderous intent…
I can somewhat understand the reason for killing Tail being a bit pathetic and causing a pang in my heart.
It’s fine because I’m not bad at simultaneous storytelling.
Tale was aware that he was not suited to be a king.
So I intended to support those around me and be a buffer…
It’s not good for siblings to fight, so it’s better to resolve things through discussion!
If I do TS, I’m working so hard and holding back on so many things!
Why is everyone like that!
If I don’t support you…
A powerful and ruthless king is portrayed in the half-gray chapter. You don’t expect him to just start off dead in the next chapter, right?
If the king weren’t dead, various problems wouldn’t have arisen, but he’s dead, isn’t he? I thought just a little.
Well, they are parent and child.
If we hadn’t expelled Rain in the first place, Glenda wouldn’t have died, and the half-thugs wouldn’t have gone on a rampage.
“Crush the half-gray! Because the previous king did not suffer from mental stress.”
All of Barios’ friends’ careless advice is to blame.
Since there aren’t many girls from the tyrant lineage, it takes a bit of effort to imagine them.
In reality or in stories, even great kings eventually die…
Well, the point is she’s a messed-up girl, so if it’s fiction, that’s a popular trait.
I understand my own worthlessness over here, you know.
Rather, I hit my knee and thought, “Oh, that’s why the story of the dragon tribe and the usurpation of the throne is progressing simultaneously!” in the latest free episode.
The resolution of the throne problem and the release of Rain directly lead to measures against the dragon tribe, right?
It’s sad that good guys like Barrios and the minister are dying mercilessly.
I still occasionally wonder if Barrios is actually alive and growing or failing in business.
It’s terrible that I can imagine that if I said I wanted to be king, Dura would probably give it up.
But the previous generation won’t allow it, right?
The king has feelings for the person in the thread, but he correctly understands that he lacks the qualities of a king.
It’s more troublesome when someone is aware they’re just trash but can’t stop themselves.
Even my brother didn’t want to kill, but he couldn’t stop.
It’s great that even though they’re characters you definitely want to see dead, they still have their own charm.
There’s only those who seek profit and those who swear loyalty to the royal family in the Harkin camp.
It’s astonishing how pathetically foolish the king is.
Since it’s certain that what I truly wanted can no longer be obtained, my expectations are rising for how beautifully I will fall.
It’s crazy that my nephew’s name is “Nephew” that was seriously thrown in…!
He may be cruel to the core, but he tries to improve in his own way, so I guess he’s a charming guy.
If there had been even one person somewhere who was comparable to my father, I might have been able to stay on the right path before going astray.
Finally, I’m happy that the moment for the knight lieutenant of the Doula Squad, Bugzy, Nephu, my uncle, and the Marquis has come…
Don’t forget “that man” who stopped the arrow.
When I was invited to dinner by the royal family and it seemed like there would be a dispute over the order, I thought the royal family was bothersome, but it turned out that Harkin was just personally bothersome.
But if we finish both the Chimera Ant arc and the Kakin arc at the same time, what will we do next…?
Second Life
There are hardly any people who can celebrate it…
There are people who have entered the third life.
In the original work… what happens next…?
“Are you the king?” “Ho ho ho… sounds like you want to die.” A person who really seems like they would say that.
Isn’t the termite user basically a G user!?
The fact that both ants and termites can be referred to as “ants” indicates that it is likely a matter of how the user perceives them.
It’s not that different from AURA being popular.
I thought Nephyu-kun was boyish, but it’s a boy.
It’s enviable to be able to depict both the woman receiving from a man and the man receiving from a woman.
Since around the middle of the half-gray arc, the tension has been seriously off the charts.
Even if I joke around, the atmosphere remains heavy…
Bugsy prefers to use ants, but is it okay to say that they can manipulate insects other than ants as well?
Otherwise, I shouldn’t be able to use the termites.
The original author knows what will happen next.
I think you don’t know.
Because I have the right to see the name the fastest on the reader’s side…
The “chijo holder” shouldn’t be caught up in internal disputes! I want them to focus on the rain side… They already have a grudge with the assassination village.
The holder seems likely to side with Harkin due to wanting to fight the Doula Squad.
I wonder if the original author is reading this and wondering what will happen next…
It feels like rather than having a sadistic heart, it’s just the kind of person who naturally has that option enter their thoughts, and there’s nothing I can do about it.
It feels like a natural disposition that if one does not exercise self-control, they might instinctively engage in acts of cruelty.
I think the king also valued the ability itself since he allowed the person to speak beside him in the political arena.
The princess, who became a prince due to her excessively unreasonable nature and selfishness, was too ideal as someone in a position of leadership.
Isn’t it crazy that two cases of the country collapsing are happening at the same time?
The exiled cheat-granting magician enjoys a carefree second life… that’s how it is.
There are dream girls who are tormented by the idea of moving together down the path of destruction.
You shouldn’t do that… the part where you hit your hand painfully.
There’s a certain hopelessness that’s good.
To be honest, I thought it would end with the half-gray part… I didn’t think there would be such a development.
They said that they have to send the soldiers to a different place, so that’s why they can move.
Being tormented by an uncontrollable temperament despite having a goal and being pointed out by a respected father in an attempt to correct it is undoubtedly pitiable.
