You alone, no matter what happens, will be cast into hell alive. The sin of having despaired my Emi must be atoned for with death. I will not forgive you.
The end of next month, huh…
Only the prologue episode…? There will be a rework of Emi, right…?
There might also be original illustrations for the graphic novel…
Will the final episode feature a series of framed shots?
I want to see the queen’s smile.
It seems like it will continue for a while even if it ends like the original.
I want to see the fate of the men from Pina.
When the manga is updated, the novel is also updated…
I want it to continue like an epilogue (1).
What else is left in the main story?
How about a proposal at a place filled with memories?
Expulsion of the fake Pina, the apology from the four fools, and Angel’s casual display of a kiss.
Sphere Senpai’s Dance
The story could work in one episode because it’s about Will completely shaking off his younger brother, who becomes an artist and proposes to Angel, and that’s how it ends.
Aren’t you finishing it a bit too quickly?
It feels just right to want to see more.
Because the original work is originally short,
I guess an epilogue will begin after the afterstory.
Is it going to end?
I wanted to just have the side story done as it is, though.
The original author seems to be the saddest.
Special Edition (Kicking the Corpse)
The birth of Shin Pina and Emi.
Is the meat toilet of the filthy piece of trash a postscript?
I really wanted to see what happened with Emi and the real Pina afterward.
I thought there would definitely be a sequel since there was a moment when Remilia-sama realized the soul of the real Pina.
A method to bestow any soul upon a newborn (hinting at various things done behind the scenes) and finally being able to meet Emi, they lived happily ever after.
I think a volume-sized first episode would be good.
I hope this writer gets another good source material.
What would be good, I wonder?
It seems really difficult to find a good source material that matches the original.
I wonder if hitting the original author with a frame would make them write a nice story or something.
It’s like we’re both fans of each other, and it feels like we could create something new together.
Well, it seems like there will be quite a bit of extra manga after the ED.
Next time, I’ll talk about what happened afterwards with Pina and the prince.
Is it Emi next?
I think I’m on the opposite pattern.
Everyone seems to want to see what happens next with Pina and the prince, so it seems like it will be shifted to an epilogue.
While watching the seemingly happy demon king family from a distance, Will exclaimed, “If it weren’t for that, I could have been there too…”
I want to see it, but I’m not close enough.
I wanted to see the scene where the Demon Lord is ranked 3rd in the popularity ranking, but it seems like there might not be enough time…
I think that’s the end there, rather.
Don’t end…
Aren’t they going to make it into an anime?
If everything in the world could be seen with this vibe, it would be great…
If you didn’t do it, I think that’s a lie.
It seems like someone who can sell without rushing, so they’re not in a hurry.
The serialization only shows the happy scenes on the surface, while the gruesome things on the back are probably just extras in the volume.
Well, as for what happened to that best friend and the anal-fucking servant…
Doing it right after a beautiful story would ruin it, so there might be a new drawing.
It’s true that it’s been embellished from the original.
Since this story started for Emi, I think it will end with Emi.
I need to show something beautiful…
I wonder if they’ll pack in a lot of additional episodes in the paperback.
If we do the epilogue with this intensity, it might end up being too much for Lady Remilia, don’t you think…?
Well, it’s actually terrible though.
There are quite a few points where you wonder if it’s okay to depict this… right?
The qualities of a villain are clearly evident.
But it was just heading in a good direction for Emi in the end.
I think it’s important that the essence hasn’t changed since the era of the villainous noblewoman.
This month is a break…
I want to see more!
Have I read between the lines completely?
Even though the original novel’s paperback has been released, more and more bonus stories are coming out!
It’s nice, isn’t it, like Lord Elhasha and the exploration of that developed village…
It’s nice that it would end neatly in one season if it were animated.
The root is a villain and hasn’t had a change of heart…
I want them to make a Dobukasu spin-off.
Isn’t this practically the epilogue to the final episode?
Well, I’ve pretty much done everything I needed to do…
I think it’s good to have a beautiful ending.
A sleazy character is essential.
Pina’s highlight is the reversal part in the latest episode, so I think the subsequent mining labor section will be glossed over.
Next, we will spend a good amount of time showcasing the four idiots, and then it looks like we will end with an entire episode of the epilogue dedicated to Emi.
There seems to still be room for exploration and demand in the gaps, but if it ends abruptly, that would be clean and impressive.
Please continue for a while in the special edition~~
Isn’t it Pina who likes Anonymous?
If you look at it from a position where the possibility of suffering retaliation or a curse is definitely 0, I like watching the pathetic ones.
I don’t want to be close.
Come on, let’s go forward, Anonymous-kun! It’s the best event ever!
I don’t want to be in a position where I’m a noble or a demon involved in production or trade in that world and have to go to the front lines…!
No… that’s a good-looking mob demon…
No… I think it’s standard…
It seemed like the sales and reputation were good, but it ended abruptly…
Since the styles around Pina and Will tend to select their audience, it might have been predetermined from the start how many volumes there would be in total.
David and Stefan seem like they will end up being overshadowed in the manga as well…
David became the nourishment for his nice character, the Sword Saint brother…
(Roughly speaking) There is a point in which revenge stories shouldn’t go on for too long…
Revenge accomplished! Done! That’s why I’ve increased the spacing quite a bit and added some flair.
The original work ends more quickly.
Originally, it was only from Remilia’s perspective, and it was progressing like a digest version, wasn’t it?
The epilogue of the fake Pina might fit on one page.
If the main story ends with the revenge completed, it leaves us wondering about the afterstory in the side story, so it’s understandable that it would cause some excitement.
I’ll trust that the epilogue will beautifully wrap up that part.
I believe it was the optimal publishing balance that allowed readers to read comfortably.
Isn’t it just titled “Final Episode”?
The original work is short and can be read quickly, so you can feel at ease knowing the ending.
It seems like there are many readers who are looking forward to what kind of arrangements will be made in the comic adaptation.
It originally started as a story that was expanded from a short tale.
I think it’s well put together, but it’s been serialized for more than three years…
If there had been many stories about Emi’s mind breaking, I might not have been reading it now.
I thought it would continue more, but there are no more notable ones.
Depicting sanctions against the fools and Remilia’s happy life.
Since it’s a reworking in a later story, I guess that’s just how it goes.
Other side stories might be included as bonuses in the volume? Something like that.
The emergence of Elhasha and Silvest was a fortunate event in a specific genre.
The original creator is too joyful!
Please draw a story about Paisen and little brother dancing!
Many people might be put off if the epilogue of Dobukasu is turned into a manga, so it’s okay not to force it out…