Not the bride.
Those who are doing it and those who are not?
The treatment is like that of a cat.
Desire for appetite, sexual desire, and possessiveness.
The two who are doing it and the two who are killing it.
Hayami Hayami
Hayami Saori Hayami Saori
I don’t understand on the right.
It might have been the opposite.
Why are you acting like a bride when you’re just a mercenary and an employer?
They say it’s a lifelong job, don’t they?
It’s not Hayami Saori on the left yet!
It’s dark to the right…
If I had won the match and made the request, the situation would have been different.
My husband brought home the real bride, so there’s no way I can be the bride anymore.
It’s just a facade of being a bodyguard, but we love each other, and even though he always does so much for me, he never asks for my body…
Left is not a vocal communication, right?
Because of Yor, all the adults with black hair are getting in trouble!
Since Yor has mainly been playing long black-haired characters for some time now, that’s probably her public image.
If the cool breeze suits you, it’s a breeze that flows quickly.
Do you understand?
I thought that Hayamichi was high.
Bride, bride.
I see.
Since we’re not ordinary, could you please not measure us by the standards of such people?
Hugged, carried in arms.
Because Hayami is the Otani of the long black hair world.
What is the title of the one with a witch and a mercenary?
You’re saying it yourself, aren’t you?
Mercenary and Bride
Women with strong eyes and long black hair can all get the job done.
How old is a witch?
Age unknown.
From the way they speak, it can be inferred that they are over 200 years old.
It seems there was a cool title proposed by a friend for just a brief period, but I don’t know.
Two are grilling, and one is envious.
You bought a woman, didn’t you?
Time to buy
It’s not going to happen.
Witch’s response
Don’t worry, it’s free.
It looks similar.
I just watched episode 1, but the mercenary has a weapon that seems like an IQ of 2…
Because she’s a witch’s bride, it’s unnamed memory.
I thought it would be a story like that from the title, but it turned out to be something different.
It must be tough to deal with two female adventurers.
The details on the left…!
The two are doing it.
Former cool beauty
A woman caught through a match-up app.
The mercenary hasn’t killed the woman he bought, right?
It’s okay, right?
On the left is definitely Hayamin.
In the original story, even though the character frequently visits brothels, they are treated as if buying women is somehow prohibited.
Is the person on the left still living as a cat?
The one on the right is gradually getting less chance to perform…
It might have been better to be a mercenary or a witch.
As the rounds progress, the left becomes more and more of a lazy creature.
I also want a wife with strong sexual and appetite desires.
My husband won against the kotatsu.
The right side has recently seen the emergence of a rival.
The right one seems to be somewhat of a love at first sight.
I’m younger than my rival… Look, I’m fresh as can be…
Is that a rival…?
It just seems like they needed someone who knows about witch circumstances to show off their closeness.
The latest web episode seems to want to say that neither of them is aware, but they’re completely smitten with each other.
You don’t need words; someone who brushes your hair for you is a lifelong protector.
Another witch (What’s with these guys, moving around as if it’s normal to carry them…)
Being a several hundred-year-old BBA, I do get flustered when a young, lively girl shows up.
In the original work by Jig, he looks too old!
But it is said to be younger than an elf.
The new publication will be released tomorrow on the left.
That’s a lie.
If my imagination is correct about the title, how many years ago do you think the original work was?
What are you mistaken about…?
On the contrary, I’m curious.
In other words, your imagination is wrong.
The coolest mercenary in the world and a well-made wife.
Don’t mistake a mercenary for just an employer.
You’re a mercenary, right?
You bought a man, right?
The witch
Monster and troublemaker
I want to know the title on the right.
Wiping the back and combing the hair are also part of the bodyguard duties…
A title like “The Journey of a Witch”
It’s not so much security work as it is support work to allow for a more human-like life…
The left is a cool beauty.
The man on the right is flirting with another woman…
But you combed my hair.
On the left, I succumbed to the temptation of a young man…
Why isn’t Jig making a move?
As a professional, do not lay a hand on your employer─────
If you mess with a witch, you’ll get killed…
I have time to get involved with you.
Looks like type AB.
It’s better to be a woman who’s also an adventurer than a witch…
The one doing the adventurer is a witch…
Hey Zig, why don’t you quit being a mercenary and become an adventurer?
Zig has always been my bodyguard.
You understand, right?
If anything, Jig is the more annoying one.
The one who grills and the one who penetrates.
Excessively high compliance awareness
Sure, I can take on another job easily, so I don’t really feel much of a sense of being a bodyguard.
Mr. Jig is protecting his family.
I don’t really get why you’re so fixated on mercenaries…