If you are a fan who started reading because you like half-grays, Harkin might indeed be to your taste.
I want to become popular (I want to be a great ruler like father), so I won’t do anything reckless all of a sudden.
Such depictions flesh out the characters quite nicely.
The king is aware that he would lose to a doula if compared.
Because it’s a country created by the king, the vassals and the citizens believe that they are making the right judgment.
So I know that the wrong version of myself will never be chosen.
I respect my father, and that is why I know his judgment is correct.
What happens to the thread image in the original work?
He’s not a good king, but he’s a good character.
I am the only one who can understand this person…
I like things like dreams…
I saw it done with the expression of when I killed my brother.
I thought the dragon race would be an original element, but it turns out it’s not.
I’m here for the time being, but the settings are quite different.
It’s just a different setting.
Don’t you think it would be interesting if the Chimera Ant arc and the Kingship arc were done simultaneously?
Only mochis would do something reckless like that.
As a king, he must have thought that if only this nature could be managed…
If the princess, in name only as the king, seeks popularity and handles diplomatic relations while Harkin runs the politics and seizes real power, the princess will put a stop to it.
I wonder if it was the royal ideal.
I think that if we had discussed it after the king’s death, Doola would have normally yielded.
The fact that I wasn’t chosen by the king is the most fundamental part of it all.
I couldn’t endure it because I was the eldest son…
It’s foolish, but it’s also pitiable and nice that one is smart enough to be aware of it…
A sickly, doomed prince likely has a lot of popularity among dream girls.
It’s like a guy liking Vegeta from the Buu Saga.
The ability to differentiate between S and do-S based on the expression of whether the right eye or left eye is reflected is powerful.
A handsome case headed towards destruction.
I wonder how they’re going to summarize both the Inheritance arc and the Chimera Ant arc.
But if the tail cuts in, this guy is finished as a king…
I’m glad that Tail isn’t a busty beauty…
It’s psycho, but the simplicity of wanting to be acknowledged by my father lies at the root.
The love between the handsome, violent father and son is real.
This will be well-received.
It’s just that the setting, characters, and origin are different.
It’s worth watching to see what kind of ending it will have.
A character that increases women’s popularity appears in this work…
It seems like LC is quite popular.
Despite having a love deeper than average and being suitably intelligent for their position,
It’s amazing how you go through the worst hand.
It’s nice to show through actions that the assessment of my father, who is passionate and can’t hold back, was correct…
Even the king of Royal Match attracts dream girls, so there is probably a certain demand just because he is a king.
Do you want to make the king suffer that much, dream girls?
The muscular dragon brother who first appeared as an enemy has a dragon face and a humanoid body in the original work, right?
I feel that the dragon tribe, except for Ras and my brother, doesn’t differ much in mentality from the Cyclopes.
When it comes to cunning, slimes are scarier.
Even the slimes under my command are starting to go crazy.
What’s different from a half-gray is that this guy is voluntarily becoming increasingly isolated on his own…
While carefully incorporating elements from the original work, it boldly arranges and mixes in original content.
It’s not like I’m drawing from nothing.
It’s great that the portrayal of the picaro character shines because the protagonist, Rain, is an annoyingly virtuous character to the point of being exiled.
Rather, isn’t drawing villains a peculiarity of my artistic expression…?
Maybe it’s the good side of being annoying…
Generally, characters like this don’t think their nature is bad and blame those around them for not acknowledging it! They think they are more worthy of being the king!
I think it’s a really rare type of character.
Speaking of which, the village of assassins was permitted by the previous king, but how will they maneuver now that it’s Harkin?
Recently, Rain has had so many handsome scenes that it’s confusing.
Isn’t it strange for a character that would likely appeal to girls to come out of a manga like this?
It also comes from Gag Manga Biyori.
It’s far more ridiculous for a future-seeing old man, like a fable of life, to appear in a backwoods motel in the Southern America from a comic like this.
I love the side character story that feels like an old movie, so it’s a bit of a problem.
If we think about it normally, Harkyn’s downfall seems inevitable, but the author, who defied expectations by making Take survive as a punishment from God, makes it unpredictable, and I can’t help but look forward to what will happen next…
It doesn’t feel like it’s just about defeating them and then being done with it!
I was able to draw a proper shota, Mochi…
I know it’s right to be denied, but I have no choice but to do it anyway!! So,
Of course, it grabs the hearts of boys who love to be ruined!
Since Rain has grown up, Nephyu has spawned as an immature character.
The illustration seems to feel more strange compared to the original text.
The original work had more interactions among male characters rather than being a harem.
I will support Harkeen by his side until the very end…
In the end, it seems like I’ll be laughing at Harkeen, who won’t even be able to trust me anymore…
Don’t die after cutting me spurred by passion! I will not allow you to die, as I die in Harkin’s arms, crying…
Whether to perish together or to live a carefree second life in an unknown land…
I can’t really believe that His Majesty Harkin could give up being king…
I thought you would like the sight of the villain’s downfall…
This is a picaresque novel disguised as an isekai story, isn’t it?
I would like to see Harkeen’s end, feeling saved by the maid’s devotion who first attempted to cut him down for his initial misstep, while also carrying even more miserable thoughts as he dies.